Wise Yule Shoppers Will Make Their Purchases 4 EARLY THIS YEAR At no tim?- within the Inst quarter of a century lias it lieen more vitally accessary to make Santa (llaus ami gift purchases early in the holiday season. By shopping early this year, you will he dutifully recognizing tin* fact that demands on all desirable gift needs are great and the quality of some has. hv necessity, been limited this year in direct ratio 1 ? ? ?' ? to the defense needs which are affecting- the entire country. If von are , , r . interested in carefully selecting the gifts for mother, husband, wile or even the children, take our advice and make your selections as early as possible. It is practically impossible to place re-orders on wheel and mechanical toys and many items of clothing and gift articles . . Shop early and spend your money in Williamstoii with appreciative merchants. Plan! Shop! Wrap! and Mail Early Many Stores Will Hold Any Item With A Deposit Use Time Payments or Lay - Away Plan Ladies Spend Your Money With Home Merchants This is yet a free country. Each individual lias personal liberties and privileges that en titles him or her to trade where one pleases. However, before vou spend all your mon ey out of town shopping, take into consideration that \our father or your husband is de pendent upon local business for a livelihood. IVlau> professional men and their wives buy scarcely anything in Williamston for they send their money out of town, much of which goes to the mail order houses A rule or custom that does not npplv to hut one individ ual. does not seem just right. The merchant, as a rule, usually pays his hills and does not complain a great deal about it. In main instances, the very money he pays the pro fessional man or laborer goes out of town o:* to mail order houses for merchandise. Your local merchants and business men need and deseoe your business. WSLLIAMSTON MOTOR CO. {ranch Banking & Trust Co. CLARK'S PHARMACY, Inc. Virginia Electric & Power Co. MOORE GROCERY CO. CHAS. H. JENKINS & CO. Williamston Hardware Co. Martin County Building and Loan Association ALPHA CLEANERS Roy Ward Coal & Wood Yard HARRISON OIL COMPANY Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. Central Service Station LILLEY'S LUMMY WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP Harrison & Carslarphen ROANOKE CHEVROLET Co. [ FARMERS SUPPLY CO. RELK-TYLER COMPANY B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY Co. DIXIE MOTORS, Inc. UNDSLEY ICE CO. J. E. POPE FSWDEN & SIMPSON PAUL AUTO SUPPLY CO. MARGOUS BROTHERS W. G. PEELE DARDEN'S DEPT. STORE MARTIN SUPPLY CO. WOOI.ARD HARDWARE CO. N. ISRAEL 4 SODA SHOP J. C. LEGGETT E. & W. GROCERY CO. F.C.X. STKDMAN STOIIKS EAGLE STORES. Inc. PROCTOR SHOPPE PEELE'S - JEWELERS ROSE'S 5c & 10c STORE WOOLARD FURNITURE Co. THE FIX )WKK SHOITK DAVIS PHARMACY ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY WESTERN AUTO STORE (; & II IUJILDKHS SUPPLY CO. Williamslon Peanut Company