Martins Lose Thriller To Sanford, 48 to 44 Jack Manning And Pappy Diem Lead Locals In Scoring ?*? Mills Twins Shine; Martins Displav Improved Brand Of Play In an exciting and slightly rough exhibition here Sunday afternoon, the Williamston Martins were edged out by the Sanford Spinners, 48-44, with the local quint offering a great ly improved brand of play, the de ciding points coming in the closing seconds of the contest. The Spinners started off strong with Jim Mills sinking eleven points in the opening quarter, which saw the Martins trailing 17-4 at one time. But the local began to hit their stride and brought the count up to 24-12 at the end of the first period. In the second quarter, Sanford's other twin, Joe Mills began hitting the hoop, but the Martins, led by Pappy Diem closed in on the visi tors to make the half-time score 33 to 24. Tightening up their defense during the last half, Williamston pulled up to within ten points of the Spinners at the end of the third period with Jack Manning blasting away for led the offense in the final period which saw the Martins come to with in a single goal of tieing the score and only seconds to play. However, luck was evidently against the home boys for Pappy Diem fired away with a perfect set shot only to have the ball bounce out of the basket. As John Womble counted the final goal for the Spins the whistle sound ed ending the battle. Those who witnessed the contest vi^fh that the Mills twins are two of the best players seen in this sec tion for some time. Despite the fact that they were closely guarded dur ing the entire last half, they scored a total of 31 points and were fighting hard til the finish. But Jack Manning and Pap Diem turned in brilliant performances for Williamston, each scoring twelve points, a number of which resulted from difficult shots Shorty Corey and Oscar Bie were next with six points each. The box: Sanford (48) G F T Jim Mills, f 7 2 16 Cooper, f 0 0 0 J Womble, f 5 0 10 S Womble, c 3 1 7 Chamo Crocheter Meet the new men's champ cro eheter. He's Edward F. Snead, of New York City, a pullman conductor mm the Pennsylvania Railroad. His work, submitted in competition with the nation's 400,000 best male nee dleworkers, won him the title. Two Examinations For All Selectees Beginning some time in January the Army will alter its system for examining selectees, the Martin County Draft Board was advised yesterday. The young man in line for service will be given a preliminary examina tion by the county draft board physi cians who will defer all men with obvious defects. If a man has only one leg. or if he is blind, or if there are other obvious defects, he will not be required to undergo another ex amination. Other cases will bo refer red to a medical center where they will stand a final physical eamina tion. If they pass the final examina tion the young men are in direct line for military service without further examination. All draftees in this sec tion will undergo the final examina tion at New Bern. According to information coming from the county draft board, a draf tee will first be instructed to report to the board physicians in William ston for a preliminary examination. I{ there are no obvious defects, he will then be notified to report for the final examination. The govern ment Will furnish transportation to TTi'w Bcrn where his physical status will be determined. If the draftee passes the examination, he will be placed?hi?Class?1?A?and?returned home to await instructions for in duction. When he gets his*call to i Joe Mills, g 7 1 15 Harris, g 0 0 0 Ruark, g 0 0 0 Totals 22 4 48 Martins (44) (i F T Wallace, f-c 1 0 2 Bie, f 3 0 6 Manning, f 6 0 12 Gaylord, f 2 0 4 Corey, c-g 3 0 6 Ipaird g 1? Q_ 2 Ango, g 0 0 0 Diem, g 6 0 12 Totals 22 A 44 ?sass? 85c DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW DRESSES All the New Shades, including GOLI), ROSE, BEIGE and TAN $1.98-12.4944.85 Sixes 9-17; 12-20; 38-50 House Coats SATIN and QUILTED $1.98 to $5.45 SLIPS, PAJAMA SETS, COATS, CHILDREN'S DRESSES, HATS SWEATERS AND ALL ACCESSORIES. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE! We have gifts for every member of the family. NAT ISRAEL WILLIAMSTON, N. C. l Great Player, Outstanding Coach, Beautiful Beard Usually one can find some thing: wrong with anybody if you would only look long en ough, but Ham Hamilton, a big gun in the House of David bas ketball organization, can do any thing and do it well! Above he is shown coaching a Canadian high school team in the tricks Of the trade, all of which he knows from A to To prove that he is one ot the best basket - eers in the I'nited States, fans of this section are invited out to the nigh school gym Sunday af ternoon. December 21st, when the House of David, the nation's top-flight traveling team, will battle it out with the Williams ton Martins. Business Volume Is "About The Some'* It looks as though retail business | ?for the country as a whole?is get ting close to the point where the ? gains it chalks up. week bv week, will be accounted for only by the in creased prices, and will not mean > increased buying of actual goods. In areas not directly stimulated by de- I fense-production employment and , payrolls thus point has been reach- j ed already. Overall, the weekly gains in store sales?which are measured in dollar volume?have been just about matching the average retail price increases After Christmas, many store executives fear, the act ual net movement of goods across the counters may be less "man in the same weeks a year before. Reasons: Sharp dent rising prices have put in purchasing power of fixed-income, white-collar folks; apprehension about taxes; payments on the large amount of instalment buying under taken earlier this year are now ab sorbing the surplus income of many families; summer's "beat the tax" shopping splurge got many persons unusually well stocked up on cloth ing, furnishings, staples. More Attrntiim living (,ivvn To Farm Improvcment* Durham County farmers, now that the tobacco season is over, air giving more attention to such farm im provements as terracing and for estry, says?Assistant, Kami?Agent James L. lluff. port at the induction center, the draftee will be recognized as a mem ber of the armed forces. Heretofore, draftees have been sent to Army camps where some of them were re jected. NOTICE: SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES I, James A Raw Is, tax collector for the Town of Oak City, N C, have this day levied on the following real estate and will sell same at public anctiop, fur oa*,li in front of the post - j office in the Town of Oak City, N. C., on Monday, December 15, 1941, at 12 o'clock, M , for taxes due and unpaid for tin- year 1!)4<), unless taxes, penalty and costs are paid on; on before that date. The amounts listed below represent actual taxes due, the penalty and cost to be add ed to each account. ?This the 18tti day of Nov., 1941. ? JAMES A RAWLS, Tax Collector of Oak City, N. C. nl8-4t White J, T. Daniel $ 9.91 Mrs J. T. Daniel est 22 58 E. N Davenport 15 67 i Cassie M. Davenport .83 C. L. Etheridge .70 Mrs S. E. Hines 5.50 G. H Manning 8 08 W. E. Tyson 7.27 Colored John Brown 4 67 Bertha Brown and Gordon. Williams 71 H. W. Burnett 3.77 Molester Dolberry est 2.43 Charley Gray 34 Eliza Ruff 3.58 Guss Parker . 1.93 N O T I C E North Carolina: Martin County. In The Superior Court. Before the Clerk Mary S. Gray, Administratrix of the Estate of Warren A. (iray, vs. J. 1). (iray. William Warren (Iray, and others. The defendant above named, Wil liam Warren Gray and all the other heirs at law of Warren A. Gray, will take notice that an action en titled as above has-been commenced in the Superior .-Court of Martin County. N. C . to sell a piece of land i for the purpose of making assets, in which said defendants own an in - j tcrest; and said defendants will fur-1 ther take notice that they are re quired to appear before L. B. Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court! of Martin County, at his office in Williamston. N. C. within ten days after completion of this service by I publication, and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 27th day of Nov., 1941. 1. B WYNNE, til! 4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States lor, the Eastern District of North Carolina. Washingon Divi sion. Iii llankruptcy No. 763 In the matter of: William Alphonso Fleming, llassell, North Carolina. Voluntary llankrupt. Notice is hereby given that Mon day. December 29. 1941, has been fixed by an order of the Court en ! > ?- d at the first met tine of rndilois the he t day on which objections to die dt. charge of this bankrupt ivm\ he filed. I i t t">i' ? .ii i; p tinned hi be {H i died, to be v\ 1 11 led. to be eiplicati and to be filed with the uiid.( rsigned. WHI.i.l.Kit MARTIN. I: S R .ei? e in I bankruptcy. Wllil.'ue.- \ 111. N C. \ \. a.Ik . >? i - i'!' I it! I i ;?t ? M n North Ca C ?. ITnclci" i. ? powt i I sale i i . .. i i i n deed ?f trust . t : I. ! no; cd 11 usti" i 1 - ? i '* i n the 13th day ? uy. i!>27. and of record in b el I..?< i ? i-iry of Mar tin Cfiuul\ 1' V L! .it phgc 109, said deed 1 1 ' v ?! ? ' i? en 'giv en for tlie - m o i < curing a cer tain note ' < . ? il l and tenor therewith. 71< .;. ?;1 i i h a-v Inghoen made in the pay e: ?u of toe. said noleT and the : tipul.itii ..s c ? itaiii: (I in the said | deed of tin t i >t tuning been com plied with, and at.: < request of the lowner of ll i i . the under ' signed tru:d ? ' 'vol. ?Friday, thc; 26th day ? ? I .b< i. 1941, at twelve o'ele i , hoot of the court house door m the town of Williams-! ton, offer foi the highest bid der for cash :h.- following described real estat < . to v. i! HEADACHE ( HORNING AETEH 1 For jittery, atrrooa baud achat, tekt Cayudloa. Acta faat btcaoaa it's liquid. Sat how quickly httd tUart, narvaa art rate i ad, and you fool itaadiar. Follow dft rootiont oa tebaL lite, lOo. Mi a lata. Liquid CAPUDINE FIRESTONE TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES Siaet 32 x 6 ? 34 x 7 ? 8.25 \ 20 ami 9.00 x 20 If you are in the market for ; true!, lire or tube, tree ur at onee. We are -ie ing out the?e lire*, ami tube*. Harrison Oil Co. Beginning at a post on the Jordan Thick Road, a corner of what is known as lot No. 4 in the division of the Ashley Davis tract of land, thence N. 57 E. 100 poles to the back line, thence N 41 W 134 poles, thence s 53 W. to the main road, thence With the road to the fln>t station, containing 86 acres, more or less. Saving and excepting 4 1-2 acres deeded to J. N Cooper by S. J. D. Ange by deed of record in Book G-l at page 230. This the 24th day of Nov., 1941. ELBERT S PEEL. Trustee. Peel & Manning, Attys. d2-4t NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Martin County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County made in the special proceed ings entitled "James E. Griffin, ex ecutor of the Estate of Susan A. Thomas, vs. Mabel Peed, et als," the undersigned commissioner will, on the 31st day of December, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock M , at the Court House door, offer |oi sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of land in the Town of Williartiston, Martin County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: A house and lot in the Town of Williamston N. C., on the South side of Warren Street*adjoining the lands of B. B. Rogerson, Herman Bowen. R. T and W. O. Griffin, and being Lot No. 21. Block B of the J W. Watts Land Division, said Division being of record in the Public Registry of Martin County, in Land Division Book 1. at page 322. Dated this 29th dav of Nov . 1941. WHEELER MARTIN. d2-4t Commisioner. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and an jthority conferred upon me by vir tue of that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by J J. Bryant to the under signed Trustee for D. G. Matthews, bearing date February 14. .194(1, and recorded in 'be Public Registry of Martin County in Book X-3. at page 4(14. default having been made in the payment of the note lor which saiil deed of trust was given as se cui ii\. and the Mipulal ions there of not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the said note, the undersigned Trus tee will, on the 6th day of January, 1942, at twelve (12) o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse door of Martin County, in Williamston, North Caro lina. offer for sale, at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain vacant lot in the Town of Williamston, beginning at a ditch in the Southwest corner of the An drews land at the Atlantic Coast 1 i!,? Railroad; thence a Northeast course along the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad 48 feet t" a stake; thence a Southeast course alo? J J Bryant's line 60 feet to a stake; thence a Westerly course 48 feet to the ditch; thence along said ditch 60 feet to the beginning, ' I being a lot 48 feet by 60 feet off t I I Bryant's property, and be ; :g < part of the lands described in . .deed from A T. Perry and wife, Maggie Perry, to J. J Bryant and :?? hearing date November 25, 1 HI ivmrdrd 'n the Public Regis-, 11\ i I Martin County in Book A-3, at ? ? .'584 Tin : ? th lav of Nov . 1941. HI (J 11 (J. HOKTON. (19 h Trustee. fOfanif Wi mm? y *1.00 Prepared by Greenbros he On ft 0 Monsters of the Wilderness ? ? . are like the evils of loss . . . de pendence ... helplessness . . . and lack of protection which hover about the man who lives in the unsystematic wilderness of extravagance . . . without a savings account . . . unmindful of future years when age will prevent a normal earning power. llruiu'li Hanking & Trust Co. ?"nilC SAFE EXHICUTOR" Willi \Vl\TO\. !\. < . Manlier Deposit Insurance < orpomUion Take a tip from the Old-timers r |-Mi\\I.I IN? around town lu re, you'll 1 find Kuicks llral arc still in service after six, eight, ten or even more years. It's worth noting that these sturdy old Huicks are stilt srrving faithfully utid well, for several reasons. They have the same basic type ol engine as the sleek l'H2 Ituick - a rugged, long lived, extra-efficient valve-in-head, though it is now made better by 1'IKP.BAI I. combustion. * " . , ' . ' ? V- ?! They have the same dependable drive ? a stout torque tube encasing a sturdy steel shaft stretching its unbroken length from transmission to rear axle. Frames are fundamentally the same now as then; brakes, though hydraulic now, use the same, efficient, self-en ergizing action. All the factors that make for strength and long life arc still present plus such further advances as all-coil springs, Dmiiitc pistons thai squeeze more good from gasoline, ( a impound (^arburctionf that spells peak economy with un matched reserve power. There's more comfort, more conven ience, more beauty, more value in these '42 models. . ? lhit what counts is that they're still huicks tough, rugged and dependable. Take a look at what your next car is likely to be up against and ask yourself if that isn't the kind of car it's smart to buy right now. tAraiUliU ai ?light r?<ta roM 41 IlllUk II IAI Uloti u, ?an ' ?r.l ihi all ofbrr !? n?? (?ml IIIMPUM 0# MMUt MOIOIl MtVI Cfcaa. H. Jenkini * Co., Ahoakle, N. C. , H. Jemkina ft Co., Aulaadsr, N. C. Smith's >.ru;e Stati n, Windsor, N. C. Chas. II. Ji'iikini ft Co., WillLimston, N. C. WHIM MTTU AUTOMOIILIS All II? T MIICK Will 1MII0 THIM

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