Williamston "Martins'! Open Basketball Season Here On Sunday With Sanford Spins Initial Affray Will Begin At Three on Sunday Afternoon Both Quints Expected To Pre sent High- Scoring Attacks The 1941-42 basketball season will get underway with a bang on Sun day afternoon when a revamped i Williamston Martin team will tan gle with a strong Sanford squad in the local high school gymnasium. The affray is scheduled to begin promptly at three o'clock. The Spinners will bring a squad studded with outstanding stars here Sunday afternoon. Long recognized as a power in their section of the State, their roster includes Wayne Harris, former High Point College athlete, whose deadly eye and su perb guarding placed him on All Southern teams for three years. Con tinuing in the semi-pro ranks, Har ris is the sparkplug of the visitors and has rated much mention by the sportswriters of that section. Included on the Spinner roster art four former N. C. State College court stars, and also Charlie Ruark. who played with the University of Georgia, and Cooper, of Elon. John and Sam Womble along with a set of high-scoring twins, Joe and Jim Mills, virtually "set the world afire" -during- their playing days at State College, and are now even better to give their team unlimited strength in the scoring department. All of these men are stand-outs in semi pro basketball and will offer the Martins one of their stiffest games of the current season. The Martin line-up lists four of last year's regulars, with the addition of throe others who are expected to bolster their attack both on offense and defense. "Pappy" Diem, Fenner Wallace, "Big Leaguer" Beaird and Jack Manning are back in harness, while Hack Gaylord, Oscar Bie and "Shorty" Corey, Jamesville's clown of the court, are the newcomers. Lil Artie Diem, with his accurate and lightning-like passing, will prob ably pair up with the "Big Leaguer" to offer fans of this community an exhibition in tricky ball handling which will compare with the best ! ?_ 1. _ ~ 4... r\, t> . .. 1 traveling teams. Oscar Bie, well-over ' six feet, has already proven that he meant business in retrieving re bounds, which has been the Martins' greatest weakness in the past. Hack ing in any sort of athletic contest, returns to the Martin fold, after playing with the Windsor Rebels j last year, and along with the ever- | steady Fenner Wallace, is expected to give the sterling brand of ball during the entire season. Rounding out the squad, Shorty Corey and reliable Jack Manning will see plenty of action. RED HEAD Basketball fans of this section art In for a big treat when the Martins will entertain the All Ameriran Red Heads here on Christmas day. This road team has the reputation of being the best girls' team in the country, and lists a numbrr of national ly known stars. Miss Beth I.ively, pictured above, is beginning her second season with the Red Heads. She hails from Oklahoma, is five feet eleven inches, and is ratrd an unusually fancy ball handler. Not bad on the eyes, either! \rms Production Is Taking Big P< Trent P P One*fifth of the total current out )ut of U. S. goods, it is estimated, is now accounted for by armament jroduction; and the proportion is ?ising. The Federal Reserve Board's >ver-all index of industrial produc tion for October stood at 104 -almost wo-thirds again as much as the 1935 19 average (taken as "100"). J*hus, ?ven if one subtracts all the arms iroduction, the nation's activity in urning out peacetime consumers' foods? despite multiplying curtail nents?would rate around 132 per ?ent of that 1935-39 average. One 'ear ago the over-all index stood tt, 130. , A. C. C. Quint Will Play Here Monday In the first meeting between the Martins and Sanford, which was held there last Wednesday night, the Spinners came out on the big end of a wild and wooly contest, 80 to 50. y Neither of the teams stressed guarding in any degree, and. despite the fact, an unusual number of sen sational shots were made by both. Shorty Corey, usually offering his opinion of a high-pressure "clown," evidently took the night off, as he led the Martin attack with fifteen points, while Pappy Diem followed with an even dozen. For Sanford. Jim and Joe Mills, were the lead ers The twins who are former State College stars, scored 42 of the 80 points Joe counting 23 and Jim get ting 19. Martins Lose To Spinners, HO to 50 On Monday night at 8:00 o'clock m the local high school gym. the Williamston Martins will mix it up With Atlantic fhrislinn Putlogs Wilson. Always ranked high in college cir cles, the A.C.C. quint will bring a formidable outfit here and the Mar tins will have to display a sparkling attack to hold these collegians tow. First "Colorized" Autos Are Made Ever since the 1942 model cars be gan blossoming forth early this fall, most of them dolled up with even more shiny chrome trim than-they sported the year before, motorists Have been wondering what would happen when the inevitable OPM ban on "bright work" was handed down The ban doesn't go into effect j until December 15th. but the first answer to this Question came last week in Toledo, where the nation's first "colorized" but chromelesa cars rolled off assembly lines. After months of experimentation, com pany engineers had found a way to replace chromium on grilles, hub caps, trim and door handles with col or that contrasts with that of the body panels. Manufacturers heartily approved the bright work ban, and predicted that use of color instead of the more glittering varieties of decoration would have a profound influence for the better on future automobile design. Wool Because of a smaller carry-over and an estimated increase in domes tic consumption, the 1941-42 Argen tine wool export surplus is expect ed to drop 10 per cent under 1940 141. L ;? SAVE 10 TO 151 ON GAS ! WITH GENERAL MOTORS' PROVED MOST EVERYONE knows Hydra Matic Drive* is a work saver. But few realize that it's a gas saver, too. Here are the facts: Hydra Matic is engineered with four speeds forward. That permits slower engine speeds. In fourth speed, for example, 1,000 engine revolutions will propel your Olds i r> .| | .. .rjL1| nyara-mauc icci urn a^ainsi tOHtad.ibt.M 1,700 feet for a similar car with standard tianamiaaion. Hence, you get more mileage on gas ?or, oonVersely, save gas on any given trip. Then, too, Hydra-Ma tic's automatic shifting prevents lags and consequent waste of fuel. The net result?gasoline savings of 10 to IS per cent. Why not drive the easy Hydra-Matic way ?in a new Olds B-44?and be money ahead on gast "Trada-tna" apptj M Sows pajaaamta. Uoaihty pajmanta arm availabta. rov tun*jLLtvjtra ooujtt oir OLDSMOB irk QBALnrr-Mtrrz.T to u DEFENSE COMES FIRST WITH OLDSMOBILBI Oldsmobile's great productive capacities are devoted At at to the manufacture of artillery ahell and airplane cannon. Remaining facili ties are employed in producing, in HmJtad nam bar, Oldemobile's new B-44?a car that's stamina-ery/ed and stamina -built Thus, Oldsrno bile contributes both munitiona and mmtmriaia to national defense. i is to ^ .Ail IV ~W' llTTIt IftOIIH*, 1.1d . Irnii Uitim?. IJ J'i Btrm Bmr Tua Bar Oim h 44 ???' Tun I CHAS. H. JENKINS * Co., AhooUo, N. C. CHAS. H. JENKINS A Co., Anlaader, N. C. CBAS. H. JENKINS It CO, Edenlon. N. C. CHAS. B. JENKINS A Co., Willlamston, N.C. Navy's Sidelights Uncovered on the "North Carolina'5 One Salvo from the Battleship Guns Costs Only a Mere $23,750.00 (Written on the U.S.S. North Car-1 olina. Somewhere at Sea and reprint ed by permission from the Daily Mirror.) That no matter what you think | about the superior officer who barks a command at yotf?you will never get into trouble if you remember the most important word in any tar's I dictionary, -to wit: : . And the "proverb" every officer or en listed xiia--the_tip of . his i tangs: "Growl you may?but go you must!" . . . The Navy never calls newcomers "rookies" . . . They are "Boots" . . The Navy has jilted its long famous recruiting poster slo gan. "Join the Navy and See the World" . . It is now: "Join the Navy ' and Serve Your Country" . . . The reason they call a battleship "she": Because she carries a lot of paint to keep up her appearance, she always j has a crowd of sailors around her j and she makes a heluva lotta noise in an argument" . . ?Secretary of the Navy Knox (he is 67) is the first sec retary to inspect a submarine while it was submerged. Our sailors like their women tall and willowy. They are not fussy whether they are blondes, brunettes or redheads?according to a recent poll . . . AmcricaU"SaTTo is' pa y is said to be the highest in the world. Some have heard that Brazilian officers are paid taller wages than any navy's.! The Navy code books are bound in lead covers so that in event of cap-, lure by an enemy the books can be tossed overboard and sunk . . . Sail ors call Naval Reserve Officers "met alnien" because "they have silver in their hair, gold on their sleeves and lead in their pants!" (Who me?) There are sixteen American In dians in tin- U. S. Navy . . . The rea son the Navy is reluctant about ac cepting draftees is that it takes more than a year, sometimes two, to train landlubbers for naval warfare ... A recruit is given an outfit free. It costs the Navy $118 . After that outfit wears out the sailor has to pay . . . The legend that sailors pay from five to eight cents per pack for ciggies is true only when their ship is on the ."jgas . . Midshipmen at Annapolis are not permitted to chew gum . . . And not only that, but get this . . . When they enter the Naval Academy they are handed a condensed ver sion of Emily Post's book of etta kit, and they have to study it . . . What! No duking? Fevvensakes. Tlu' over-age destroyers we gave England had the modern bunks in stead of the old fashioned hammocks. Rut the British put back the ham mocks because the bunks made them seasick! . . Tip to newspapermen ami of her writers: Sailors, tars, sea men and bluejackets will like you a lot more if you call them anything but gobs . . Just as policemen prefer being called officers instead of cops . . . California, New York and Texas contribute more men to the Navy than the rest of the nation. Doctors on board are always call ed surgeons . . The church colors are the only colors tl\at may be flown over the national ensign . . . That 19 gun salvo (every gun bo the ship) costs Uncle 'Samson a mere $23,750 . . . The great battleship, like a real champion didn't blink longer than tin It a .second and then proceeded on its graceful way . . . Captain O. M. Hustvedt and his Executive Officer, Commander A Shepard, are ex actly the kind of American naval of I iet is y 11 u Hi ways imagined?digni fied and distinguished gentlemen. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by S. R. Bul lock and wife, Martha Bullock, to the undersigned Trustees, dated the 10th of April. 1939, and of record in the Register of Deeds Office in Book X-3 at page 268. to secure certain notes of even date therewith and the stipulations in 'said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said GOPHER GIANT ... By Jack Sords URBAM OOSON ?iA*?riXc>r the next HO davs follow this imple- recipe to stir up the flow of I'hose important digestion-aiding bile Qulces and sec if you too?after you I have finished the first bottle eunnot? I say that you "feel ever so much bet ter." Here's all you do: Get a bottle of Krusehen Salts (a famous blend of ?M-x-snliti .not juat oncjranct take half" a level teaspoonful in a glass of wa ter (hot or cold) half an hour before breakfast. This rouses the flow of bile with its gentle bowel action. Keep this up for 30 days and you feeling, sick headaches, so-called Bil nisness, Poor Digestion and most probably Constipation. But don't start unless you are willing to keep ' it up for 30 days. If then you do not I get a real "kick"- feel 100% better get your money back. Clark's I Pharmacy. THIS CHRISTMAS, GO ELECTRIC . . . ?lui mlj! THE. CHRISTMAS gifts you give this year . . . will they bo loved in May as they are in December? You know they will if you Go Electricity! For Electric Gifts are presents with a fu ture . . . their beaUTILITY and economy fit them to a gift list that must be grand on a budget that's not! Day in and day out they'll garner praise instead ot gathering dust, ineir useful ness and saving ways will keep your Christmas wishes fresh! ? s But here's a further word to the wise. Be cause many Electrical Appliances use the same strategic raw materials vital to national defense, there exists the possibility of a shortage in Electrical Appliances. This possibility means two things. First, that it's prudent to select your Electrical Gifts NOW while assortments are complete. Second, there may be an extra reason they'll be cherish ed possessions! I YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER, OR VIRGINIA ELECTRIC ^ AND POWER COMPANY CARSTAIRS White Seal M.t Proof. 71% (rein neutral apirits. Carataire Bros. Distilling Co., Inc. BALTIMORE. MD.