Returns from Trenton, N. J. Miss Evelyn Holliday has return ed to her home here after accom panying her sister, Sarah, to Tren ton, N. J., for a few days. While there they visited the United States Mili tary Academy at West Point. e Spends Week-cad Here Pete Fowden, Jr., of Fort Jack son, spent the week-end hero with his parents and friends. Returns from Hospital Friends of Miss Elsie Coltrain will be glad to learn that she has return ed to her home here after being con fined to a Washington hospital for some time. Visits in Maryland Sheriff C. B. Roebuck visited rel atives in Aberdeen, Maryland, last week-end. His son, Russell, a mem ber of the Naval Reserve with head quarters in New York, met him Viere. ? Returns from Washington Mr. J. G. Staton has returned from a Washington hospital after recover ing from a minor operation. ? Spend Week-end Her* Miss Mary Lawrence and S. S. Lawrence, Jr., of Wilson, visited relative* here last week-end. In LaGrange Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edwards and Miss Doris Leach attended the Free man-Aldridge wedding in LaGrange last Saturday evening. # Recovering from Operation Miss Eliza Daniel is recovering from an operation for appendicitis in a Washington hospital. Returns To Her Home Mrs. Charles Harriott has return ed to her home after undergoing treatmenUin a Washington hospital. Was Here Last Week-end Bennie Daniel, now stationed with the armed forces at Fort Bragg, spent the week-end here with his father, Chief W. B. Daniel Visit Here Last Week-end Harry Martin and Herbert Cowen, Jr.. were home from Fort Bragg for a short stay last week-end * Spend Week-end Here Joe Daniel and Buck Holloman were home from Norfolk last week end. Visits Here Last Week-end Miss Mary Helen Boykin, a teach er in the Lewiston schools, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boykin. Visit Near Jamesville Misses Margie Jackson and Elaine Jackson spent the week-end at their home near Jamesville. Spends Saturday Here Miss Lois Green, of Robersonville, spent Saturday here visiting friends. Was Here Last Week-end Francis Peel, of Camp Lee. Va., spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Sadie Peel. Spends Week-end Here Dick Miller, of Langley Field, Va., spent Sunday and Monday here vis iting friends. Shop Here Saturday Misses Katherme Brandon and Nellie Tarkington. of Plymouth, shopped here Saturday," Was Here Last Week-end Burras Critcher, Jr., a student at Wake Forest College, spent last! week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Critcher. Ill with Influenza Mr. Clarence Wendell Peele is ill with influenza at his home in James ville. In Monday Monday Mesdames Dick Taylor. Earl Tet-1 terton and Frank Edwards visited in Norfolk Monday. $ Spends Week-end Here j Mr. Tommy Cavanaugh. of the Naval Reserve, in Norfolk, visited j friends here last week-end Leaves for Norfolk Mr. J. V. Brice left today for Nor-. folk to join the Naval Reserve. a Visits in Rocky Mount Mr. Ernest Mears spent the week-j end in Rocky Mount. Returns Home Monday Jim Wallace, a student at U. N. C.J returned home Monday to?spend the spring holidays in Jamesville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wallace. # Visiting Near Jamesville Mrs. N. H. Ixickhart. of Grifton, is with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Moon-, who is quite ill at her home near Jamesville. Spends Week-end Near Here Miss Doris Rogers, a student at a business school in Raleigh, spent the week-end visiting her mother, Mrs. Effie Rogers, near here. I ? Visit Near Here Misses Dorothy Simmons, of Ral eigh and Whiteville, and Louise Lawrence, of Winston-Salem and Raleigh, spent the week-end with Miss Doris Rogers, near here. Was llere Last Week-end Miss Elizabeth Parker, a student in a Richmond college, spent the week end here visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. W, K. Parker. Spends Week-end Near Here Miss Marie Peele, of Raleigh, spent i the week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peele, near here. Visit Near llere Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gaddy and Mrs. Lizabelle Lanier, of Raleigh, spent tin- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Taylor near here. Was Here Last Week-end Mr. Robert Cowen, a student at Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Cowen. Spends Week-end Here Edgar Gurganus, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with his mother. Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurgan us. ? Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Dick Woodward and children, of Norfolk, spent the week end here with relatives. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Wood ward's mother, Mrs. Myrtle Brown. * Visits Here Last Week-end Mrs. R. S. Fountain, of Weldon, spent the week-end here with her sister", Mrs. H. L. Meador. ? In Dunn Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker and children visited relatives in Dunn Sunday. Gold Point School Roll of Honor For Recent Perioil I The honor roll of the Gold Point I school for the last school month has | just been announced as follows: First grade: C. D Forbes and De-1 lois Weaver. Second grade: Bobby Britton. R. H Weaver, Jr., and C. L. Keel. Jr. Third grade: Jerry Johnson. Fourth grade: Frances Leggett 1 Latest Additions To The Enterprise Mailing List I Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the | following: Sally Roberson. Wi 1 liamskm; A; M. Long. Jamesville; Lexter Everett, Dardens; J. R. Williams. Jamesville; Arthur Revels. Williamston; Will | Roberson. Oak City; W. B Gay lord. Windsor; Irene James, Williamston; Ira Rogerson. Williamston; M. D. Taylor, Williamston; Laura Lilley, Richmond: Thos. L. Johnson, Rober sonville; R. F Bennett. Murfrees-1 boro; Mel burn Hardison. Norfolk: Hayes. Williamston; Mrs. G. A. Peel. Williamston; J. J Cherry. Wil liamston: Roland Griffin. Williams-1 ton; H. C. Roberson. Williamston; J. D. Mason. Williamston; F. W. Holli day, Jamesville; E. L. Sherman, Wil- I liamston; Nathan Moblev, Fort Jack- | son; J. P. Lilley. Williamston: Pvt. Sam Nelson, Egiin Field, Fla. BAILEY-IIOLLIDAY Mr. and Mrs Joseph L. Hollidav announce the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Griffin, to First Lieutenant Leslie Wilmer Bailey on Sunday. March 1. 1942. in Browns Mills, N. J Mrs. Bailey attended Williamston I High School and Milligan College. | Tennessee. For her wedding she wore a yel- , low plaid imported virgin wool suit j with yellow blouse and luggage ac cessories. Her corsage was of yellow | daffodils, lily of the valley and fern Her onLy attendant was her sister, Miss Earlyn Hollidav, who was at tired in a blue suit with brown ac cessories. Lieut. Bailey is the son of Mrs. Charles I). Bailey, and the late Mr. Bailey, of dinger, Va. Upon gradu ation from high school he spent three years in the Philippine Islands, then attended the United States Military Academy. West Point, NY. for four years, where he received his commis sion in the regular army as second lieutenant. Recently he has been promoted to first lieutenant and is now stationed at Fort Dix, N. J. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Bailey was entertained by the officers of Co. H, 135th Infantry, Fort Dix . at a lovely dinner. She was presented a beautiful bouquet of roses, carna tions, snapdragons, daffodils and | fern. At present, Lieut, and Mrs Bail ey are making their home at 45 Gar- | den Street, Mt. Holly* N. J. ? BOYCE-MOORE Miss Dorris Moore, daughter of | Mrs. C. O Moore and the late C. O. Moore, and Jacob Martin Boy.ce, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Boyce, of Kdenton, were united in marriage on Thursday evening, March 12th, South Mills, N. C. The bride wore a street-length I dross of poudre blue crepe, with | navy accis|ories Her flowers were talisman roses and lilies of the val- | ley. Mrs. Roy re is a graduate of Wil liamston high school and attended | the Woman's College of the Univer sity of North Carolina. Mr. Boyce received his education from the Eden ton schools and is now j located at Norfolk, with the Naval | Reserve. STALLS-STALLS Miss Jennie Rett Stalls, daughti of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stalls, an Eli Staton Stalls, son of Mrs. Eli 1 Stalls and the late Mr. Stalls, < this county, were married at tf home of Justice and Mrs. C. B. Ri( dick in Everctts last Saturday ev< ning at 8 o'clock, the justice pel forming the ceremony. The your couple was accompanied by merr bers of their families and a fe friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stalls will be ; home in Portsmouth wiiere M Stalls is employed. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Modlin and daughter, Miss Bruce Modlin, of Jamesvillp, visited Mrs. H L Meador | here Sunday. ' ft ?? In Clayton Sunday Messrs. J. E. King, B. S. Courtney, Bill Howell, M. L. Peel and J. Sam Getsinger visited in Clayton Sunday morning. Visit Here Sunday Miss Becky Maynard and Mr. Ed gar .Hassell, of Greensboro, visited Miss Martha Rhodes Ward here Sun day. . ? Spends Week-end Here C. T. Roberson, a student at State College, in Raleigh, spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. Theo | Roberson. ?> Visit Here Last Week-end Misses Virgil Ward arid Reid | White, of E.CT.C., spent the week end here with relatives. Visits Near Here y Miss Ola Lee Lilley, of Raleigh, spent the week-end near here visit-1 ing her father, Mr. Dawson Lilley. 1 Leaves for Boston George Harrison, Jr., leaves to morrow for Boston where he will undergo treatment in a hospital for an injury received in an automobile accident nearly two years ago Joins the Marines H. Hardison, young son of Mr. and I Mrs. Mayo Hardison, of Poplar Point, | has joined the U. S. Marines. Happenings In The Jamesville School The P T. A held it* monthly meeting''last Thursday night. Sup erintendent J C. Manning spoke to a large number of parents, pupils, fridriits and teachers about the 12th grade. Everyone enjoyed the chapel pro gram that was given by the sixth grade Friday. It was Hawaiian in typo and the students made many of their lovely costumes. On Wednesday of last week the students of tne. seventh grade went to tJdOntdtl to visit some of the his-! torieaf frerftbrS of interest that they - have studied this year. Tliey went on Ricks' bus and everyone enjoy-' ed the trfff. JameSvHYe school Children and tedchers have bmtght Defense stamps and boftds amounting to $1092.80. Miss Rachel Godwin spent tin week-end with her sister. Mrs. R J. Taylor. Jr.. in Tarboro. Bill IfcHliday spent the week end I in Norfolk \yoU t..l .ti% . . Mable Haislip visited Iter mother in a Washington hospital Monday. The Crazy Tenne.ssrcans will pre sent \a program in the Jamesville school auditorium on Friday. March 291 li. .d 8 o'clock The proceeds of this program will aid the beaut if i cation committee in buying shrubs for the grounds The Homo Economics girls under the supervision of Mrs. Long, are making a new curtain tor the stage. .They hope to have it completed and in use in a short while. Ir Plymouth Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John A Ward, Mrs S. S Brown and Mr. and Mrs K L Lowie, of Gastonia. visited relatives in Plymouth Sunday. Visiting in Norfolk Messrs F. U. and Francis Barnes an* in Norfolk today attending to business. Was Business Visitor Here Attorney John McMullan, of Eliz abeth City, attended to professional business here yesterday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. H. L. Davis, helps clear cold-clog- . ged nasal passages. tf|?VC i'ollow complete di rectlpns In folder. VATRC * MaOm 4//Motown Investigate this modern, low-cost maintenance plan ~h zi 1/ 'J LOWV^OST o YOX SAYS MOUSY 0 row snjov no hot. coopspativs attsntion ? ton CAP IX XXAMINSD FWf 1 y 4 TPAINSD M. 0. (MOTOR DOCTOR} O o? ppxscpipxs omiv hscsssapv opspations Q vou pay qui r pox wiia t you mxxq whxm rou WW / r O YOUK CAP'S Lift IS LXMOTHSMX0 AT MINIMUM COST CHECK YOUR P0NT1AC DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS , Prttribnd Scrvic* may be Una ncod on GMAC't ronvenienf budgnl plan roriT/ae CHAS. H. JENKINS & CO. ? Williamston, North Carolina ? Aulander, N. C.; Ahoskie, N. C. Windsor, N. C.; Edenton, N. C. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED And PRESSED FOR EASTER DON'T WAIT! Have it done now. With ample time ean give you a better job and more prompt service. Don't Forget To Take Advantage Of Our Cash and Carry Prices Alpha Cleaners U'JJIU I TH. 95c Oh.1.80 BLENDED RESERVE | $1.00 $1.95 FIVE STARJ *2.15 FULL QUART ?MPIRNAM A WORTI, It? , NOMA, ILLIMOIt V ictory Market and w Grocer) Specials l-IHIM'. STK\K ? |?onn.l :ir?. ii w on. si.kkii ? |H>iin.i :l I I (M II ? II.-I 011111iI> 12 |><>11ii.I (?."? I ON, V < . Sell Us Your'Old Rubber UNCLE SAM ni:i:i>s sckai' Iron, Rubber and Metals ' Don't I,..I.I it hark?ill*' 111*1 iiiifa<-1iir ith in'*-.I *-v**ry |><>1111.1 ??f iron, mI?'cI, ruhhrr iiinl mi'liiU tliry *'iiii n*'l. If you art' patriotic, you'll hcII all you liuvr. We want Old Curs, Trucks, Tires. Batteries,Scrap Iron. Scrap Steel, Brass. Copper. Lead. Tin. /inc. (llironiiiim. Wo Poy llighost Prioos! Parts and Metal Co. Member of the Iron onil Steel Institute of America II. S. ROUTE NO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.