I J r 11 ii ihI reds of our flesh ami hlood art' in the arm ed forces, and more are goinj; every day. It is estimated that ncarlv IHMf Martin County men are now in the Army. Navy. Marine Corps and Coast Cuard. KIIIIHKH is desperately nee tied tt? properly equip tliem with planes, guns.tanks and ships they must have to defeat the Axis. Rubber Is Badly Needed?Collect and Sell All in Your Possession What you ran ilian use hut most of all the ruhher is need ed for the protection of our armed forces. Il is our ?lnl\ lo see that the hoys of Martin ToiiiiIn who go into luittle are adequately prepared. Save Every Scrap of Old Rubber! ? DELIVER YOUR RUBB ER TO YOUR NEAR ESI FILLING STATION OR JUNK DEALER BEFORE JUNE 30TH. EVERY POUND WILL MEAN SOMETHING TO THE BOYS WHO ARE GIVING THEIR ALL FOR US. WE CANNOT EMPHASIZE TOO STRONGLY HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR EVERYONE TO DO HIS PART IN THIS DRIVE. THE PRESI DENT REQUESTS IT . . . YOUR FUTURE DEMANDS IT! Rubber Is Badly Needed to Win This War ? Do Your Part This Advertisement Is A Contribution to the War Eftort By the Merchants and Business Men of Williamston