Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Fred Wise, of Portsmouth, was here yestcrdav attending to bu.> inoss. Attend Board Meeting Messrs. J. A. Everett, of Palmyra C. C. Martin, of Jamesvillc. and Herbert L. Roebuck, attended a meeting of the county tire rationing board in the courthouse hen Wed nesday morning. In Norfolk Yesterday Mrs. T. F. Harrison and Mrs Myr tle Brown visited in Norfolk yester day. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Dick Woodward and rhil drefi. Was Here Y'esterday Mr. L T Weot.K to bo ceo ? ?pocml ist for the State Extension Service was here for a short while yester day. Undergoes Operation Mrs. Z, T Piephofl underwent an operation in a Rocky Mount hospi tal yesterday morning Last reports stated she was getting along very wettr~ \ In Durham This Week Mr. and Mrs Ralph Parker and children visited m Durham this week ^ Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Willie Ausbon. of Cross Roads, attended to business here yester day. Visiting Relatives Here Mrs. George Bishop, of Greenwood. S. C., is spending some time here with relatives. Returns To Fort Jackson Wheeler Martin Ward returns to Fort Jackson tomorrow after spend ing the holidays here with friends In Greenville Yesterday Mrs. T. B. Slade and Mrs Myrfff Bunting, of Hamilton, visited in Greenville yesterday. Home from Army -Thad Hodges was home from the army this week. . Visits Here This Week Mrs Jack Saunders, of Kmston. visited Mr. and Mrs. J M. Saunders 1 here this week. en Attend Basketball Game Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning, ! vl. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Rose and Mr. and (?< Mrs. Jack Manning attended the bas ketball game in Greenville Tuesday [?, night Vi Was in Winston-Salem Mr. N. R Manning was in Winston jj Salem Wednesday and Thursday at r]'t tending to business. \ , Visits Here This Week Rudolph Saunders, of Craig Field. M< Alabama, visited friends lien for a F few days this week. n<i Wi Suftpender Skirt For women engaged in defense wrh I ho American School of l)e ?i has prepared this cotton sus * * ml e r skirt outfit. Though de - giud for office workers, it is (laptahle to wear in factories. The triped skirt is of sanforized dun i; r and tin- white hlouse is made of cotton broadcloth. ere Here Wednesday Mesduines W. A. Capehart. Clar ice Ray. Jr Bub White. W H. Las er and K R. White, of Windsor, sited friends here Wednesday infined To llis Home Mr. Edwin Peelc is confined to his me on Grace Street by illness, sit in Roekv Mount Mrs C D. .Pittman and Mrs. J. Edwards visited m Rocky Mount lesday. sit Here Thursday Mr. and Mrs S Ft Hon. of Rocky >unt. visited 'their daughter. Mrs. E Huff lap heiv Thursday after . LJ. BRIDGE PARTY Mr, George Thorpe entertained j it a bridge party Wednesday night. The party wu. held at her home in | the Tar Heel apartments. After the four tables of guests had enjoyed an evening of bridge, a sal- 1 d <? ur < was served by the hostess. 1 i is ted ov Mrs II R Williams. Mrs. J " (>U*nn won high score prize and M K th rine Bradley won the c 'ii dation prize. Mrs. Sam Wool f Vd wo'n the bingo prize. ( if1. included Mesdames M. M [ Levin. Sam Wool ford, JfGlenn, R A Critrher. Hoke Roberson. I). V. C'l; t Ray Goodmon. Frank Mar i"h r T Walker. C C. Parker. ('??wford, Wheeler Manning, K. D. Wurre.il. and Miss Katherine Brad \\ II I PI %? HEM Tlii Lone Star quartet will play .jt tf < Williamstort High School on Wednesday night. January 14th. The prcg.r.im i being sponsored by the Macedonia Ladies' Aid Society, and I : .reeds will go to the society to I elp with their plans for the year. In Norfolk Thursday Mrs Clayton Crofton visited in Norfolk Thursday Will Visit in Richmond Mr. and Mrs George E. Thorpe will spend the week-end in Rich mond with friends. \ In Norfolk Yesterday Mr and Mrs Frank Margolis vis I ited in Norfolk Thursday. Visits in Washington Miss Grace Whitley visited in Washington yesterday. In Washington Wednesday Mesdames Boh Manning. A. J. Manning. Jr.. II O. Peele and Ben Courtney vi ited Mrs. Oscar Daven port m a Washington hospital Wed- [ nesday , Visits Here Tuesday Mrs J M Perry, of Robersonville, visited here Tuesday. Is Doing Very Well Friends of Mrs. Victor E. Brown will be glad to know that she is do ing very nicely following an opera Ition performed in a Raleigh hospi ? tal earlier this week. Returns to W.CMLN.C. Miss Helen Lindsley returned to W C. U N C Sunday after spend i ing the holiday here with her par ents, Mi and Mi L P. Lindsley. Return from Philadelphia Jack Frank- and family have re Turned from Philadelphia following a vi it with .relatives and friends. Will Leave for Miami, I'la. Mi-s Nell Harrison will leave Sat urday to accept a position in Miami, Fla. Return to Jamesville Mrs. Paul Hoi Inlay and son, Charles Leonard, have returned to Jamesville after visiting her sister, M, Dolores Long, here for a few days. " Spend Week-end Here Mr i.. Jess. Curtis and LovLJSur j t rs vr.jtrd here last week rend in the I home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. My ers. Spends Week-end Here x Miss jhnnie Fagan. of Durham. \ isdt d Mrs. S R. Biggs over the Week-end. Were in New York City I M? i Herbert Clark. Ernest j M>. r.' and Clarence Britton were 1 hi;.-mess \ isitors in New York City I..st week-end. Visit Here Monday Miss-Effie Waldo and Mrs. Dave Matthews visited Mrs Erali Cobb Monday. i Visit in Hamilton Mr and Mrs..Oscar Anderson vis- | i ited in Hamilton Monday. Visits in Hamilton Mrs. E. A. Council, of Morehead i i City, was a vistur in Hamilton. In Newsoms, Va., Sunday Mr and Mrs. Randolph Allen vis ited Mis. Allen's uncle.?H.- P. Win-' borne in Como and Mr. and Mrs. H E lhnhy in Nevisuiiis, Va . last Sun day. 500 Used Tires WANTED v\ i: w wi :?..)0-l7 OK 6.00-10 ^ Oil IlilM IliaII\ old I M l - Oil hand. l.ook around and m>II ii- all xoii In Highest Prices Paid Economy Auto Supply U li.l.l \MSTON. V c "Uncle Sam NEEDS SCKAI' Iron and Metals Don't liolil il hu? k tlir manufacturers ncitl every pound of iron, steel ami metals tliey eun get. If you are patriotic, you'll sell all you liave. We want Did Cars, Trncka. Tires. Batter ies, Scrap Iron. Scrap Steel. llrasK. C.op per, Lead. Tin. Zinc ami (llironiiiiin. WePay Highest Prieesjl Williamston Parts & Metal Co. MEMBER OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA HINTS FOR J HOMEMAKERS | ? i By Irene James, Home Service Director, Virginia Electric | And Power Company * j EAT MOKE FRUIT IN 1942 Fruit is one of the sources for that much needed Vitamin C (Absorbic Acid). This vitamin is essential for growth and maintenance of normal bone and teeth structure and for the proper healing of wounds. In addi tion an inadequate supply of vitamin C may result in Anemia, Hemor rhage, Pyorrhea and certain gum conditions. Aside from the daily service of fresh fruits they should frequently be included among the desserts Banana Apple Betty 2 tart apples, peeled 3 firm bananas, peeled ?3-4 cup sugar 1-2 tsp cinnamon 1 4 tsp salt 3 cups soft bread crumbs 3 tbsp melted butter Shee apples, cut bananas in 1-2" pieces. Combine fruit, sugar, cinna mon and salt Mix bread crumbs with butter Place alternate layers of crumbs and fruits into a well butter id baking dish, using crumbs for the first and last layers. Cover baking di h and bake in a moderate oven (375*) about 40 minutes (or until ap ples are tender). Uncover. Bake 5 minutes longer to brown the top crumbs. Serve hot with cream: swcctcncd-whipped cream or a fruit sauce. Bananas are valuable in the diet of both old and young and area easily digested. Uncooked Eemon Pie 2 5c-boxes vanilla wafers 3 egg yolks Juice of 3 lemons 1 can sweetened condensed milk Roll 1 box of wafers fine and line the bottom of pie tin. Stand whole wafers around the sides of the tin. Beat well the egg yolks and gradual ly beat in the lemon juice. Pour into the lined pie tin Cover with mer ingue and place in a moderate oven to brown. Apricot Souffle 1 large can apricots (dried cooked, sweetened to taste may be used) 1 tbsp granulated gelatine 1-2 cup cold water Juice of 1-2 lemon 2 egg whites 1-2 cup sugar (more if desired) Mash fruit to pulp or put through i leer. Combine with sugar and heat thoroughly. Soak gelatine in cold water 10 minutes and add to hot pulp Add lemon juice and when cool place in refrigerator. When it be gins to set. stir and Ijeat with spoon and cut in the stiffly beaten egg whites Turn into mold which has been dipped in cold water. Serve with cream, plain or whipped; or a custard. Amount of sugar used in tbtx rnipi must- be determined to please the taste of the individual. Peaches may be substituted if de sired. Cranberry Heart Salad 2 cups cranberries 1 cup sugar 1 tbsp gelatine 1 2 cup cold water 1 2 cup chopped nuts 3 4 cup diced celery Salt Mayonnaise Wash cranberries. Qiver with cold water. Cook until MRcr Add sugar. Cook 5 minutes. Syten gelatine in cold water. Add gelatine and salt to cranberries, stir until dissolved. Chill until partly set. Add celery and nuts and mix thoroughly. Pour into any desired shaped molds. (Heat shape most attractive). Chill until firm mold and serve on crisp lettuce. Gar nish with mayonnaise. Cinnamon Orange Slices 1 12 cups sugar 1 1-2 cup water Juice of 1 lemon 2 cinnamon sticks 3 oranges Make a syrup of the sugar, water juice and cinnamon. Wash oranges, cut-in-thick slices and place in the hot syrup. Boil gently without ">1 aog until the rind is clear. Chill In syrup before serving us a meat gar nish. Sauted Pineapple [ Saute or broil pineapple slices [Slpwly in melted butter until they become a lovely brown. Serve pip ing hot. beside any meat, fish or fowl, pancake, waffles, ham and eggs or almost any hot food. siyuzed LoveruiiH Sleeveless cotton coveralls with front button closing are among the scores of attractive defense garments for women defense workers suggested by the Nation al Cotton Council and Cotton-Tex tile Institute. The coveralls, de signed by lh? American ^rhooj wi Design, are made of sanforized seersucker. HONORED AT PARTY | Mrs. J T. Barnhill, Jr., entertain I ed Wednesday evening at her home in the Tar Heel Apartments, honor- , ing her sister, Miss Nell Harrison, who leaves Saturday to accept a position in Miami, Fla. After several progressions of bridge, the hostess, assisted by Miss Julia Everett, Mrs. H. D. Harrison and Mrs J. R. Everett, served a salad course. The honoree was presented lin gerie and Mrs. C. B. Clark, Jr., was presented Maderia napkins as the high score prize, and also ash trays as the traveling prize. Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Jr., received handkerchiefs as the consolation prize. Guests other than the honoree in cluded: Mrs. Asa Crawford, Mrs. Reg ? Simpson, Mrs. Mac Simpson, Mrs. Paul Simpson, Mrs Vernon Bunting, Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Jr., Mrs. C. B. Clark. Jr.. Mrs. R E. Peele, 1 Mrs. Edwin Holding, Mrs. C. S. Crockett, Jr., and Miss Blanche Har rison I MASONS WILL MEET | There will be a regular meeting of the Skewarkee Lodge No." 90 Tues j.tlay. Januaiy 13tli. at 7 30 o'clock | Officers will be installed at this meeting. CHOIR NOTICE The Robersonville - Williamston symphonic choir will begin the New Year by having its regular meeting Friday, 7:30 p. m., January 9th, at the Woman's Club room, Roberson ville. Every member is urged to be pres ent for that meeting. To those who are interested, we cordially invite and welcome you to join our choir. Some of the recordings made from the Messiah, when given in Raleigh, will be played by Mr. Bullock Fri day night. You are urged to attend. IF THROAT IS SORE <>? IF A COLD lias given you , ? . . . ? <t a miserable sore throat, jgA -M. here's how to relieve the 9f/-\ suffering. 'y DO THIS NOW?Melt a small lump of VapoRub on your tongue and feel the luinlui ting medication slowly trickle down your throat bathing tlie irritated membranes ?bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIGHT ? Rub throat, chest with VapoRuh. Its long con tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation, easescough- * ing, invites \W I vrNw restful sleep. V VapoRuo Public Auction SALE STARTS AT 11 O'CLOCK JANUARY 17th To be held on Slaughter house road, near Dave Koberson's slaughter house. Ar tieles to be sold include house and lot, furniture and fixtures of house, and 1939 pick-up truck. Robert Edwards Reita Theatre?Washington Sunday-Monday January 11-13 "TOP SERGEANT MULLIGAN" with Xat IV mil el on and Carol Hughes Tuesday DOUBLE FEATURE January 13-13 'Harmon of Michigan', Tom Harmon, Anita Louise "Lone Star Law Men", Tom Keene, Betty Miles Wednesday-Thursday January 14-15 "GLAMOUR BOY" with Susanna Foster and Jackie Cooper Friday-Saturday January 16-17 "SECRET OF THE WESTLANDS" u-ith William Boyd Join The Ranks for naT-i?? PN SELL SCRAP IRON Join the earn f to i fin to .save metals! Uncle Sam Needs Scrap Iron & Metal ^ our I tide Sum loiluy neetls vast quantities of raw materials for guns, plunes, tanks, ships, shells anil other vital neeessities to win this war. Civil ians run now ilo their part! Search for . . . anil final . . . all phi iron, steel. It-ail, copper, hrass, pewter, zinc, aluminum, rubber, olil cars, tires ami any other waste material . . . liring it to us to ? lay, it will help to win this war! TtXTWarH Coal & Wood Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. PEI1DER -- Quality food Lou? Price Phut Extra Quality Mean? MONEY SAVING FOOD VALUES! Mother'? Relish or SALAD DRESSING, qt. bottle .31c Southern Manor SWEET PEAS. 2 No. 2 cans ; f727c Enriched With Vitamin it and Iron PENDER'S BEST FLOUR PLAIN OR SELF RISING 12-lh. bag.55c 2HI), bag.$1.09 FIG BARS, 2 pounds 21c Southern Manor, Sliced or Hal res PEACHES. No. 2 1-2 can 21c TS " Evaporated PRUNES, Small Size, 2 lbs. . . .11c Snowdrift lb. can 25c 3-lh. can 63c WESSON OIL, pint can 28c Two Layer CAKE, 28 ounces 35c Triple Fresh OUR PRIDE BREAD -2 loaves 17c Double Fresh GOLDEN BLEND COFFEE 2 pounds 39c

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