Order Numbers for Third Registration In County (Continued from page one) 10.051?Ernest Hyman Johnson, w, Oak City 10.052?Vergil Urnese Bunting, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.053?James Edwin Griffin, w, Williamston 10.054?Mack Kinley Clark, c, Wil liamston RFD 2 10.055?James Chance, c, William ston 10.056?Dennis Alton Roberson, w, Robersonville f 10,057?Leandrew Hardison, Jr., w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.058?Mayo Harrell, w, Oak City RFD 1 10.059?Ewell Griffin Woolard, w, Robersonville 10.060?Charles Evans, w, Rober sonville RFD 2 10.061?Walter C. Wynn, w, Wil liamston RFD 3 10.062?James Garland Barnhill, w, Williamston 10.063?John Wesley Rhodes, c, Robersonville RFD 2 10.064?James Elmer Stalls, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.065?Raymond Purvis, c, Has sell 10.066?Lewis Henry Frazier, c, Jamesville RFD 1 10.067?Frank Cross, c, Williams ton 10.068?Samuel Harcum Roebuck, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.069?Jack Martin, w, James ville 10.070?James Brown, c, William ston RFD 2 10.071?Frank Saunders Cherry, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.072?Will Roberson, w, Oak City RFD 1 10.073?Robert Lanstcr, c, Rober sonville RFD 1 10.074?Stephen Edwin Manning, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.075?Lewis Ward Clark, w, Wil liamston 10.076?John Cepil Newborn, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.077?Charles Edwin Flanagan, w, Hobgood RFD 1 10.078?Johnny Williams, c, Wil liamston RFD 3 10.079?Homer Bryant Bowen, w, Robersonville 10.080?William Henry Modlin, w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.081?Claude Everett Smith, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.082?Frank Warren, c, James ville 10.083?James Oliver Peel w, Wil liamston RFD 3 10.084?Oscar Benjamin Roberson, w. Williamston RFD 1 10.085?Thad Mayo Roberson, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.086?Julian Baker Roebuck, w, Robersonville 10.087?Henry Edward Reed, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.088?Joseph Walter Bailey, w, Everetts 10.089?Thad Newsome, Jr., c, Williamston RFD 3 , 10.090?Leroy Clark, w, William ston RFD 10.091?John Alfred Griffin, c, Everetts 10.092?Luke Edward Scott, c, Williamston 10.093?Otho Lawrence Willard, w, Williamston 10.094?John Henry Mooring, c, Hobgood RFD 1 10.095?Irvin Drah Coltrain, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.096?James Elbert. Beach, w. Williamston RFD 3 10.097?John Douglass Lyons, c, Williamston RFD 1 10.098?Jake Purvis, o, Hassell 10.099?Jessie David Rogers, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.100?James Earl Cassell. w, Wil liamston RFD 1 10.101?Louis Henry Gardner, w. Williamston RFD 1 10.102?Mack Wynn. w, William ston RFD 3 10.103?Asa Warner Corey, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.104?William Joseph Livings ton, c, Williamston 10.105?Robert Council Everett, w, Parmele 10.106?Johnnie Thurman Moore, w, Palmyra RFD 1 10.107?Elbert Nathaniel Manning, w, Williamston 10.108?Harry Charles Jones, w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.109?Leland Lafayette Cobum, w, Robersonville 10.110?William Henry Oliver, w, Dardens 10.111?John David Williams, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.112?Earl Leamon Ward, w, Robersonville 10.113?Eli Linwood Williams, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.114?Edwin Maynard Trahey, w, Williamston 10.115?James Settler Bonds, c, Williamston 10.116?Levy Tyson, c, Oak City 10.117?Bert Gorham, c, Williams ton RFD 3 10.118?Robert Linwood Edmonds, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.119?Javin Dillon Leggett, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.120?Robert Lee Carver, w, Williamston 10.121?Charles Ronald Grey, w. Robersonville 10.122?B. B. Wynne, w, Roberson ville RFD 2 10.123?Edwin Horace Carson, w, Jamesville 10.124?Simon Coltrain, w, Wil liamston 10.125?Walter Ilobart Godard. w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.126?Dillon Cobb Wynne, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.127?Johie Parker, c. Roherson ville RFD 1 10.128?Jesse Wed Curtis, w, Rob ersonville 10.129? Walter Williams, c, Wil liamston RFD 3 10.130?John Donnell Taylor, w, Robersonville 10.131?Rufus Gainor, c, Roberson ville RFD 1 i 10.132?Hurley Levon Howell, c, Robersonville 10.133?Johnnie Ed Mobley, w, Williamston RFD 10.134?Berlin Briley, c. Roberson ville RFD 2 10.135?Herbert Mason Clark, w, Williamston and Quantico, Va. 10.136?James Willis Lloyd, c, Wil limston 10.137?Willie Gus Williams, c, Williamston 10.138?Chester Hopkins, c, Wil liamston RFD 1 10,139 William Walter Thomas, c, Williamston 10.140?Ernest Lawrence, w, Oak City 10.141 Frederick Wilson McDan iel, w. Williamston RFD 2 10,142 Harold Payton Chance, c, Parmele 10.143?Wiley Robert Payton, c, Williamston 10.144 Christopher Columbus Ward, e. Williamston RFD 2 10.145 ?Geo, Washington Brooks, c, Williamston RFD 1 10.146 ?Alonza Dempsey, e, Wil liamston RFD 1 10.147?James Joseph Whitley, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.148?Willie Lawrence Gorham, c, Williamston 10.149 Tom Ernest Perkins, c, Robersonville RFD 1 10.150 Hardy Williams, c, Rober sonville RFD 2 10.151 Mayo Peel, w. Williamston RFD 3 10.152 John Frank Bailey, w, Rob ersonville RFD 1 10.153? Harvey Lee Warren, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.154?William Bryant, c, Palmy ra RFD 1 10.155?George Thomas Purvis, c, Williamston 10.156?Aubrey Lec Oakley, w, Robersonville 10.157 Dopnie V. Purvis, c, Rob ersonville RFD 2 10.158 John Andrews Roberts, c, Williamston RFD 1 10.159?Bear Kearney, e, Rober sonville 10.160?John- Wobbleton, w. Wil liamston RFD 3 10.161 Lee Andrew Clark, w, Ev eretts 10.162?Albert Edward I.OW1S, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.163?George Elliott Thomas, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.164?Simon J. Wurd, w, Wil liamston RFD 1 10.165?Eddie Saunders Clemmons, c, Washington RFD 3 10.166?Harry Otto Jarman, w, Williamston 10,167 Marion Carter, w, Wil liamston 10.168?Wheeler Ben Latham, c, Williamston RFD 3 10.169?Arthur R. Roberson, w, Everetts 10.170?John Dennis Hardison, Jr., w. Williamston 10.171?Opheus Bailey, w, Wil liamston RFD 3? 10.172?Monie Peel Mobley, w, Everetts 10.173?Hardy Hollis, w, William ston RFD 3 10.174?Herman Peel, c, Dardens 10.175?James Sylvester Wynne, w. Palmyra RFD 1 10.176?William Arthur Evans, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.177?James Edward Bridgers, c, Williamston 10.178?Benjamin Franklin Rober son, w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.179?Bennie Walton Cooper, w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.180?Gyrus Wr Williamston 10.181?David Sidney Harper, w, Robersonville 10.182?Eddie Watts Brown, c, Williamston RFD 2 10.183?Joseph Teddy Lamm, w, Williamston 10.184?George Robert Whitman, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.185?Lcmy Long, c, Williams ton 10.186?Thomas Stockton Swain, w, Williamston 10.187?Daniel Webster James, c, Jamesville RFD 1 10.188?Jesse Jenkins, c, Hamil ton 10.189?Ira Manning, w, Everetts 10.190?Raleigh Hopkins, c, James ville RFD 1 10.191?Linwood Ewell, c, Everetts 10.192?Sylvester Daniel, c, Wil iamston RFD 1 10.193?Ledes Savage, c, William ston 10.194?General Lee Thome, c. Palmyra RFD 1 10.195?Albert Franklin Coltrain, w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.196?Lester Keel, w, Williams ton RFD 3 10.197?Meyer Martin Levin, w, Williamston 10.198?Robert Theodore McClar en, Sr., w, Robersonville 10.199?Carlyle Lanneau Cox, w, Robersonville 10.200?Mack Joel Millard, w, Oak City RFD 1 10.201?Paul Anthony Johnson, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.202?Walter Maynard Oakley, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.203?Maurice Delma Brinson, w, Williamston 10.204?Lester Brown, c. Bethel RFD 1 10.205?Louis Arthur Shaw, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.206?Benjamin Paul Lcggett, w, Robersonville RFD 1 10.207?Leroy Joy Tyner, c, Wil liamston RFD 3 10.208?Thomas Sylvester Griffin, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.209?Dempsey Blak Latham, w. Palmyra RFD 1 10.210?William Lawrence Man ning, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.211?Chris Silus Thompson, Oak City 10.212?Elmo Beckton James, w, Everctts 10.213?Kenneth Patton Lindsley, w, Williamston 10.214?James Cecil Shepherd, c, Williamston 10,215 Stalling Bell. c. Oak Citv RFD 1 10.216?Briscoe Davis, c. Palmyra 10.217?Warren Wade Hinson, w, Bethel RFD 1 10.218?Clarence Biggs Rogers, c. Williamston 10.219?Lemuel Bruce Wynne, w, Williamston 10.220 -Benjamin Best, c. Bethel RFD 1 10.221 Tom Stalls, w, Roberson ville RFD 1 10.222?Fred Harrison, c, William ston 10.223?June Bland, w, Williams ton RFD 3 10.224?Ira Tilglinian Hardison, w, Williamston RFD 1 10.225?Lemuel Griffin, c, James ville RFI) 1 10.226?Robert Jesse Bryant, w, Robersonville RFD 2 10.227?Wheeler Cromwell Staton. c. Oak City RFD I 10,223 Richard Jack Best, c, Rob ersonville RFD 1 10,229 -Clyde Barber, w. William ston RFD 1 10.230?George Richardson, c, Robersonville RFD 1 10.231?Jimmie Jackson Sills, w, Oak City 10.232?Richard Edward Baker, w, ^Oak City 10.233? Benjamin Franklin White hurst, w, Williamston RFD 2 10,234 Joe Ward, c, llassell 10.235?Jesse Edward Corey, w, Williamston 10.236?Turney Hines, c, William ston 10.237?Vomer Walter Harrison, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.238?John Mack Andrews, c. Parmele 10.239?John Garland Hardison. j w, Williamston RFD 3 \ 10.240?Eli Howard, c, Williams ton 10.241?Jerry Purrington, c, Wil liamston 10.242?Wheeler Andrews, c, Rob ersonville RFD 1 10.243?Augustus Hopkins c. Ham ilton 10.244?Turner Ashpy Gray, j Williamston 10.245? Reuben Arthur Roebuck, w, Oak City 10.246?Louis Thomas Johnson, w, Robersonville 10.247?Leon Pierce, c. Jamesville 10.248?Sherwood Leslie Roberson. w. Robersonville 10.249 -Benjamin Franklin Lilley, w. Williamston RFD 1 10.250 Norman Chance y. i. Rob iersonvillo RFD I I 10,251- William Matthew Chance, c, Hassell 10.252 Nathaniel Howard, c Wil liamston j 10,253 Melton People, c, Rober sonville RFD 2 10,254?Ellis Saunders White, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.255 Columbus Lilley. c. Wil liamston RFD 2 10,256?Roland Lee Manseau, w, Hamilton 10.257 -Joseph David Wynne, w. Robersonville RFI) 1 10.258 J aim's Spencer Little, e, Hassell 10.259 Floyd O'sker Wlutehurst, w, Robersonville 10.260 Reddin Columbus Gurgan us. w, Williamston RFD 2 10.261 Joseph .lames, c, William ston 10.262?Randolph Dewey Church ill. w, Robersonville 10.263?Harold Bryan Hargett, w, I Williamston 10.264? Zollie Brinkley, c, Rober sonville RFD 10.265?Jonas Aben Moore, c. I Jamesville 10.266? Robert Brown, c. William ston 10.267? Ira Joseph Peed, w, Wil liiunston RFD 3 10.268 Joseph Payton Sykes. w. Jamesville RFD 1 10.260 K11 Daniel Gurganus. w. Williamston RFD 2 10.270 Hallie Andrews, e. Rober jSonville 10.271? AIfonsa Slade. c, Rober sonville RFD 1 10.272 Herbert Theophilus High smith. w, Robersonville 10.273 San ford Wright Marshall, w. Robersonville 10.274- Rome Haywood Stalls, w, Rohei'sunv ille RFD 1 10.275- William Dee Lassiter, w. Williamston RFD 3 10.276 Chester Peel, c, James ville RFD 1 10.277 Roy Vandorn Hudson, w. Williamston RFD 1 10.278 Jo.- Mike Mitchell, w, Wil liamston i 10.279 Willianv. Louis Ausbon, w. Robersonville RFI) 1 10.280 John Sam Moore, c. Kver etts 10.281 Fate Williams, c. Oak City RFD 1 10.282 John Wesley Durham, c. Robersonville RFD 10.283 Jack Skinner, e, Palmyra RFD 1 10,284- Herschel Kdward Daniel. \v. Hardens 10.285 Robert Leonard Wiggins. !c. Williamston 10.286 Paul Dixon,- w. Williams ton 10.287?Joe Eborn, c. Roberson ville 10.288?William Thomas Howell, c. Robcrsonville 10.289?Monty Elmer MeLawhorn, w. Oak City RFD 1 10.290?James Willie Knox, w. Oak City RFD 1 10.291?John Arnold Stalls, w, Oak City RFD 1 , ' 10.292?Willie Barfield, c, Wil 1 liamston 10.293?Devon Lyon, c, Wllliams loh RFD 1 10.294?Booker Taloeffro Staton, e, Parmele 10.295?James Norman Mollis, w, Williamston RFD 3 10.296?Harry Myrt Howard, c, Williamston 10.297 ? Richard C". Bowen, e. Jamcsville 10,298?Samuel Perlio Bembridge. w, Jamesville RFD 1 10.299 -William Edward Davis, w, Williamston RFD 2 10.300?Nathaniel Broaden, c, Rob ersonville 10.301?Brinkley Bonds, c, Wil liamston 10.302?Charlie James, w, Rober sonville RFD 2 STOP THAT COUGHING? AND STOP rr NOW Pour yourself a teaspoonful of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture?let it lie on your tongue a moment then : swallow slowly. Feel its quick, pow erful, effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes. | Acts like a flash. Right away it starts ? to loosen thick, choking phlegm and open up clogged bronchial tubes. Ov er 10 million bottles sold in cold win | try Canada. A single sip will tell you why. Spend 45 cents today at Clark's Pharmacy or any drug store for a bottle of Buckley's CANADIOL Mix ture adv BLENDED RESERVE $1.00 $1.95 Mi 1 4uar Mt mar ? * ^ O fig WYWfc 1.10 MNf ?2.I5 FULL QUART '"Tin Faring llir Future With Security . . . Beiaase my Dad lias a Security Dolicy to take care of me." The tiooner >011 plan vnur rhild'i future, the belter it* future will be. Security Life and Trust Company Your Security lie. rcsrntatire I.ESI.IK I'OW DEN \<;E!NO COLTKAIN .). PAUL SIMPSON w m i\ms ion, in. a ills you sums ii FAMILY IS WELL FISH? ?that's ir h r r v if our ilrfrnsr job hvfjins! IS~"NUTRITION" just a nine-tetter word to you? If must become more than that now ?because no nation achieves total strength until ALL of its citizens are well-fed. The fpct that in a land of "plenty" a third of the citizenry is living below the "safety line" is a challenge, and places on every homemalter a definite responsibility. Sound bodies are built with the right foods and the right amounts of many different foods. There is no one perfect basic menu, nor would we wish to follow so rigid a plan. But, by careful selection of foods, thought ful menu planning, both appetite and nutri tive demands can be satisfied. Choose the best meals your pocketbook will afford. Rules for well-balanced meals are simple. The "Nutritional Yardstick" is an excellent daily gtrrde foi feediny your family well without overtaxing the budget. But PLAN. Do away with haphazard meals. Shop shrewdly; serve your foods in the most appetizing way you know. Cook carefully; curtail waste. Electric heat, easily controlled and accurately measured, is most helpful in the maximum retention of important food values. Look over your last week's menus. Check them against the "Nutritional Yardstick." Was your family?well-fed? VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY U. S. Government ''Nutritional Yardstick" ? "7?y te include in yau/i meali eueny day MILK (1 quart for children and 1 pint for adults) TOMATOES, ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, GREEN CABBAGE, RAW SALAD GREENS (1 or more servings) LEAFY, GREEN or YELLOW VEGETABLES (1 or more servings) OTHER VEGETABLES OR FRUIT (2 or more servings) EGGS (1, or at least 3 or 4 a week) LEAN MEAT, POULTRY FISH (1 or more servings) CEREALS AND BREAD (At least 2 servings of whole grain cereal products or "enriched" tread) FATS SWEETS WATER (6 or more glasses) *Base