Happenings In The Oak City Schools At the first meeting of the P.T.A. | here last Wednesday, the following officers and committees were elect ed: Mrs. Julian Mizelle. president; Miss Mary Everett, vice president; Mrs. N. W. Johnson, secretary-treas urer; Mrs. Lupton. chaplain; program committee, Miss Charlotte Sasser. Miss Ruby Lucas, Mrs Jones; enter tainment committee. Miss White head, Miss Hoell, Miss Meads; pub licity committee. Miss Pittman. Miss ; McLamb. Mr Hassell, Mrs Wilbur Worsley; finance and membership committee. Miss Lawrence. Mr. Sugg, Mrs. Ainsley. Hie next meeting will be held the last Thursday in October. A large crowd will be expected since we will be off daylight time and most of the farmers' farm work will be over. The Dramatic Club, sponsored by Miss Meads, had its first meeting on Friday. Officers were elected and dues were set for the year. Bryan Haislip was elected president; Peg gy Hopkins, vice president, and Re becca Worsley. secretary-treasurer Dues are 25 cents per year. Gladys Mizelle was elected chairman of a program committee with Bill TVson and Margaret Bunn as helpers Colors were chosen for the senior class Friday morning when their sec ond meeting was held The class col ors are purple and old gold; the class flower, tulip, and the mascot, Neil Mallory Rufus Manning. Hilda Per kins and Eloise Christenberry were elected a committee to draw up sen ior privileges. Mr. Suggs, science and math teach er who has been called by the Army will leave Wednesday. Everyone who has known him will miss him. Mr and Mrs. Ainsley visited their son. Ira C. Ainsley, this week-end. He is recovering from an appendi citis operation at a Norfolk hospi tal. The commercial department is crowded just now. Not enough type writers for pupils enrolled. Quite a lot of interest is being shown at the beginning We hope it continues. IN MEMORY In memory of our son. James Wil bur Woolard, who died Oct. 1, 1940. Dear Wilbur, you left us so bad One year ago today; And tears of sorrow fill our eyes, As we think of you away. We've missed the sound of your footsteps, And your voice, since you have gone; And though we no longer see you, In our minds you still live on. We grieve for you in silence, And few eyes have seen us weep, But many a bitter tear is shed While others are asleep. Today recalls to our memory, Our dear one laid to rest, But we who still remember Are the ones who loved you best. A loving father and mother, Mr. and Mrs J. G. Woolard. Washington, N. C. NOTICE North Carolina Martin County. In Suprrmr-Qnurt. Dec Term. T94t: ' Gladys P. Cooper vs Clarence Cooper The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce from the bonds of mat rimony. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear before tlie* Clerk of Superior Court at his office in Williamston on or before the 21st day of Novem ber, 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in said office, that if he fails, the plaintiff will be granted the relief demanded in said complaint. This 29th day of Sept., 1941. L B. WYNNE. Clerk s30-4t Superior Court NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in he Superior Court. Carrie Mae Williams vs. John Henry Williams The defendant above named will .ake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the New Leaders of American Legion Lynn U. Stambaugh, of Fargo, N. D., and Mrs. Mark W. Murrill, of Scituate, Mass., tender mutual congratulations in Milwaukee. He was elected National Commander of the American Legion. She was elected to head the Legion auxiliary. At the closing session, the Legion adopted resolutions supporting President Roosevelt's foreign policies. Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County in Williamston, North Car olina. within thirty 130) days after vVl N. C. GREEN, Agent WILLIAMSTON U? MAPCOLI1 LI. <1 II II ft SMART SrrttT WK VI ll.l. Bl. Closed All Day WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1st. 1911. ^ oin Ki|)|>iir. I)nv of AIoimmimmiI Huvifctis BwtLm WILLI AMSTON. N. C Ifuouumt w SAV? ST /nrVMW /V/VTW^ -4* tocKT ttajm 9to$m om* r*m m*v*M Amortized Time LOANS to business and Industry i Time to Help: We invite application* for Amortized Loans, from commercial and industrial concern*. A* a Commercial Hunk, our I.oan Department is alert to current business needs. It is geured to tlie times, just as our Amor tized loan* ure timed to today's financial require ments. Discuss your Loan needs with our officers. Member Federal Uepo?ii Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Co, WILLI AMSTON, N. C. OUR STORE WILL BE Closed All Day WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1941. Jewish Holiday Day of Atoneiin'iiirYoiii Kip put Sam's Bargain Place Announcing OPENING Of Our Cotton Gin TIIIS WEEK Our gin* arc modern and guaranteed In do good work. Equipped with all inod ern deviee*. We Hay Cotton and Seed LILLEY BROS. K. F. I). NO. 1 WILUAMSTON, N. C. ALL TYPES OF TOBACCO ARE HIGHER IN GREENVILLE MONDAY $35.43 TUESDAY $35.08 WEDNESDAY $35.10 THURSDAY $35.10 FRIDAY $36.31 GREENVILLE'S SALES MONDAY 22nd, THROUGH FRIDAY, 26th: r?.l 18.930 Pounds ........7.....$1,831,267.68 ........................Average $35.57 (Official figures released by V. S. Government, A. M. SA.A.A.) FOR DAILY MARKET REPORTS TUNE IN ON "GREENVILLE TIME' WFTC ? lis 15 ? (KIKSTON) WGTC ? 12i:i? ? (GREENVILLE) WPTF ? 12:35 ? (RALEIGH) WGBR ? 12:45 ? (GOLDSBORO) Sales September 29, 1,925,508 Pounds For $725,581.52 Average $37.70 r~ ~Li "BEST MARKET IN STATE"