Return! to Ayden Mrs. Martha Baldree, of Ayden, returned home Sunday after spend ? eirt 1 *?* At ni?ovTtmn unj j iivi t tit ttttr fivfnc wt Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnhill Arrives Last Week-end Mr. R. C. Davis, of Watertown, Tenn., arrived here last week-end to spend several months. While in Wil liamston, Mr. Davis will be engaged in mule business. Visit Here Monday Mrs. S. S. Bailey and I. L. Clark, of Everetts, and Mrs. Noah Riddick, of Gainesville, Fla., spent Monday here with Mrs. J. T Barnhill, and Mr. Barnhill. In Rocky Mount Saturday ?* Mrs. O. L. Willard and Miss Pat tie Battle visited in Rocky Mount last Saturday. Visiting Here This Week Mr. Cash Brown, of West Point, Va., is spending a few days here this week. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Waters and daughter, Peggy, of Windsor, visit ed here last week-end. SCOLDS from developing Pol t fair drops of Ticks Va-tro-nol up *Mh nostril at the very first sniffle, anaeae or sign of nasal Irritation. Its quick action aids J'VJk Nature's defenses Mass( < y aaalnst colds. Pollov dlrectlons In folder. VA'TIO*NOil Leaves (or Norfolk Jerry Manning left yesterday for Norfolk to return to his ship. A marriage license was issued in this county last Saturday to William Edgar Davis and Dare Stokes, both of Hamilton. In Tillery Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Coltrain, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Coltrain and Miss Pattie Battle visited in Tillery last Sunday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. William Hodges, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with his patents, Mr and Mrs. W J Hodges Are Visiting Here Mrs. David C. Mizelle and daugh ter, Alva Jeanne, of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Weaver here this week. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Jack Stokes, of Washington, attended to business here yesterday. In Scuppernong Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C E. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesson visited in Scuppernong Sunday. In Norfolk For Few Days Mr. and Mrs Asa Crawford and Mrs. K. B Crawford are in Norfolk for two or three days where Mr. Crawford is receiving medical treat ment for an injured eye. In Jamesvllle Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Chenowarth, of Portsmouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gurkin in Jamesville last Sunday. ?? HAVOU* I H A VOLINE THE GREATEST MOTOR OIL VALUE EVER OFFERED HARRISON OIL CO. OUR PRICES ON NEW 72-INCH PEANUT BAGS ARK KKASONABI.K See IJ? Before You Buy! Moore Grocery Co. FARMERS IF YOU NEED EQUIPMENT, STOP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THE - International Line~~ Farmall Tractors, Cultivators, Har rows, Stalk Cutters, Power Units, Hammer Mills, etc. We alio have on hand the following good Used Tractors 2?Farmall Regular 1?Farmall F-20 1?Farmall F-12 1?General, Model GG, slightly used Speaking of average*, if you are inter ested in good, clean used equipment, we can give you a 100 per cent value aver age on your buying dollars. Chas. H. Jenkins And Company Highway No. 17 Phone No. 314 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Was Business Visitor Here Attorney Paul D. Roberson was in town yesterday attending to profes In the County Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bert Jenkins, of Wendell, visited relatives in the county Sunday. Retunrn to Their Homes Mr. and Mrs, N. T. Riddick, of Gainesville, Fla., and Mrs. E. L. Ex um, of Moultrie, Ga., have returned to their homes after spending some time in Everetts with Mr. and Mrs J. B Barnhill. Attend Fair Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner, of Plymouth, attended the fair here Saturday night. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Dick Lucas, of Plymouth, was a business visitor here Saturday. Spending Few Days Near Here Mrs. Lyman Johnson, of Rocky Mount, is spending a few days near here with her mother. Mrs. W H Edwards Visits Here Saturday Whit Purvis, of Goldsboro, visited his mother, Mrs Daisy Purvis, here Saturday and Sunday Spends Week end Here Miss Reid White, student at E C. T. C , Greenville, spent the week-end here. Was Here Last Week-end Leon Simon, Jr , of Augusta, Ga , visited here last week-end In Robersonville Sunday Mesdames Harry Meador and Ma nue G. Taylor were the guests of relatives in Robersonville Sunday af ternoon. Visit Here Yesterday Mrs Jack Frank and son, Jack, Jr., of Plymouth, visited here yesterday Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Shep Brinkley, of Plymouth, attended to business here yesterday. Visits in Everetts Rudolph Hardy, student at the University, Chapel Hill, spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Hardy, in Everetts. In Kinston Sunday Misses Marina Whitley and Lora E. Sleeper visited in Kinston Sun day and heard Rev E. Stanley Jones in the first of a series of services by the internationally-known minister missionary At Nags Head Sunday Misses Elizabeth Holliday and Sal ly Coltrain and Ray Simon and Law rence Coltrain visited at Nags Head and Manteo Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Addle Lee Meador, teacher in the Whiteville schools, spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs H. L Meador Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Rawls an nounce the birth of a daughter at their home here on Marshall Ave nue Sunday. Return to Virginia Beach Mrs Dick Woodward and daugh ters. Dickie Ann and Myrnie Brown, returned to their home at Virginia Beach Saturday following a visit here with relatives Visiting at Old Fori Miss Mildred Everett, of Hanoi tun, is vacationing a few days at Old Fort In Dunn last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker were in Dunn last week-end attending the funeral of Mr Parker's brother-in law. Visits in Portsmouth Mrs. J W Andrews spent the week-end In Portsmouth Willi her daughter, Mrs J L Spencer, and family. ? In Raleigh Sunday Messrs John A. Ward, Herbert Lilley. J D Wools id and Elbert Peel attended the annual reunion of the 81st Division of the A.E.F., in Raleigh Sunday. Spends Week-end in Greenville Miss Annie Laurie Herring spent | the week-end at her home in Green ville. Was Here Yesterday City Engineer Henry Rivers, of I Greenville, was here yesterday at tending to business. Visits in Raleigh Mrs. Oswald Stalls visited in Ral last week-end. In County Last Week-end Mr. J. U. Peel, of Norfolk, was thel guest of relatives in the county last week-end. Spend Week-end Here John Fleming Thigpen and C. T. Roberson, students at State College, Raleigh, visited relatives here last week-end. Visits Parents Here Miss Mary Helen Boy kin, teacher in the Lewlston schools, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boykin, Here last week-end. Was Here Last Week-end Jack Baker Saunders, student at Carolina, Chapel Hill, visited here last weke-end. Visit Here Sunday Miss Rita Thompson, of Washing ton, and Fred Williams, of Fort Jack son, were the guests of Dr.?and Mrs. John W. Williams here Sunday. Spending Few Days Here Mrs. Thomas Martin, of Norfolk, is spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Man ning. Gordon Manning, student at A.C.C., Wilson, also visited his par ents here last week-end. Confined To His Home William Earl Stinette, with the Coast Guard unit in Baltimore, is confined to his home here recovering from an appendicitis operation. He suffered a relapse over the week-end and will be at his home on West Main Street for at least two weeks Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Swindell, of Maul's Point, and Mrs Fred Poole, of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs George Whitehurst and Mr. and Mrs | Marion Cobb hero last week Mr. And Mr*. Henry Griffin Honored At Party Friday Mr. and Mrs L. Bruce Wynne en tertained at a lovely bridge party Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Griffin, who were mar ried in September. The home waa at tractively decorated with white and pink azaleas, roses and chrysanthe mums. Iced drinks were served during the progressions. Following the ma tee- cream molded in slippers with green and white individual cakes and Calla lily mints, were served. Mrs. C H Neville, of Scotland Neck, captured the high score prize for ladies, a crystal flower bowl; C.B Clark, Jr.. high, a tie and handker chief set; Mrs David F. Modlin, low, a vase, and John Tullos, a humidor filled with cigarettes. Mrs. Griffin was given ice tea spoons in her sil ver; Miss Sara Cone, bride-elect of the month, was given an olive fork; Mrs C G. Crockett, Jr., bride of the summer, a vase, and Mrs. John Koth, handkerchiefs, for guest. Guests of Mr and Mrs. Wynne were Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, honor guests; Dr and Mrs. C. H Neville, of Scotland Neck; Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt Evans, of Enfield, and Mrs. John Roth, of Hay Springs, Nebr.; Mr and Mrs. Vernon Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. J Paul Simpson, Mrs W R Glover, Mrs. Asa Crawford, Miss Betty Ev erett. Mr S. H. Grimes, Mr and Mrs. V. J Spivey, Charles H Manning. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Carstarphen, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coburn, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett, Jr., Mr and Mrs. John Tulloss. Miss Sara Cone, Mrs Bill Forrest, Mr J. R. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Sr., Mrs. Raleigh Bradley, Miss Kathryn Mewborn, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Peel, Mr and Mrs. David F. Modlin, Mr. and Mrs. C B. Clark. Jr. and Miss Elizabeth Bur FAKEWELL PARTV Mrs Clarence Whedbee, who left Sunday to join her husband in Nor folk. was honored with a farewell party Friday night by Miss Irene Tetterton at her home on Watte Street Lovely fall flowers decorated the home and the salad course served * the end of the progressions carried out the harvest motif Mrs. Tom Rose served punch and Mrs. Wheeler Manning passed the tallies. Mrs. Whedbee was remem bered with lingerie. Mrs. Tom Rose captured the high score prize, hose; Mrs. Joe Glenn, rurtner-up, a carton of cigarettes, and Mrs. Clyde Grif fin, handkerchiefs, for consolation Mesdumes R W Bondurant, E T Coley and Wheeler Manning and Miss Edith Stallings assisted Miss Tetterton in serving Other guests were Mesdames George Harrison, Jessup Harrison, Charlie Leonard, II. S Manning, El bert Peel, K D Worrell, D. V Clay ton, Gaylord Harrison, Roy McClees, Miller Harrell, William Everett, N. C. Grene, Bill Helvin, Ben Courtney, Herman Taylor, Marion Cobb, Joe Goderd. Jr.. Charlie Mobley, Dick Smith, and Mrs Dick Woodward; Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor, Ruth Manning and Mary Carstarphen. Mrs. E T Coley, of Plymouth, was given powder and Mrs. Dick Wood ward, of Norfolk, perfume, as guest prizes. ? Is Receiving Treatment Mrs J 1) Thrower is receiving treatment 111 a Durham lurspital for a few days. Visiting in Tarboro Mrs Irving Margolis and daugh ters, Sandra and Gall, are visiting relatives in Tarboro for a few days. In Edenton Sunday Mr and Mrs. R J. Hardison, R. J , Jr ,and Rosa Lee, visited Mr and ton Sunday. Happenings In The Oak City Schools Mr. Elmer Furlow, of Herrin, II., arrived Tuesday, Sept. 30th, to re place Mr. Suggs, who left Thursday to prepare to enter the Army Octo ber 8th. Mr Furlow is a graduate of Southern Illinois Normal University, located at Carbondale, 111. Under the direction of Mrs. Lup ton, the music department is organ izing a school band. A number of stu dents have already organized for band work. Tuesday a meeting will be held and methods for securing in struments will be decided on. The agriculture department, head ed by Mr. Hassell, and the home ec onomics department, headed by Miss Whitehead, are going to attend the State Fair at Raleigh. October 18th. A Ricks bus has been chartered for the occasion. Studying the problems of mass production, the economics class will visit a Soctland Neck cotton mill next week Mrs. Jones, the teacher, and Mr Ainsley arranged the trip. Lots of interest is being shown in this class. Debates and other activi ties have been held. Friday night there will be a meet ing of the Ruritan Club in the school auditorium. Refreshments will be served by the home economics de partment Mr Lawrence Hyman, the president, will preside, with Mr John Hassell acting as secretary A revival meeting will be held at the local Christian Church, beginning October 6th. Mr R L. Topping, of Roanoke Rapids, assisted by Mr. Tumlin. the pastor of the Roanoke Rapids Christian Church. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. Attend Football Game Among those from here who at tended the Duke-Tennessee game in Durham Saturday were, Mrs. Daisy Pope, Mrs. Roger Critcher, Roger Critcher, Jr, Miss Ella Wynne Critcher. Mr and Mrs. J B Taylor, Mr. David Hix, Mrs. C. A. Harrison, Mr Wigg Watts, Mr and Mrs. Sam Edwards, Mr Jack Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vick, Miss Marion Pen der, Rev. Z. T. Piephoff, Mr John Henry Edwards. Eli Marion Taylor, Dr J. T. Llewelyn, Albert Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. James Manning, Mr. C. A. James, Breezy Beaird, Misses Mary O'Neal Pope and Milly Biggs, Mrs. Jack Booker, Mrs. Charles Peel, Professor Yates, Mr. Charles M. Peel, Mr. and Mrs. N C Green and Mrs. Charlie Mobley. Recovering from Operation Mrs. James Herbert Ward is re covering from an appendicitis oper ation at her home here, being re moved from a Washington hospital Sunday Undergoes Operation Mrs J. T Price, underwent an op eration in a Durham hospital Satur day, and is getting along nicely. Visits Here Sunday Mrs. Alec Jones, of Washington, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Garriss here Sunday. Returns to Washington Bill Holloman has returned to Washington after visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs W J. Smith, here for a few days. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr and Mrs W K Dunn and son. John, visited in Rocky Mount and Wilsuiv Sunday Speuds Week-end Here Edgar Guiganus. student at Wake Forest College, visited Ins mother, Mrs Mary Bonner Uurganus, here last week-end. In Bethel Saturday Mrs. George Whitehurst visited in Bethel Saturday. Is in Winchester, Va. Mr M M. Levine is a business vis ur in Winchester, Va., for a few | days Legion Auxiliary Will Meet The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Saturday afternoon at three o'clock in the home of Mrs. C. L. Wilson in Hobersonville. This will be the first important meeting of the year and the new of ficers will be installed for the en suing year The Junior Auxiliary will meet with the seniors and a very interest ing program has been arranged. Mr* ?tx.?Wilson and Mrs. W. I Gray will be hostesses for this meet ing and a social hour will be enjoy ed. It is urgently requested that each and every member make an effort to be present for this meeting Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. J. H. Robertson, of Washington, were the guests of rel atives here Sunday Returns to Raleigh Mrs. M. L. Bellamy, of Raleigh,} has returned to her home after spending a few days here with Mi and Mrs. W T. Stinette Leave for Norfolk Misses Marie Gurkm and Reba Gardner, of Jamesville, left Sunday for Norfolk, where they will enter a Norfolk business college for the fall term. Will Arrive Tomorrow Mrs. Clayton Moore and daughter, Susan, arrive tomorrow from Wins ton-Salem to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Barnes. Spends Week-end in Jamesville Miss Mary Louis Carson, freshman at F.C.TC. Greenville, visited her: parents, Mr and Mrs. O G Carson, I in JaihesviUe, last week-end. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J W. Keel, of Cross Roads Township, announce the birth of a son. Robert Benjamin. Monday. October 6th. at 11a m. Visits Here Yesterday Dr Robert L. Smith, of Mt Airy, visited Mr Harry A Biggs here a short while yesterday while en route to the Virginia Medical Society meet ; ing at Virginia Beach Happenings In The Farm Life School The Farm Life School sponsored a community booth at the Martin County Fair which netted the school a prize of $40.00. This money will be given to the P T.A. to carry out a project. The booth was decorated by Miss Marguerite Cooke. ?Plans are underway for the con struction of a rose garden by mem bers of the Farm Life Garden Club. Herbert L. Manning and Cecil Brown, of N. C. State, former Farm Life students, visited in Farm Life last week-end. Mrs. M. T. Moye, of Windsor, has replaced Mr. J B Perry in the Farm Life faculty. The high school boys and girls are beginning their practice for the high school play. Mrs. D. W. Manning's room won the cleanliness banner this week. The eighth grade of Farm Life is trying to establish an attendance record, so fur the class of 27 has not had an absence. a Is Visiting His Parents Mr Levi J Davis, of the U. S. Army, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Davis. Shops Here Yesterday Mr. J. G. Forbes, of the Spring Green section, was in town yesterday shopping wtih Mrs. Forbes. In Kichntond Yesterday Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Leonard, Si .and Mrs. James H. Smith visit-* ed in Richmond yesterday. Will Arrive Tomorrow Miss Jane Moore, of Winston-Sal em,-will arrive tomorrow to spehd a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Moore. Return from New York Messrs. Harry A Biggs and Wal ter Latham returned yesterday from a business trip to New York. The monthly pay roll at Fort Jackson is almost $2,000,000. Attention Tobacco Farmers _ ..WE . CAN USE . Large Quantities ? Of Scrap Tobacco At Top Prices Now W. I. SKINNER & COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. HITS THE SPOT AMERICA S BIGGEST NICKEL S WORTH A f ithorizad Bottler (Name el Local Bottler I* ka Inaartad here) '?ftaar If* llanl To llelieve, lint TRUE! Our Monday's Sale Was the Highest Sale Of the Year Any riiHloiiicr ?liu miIiI ttilli uw Monday it ill give yon lilt- Huint' Irur slory. Vic rt-ally hoIiI Ittliat't'o Iml llial ih mil unusual ftir hi- always |>lra*<- our t'liKltimt'i-H tin t'vt'ry wait*. Wt- tltin'l buy Ittliat't'o on H|it't'iilaliou. VI t- mirk for our fiutloiiit-rH ami push every |iilt* lo llit- limit! W M. HARRISON DICK SI.ADE & II. L. RESPASS Bear (irass (H'ROANCS Plymouth pounds price Hamilton 84 @ 37c pounds price 44 18c 204 @ 35c 92 <01 41c 214 @ 42c 182 ? 42c 248 @ 42c ' 222 @ 43C 240 ~<s 43c 128 44c 276 a 44c 172 ? 48c 294 @ 44c 172 @ 44c 64 a 49c pounds price 54 @ 14c 218 @ 34c 190 @ 41c 200 a 44c too @ 44c 84 @ 50c J FRANK BAILEY NATHAN MOULIN WALTER BEACH Cross Roads Williamston Everetts pounds, price pounds price pounds price 78 \ a |2c 86 a 40c 144 a 38c 136 a 42c 146 a 40c 80 a 29c 170 a 43c 96 a 43c 124 a 43c 250 a 43c IBs a ?40tr 144?a? 44C 320 a 44c 160 a 52c los a 49c 400 a 44e FIRST Sale! Friday, Oct. 10th At The PLANTERS WAREHOUSE FIRST SALE WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8 At the FARMERS WAREHOUSE I.EMAN HARNHIU., HOLT EVANS and JOE MOYK, I'roprit'tora Planters and Farmers Warehouses Williamston, N. C.

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