PAT PAT WAB BOND BAT ?IAft HUM VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 56 THE ENTERPRISE FOR VICTORY IMTD STATES MM BONDS-STAMPS WMiamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. July 17, 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 Forty-eight People Volunteer To Keep Watch For Aircraft Need At Least One Hundred To Maintain Observer's Post 24 Hours ? Williamston's aircraft observer's post, maintained on a part-time bas is since last December 11, will go on ? twenty-four hour schedule very *??rt'y "ow or ? soon as telephone and light connections can be effect volunteer?personnel trained Tbe new post, located on the roof of the Enterprise Publishing Company building has been com .'he liU,e pothouse has not been furnished. The post is hardly large enough to house more ? couple of chairs and a small table and any one who can spare and **"d ,?"* or more of the articles is toT notify Aircraft Post Coor D !l??i raU, Simpson or Dr John u. Biggs, chief observer for the post Forty-eight persons, nearly half Of them from the fairer sex, have volunteered to help ma.ntam an un broken watch. At least one hundred persons are needed to properly han dle the task without unnecessarily inconveniencing anyone The need for a constant watch has been stress ed repeatedly, and the town author ities accepted the cost of the obser vation post construction in an effort to cooperate wtih the civilian de fense program. ? meeting in the Legion Hut Win e^^mn, at ? ?'cIock' instructions ill be given the volunteer observ ers for handling their duties. Assign ments will also be made as far as It is possible to do so at that time Those who have already volunteer ed and others who can and will as s^'ere urged to be present Toe following persons have al ready volunteered: Misses Mary Taylor, Lora E ?53* Mary Carstarphen, Blanche p*?r? Ed*'n Ho'ding, Neds ?, ?' Htnry Gr'ffin, Meyer Lev W_ E ?unn. A R Dunning, Ur bm Rogers, Frank W?ton, Reg Simpson, Dan Sharpe, E S Peel Ol lie M. Whedbee, E T Walker, H S Manning, John Hardy; Messrs W. H. CarsUrphen, Geo A. Harris, Exum Ward, Herbert Lil ?y* O Jarman, Jack Frank, Joe H. Roebuck, B. S Courtney, Char lie Bowers J C. Eubanks, Garland Woolard, Reg Simpson, John Tul * Garlsnd Coltrain, A. J Man ning Hilton Forbes, Bill Howell. C. B. Clark, Jr., H. S. Manning, John ""dy.BiH Spivey, Albert Coltrain J. D. Baldree, Richard Levin, W. O. Abbitt, Jack Fitzgerald, Dr W R Burrell and F M. Manning Opened on a part-time schedule by Mr and Mrs Hugh Spruill at the river bridge last December 11th, the post has reported nearly 1,000 planes up until a short time ago. "We main tained a watch from early morning until almost midnight seven days each week, and it is possible that a few went by unnoticed in those few off hours," Mr. Spruill said. It is an established fact that the two vol unteers at the part-time post and those at the eleven other posts in the county have done a good job in so far as they were able to do so without volunteered assistance. The observer's task is limited as far as actual effort is concerned, and the work is quite simple, representa tives of the army stating that the most important thing about the ob servation program is to have a 24 hour watch maintained. Several other posts in the county are making ready to go on a 24-hour schedule, and it is hoped that the entire system will be improved. Mar tin County is trailing in the work, but renewed interest has been cre ?ted and in nffnr-n.,. system is rrr tain to grow out of that interest. ? Three Curing Barns Destroyed By Fire Curtailed by adverse weather con ditions, tobacco production is under going still another reduction in this county. Fire is already making it self felt in various parts of the coun ty, three farmers having reported barn losses so far this season in the county. Farmer A. F. Weaver lost a barn and his first "pullings" some days ago on his farm near Haasell. Mrs. C. C. Fleming lost a barn by fire on her farm near Hassell. Mrs. C. C. Fleming lost a barn by fire on her farm near Jamesville last Saturday, and Farmer J. L. Mizelle, of Goose Nest, had a barn burned on his farm there last Tuesday night The first two barns were equipped with furnaces, and the third was using oil burners. Mr Mizelle stated that no one was at the barn at the time, that a high heat was being main tained to "kill out" the stems. In addition to the loss of the bam and contents a quantity of green tobac co was destroyed on racks nearby. The barn is one of very few to have been destroyed by fire in this county. Farmer Mizelle estimated his loss at about $400. As far as it could be learned no insurance was carried on any of the those hams Tobacco curing is well advanced in the county at this time, many farmers stating that the quality and color of the curings are good. To Start Delivering Rations For County Trucks Saturday Working day after day, the Martin County Rationing Board plans to start delivering gas ration cards to truck owners and operators tomor- i row, Chairman C. C. Martin an-| nounced this morning. Remaining in extra session and incidently without I remunerations, the board hopes to handle the applications for 313 truck ration cards by late today or early tomorrow. Late applications will be considered in the order in which they are received. Applicants will find ll nnrnrnnr in noil r?r th|| (n|r|r pn tion cards at the office in Williams ton. Acting in accordance with rules and regulations, the board is finding it necessary to tailor or reduce the applications in many instances but every effort is being made to allot sufficient gas to carry on essential work. Up until late yesterday applica tions had been received for 314 non IMPORTANT Holders of basic A and D gas rationing cards for passenger and motorcycles respective ?y, are warned to examine their Uttie books and see if there are Pa*?* ?f stamps between the covers. In a few cases one or two of the stamp pages were miss ing from the books. If anything is wrong with the book, the rationing board ad vises the holder to have it cor rected not later than July 21st. No corrections will be effected after that time, and if the hold er does not discover the error In time, It will be just too bad. Long Session Of The County Court Held Last Monday Sixteen Cases Are Caller! By Judge Coburn; Vagrancy Drive Flops Enjoying a holiday on Monday of last week, the Martin County Re corder's court was in a lengthy ses sion this week clearing the docket. Judge Robert L. Coburn called six teen cases, but several of them were continued. Solicitor Paul D Rob erson scored convictions in all the contested cases but one. The drive against vagrancy in this county apparently ended before it got started. No mention of the united sons of rest was made at the session last Monday, indicating that every living person is busily engaged! Illicit liquor dealers had a hard day in the court when record fines were imposed in two cases and the judge took definite action that will likely dishearten the illegal opera tors. Proceedings in the court: "Kelly Purvis, charged"" wTth is-1 saulting a female, pleaded not guil ty. Adjudged guilty, he was released under a suspended judgment but re quired to pay the case costs. Columbus Ward, charged with drunken driving, was sentenced to the roads for sixty days. The road sentence was suspended upon the payment of a $50 fine and the case costs. His license to operate a motor vehicle was revoked for one year. The case charging C. W Burrus was drunken driving was continued for the defendant until August 17th. Pleading not guilty, Stephen Grif fin was adjudged guilty in the case charging him with reckless driving. A thirty a?y rnnd ficntcnca was bus pended on condition that he pay the case costs and $20 for damage done to Louis Harris' car. The defendant appealed and bond was required in (Continued on page six) -A Travel Exchange Is Established Locally The office of Civilian Defense in cooperation with the rationing board is setting up a "travelers exchange." The exchange will be operated by the Civilian Defense secretary, Mrs. Brewer, in the old Farmers and Mer chants Bank building. The idea and purpose of the ex change, according to Mr. Iverson Skinner, coordinator for the local chapter, Civilian Defense, is to a sist in saving gasoline and rubber and render every service possible to the public. It will function as fol lows: 1. Anyone traveling from William ston is asked to register with Mrs. Brewer, giving information upon registering as to where he is going and how long he will be gone and volunteer to take someone in his va cant auto seat; X Anyone desiring to go out of town and having no means of transportation should register and if possible, will be given a seat in someone's auto that has registered and is traveling wherever the party wishes to f? , This plan is strictly of a local na ture and the traveling public is ask ed to cooperate in this effort to aid in the conservation of rubber and gas. The telephone number is S40. highway gas rationing cards. Tliese will also be considered as quickly as possible, Mr Martin stating that quite a few of this particular type of card would be ready for the appli cants along with the truck cards to morrow. All of those applications now before the board will be made ready for distribution of cards by next Tuesday. The supply of appli cation forms for non-highway gas rations has been exhausted and it is quite likely that some farmers and others will not be ah 1?< tn get their rations by the time the new ration ? mg system goes into effect next Wednesday. Those persons who failed to get their basic or car gas rations will have to wait until next Friday to register. Those persons needing su gar for canning are again urged to wait until the gas rationing program is completed before filing applica tions. Big Number Claims For Tires Is Carried Over By Ratiooers No New Car Tire* Rationed by County Board in Regular Meeting Tliur?day After allotting thirteen truck and trailer tires, including several of the obsolete and recapped types, the Martin County Rationing Board in j regular session here yesterday car ried over for later consideration ap plications for eighteen car and forty four truck tires. If ever the need for gas rationing was demonstrated, it j was demonstrated at the meeting of the board yesterday. A troubled wi dow explained that she had been borrowing and begging her neigh bors' vehicles to haul hands to help house her crops, that that means of transportation was about ended for her. The application filed by the la dy is waiting its turn, but there are so many applications and so few tires for rationing. For some the tire shortage is becoming serious; for others the situation is far more ser ious than they apparently realize, j New truck tires were allotted as j follows: Roberson Slaughter House, Wil- , liamston, two tires and two tubes for wholesale meat deliveries. Farmville-Woodward Lumber Co., I Williamston, tfiree tires and three tubes for hauling lumber. J. C. Norris, Williamston, one tire | and tube for plumbing and metal work. John Gurkin, RFD 1, Williamston, one tire and tube for hauling lum bor A recapped truck tire and a tube I were allotted to W A Manning. RFD 1, Williamston, for farm use. | Obsolete tires and tubes were al lotted as follows for farms: Redden Tyre, RFD, Williamston, two trailer tires and tubes. trailer tire and tube. Bennie Bryant, RFD 1, Hobgood, one trailer tire and tube. Howard Coltrain, RFD 1, William ston, one trailer tire. An application filed by Gaines and Kirkman, Jamesville lumber firm, for a truck tire and tube, was re jected. Applications for 18 car and 44 truck tires were received since the last meeting. The board, having ex hausted its current weekly quota, carried them over for consideration at a later meeting. It should be noted that none of them was allowed, and it should also be noted that because the applications were filed it does not mean that the requests will be met. The applications filed since the last meeting and carried over follow: For automobiles: John Henry Peel, Williamston, two recaps for farming Jim Scott, Hamilton, two new tires and one tube for hauling labor to and from log woods Herman H. Williams. Everetts, one tire for farming. Alvin Lowe Thompson, two recap tires for hauling machinist. Mrs Martha M Rawls, Hassell, three tires for farm use. | J. H. Hopkins, RFD. Williamston, 1 two recap tires and two tubes for| farm use. (Continued on page alx) ? Police Here Arrest Officers Assailant James H. Mayo, alias James H. Pittman, was arrested by local offi cers here yesterday and jailed for allegedly assaulting John S. Ayers, late chief of police of Hamilton. Mayo, claiming he had been in and around Robersonville, since the al leged attack the early part of June, will be given a hearing this evening at 8:30 o'clock. Mayo admits taking a walking stick from the officer as the officer was arresting his (Mayo's) relative, but denies he struck the officer. He declared that he took the stick when the" ottteer apparently mad* ready On strike a boy who was interfering with,the officer in the performance of his duty. UNCLE SAM BATTLING TO UPHOLD America's Freedom THE 31ST WEEK OF THE WAR War Production Chairman. Nelson, speaking in Detroit, said the U. S. will hit the "Real" peak of its war production program by next March. Mr. Nelson said "our ability to pro duce is mucn greater ihan any one dreamed. The armament objectives as announced by President Roose velt last winter?and which seem ed too vast at the time?will be read ily realized . . Our productive ca pacity is apparently limited only by the raw materials available. "The Engineering Genius of Am erican Production, when turned from peace to war. has proved a reservoir no one could gauge," Mr Nelson said. "When American men and ma chines stopped competing with each other and turned all their competi tive energy and abilities against Hit ler and Hirohito, it knocked all previous calculations of our product ive powers into a cocked hat . The real problem now is not one of pro duction. It is the problem of a bet ter distribution of the materials from which war production springs." Chairman Nelson said "at all costs We must not get mto the frame of mind that this is either an easy or a short job. If people build on false hopes of an easy victory or a short war, then they are certain to feel let down when the bad days come, as they will . . " Production and Subcontracting WPB Chairman Nelson announced a "Realignment" of the Board to per mit him to devote his time to essen tial allocation policies between the needs of the armed forces and the civilian economy. He said essential civilian needs, such as those for the communications and transportation systems, must be met. The civilian economy. though "Thin," must be kept healthy, he said. William L. Batt and James S. Knowlson were named vice chair men of the board. Lou E. Holland, formerly presi dent of the Double Rotary Sprinkler Corp., of Kansas City. Mo . was ap pointed WPB Deputy Chairman in charge of the smaller war plants cor poration. Chairman Nelson said the corporation should attempt to con fine the manufacture of relatively simple war items to smaller factor ies, increase the farming out of man ufacture of bits and pieces of large corporations which hold prime con tracts, and encourage conversion of additional small plants to essential civilian production. The WPB said expenditures for war purposes by U. S. Government agencies* in June were at the aver age daily rate of $158,000,000, 6 per cent higher than in May. Congress (Continued on page three) Bus Operators Are _ facing Big Problem Taxed with a mushroom business and unable to get all the equipment necessary, bus line operators some cases, it is understood, are about to give up in despair when it comes to handling drunken draftees and some service men. A group traveling through here this week had to be transferred from a regular schedule and placed on a special bus. The case was called to the attention of the traffic manager and when he tried to place them on a regular bus and save the extra travel, the group commandered the special bus and driver and threaten ed to take the traffic manager along too. Returning from an induction cen ter, approximately eighteen young white men stopped at several times and by the time their feet hit the ground runners opened a trail to the liquor "control" stores. While most of them did not "stick" the group of colored draftees leaving this county a few days ago was de scribed as the best behaved seen at the local bus terminal in many weeks. SUPPLEMENTAL CAS Quite a few ear owners and operators are appearing before the rationing board aeeking sup plemental gas rations under the new program going into effect neat Wednesday. It is assumed that all car owners have suffi cient rations on their basic ra tion cards to last them for a few days after the new program goes into effect. No supplemental ra tions for cars will be issued un til after next Wednesday. The board is calling in the fol lowing men to help deteruaine identities and answer any ques tions they may be able to answer in connection with the issuance of supplemental rations: J. P. Crisp, Ernest Edmoodsoo. T. B. Slade. I.lnwood Knowles, Mar vin Lefgett, J. R. Wins low. Reo ben Everett, Herbert Seatou. C. D. Carstarphen, Wendett Griffin. Garland Forbes. W M. Harrison. J. D. Wynn. Charlie Gurfclu. P. M. Manning and C. B. Roebuck. \ Slav Joins Army To Avenge Deaths Of His Aged Parents Awake to the real meaning of this war and his countenance reflecting seriousness, a native of Yugoslavia stopped in Wiliiamston for a short while on a recent night en route with other comrades to a point they knew hot where. The passage of soldiers i and other service men through here | attracts no great attention here any I more, but there was something about this fellow that prompted a j conversation between him and Night j Officer John Roebuck. Byro m Yucwlaviii 52 years jgp. 1 the soldier came to this country w hen he was sixteen years old He saw j service in France with the mighty j 81st Division, and troubled by tragic ; news coming from his homeland he 1 volunteered for service again three j months ago. He had learned that his I 184 vear-old father and his 82-year old mother and a sister had been | inurdered by Hitler's mad men back' | in his homo town. A brother had al 1 ready been killed in the defense of j his country, and another brother, ac cording to the latest reports reach ing him by the underground sys torn, was carrying on with the guer rillas who are causing the Germans so much trouble in the little Bal kan area. Breaking away from his establish ed economy, the 52 year-old veteran has signed up again and he is anx iously waiting for the chance to go into action ;ii?ain*t ?n.J hi< murderers He had just heard that the death toll in his homeland had raeched 10.000 following the killing of a No I Nazi hangman a few weeks ago Some of the soldiers m the group were "whooping it up." but the Slav, seeing little ot shout about, remained quiet, his countenance lit erally bubbling over with serious thoughts. Call More County Men For Serviee In Arm\ Croup Leaving Soon Largest To Be Sent r From Martin County l.i*l Iiirluilo Several Kn'cnt ly Married ^ oiiii^ Men; l-arp- Call. IVililiug One of the largest groups of young white men to bo called from this county for service in the current war is receiving instructions today to report '*oon" for induction. And larger calls are expected in August. Ordinarily about ten days elapse af tef. the selectees are notified before they leave. The contingent, even though the largest to be called so [far is two short of the original quo Ita, the draft board explaining that so many young men have volunteer ed in recent days that the list of available men was exhausted and that there wasn't time to get others examined and ready to report by the designated date. In preparing the current call, the draft board exhausted order num [bers up to about 2,700. Physical ex aminations include those men with order numbers in excess of 3,200, it is understood. Included in the list of men leaving "*sqonv are several young men who were married since last December 7th The names and addresses of the young men being notified today to report are Semmie James, Robersonville William Henry Ange, RFD 1, Jamesville. Chester Hue Gardner, RFD 1, Wil liamston. ?Dove Wiley Brantun, RFD 2, Rob ersonville Jesse Wilson Griffin, RFD 2. Wil liamston Willard Karl James, RFD 1, Rob ersonville James Kdwin Moore, RFD 3, Wil liamston Milford Warren Harrison, RFD 2, Williamston. and Norfolk. Howard Franklin Griffin, RFD 1, > Williamston Ardis Leon Scruggs, Williamston and Birmingham. j Sutton Alfred Burroughs, RFD 3, Williamston Osmer Scull Winborne, William ston. Charlie Thurman Clark, William ston and Washington, N. C Wilson Thomas, Dai dens and Nor folk. ' Joseph Clinton Roebuck, RFD'l, Robersonville Hubert Durwood Hardison, RFD 1, Jamesville Russel Warren Biggs, RFD 2, Wil liamston William Archie Mobley, Jr, RFB 3. Williamston. Alton Wesley Gurganus, James ville. James LeRoy Williams, James ville. (Continued on page six) t Issued Last Ration Under Old System The lost gas rations under the old system were allotted by the county rationing board here yesterday to the following: James W Rhodes. Jamesville, an A card minus six units. Milford Warren Harrison, Norfolk, A minus four units Mrs. Martha M Rawls, RFD I, Bethel, A minus four units. Hugh Roberson, Robersonville, A minus four units W T Andrews. Robersonville, A minus five units. C M Edmondson, Williamston, A minus six units. Edward L Spence, Williamston, A muius four unlU. good, A minus five units. Geo. L. Brown, RFD 3. Williams ton, A minus four units. v_ BOND BOOTHS Special booths, for the sale of war bonds and stamps, have been set up in the Moore Groc ery Company and the K and W Grocery and Market, and for the first time will have for sale war stamps and bonds on Saturday, July IHth. These booths are be inf sponsored by the above firms but the actual selling will be done by the various church and civic organisations of the town with an alternating per sonnel. (ht?ii;his Push in? oil v Toward \ ilal Points In Russia \nd Egypt ???? Kiinmuii* Initial***- in ill*1 \ orom-zli S?-*'l??r lint W ?-ak i-ii in Olli*-r Vr?-a> # Described as the most furious and costly 111 all history battles continue to rage along s|M>tted areas on the Eastern and Egyptian fronts with the Russians trying to stem the Gerthan march into the. Caucasus and the British challenging the Axis hid for Alexandria ami the Sue/ in Egypt. The defenders are offering a good fight and the cause has not yet been lost hut objectives in both Russia and Egypt are 111 grave danger Around Vorone/h in Russia, the defenders have taken the initiative, and reports gatherer! from both sides clearly indicate that the fighting there during the past few weeks has been the most cosily in human life and equipment known m all history The Germans are said to have lost 900.000 men in their hid for the Caucasus, hut Hitler apparently cares little for life and lie proudly an nounces today that his forces are within K0 miles of Rostov and less than 1H0 miles from Stalingrad, two important points left for the Rus sian defense. It is apparent now that Russia was dangerously weakened when she took the offensive last winter, that there is a shortage in tanks and oth er weapons and that supplies are be ing moved to her only aftei great losses at sea In Egypt ttie lighting continues to bounce backward and forward, late reports stating that British tanks had repulsed another Naii attack while New Zealanders continued in pos session of an important ridge just off El Alamem. The fate of the Caucasus and Al exandria is hanging by a thread to day as tin* mightiest armie? ?aR- - times clash The outlook is not it (Continued on page six) a Mrs. Henry Smith Din] List Sumlav Mrs M?dlie Smith, widow of the late? Henry Smith, died at the home of her son. Henry Smith, in the Spring Green community Sunday. July 12. at 5:30 p m. Mrs. Smith was 83 years old and had been critically ill for the past two months. Although an invalid for the past 48 years. Mrs. Smith accepted life without com plaint or remorse She was a devoted wife and mother and was recognised as one of the sect Kin's most promi nent women Funeral rites were held from the home Monday at 5 p. m . with Rev. J. M Perry officiating Interment was made in the Spring Green Church cemetery. Surviving are two sons. Henry Smith and G. E Smith of Roberson ville; three daughters. Mrs. J. B Co tram, of WilhaimUm; Mr* R. 9; BuIKk k. of I'uimrle. and Mrs l> A James, of Robersonville; 15 grand children and four great grandchil dren. ? Committees Report On I SO Fund Drive Here This Evening * illiaiii!?t?ni Kxcefris Quota Viul Report* from Other Areas Are Bright Martin County, in all probability, will have exceeded its second USO cash quota by 8:30 this evening when representatives meet in the Legion Hut her** to make a second report on the progress of the campaign. Only mi. iiiMint, Bl'ji Grass,?mrr? filed a complete and final report, but several other districts, according to unofficial but reliable reports have exceeded and in at least one case doubled their quotas. Several town ships have not yet reported, but their representatives are expected for the meeting tonight. The canvass with the exception of a few repeat calls and a report from the colored population has been com pleted in Wilhamston. Dr.. W H Burrell, the local chairman, ex plaining that approximately $425 in cash had already been turned over to Dr John D. Biggs, county treas urer for the USO. that the total w ill also certainly exceed $500. * Handled by Mrs J W Watts, Mrs. K. T. Walker. Mrs. E. S. Peel. Mrs. J A Eason. Mrs D R. Davis, Misses Eva Peele and Estelle Craw ford, Mrs. P. B Cone, Mrs. Francis Barnes, Mrs. John D. Biggs, Mrs. Irving Margohs. Mrs J. F Thigpen, and Preachers William R Burrell and John Goff and others, the drive locally has been very successful so far Two or three canvassers have reported but the names will not be available until this evening. Donations were made locally, as follows Mrs. C T Roberson, $1. John Gray Corey, $1 Joe Mitchell. 50c; Henry Harrison, $1; William Gurganus, $1; Wood row Jones, $1. J T Gurganus, $1 Jack Daniel, $1. Harry Jones, 50c. Jasper Whitley, 25c; William Ev erett, $1 50; Mrs Mamie Taylor, $2, ta'i'ov Savage. 50c;_lted Fruirt Groc ery, $1; Clyde Roberson, 25c, W. S. Bailey, 50c C O. Edwards, 50c; C. B Allen. 50c, Alonzo Bland, 50c; Eastern Booty and Mtg Co., $5, J. E. Pope. $2 50; Outlet Store. 50c; Me Clees Grocery Co , $1; Jenkins Bar ber Shop, 25c; Lindsley Ice Co., $3; Chevrolet Co , $1; W. L.Lassiter, 50c; 1. R Nicholson, $1; Ford Motor Co., $10. Martin Supply Co , $2, Marvin Button, $2 50; Chas. H Jenkins. $1, Jessup Harrison, 25c, John R. Peel, $1. laiwrcncc Peel, 75c. Ralph Tay lor. 75c. Richard Smith, $1, Claud Leggett. $1; Willie Modlin, 50c; F. C X, 10c; John Bland, $1; Hugh B Griffin, $1. Dr W C. Mercer. $2, P. C. Blount, 50c. Eagles Store. $2. Watts Thea tre. $5. D E. Darden, $2, Warren Biggs. $1. Bill Spivey, $5. Walter C Lackey, $1. Mrs. Anna Harrison, $1, Boh Manning, $1. Dr. and Mrs. E. T Walker, $5, Lilley's Laundry (sub station), $1, Hugh Horton, $1; Gar land Woolard, $5, Paul Simpson, $1; Garland Coltrain, $1; O. L. Willard, 50c. Willie Bunch, 50c; Mrs. Bob Swain, 50c Charley Edwards,- 15c; Bell. 25c; Garland Barnhill, 25c; Joe God a id, $1. Margolis Bros, $7; G. P. Hall, $1; Janies Herbert Ward, $1; E and W Grocery, $1; Bill Glover, 20c; Mrs Janie Roberson, 25c; Mrs. Loretta Mobley, 50c; Clyde Man ning, 50c; K. B. Crawford, $1; Miss Bessie Ma lone, 25c; Mrs. Ellis Ma lone. 25c, Hubert Satterfield, 50c; Rufus Cherry, 25c; Frank Hopkins, 25c. Chas Bowers, $1; James Thom (Continued on page lis) (?oose Nest Exceeds Its I SO Finn! Quota ??? Getting an early start last week when Mrs. Ethel Lcggett raised $28 in the Williams Chapel community, Goose Nest canvassers this week went over the top with its USO quo t.e Prolessor H. M. Ainsley announc ing that a total of $72 30 had been rmsirl. ?? --- Donations not previously reported ? i the district follow: I 1. Keel, $1; J. L. Hassell, $1; Dr. 1 lit .nan, 50c; J. A. Everett, $1; L. T. Cliesson, 50c; Hackney High, 25c; William Council, 50c; Jimmie Coun cil, 50c, Harry Daniel, 25c; Pete Ed mondson, 25c; Arthur Brown, 10c; Abe Little, 5c; Clarence Hardy, 25c; Jack Smith, 25c; Earl Manning. 50c; llurdford Smith, 25c; Ernest John son, 25c, J B Harrington, 20c; Henry Mynck, 20c; Hugh Bennett, 25c; Ed gar Harrell, 20c; Tom Christenberry, 50c. Ruel Turner, 30c; Wiley Craft, 25c; Arthur Manning, 25c; Julian Raw Is, 50c; J H. Ayers, $2; N. L. Hy man, $1; J. C Ross, Sr., 50c; Car theine Hoell, 50c; Ruben Edmond son, 25c; Dave Pearson, 25c; Sam Casper, 50c; Martha Johnson, $1; Bud Matthews, 25c; Roy Edmond son. $1; Lester Harrell, $1; J. B. Whitfield, 50c, H M Ainsley, $1; Henry Pitt, 50c; Nat Johnson, $1; Ilassell Worsley, $1; W A. Burnett, $1, Mrs. T. C. Allsbrook, 25c; J. A. Rawls, 50c; N W Worsley, $2; W. V Daniel, $1; Norman Harrell, $1; G. W, Bar rett, $1; Murry Hyman, $1; Russell Turner, $t; J. e. Johnson, $1; BUI R A. Haislip, $5; J. C. H. Johnson. $1; John L Hassell. $1; J. T. CMsp, $1; David U House, $3.