Coastal Plain Ball League Disbanded ? The Coastal Plain Baseball League operating in eastern Carolina since 1937, was disbanded by the direc tors in their annual meeting at Wil son last Tuesday night Six of the eight clubs in the circuit admitted they could not carry on under pres ent conditions, that they considered it advisable to call the game off for 1942 with the understanding that play could be resumed if so desired in 1943. Only two clubs, Wilson and Rocky Mount, posted their forfeit money of $600 each, and they are now con sidering places in the Bi-State loop. It is possible representatives of the two clubs will attend a Bi-State League meeting in Leaksville Sun day, but there is some doubt if they will enter that circuit. The other six clubs virtually admitted they were bankrupt, and some of the promot ers are talking possible plans for op erating a smaller circuit with home talent. Tentative plans for a new and smaller league are now being con COLD DISCOMFORTS ?? 1*M S? On* EMM Sales In January Set All-Time Highs In spite of increasing "spottiness" in purchasing power due to disloca tions, retail trade for the nation as a whole shows startling activity for January. Instead of the customary post-holiday slump, recent weeks have set all-time January highs ? 27, 32 and 45 per cent ahead of the record totals department stores chalked up a year ago. Such a spend ing pace brings little jubilation to retailers, who know it's mainly due to customers' anticipating future shortages, and future declines in quality of merchandise when the pinch of priorities and substitute ma terials begins to be reflected in new goods on the shelves. TTius the indi cations are that, in many lines of merchandise, the unusually good January business has been "borrow ed" from the near future. sidered in several towns in this sec tion. In disbanding the league, directors expressed their regrets and stated they hoped the set-up could be re vived at some time in the future. By their action, the clubs forfeit their franchises and lose title to their players. The treasury surplus was divided $350 to each club after a small amount was retained for han dling a few minor league details by the president, R. H. Goodmon. Marlins End Season With Victory Over Rockv Mount "Y'\ Braird. Corey and Dirm l-nid LiN'aU To -16-36 Deriaiou Williamston's basketballing Mar tins brought their 1941-42 court cam paign to an early close here Wednes day night by defeating the strong Rocky Mount Y varsity team. 46-36. Due to the national emergency and the great number of athletes in the various branches of the service, there is a definite portage of men's independent teams in this section this year, thus making it almost im possible to schedule games. The Mar tins ,hurt by the loss of one or two players to the service, have enjoy ed only mediocre success this season. After getting off to a fast start and running up a 9-0 lead, the Rocky Mounters were "cooled off" by the Martins during the second quarter and the half-time rest period saw the locals in the van by two points ?23-21. The third quarter was nip anci tuck throughout, with one team and then I the other taking and momentarily holding a small lead With four minutes of the game left to play, the Martins, leading 34-32. put on the steam and rallied for 12 points, while holding their opponents to four, to assure victory. Leading the victorious locals of- , fensively were Breezy Beaird, who looked fike the ?Big Leaguer"?of old. with seven beautiful long shots and one free goal for 15 points, and Shorty Corey, with 14 points. Sever al of Corey's goals were made on | nice pivot shots. Diem, with seven, and Wallace, with six. ranked next in the scoring factor. Joe Pittman, visiting center, bag ged scoring honors for the Y with j 10 points, mostly on nifty one-hand ed shots. Denson. with nine, was ] next This game was a hard fought af fair, yet one of the best and clean est games played here in a long time. In a preliminary affair, the degen erating local Eagles dropped a 29-18 decision to the Bear Grass high team j in a poor exhibition. Both teams | were wild and erratic, with the Eagles definitely leading in this re spect. Earl Roberson, center, scored | 12 points to lead the Bears, and 11 of these points were made in the sec ond half as he out-maneuvered his Eagle opponent to score almost at will. Earp played a good floor game for the locals, and I)awse Cook and Deacon Cobb led the scoring with | four points each. The box: Rocky Mount Y G F T Cuthrell, f 1 0 2 Sewell, f 2 0 4 Pittman, c 5 0 10 Denson, g 4 1 0 Fellon, g J? ?f?? ?? Hughes, g 2 1 5 Totals 17 2 38 Martins G F T Manning, f 1 0 2 Meroney, f 1 () 2 Wallace, f 3 0 8 Corey, c 7 0 14 Beaird, g 7 1 15 Diem, g 3 ? J 7 Totals 22 2 46 Happenings In The Oak City Schools I Dr. Pittman has kindly consented to begin the examination of high | school students. In the fields of first aid and na tional defense, organization is rapid ly moving forward. Pupils are en couraged to continue buying defense stamps and bonds. The Home Economics classes are anxious to move in the new building so that they may begin their cook ing unit. In the commercial department, some pupils appear to be advancing 1 rapidly. Several have already begun | the second year shorthand course. The parallel reading jn high school I is nearly finished. All those students | who haven't complete their book re ports are urged to do so as quickly | as possible. The ladies of the community are glad to know that Mr Stokes, chair man of the Robersonville Red Cross chapter, has ordered two ma chines to be used to make Red Cross I material in a sewing room to be lo- | rated at the Oak City high school. We hope that all the ladies will meet I lA>cal High I iOSt'S Two To Mars Hill Williamston High School's baske t ball teams lost both ends of a dou bleheader here last Tuesday eve ning The Williamston High boys went down in defeat to the Mars Hill has ketball squad. HI 14 Both teams played a tight defensive game and at the end of the first half the score was a 5-5 tie In the second half both teams fought to another tie. A Mars Hill player shot the winning basket in the extra three-minute period in winning the game by a score of Hi to 14 The powerful Mars Hill girls' team defeated the Williamston girls only after a hqrd fought game. The Wil liamston squad rolled up th^ first points, but the Mars Hill girls rapid ly took the offensive. At the end of the half the score was 12-(5 in favor of Mars Hill. In the second half, Ber nice Perry, the Williamston right for ward, advanced the score for Wil liamston, but could not match the scoring of R. Brown, of Mars Hill, who shot lit nf tin for her team. The final score w a s to 17 in favor of Mars Hill The 1m ?x (lirls Game Williamston (i F T Perry, f :i 1 7 Roberson, f 0 0 0 Hardison, f i () 2 Moore, r 2 :i 7 Stinette, Holder, e 0 o 0 Hobbs, e 0 0 0 i when notice is given so that they may organize The P.T.A. last Thursday was well attended. Every grade was repre- | sented by a grade mother. At pres ent there is better cooperation be tween students and parents in this | school than ever before. Having qualified as udministra- I trix of tie estate of A K. Downs, de ceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all ?state of said deceased to exhibit 1 White, g n 0 9 Brown, g 0 0 9 Davidson, g 0 0 9 Total: 12 1 28 lloys' (lame Mars llill (1 1 T Brown, f 9 () 9 Mustian, f 1 1 3 Myers, c 3 1 7 Brown, g 1 9 2 Brown, g 2 9 4 Totals 7 ?? 16 Williamston (1 1 T Cunningham. 1 1 9 2 Griffin, t' 1 1 3 llardison, c 1 9 2 Sullivan, g ?> 1 5 Peele, g ' 1 ^ 9 ?? Peele. g 0 * 9 9 Totals (> 2 1 1 prisons having claims against the tlx in to the undersigned at Oak City, N. C. RFP, oil or before the 29th day of December, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded m bar of lliei^. recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. This 29th day of Dec., 1941. MRS. SARA DOWNS. B A Critchci.. Attv j2 lit ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICF North Carolina, Martin County Velma II. Coburn. having quali fied as Administratrix of the Ks4ate of W. II. Coburn, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said F.statc to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months from the date of this notice or this notice Will be plead in bar of any recovery. All persons in debted to the said Kst.ate will please oosens Cp Thick Choking Phclgm of KKONf III \ l. \STIIM V! Spend 45c today at (Marl. . Phat mavy or any drug store tor a bottle of Buck ley's CANADIOL Mixture (triple acting). I'our yourself a tea spoonful, let it lie on your tongue a moment then swallow slowly. Feel its instant powerful effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes Starts at price to loosen thick choking phlegm mak ing breathing easier. No claim is made that Buckley's is a cure for Chronic Bronchitis or Asthma hut sufferers find Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture (the largest selling cough medicine in all Cana spasms and loosen up that choking phlegm which seems to clog the tubes and makes breathing difficult; It ' helps many to get a better night's rest. adv . make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This the 2nd day of Jan., 1942. j R. L. Coburn, Atty. MRS. VELMA H. COBURN. Administratrix of the Estate of ' W. H. Coburn, deceased. j Wilhamston. N. C. j2-6t ' NOTICE OF RE SALE ? North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the order : re-sale signed by Hon. L. Bruce Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, in the special pro ceedings entitled "James E Griffin, Executor v?f the Estate of Susan A. Thomas. Deceased, against Mabel Heed, et the undersigned Com missioner will, on the 5th day of Feb- ; ? n | >. 1942. at 12:1)0 o'clock M? at the Court House door at Williamston, N C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of land in the Town of Williamston, (Martin County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows. ~~ A house and lot in the Town of Williamston, N. C , on the South side of Warren Street adioining the lands >. 21. Block B of the J. W. Watts Land Division, said Division being of record in the Public Regis try of Martin County, in Land Di vision Book 1 at page 322 Dated, this the 2uth day of Janu ary. HM2 ?WHKKLER MARTIN. j23-2t Commissioner. Save Ten Cents on your Cleaning - Pressing Alpha Cleaners Cooperating 100% With The Nation's Victory Program We are advised that no new ears or tires will be available in our servire for the duration. We are anxious to eontinne an uninterrupted serviee to our eustoniers as long as present equipment ean be used. To do this ire must use every precaution to prevent unnecessary wear on tires and equipment. We want to give delivery service as long as possible, but we suggest you use our SpecUil (lash and Carry Discount on SUITS ami PLAIN DRESSES 55c Called For and Delivered 65e Help lis And Help Yourself! Alpha Cleaners I'HONE 58 Special Notice to Our Customers You are aware of the great shortage in truck and automobile tires which necessitates our curtailing so much driving. Before the war is over we may have to suspend the operation of trucks altogether. Beginning Feb. 1 We arc going to line up our routes as best we can for the convenience of our customers and ask that you cooperate with us by having your laundry and cleaning ready for our drivers. We Are Also Asking That You PAY ON DELIVERY Or on the next trip if you are a regular customer, so we will not have to double our driving for col lections. We trust you will understand the situation and that the above plan meets with your approval in these perilous times. Youri to serre the bett u>e can! BLENDED RESERVE | 81.00 81.95 *m I ?un Mi MM ; mm?nmr/K Victory Rally On Anniversary Governor Krniighton hands his proclamation designating the week of April Iti-May 1 for a state wide Victory K.illy the occasion of the sesqui centennial of the State Capital to Judge J. Crawford Biggs of Raleigh, former Solicitor General of the I nited States, who is general chairman of the observance. Willis Hriggs, of Kalcigh chairman of the sesqui centennial executive committee (leftI. wit nessed the signing of the proclamation. Attention Farmers It i- important that you plan- all ortlrrH for TOIIACCO HJ KS imiii<>?liat?-ly in ""!???? ?*"?? '!"? nialt-rinl from wliicli tln-v ar<- mailt- may lit- ohlaint-tl. We an- ready lit lake yonr order note, and orders made now stand a better chance of being filled . . <;KATK IIARS ami FLUE THIMBLES IN STOCK J. C. Norris WILHAMSTON, N. ? Individually Tailored Clothes of Quality \\ e would like to lia\c noii come to our special display of 100 smart woolens for S|>i*in<4 Summer Darden's Dept. Store W Mil \>ls ro\. V ( . Fel>ruar\ 1 and 5 I mh r the S/ieeial IHreeliim