Things To Watch For In The Future Liquid coal mixed with oil, latest of high-powered fuels. Chemists sav this development is coming along fast and will increase cruising range of ships, reduce fire risks because of lower volatility, help many indus trial operations such as plastic mold ing . . . Sun glasses which can be dimmed at will from almost clear glass to complete blackness, another Polaroid research development , . , A rubber support attachment for the French-type or handset telephone which enables the users ot have both hands free when telephoning . . . Continued rise in the affluence of the soy bean. Value of this year's crop is estimated at $175,000,000. a neat jump of more than $100,000,000 from 1940. It seems that a new use for soy beans is discovered almost every day. Recent samples: bakery products, macaroni, breakfast foods, malted drinks, salad pils, pancake flour, plastics, paint, soap, printing ink. glue, and tanned leather. Six Ueef Calves Placed IT'ilh i-H Club IHemhers Six baby beef calves have been placed with 4-H club members of Franklin County to prepare for showing at the Rocky Mount Fat Stock Show next sprang, says Assist ant Farm Agent E. P. Barnes. r Palmolive Soap 3 for 20c Palmol'e Bath Size (100's) 4 f'r 31c Kick (24'sl 2 for 3*c Kick (24 s) 2 for 38c Cone. Super Suds (24's) 2 for 47c Cone. Super Suds (48's) 3 for 27c Octagon Soap (100's) 4 for 19c Octagon Soap <120's) 2 for 5c Octagon Powder (ftO's) 4 for 19c Octagon Powder <120's) 2 for 5c Octagon Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Octa'n Soap Flakrs (48's> 3 for 25c Octagon Cleanser (48's) 2 for 9c Oct'n (Iran. Soap (48's) 2 for 18c BELK-TYLER CO. 2 YEARS I OLD /| *?-75c ' 1.40 Tomorrow's Highways needed NOW! . .. Build them with safe, money-saving CONCRETE MODERN pavements are urgently needed NOW on over-crowded main highways! Reconstruction or widening with concrete to present day standards will reduce congestion and driving ?-cut down the . accident rate ?save vast sums in maintenance ?in sure community progress. Why You're Safer on Concrete Concrete provides en even, dependable surface, sure traction rain or shine, utmost visibility at night? qualities vital to the protec tion of you and your family while on the road. Imslst that yaw highway* be bailt i( Concrete. PORTLAND C EM KIT ASSOCIATION SUt* PUnUn Baalt BJdg., Richmond, V?. A ?afi?*ol ?rgoaMfM to Imptmmm mmi ?irtmmd Af mm mi Herb Staihrui & cfiec/o jOntcr XPuo cftcfiZt) A Confederate Ram, Constructed in? N. C.. Engaged Seven Federal Gun boats. May 5th, 1864. . . "Stand to your guns; and if we must sink, let us go down like brave men." These were the words of Cap tain James W. Cooke, spoken in a firm calm voice during a Civil War battle. He commanded the Confederate ironclad ram, Albemarle, which Gil bert-Elliott constructed below Halu fax, at Edward's ferry on Koanoke River. It was surrounded by a fed eral squadron of seven well-armed gunboats. Her smokestack had been riddled; iron plates in her shield had been broken; and the after-gun had been rendered useless. The destruct ive firing continued until late in the afternoon. Then came the attack that brought forward the undismayed captain's command, which checked the incipient disorder. Some of the crew had been excited, fearing the ram was sinking. The crash that caused the trouble was an attack from the federal gun boat. Sassacus. The commander of this gunboat selected^MS opportunity and with all steam on struck Captain Cooke's Albemarle squarely abaft her starboard beam. The impact was so great it forced the after deck of the ram several feet below the sur face of the water. The battered Iniat soon regained its poise, and fired a shot through its assailant's boiler. The escaping steam disabled several members of the crew. Every effort failed, when the fed eral fleet tried to strike a fatal blow against the confederate ironclad ram Night's shadows ended the day's combat, but Captain Cooke's Albemarle was handicapped by the loss of its smokestack The capacity for drawing had been lost, and the boat had no steam to furnish power to return to Plymouth. It lay a help less mass until the resourceful CookeJ used his supply of lard and bucon for fuel. Fats burn without the aid of a good smokestack. By using these supplies gathered in Halifax and Martin counties, he was able to make sufficient steam to run against the current of the Roanoke. When the ironclad Albemarle, constructed in North Carolina waters, tied up to her wharf in Plymouth, it was cov ered with wounds and with glory. In her different engagements, the Albemarle was struck a great many times by shot and shell The upper Section of the smokestack had one hundred and fourteen holes torn in it, yet only one member of its crew lost his life. An imprudent sailor was killed by a pistol shot. He had put his head out of one of the portholes to see what was happening NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by J H. Knox end wife, Mamie Knox, to the undersigned Trustee, and dated August 12th. 1937, of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book P-3, at Page 340, and at the request of the holder of the note thereby secured, default having been made in the payment thereof. -f~will;--on the 22ml day of September, 1941, at 12 O'clock Noon, at the Courthouse door in Martin County, offer for sale at public auc tion for cash the property described in said deed nL North Meets South Kllayak Ibionna. '-"j years old, dis covers the delight of ice cream after being brought to Atlantic City from the Arctic by explorer Dave Irwin. Lit ' Kllayak is at the Florida S 11 '"-it at the report eitv. wit: One certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Town of Hamilton, adjoining the lands of Florence Paugh and Harry Waldo. No. 125 Highway and others, and located on the Southwest side of Highway No. 125 leading from Hamilton to Oak City. N. C . and known as the Ida Crofton land, containing one acre, more or less. For further description sec Martin County records. This the 2ist day of August, 1941. R. L. COBURN, a22-4t Trustee AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $82,500 RE FUNDING BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON E\ It Ordained by the Hoard of Comoiissloners of the Town of Wil- I liamston, North Carolina: Section 1. Pursuant to the Munici- j pal Finance Act. 1921. as amended, bonds of the Town of Williamston of the maximum aggregate amount of $82,509 shall be issued for the pur pose of refunding a like principal amount of valid existing debt of said Town incurred for necessary ex- , and evidenced by outstand ing bonds dated November 1, 1935. and maturing November 1. 1952. which are redeemable prior to their maturity nr th e optir.TT IT TfrotcixvfTaT r their face value on any interest pay ment date and which are described as follows: $18,000 General Refund- ? ing Bonds tearing interest at the ? rate of 0 per cent per annum and 1 consisting of (>- bonds of $1000 each * numbered 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. and 8. and 24- * bonds of $500 each numbered 3. t>. 9 1 to 29, inclusive, and 32; $27,000 Wa ter and Electric Light Refunding i Bonds bearing interest at the rate of 0 p? i cent per annum and consisting ' of 27- bonds of $1000 each number- i ed 1 to 27. inclusive.; $37,500 Street 1 ImprovI'lnrnt Refunding Bonds bear- 1 ing interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum and consisting of 35- I bonds of $1000 each numbered 1.2. I 4 to 8. 10 to 18. 20 to 28 ami 30 to 39. all inclusive, and a bonds of $500* each numbered 3. 9, 19, 2?h and 40. I Section 2. That a tax sufficient to [ pay the principal and interest of the ; bonds herein authorized shall be an nually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of debt ] of the Town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspec tion. Section 4. That the holders of the bonds herein authorized shall be subrogated to all the rights and pow-1 ers of the holders of the indebtedness refunded -thereby. Section 5- That.this ordinance shall' take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters." The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 1st day of September. 1941, j and was first published on the 5th f day of September, 1941. v Any action or proceeding question-1 ing the validity of said ordinance must ho commenced within thirty davs after its first publication. j, G II. HARRISON. s5-2t Town Clerk. NOTICE OF SAI.K OF BONDS $82,500 Town of Williamston, North Carolina REPllNOBTO BUNDS Sealed bids will be received until! 11 o'clock A.M . E.S.T.. September i 23. 1941. by the undersigned at its; >ffice in the city of Raleigh, N. C.. for the following bonds of the Town i >f Williamston. North Carolina, lated October 1. 1941. and maturing ?n April 1st in the years hereinafter dated, without option of prior pay uent: $55,500 Street Improvement and General Refunding Bonds, maturing annually. $2500 1958. $3000 1959. $5. >00 1900 and $9000 ltKU to 1965. in dusiv e. $27,000 Water and Electric Light Refunding Bonds, maturing annual I i>. $1000 1958. $2000 1959 and $4000 I960 to 1965, inclusive. Denomination $1000, excepting one bond of $560: prtnctpal and Inter est (A & O 1) payable in lawful money in New York City; coupon bonds registerable as to principal only; general obligations; unlimit ed tax; delivery at place of purchas er's choice. There will be no auction. A separate bid for each issue (not loss than par and accrued interest) is required. Bidders are requested to name the interest rate or rates, not exceeding t> per cent in multiples of 1-4 of 1 per cent; each bid may name one rate for part of the bonds of either issue (having the earliest maturities i and another rate for the balance, but no bid may name more than two rates for either issue, and each bidder 'must specify in his-bid the amount of bonds of each rate The bonds will be awarded to the i bidder offering to purchase the bonds at the lowest inhTest cost to' the Town, such cost to be determin j cd by deducting the total amount of j the premium bid from the aggregate nmount of interest upon all of the bonds until their respective maturi-? mac ?? ~ Bids must be enclosed in a seal ed envelope marked "Proposal for | Bonds" and be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorporat (1 bank ov trust company, payable | unconditionally to the order of the . Stat**?Treasurer of North Carolina 1 for $1650. The right to reject all bids is reserved. The approving opinion jnf Messrs. Storey, Thorndike, Pal ; rner & Dodge, Boston, Mass., will be [furnished the purchaser. In the event that prior to the de ? livery of the bonds the income re Ueived by private holders from J Uinds of the same type and charac ter shall he taxable by the terms of any Federal income tax law, the I successful bidder may. at his elec tion. be relieved of his obligations I under the contract to purchase the bonds, and in such case the deposit accompanying his bid will be re turned. l.(K .\L GOVERNMENT COM By: W E. Easter ling, Secretary of tIre Commission. sl2-lt START EACH DAV WITH Snap AND fiafflfcj ROYAL BALING COMPANY, RALEIGH, N,C> Knlire City And Surrounding* Countrvside Hears Of Grand Relief That Pow-o-line Brings [)et Relief?Ciet It Now?Don't Be a Burden To Your Family. Your Friends?Thousands Say POW-O IJN Is Worth Its Weight in Gold! How did you sloop List night" Was! your sloop peaceful. restful, refresh mg, (>f wore you up and down at all i hours. your rest broken, your nerves ?n edge? Do nas pains, bloating, in ligestion and spur food risings after noals make you afraid to oaf 1)0 headaches. di//y spoils, sluggish at tacks and fatigue make you unfit for ; your day's work" Are you grouelyv, irritabi'e, letdown, worthless" Such symptoms, often indicating Consti pation. may be your trouble If such is tin- case. I'ow o-lin, tin- purely herbal medicine, will bring blessed: relief bring it in a hurry, just as it has for thousands of people from ?very walk of life, from every sec Lion of the Carolinax. Fvery bottle ? f this great medicine, extracted from nature's storehouse of roots, herbs and barks is guaranteed to re lieve you or every red cent of your money back! Reporting relief from such suf fering caused by delayed intestinal action, Mrs Way Ion Hood. Zebujon, N. ('. says MICS WAY I.ON IIOOD I l? It awfully sluggish, couldn't t at. couldn't sleep and the least ex ertion made me feel exhausted and let down 1'ow ?? 1 in. brought bless ed i e|iet and now I feel fine. It is the best medicine 1 ever used and I am happy to recommend it to oth ers. How-o Im is sokf and recommend ed by Clark's Hharmacy. Inc.? PEANUT BAGS We are now booking orders for some of the ?^T Best first year second hand peanut bags that you have ever seen. They have (food Tops, free from holes, and they will hold more pea nuts than new hags?because they are well stretched. Come and see them and he convinced. l et us hook your order Now. Take them out later and pay on delivery. \\ III JAMS'TON PEANUT COMPANY Will he he one of the 4 of 10 in his college*? I.E.S. L amps help protcet his eyes through the years LADIES and gentlemen, meet a grand little man! He may be your boy. Or mine. He may be President in 1978. First, we certainly want to send him to college if circumstances and finances permit. We want to protect bis health and bis vision. Through tbe years . . . grammar school and high school days ahead ... we want to protect him from eyestrain. Surveys show that 40 of every 100 college students have defeo tive vision and the most deplor able part of this fact is that much of this could have been prevented L. il... .i.jxl.rtinn ICC Dy Tne netpTUf proTocTTon ot ?. c. j. Triple Certified Better Light-Better Whfc wi are protecting Mi eyes, why not try those Bettec Light-Better Sight Lamps yourself. Millions of them have been sold during the past six years, and there is an I. E. S. Lamp to fit every budget or income. Always look for the familiar orange and blue L E. S. tag when you buy portable lamps. YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER OR VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER

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