War As It Relates To Home Front Is Reviewed for Week We aren't short of meats, in fact we'll have the largest supply in his tory this year, but it will fall short of unrestricted demand by more than six billion pounds. Our fight ing men must have the meat they need, as must our Lend-Lease allies. The rest of us?although there's more money to spend for food?must share the 17 1-2 billion pounds which will remain by voluntarily limiting our weekly meat diet to 2 1-2 pounds per person, until about February, when a meat rationing program will be ready. Actually this allowance is about as much as we have averaged for ten years. Controls and restrictions, brought on by war needs and shortages, ex tend from hairpins to casket han dles. Women in 1943 will have to make out with one-fourth of the bob pins or hairpins they used this year and because of the needs of the arm ed forces and Lend-Lease, house wives and other civilians will get only about two-thirds of the 1942 pack of canned fruits and vegetables, 90 per cent of fats and oils that go into shortening, mayonnaise, and sal ad dressing, 80 per cent of the norm al amount of paints, varnishes, lac quers, and 70 per cent of linoleum, oilcloth and other coated fabrics. There'll be less white pepper and some other spices. Retail 'Fills' To Go Customers of retail stores will find many of the merchandising "induce ments" and "frills" missing from store services, pick-up and delivery services will be cut to the bone, and free samples?they are one form of waste?will be few. Refrigerated dis play cases for food stores are out of production, only those already in stock may be sold. The lumber shortage this year is four to six billion board feet, next rear we'll need 39 billion feet aa igainst average production of le han 23 billion. Manufacturers of on crete, clay, and gypsum products ire being rallied to produce substi utes for wooden products, wherever mssible. Aimed at rising living costs are >rice ceilings for soybean, corn and >eanut oils, for the new Victory line if waterproof rubber footwear, re lsable iron and steel pipe, and a lumber of services?textile print ng, storage and terminal, automo tive repair, maintenance, and re mitting. Small Business To Get Aid In the last half of September about lix million dollars worth of war con Tacts went to small business, and ilans are in the making to ease the war liabilities of small business, and o assist it in recouping equipment osses after the war. The CIO, AFL, ind the Railroad Brotherhood are oope rating with the Scrap Salvage Drive, as are 80 percent of the na ion's daily newspapers. Citizens ev srywhere are asked to act as "sal vage scouts," spot metal hoards that lave escaped attention, idle machines ind unused metal structure . . Western Indiana have gone on the varpath against the Axis, they've returned to the ways of their fa thers, abandoned autos to ride horse back . . . Enlistment in the high ichool Victory Corps, which will :rain students for military service >r civilian war work, is open to ev rry high school student . . . Dental lurgeons, traveling dentists, mid lives are eligible for rationed tires md tubes . . . Seasonal workers and those who leave their homes to take war jobs will be given extra gaso line. Sulphur Dutting Reduce* Lea ft pot Ditease* in Pitt J. V. Taylor, of Bethel in Pitt County, dusted his peanuts twice with sulphur and reduced leafspot diseases by 30 per cent as compar ed with where he did not dust. NEW BURLAP 40x72 PEANUT BAGS FOR SALE Slade, Rhodes & Co. HAMILTON, N. C. Remains of Jap Bomber Plane ' Black clouds of imoke are ahown pouring from the remains of a Japa nese four-motored bomber of the Kawanishi type in the Southern Pacific after being mortally hit in a battle with one of our Flying Fortresses. U. S. fliers in the Solomon Islands sector have shot down 127 Jap planes in the last month. This is an official 7th Air Force photo. Munition Production '* Behind Schedule American munitions production is till not up to snuff, according to the fficial report on output released last .?eek by the War Production Board. Var material production in August ell short of the goal by about 14 per ent, the report stated, and that fol owed a July in which the figure was ome 7 per cent less than anticipat d. Donald Nelson, WPB chief, sub equently revealed that September vas not up to expectations, either, ilthough official figures were not yet eady for release. This is talking in uch relative terms as percentages, low ever, and there's a brighter side o the picture. For one thing. Nelson idmits that the policy has been to ceep production schedules definitely >n the "too high" side rather than eaving them comfortably within ?each, because it makes the govern nent agencies and private firms itrive harder to attain the goals. For mother, August output this year, in erms of tanks, planes, guns and ihips, was actually three and one ralf times what it was in the same ?nonth of 1941. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order tf the Superior Court, signed by the Clerk and approved by the Judge Df the Superior Court in un action entitled, "In the matter of: Edward L Wilson, et als. Ex Partee." the un ersigned Commissioners will on londay .the 2nd day of November. 942. at 11:00 o'clock A. M? in front f the Courthouse door in William otn, N. C., offer for sale to the high st bidder for cash the following de cribed tracts of land: FIRST TRACT: Located in Wil iamston Township, partly in the 'own of Williamston, bounded on me side by Roanoke River and Stan lard Fertilizer Company, on the otli r side by what is known as the Vatts Farm, now belonging to Grif ln Brothers, on the back by Conoho 'reek, on the front by llatton Street, larrell property and Williamston 'ackage Company, litis description ncludes the furm formerly known is the Salsbury Farm except cer ain parcels heretofore sold by the ate M. D. Wilson. 25 acres of the Atatts Farm, deeded to M. D. Wil ion and Perry, of record in the Reg ster of Deeds office in Book 39, page 153 and what is known us Piney Is and land deeded to M. D. Wilsor iy R. L. Coburn, of record in Booh y-2, page 551, and also what is tnown as the Hodges land on the North side of Hatton Street upot which the said M D. Wilson buil tenant houses mainly for the use o: taid furm excepting from the Hodgei land the house and lot in the cornel of Hatton and Biggs Streets whicl the said M. D. Wilson devised to Mat thew Wilson a life estate and except ting from the above description thi house and garden where the late M D. Wilson lived, which was allottee recently to the widow of the late M D. Wilson as a part of her dower Containing around 800 acres mor or less. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining th lands of J. W Anderson and broth er on the East, James Everett on the West and North, the Lazier land on the West and South and known as the "Joe Everett Farm," containing 108 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to Cowen, Critcher and Martin by Harrison Brothers 4 Company. For full de scription see deed in Book C-l, page 606, excepting from this tract of land S acres sold by the late M. D. Wilson to Joe Hollis and son, Doc Hollis. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a small red oak on Hamilton Road; running thence in a Northwesterly direction to a sweet gum in the head of a bottom, thence down the run of the said bottom to the Creek line to the Hamilton Road, thence along the Hamilotn Road to the beginning. Containing 108 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to H. H. Cowen, B. A. Critcher and Wheeler Martin, Jr., of record in Book C-l, page 579 by W. H. Roger son and wife. FOURTH TRACT: A tract of land in Hamilton Township, known as the Riley Spruill Farm, containing 100 acres, more or less and bound ed by the lands of Alfred Bennett Farm, now owned by Lon Pierce. Conoho Creek, old Williamston and Hamilton Road, and the North Car olina Joint Stock Land Bank, now owned by Jasper Roebuck. FIFTH TRACT: Adjoining lands of Eli Taylor on the North and East, the lands of G. A. Peel on the South, the lands of J. Aaron Hassell and Riddick land on the West, and con taining 65 acres, more or less, ex cepting a part of said land being heretofore sold by M. D. Wilson. SIXTH TRACT: Being all the in terest of Jane Biggs under the Will of her father, Carey Respess, said will being of record in the Clerk's office in Martin County, which ref erence may be had for a full and complete description and adjoining lands of Eli Taylor, Alonza Riddick W. H. Rogers, et als. Beginning at the head of a ditch running a SE course along a field hedge row to the William Riddle! line at a stake; thence along his lint easterly to the Bear Trap Mill roac to the fork of a path extending U the Greenville road; thence along said path westerly to the ditch, thi beginning, and being the same lane deeded to Harrison Brothers anc Company in a Trustee's deed by R G. Harrison and also being the lane surveyeei March 5. 1924. SEVENTH TRACT: A tract of lane in Jamesville Township, Martii County, containing 56 acres, mori or less, and being Lot No. 8 in the J E. C. Davis land division of recore in land Division Book No. 3 in thi Register of Deeds Office of Martii County, the description therein be ing made a part of this description. Tract No. 1: EIGHTH TRACT: Being Leit No. of the Conoho Farm subdivision air for a more perfect description refer ence is hereby made to a map mad by N. R. Nenncy, Civil Engineer, i Book 1, page 488 in the Office of th Register of Deeds, Martin Countj said tract containing 17 1-2 acre: more or less. Tract No. 2: Being u one-half undivided intei est of L. C. Roberson in and to tht farm or tract of land formerly owr ed by his father, W. H Robcrsoi called and known as the Conoh 'arm, adjoining the lands of Hubert Vard, C. D. Carstarphen and others ind containing 110 acres, more or ess. NINTH TRACT: A certain tract or larcel of land in Williamston Town hip, Martin County, State of North Carolina, bounded and described as ollows: A house and lot in the Town f Williamston, N. C., bounded on he East by Joe Griffin, on the North iy Sam Faulk, on the West by the Vilhamston-Washington Highway; in the South by Joe Griffin, con aining one-half (1-2) acre, more or ess. Bought of H. C. Hemby and mown as the "Short Place" and be ng the same land conveyed to O. >. Anderson by R. G. Harrison, 'rustee. said Deed being of record n the Register of Deeds Office of tartin County in Book W-2, page 52, and being same premises on ihich Biggs and Wilson built sta iles. TENTH TRACT: Same being a louse and lot in the Town of Wil iamston, N. C., on Simmons Ave lue, adjoining the lands of Theo lore Roberson, P. H. Brown, Dr. J. >. Rhodes, et als, and being the same louse and lot formerly occupied by he late J. H. Purvis and better mown as the old Baptist Parson Ige. ELEVENTH TRACT: One lot in he Towo of Williamston, N. C., ad oining Warren Street on front and me side by S. A. Mobley and lot md on other side and back by Wil iams. TWELFTH TRACT: Being a va cant lot in the Town of Williamston, N. C.. and being a part of J G. God ird land adjoining J. G. Godard on >ne side, Marshall Ave., Bondurant louse and lot and the Christian "hurch Parsonage. Smithwick Street tnd J. B. Cherry. THIRTEENTH TRACT: One va cant lot located in the Town of Wil liamston, N. Ci and known as the W M Rogers lot. FOURTEENTH TRACT: Ail of the vacant lots in the Town of Williama ton, known as the John Roberaon place that have not heretofore been sold by the late M. D. Wilson, he hav ing listed same for taxes in 1942 as 9 vacant lots' of the Roberaon land. For a full and complete description Df the original John Roberaon lots reference is made to Deed from B. A. Critcher, Trustee to M. D. Wil son of record in Book W-3, page 529. The highest bidder for each tract of land will be required to make de posit of 10 per cent of the bid at the sale. This 28th day of September, 1942. B. A CRITCHER, Z. V BUNTING, o2-4t Commissioners. LairdS * * Apple Braney BLENDED BY NATURE Amarica'a Oldanf Family of Brandy Distiller* IA/RD ? CO. Sntrvmt. At j CROP SAVED, FARMER GIVES IlETONGA CREDIT He Feels So IVlueli Stronger lie (lan Again Work All Day, States Mr. Tedder. Tells of llis Case. "I don't see how I could have saved my crops feeling as weak and run down as I did, but I feel so much bet ter and stronger since taking He tonga that I ended my year's work without trouble, declares Mr. M. O. Tedder, well known farmer of Route 1, Kernersville, N. C., in gratefully praising this noted stomachic and Vi tamin B-l medicine. "I ate so little that I felt weak and undernourished," continued Mr. Ted der. "My nerves were high strung, and it seemed to be that nearly ev erything I ate made me swell up with gas. I had to take strong laxatives for constipation, and at times every muscle in my body seemed to ache and I fell off to only 135 pounds. "Retonga brought me such grand relief that 1 have a splendid appetite now, the other distress is relieved, and 1 have regained five pounds. 1 MR. M. O. TEDDER can again work all day. Retonga is the best medicine in my whole ex perience" Retonga is intended to relieve such symptoms as described by Mr. Ted der when they are due to loss of ap petite, insufficient flow of gastric juices in the stomach, constipation, and Vitamin B-l deficiency. Accept no substtutc. Retonga may be ob tained at Clark's Pharmacy.?adv. Notice Of Sale Of Real Estate For Taxes In Martin County For Year 1941 * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I, M. L. Peel, tax collector for Martin County, State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracts of land, and will sell same at public auction for cash at the court house door in the town of williamston, North Carolina, on Monday, November 2, 1942, at 12:00 o'clock noon, for taxes due and un paid for the year 1941 unless said taxes, penalty and cost are paid before the above date. This first day of October, 1942. M. L PEEL, Tax Collector. JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP ? White L. W. Ange, 239 a S. E., S. H. & J. D. Ange, 24 a Ange Est $ 77.70 Oresa Ange, 22 a M. P Ange Albert F. Coltrain, 40 a Lightfoot G. L. A J. N. Cooper, 18 a Mizell Mrs. Lillian Corey, 1 res Mrs. Alice V. Davis, 7 a W. C. Mizell W. R. Hampton, Fishery _ J. R. Hardison, Est., 25 a Askew Lucy F. Holhday, 50 a W. T. Mizell & 50 a Pierce, bal due Paul Holliday, 12 a Turner Baker J. M. Jones, Est., 1 res W. C. tc N. R. Manning, 100 a Grimshaw R. O. Martin, Est., 1 res J. A. Mizell, 7 a W. C. Mizell Mizell, R. J., Est., 50 a W. C. Mizell W. H. Mizell, Est., 7 a W. C. Mizell Mamie Macabe, 1 vac lot J. D. Price, 76 a Z. Z. Price Roanoke Chev. Co., 9 a W. C. Mizell JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP ? Colored Levia Ausbon, 5 a Gaskin Brick Boston, Est, 75 a Boston ... Columbus Boston, 26 a res Hester Boston, 1 1-4 a Jerry Smith - L. Boston, 1 a T. Boston Lucreta Boston, Est., 58 a James Willie Boston, Sr., 1 1-2 a Cordon Willie D. Boston, 9 a Geo. Brooks, 14 a Geo. Brooks, 11 - OPAAlrt At ift o fhnrlip .Tames Willie Brooks, Est., 6 a Brooks R. W. Butts, 2 1-2 a Godard Isolene Clark, Est., 3 a Pierce ... Peter Dickens, 1 vac lot Robert Gilliam, 25 a J. E. Boston Emma Gray, 1 res Henry Gray, 1 res Sylvester Gray, Est., 6 a Gray Bill Harris, 1 res Booker Hill, 2 1-2 a Godard Irma L. James, 58 a Stewart James W. R. James, Jr., 6 a Gadyst Cordon Augustus Jordon, 5 a Jordan Frank Keys, Est., 2 1-2 a Coburn S. W. R. Keys, 2 1-2 a Godard Stanley Ken, 1 a Hinson Ed Moore, 2 1-2 a wood land Samuel Moore, Jr., 1 a James S. L. Moore, 7 a Putnam James Powers, 8-4 a Powers _ _... Nora Rice, Est, 7 a Sam Riddick, 1 res _ Nellie Ruff, Est., 1 vac lot Marina Sanders, 1 vac lot Willie Smith, 1 1-4 a Jerry Smith Mittie Taper, 1-2 a Cordon Minnie Walker, 1 vac lot Early Whitehurst, 1 a Fagan Flossie Woolard, 72 a Lucretia Boston WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP _ White J. C. Godard, 51 a Wiley Green Mary C. Stailings, 2 a creek land Mary Warrington, 13 a Griffin Clemmie Wells, Est., 32 a Wells Frank Wells, 5 a Wells WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP ? Colored S. L. Andrews, 23 a Mose Andrews Burgess, Heirs, 37 a Burgess John Cherry, 25 a John Cherry Leona Moore, 1 a Fagan Rebecca Reddick, Eat., 80 a Stumpy field _ Edward Reddick. 1 a Reddick . R. Slade, SO a Slade Charlotte Slade, 40 a Slade ? Griffins township ? white Mrs. Elizabeth Ayers, 1 a res John W. Corey, 25 a rea , Beverly Corey, Eat, ? a Sofia Corey N. L. Woolard, Est., 200 a Peel Herbert Williams, Trustee, 100 a Ed Peel land GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP ? Colored Gee Butler, 25 a res BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP ? White John E. Corey, 25 a Peel Mc. D. Cratt, 2 a Cratt Henry l^eggett, Est., 20 a Mill Pond Mrs. Delia Mizell, 16 a Cratt Daniel Taylor, Est., 2 a res WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP ? White Mrs. W. F. Allen, 25 a Burroughs F. B. Birmingham, 1 res Watts St S. R. Bullock, 72 a Simpson J. B. Cherry, bal. 375 a Whitley, 60 a Melson, 60 a Dinah Martin, 640 a res, 49 a Gillikln, 40 a Bennett, 6 ten Haughton & Rhodes, 1 mattress factory & 1 vac Main St L. H. Gurganus, 1 res Watts St Mrs. M. Bonner Gurganus, 1 res Watts St J. D. Harrison, 1 lot Everetts Road W. G. Lamb, Admr., 1 res Smithwick F. K. Hodges, 1 Warren St ten John D. Lilley, 13 a res Mrs. Mary K. Mitchell, 1 res St vac Watts St C. M. Mizell, 10 a res Geo. E. Moore, 1 res Main St and shop W. M. Myers, 1 res Ray St H. O. Peel, 1 Main St office, S Ave. ten, 1 Haughton St vac Horace Ray, 1 vac lot, Ray St Mrs. Eii Roberson, 1 Main St res Malcolm T. Simpson, 1 res Smithwick St Mrs. Allie Steel, 2 stores Washington St W. E. Stevenson, 1 res Pine St K. G. Strawbridge, 1 vac Rhodes St and factory a a Williams 1 res R R St WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP ? Colored William L. Alexander, 1 vac Hyman St S. L. Andrews, 1 res, 1 vac Elm St Lucy Bagley, 1 res Rhodes St Eugene Bell, 1 res Leggetts Lane Roberta Brown, 1 res Gurganus St James Brown, 43 a res Eddie Watts Brown, 1 shop Washington St Laura Bryant, 1 res R.R. St W. C. Bunch, 1 res Elm St., 2 lots Broad, 1 lot Elm Elisha Clemmons, 1 vac Sycamore St Robert Davis, Est., 1 vac R.R. St Caroline Ebron, 1 vac Harrell St Christina Everett, 1 res Center St Florence Everett, 1 res Washington St Bryant Gaynor, 1 res R.R. St Lenora Giles, 1 vac Elm St Chas. Godard, 1 res Henry Gurganus, Est., 1 res Wilson St Mary Hyman, 1 res Wilson St Naomi Jones, 1 res R.R. St Maggie Latham, 1 res Church St Tom May, 1 vac Franklin St Isolene Meeks, 1 res White St Laura Moore, 2 a Jones land k Elijah Moore, Eat., 1 res, 1 ten Thad Newsome, Jr., 35 a res Goler Ormond, 1 res Martin St Aulgo Outterbridge, 1 res Will Perkins, 400 a Woody Thompson W. H. Pugh, 1 ret White & Matthew St W. T. Purvis, 1 res Center St Geo. T. Purvis, 1 res Hatton St Mack Reddick, 15 a Little land Millie Respass, Est., 1 res Garrett Jane Rice, 1 res Broad St Beulah Roberson, 1 vac Blount Smith Roberson, Est., 1 vac Blount Rosa Roberson, 1 res Broad St Dave Rogers, 25 a Biggs Roberson Arnesa Rodgers, 1 res Garrett St Fannie Ruffln, 1 res W. M St Whit Ruffin, Est, 1 res Elm St John Slade, Eat, 1 res Church St Noah Slade, 19 a Slade land Turner Slade, 1 vac White St Birriaaia Slade, 1 ten Reddick St Mattie Speller, 1 store Washington St., bal due Abe Spruill, 1 res. White St William Stokes, 1 res Washington St William Whitley, 1 res Pearl St Carrie Williams, 1 vac Hatton St Caroline Williams, Est., 1 vac Hurrell St Joe Wilkins, 1 res East Main St CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP ? White A. C. Barnhill, Est., 1 res Bailey, Barnhill 4 Adkins, 30 a woods land Champion Auto Co., 22 a demons W. A. Roebuck, Est., 1 lot CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP? Colored John Eweil, Est., 1 res John Griffin, 1 res Alice Johnson, Est., 8 a A. Johnson Connie Mizell, 85 a res J. A. Roberson, Est., 40 a J. A. Roberson J. L. Roberson, Est., 40 a res ROBERSONVIELE TOWNSHIP ? White W. W. Andrews, Heirs, 100 u Rodgers & Purvis Mrs. W. E. Ayers, 47 a Keel Walter L. Baker, 1 res W. Byrd Ballard, Heirs, 15 a Smith 4 Bunting Mrs. S. Bain, 1 vac Parmele . Brown, Heirs, 3 1-2 a Roberson R B. 4 W. A. Brown, 45 a Roberson & Whitfield Mrs. Maybelle Bullock, 1 vac Parmele W T. Bunting, 1 res R.R. St S. T. Carson, 300 a Savannah T. C. Crisp, Heirs, 1 res Parmele J. W. Edmondson, 104 a Carson Ward J. W. Eubanks, 1 vac Pecan St Jasper Everett, 3 a Everett Vanderford C. R. Gray, 1 res Outterbridge Mrs. J. S. Griffin, 1 vac Gold Point Gurganus 4 Beuluh Jenkins, 12 a Stevenson & Purvis W. W. Harper, Heirs, 50 a Van Nortwick, bal due Harris Hdw. Co., 1 vac lot Gold Point W. L. Johnson, Heirs, 1 vac Guilford St R. L. Nelson, 1 res Parmele W. L. Reddick, 1 vac lot Green St V>. D. Roberson 4 H. E. Rodgerson, stalls 4 lot G. D. Roberson, Heirs, Pressing Club R.R. St G. L. Roberson, Heirs, 1 vac Guilford H. L. Roberson, 1 res Roberson, 1 vac Purvis, 1 storage Mary C. Roberson, Heirs, 15 a Taylor 4 Robersand land T. W. Roberson, 02 a House land, bal due Mrs Maggie Roebuck, 80 a Ross 4 Hargrove land, bal due H. A. Rodgerson, Service Station, Academy St J. L. Speight, Heirs, 1 store Standard Realty Co., 482 a Savannah land Eli Stevenson, 27 1-2 a Stevenson and res E. C. Stevenson, 37 1-2 a Tuylor 4 Roberson Mrs. M. W. Whitfield, res Academy St J C. Wynne, res Parmele Mro t iln Wvnn var lot Parmele KOBKRHONVILLE TOWNSHIP ? Colored Ada Andrews, 1 vac lot Parmele S. L. Armstead, res Pecan St Geo. Barnes, Heirs, 1 vac lot Parmele Slade Barnhill, Heirs, 1 vac lot Parmele Hattie Brown, 1 vac lot Parmele Sandy Brown, res R R. St C. L. Clemmons, res Annie Cobum, res Gordie Council, 17 a Mayo Council Will Edwards, vac lot Parmele Frank Everett, vac lot Parmele Lila Gainor, vac lot Parmele Robert Lee Gainor, res Parmele W. A. Gray, vac lot Parmele Lena Hilliard, 10 a Harper land John H. Howell, 36 a Nelson land, bal due Anna Jenkins, vac lot Parmele _ Annie Nelson Jenkins, res Parmele Claud Jenkins, res Parmele Lena Jenkins, res Parmele Mack Jenkins, Heirs, vac lot Parmele Anna Jones, Heirs, vac lot Parmele William Jones, vac lot Parmele Dink Knight, res R.R. St Mack Latham, vac lot Parmele Hattie Leathers, S a Roberson St Taylor Mary Lewis, vac lot Parmele Mack Little, Sr., 5 1-2 a Gainor land London Loyd, res Parmele Jno. D. Manning, vac lot Parmele Jane Mizell, 22 1-2 a Rogers land Carrie Modica, res Ashley Moore, res East End ?? Rufus Moore, vac lot Parmele J. L. S. Nelson, Heirs, vac lot Pamela ? Joftn Pitt, Hi'irs, ros Parmele 4 69 Bruit' Pay ton, res Second St 11.57 Charlie Phillips, vac lot Parmele 4.31 W. M Powell, vac lot Parmele 2.07 Narcessus Roberson, vac lot Park St 2.92 Eil & Louis Spruill, res Parmele 2.92 Booker T. Staton, 57 a Carson land 38.90 Anderson Wiggins, vac lot Gold Point 2.92 Curnelia Wynn, res Gold Point 4 33 Nellie Wynn, res Gold Point 2.92 Richard Yarrell, Heirs, vac lot Cochran St 4.33 POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP ? White Mrs. J. A. Leggett, Bee yard 2.56 HAMILTON TOWNSHIP ? White J. S. Ayers, res 19.91 Mis Annie E. Cobb, vac lot 3.28 J. A. Davenport, res 19.35 Mary E. Harrington, Heirs, 640 a Anthiny land 119.31 J. II. Knox, res . 11.85 Dr. E. M. Lang, drug store 20.04 J. W. Hough, Est, res 8.10 J. F. Purvis, Est, vac lot 1.95 Standard Realty Co, 100 a woods 17.56 E. C. Stevenson, 473 a Sherrod & Fleming land 116.52 HAMILTON TOWNSHIP ? Colored Richard Bennett, 18 a Ned Williams land 12.74 John Bonds, res 7.39 Dolphus Brown, 4 a Baker land 2.40 Irene Brown, 17 a Hugh Pitt . 6.60 Bertha Collier, res , 5.97 Mack Council, 21 a res . 14.29 Nelson Council, 30 a res 18.47 Lela Gainor, 20 a Ewell, 51 a woods, 137 a Joe Slade, 6 a Homestead 73.76 Carolina Griffin, Est, 4 a res 5.07 Aaron Howell, 1 vac lot 2.84 John Jenkins, res 10.96 Emma Jones, res 4.19 Golina Lloyd, 1 lot 8.07 Alton Pitt, 4 a Abbie Gore land 5.87 Augustus Pitt, 17 a Hugh Pitt land 22.07 Hugh Pitt, 17 a Pitt land 15.90 Sabra Raynor. Est, res 3.28 C. L. Tyson, 204 a Sherrod land 96.88 Ernest Ward, res , 7.39 W. H Williams, Est, res . 12.21 Lee Wynn, 4 a Downs land 6.40 /?. ur no .. Ti. 1. l > Id 09 *jCO. vvyiill, u iui vis Itiuu *"???? GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP ? White J. S. Ayers, vac lot 2.76 Bellflower & Johnson, vac lot 3.60 Cussie M Davenport, lot - 3.35 L. J Davenport, 1 house and lot 12.74 C. L. Etheridge, vac lot 3.18 Mrs. Blonzie Bland, res 20.50 John Paul Harrell, 10 a Harrell land > - 4.70 Mrs. l^ena Harrell, res 16.10 Charlie, Mollie A Annie Harrington, 81 a Harrington land 55.90 M L. Hasket, Est, 200 a Hasket land, bal. 1-3 8.54 Richard Johnson, Est, 410 a Gatlin land 49.79 Allen Long, 1-2 u J Williams land 8.27 Chas. W. Preddy, 1 house and lot ? 4.85 L. D. Roebuck, 290 a Cotton land - 92.06 Mrs. T. S. Strickland, 15 a Capt. Hyman land 10.75 Neta Thorn, 55 a Harrell land ? 11.05 B M. Worslcy, Gdn., 68 a Hyman land 20.70 GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP ? Colored Sarah Anthony. 17 a Bob Williams 5.92 S. T Bell, 80 a Bell land 47.54 Bertha A Gordon William Brown, 1 vac lot ..... 3.60 John Brown, res , 13-26 Jesse Bryant, res ? 7.40 Molesta Dollberry, Est., res ? 7.80 Charlie Gay, 1 vac lot 1.76 Ruffin James. Est., 70 a R. James, bal due ? 9.16 Ella Jones, 20 a Cassandy Hyman land ? ? 10.65 W. M. Hyman Jones, 30 a Harrell land, 101 a Sally Jones, 22 a Jones ? 77.10 Cora Lanier, 6 1-2 a J. Jones land ? ? 5.61 Frank Leathers 8c Frank Barnes, 125 a Sally Moore land . 62.23 William Lynch, 32 a Ebron land Joe Purvis, 33 a Chesson land ? Eliza Ruff, 1 vac lot Raleigh Sherrod, vac lot , Ida Staton, 84 a Bennett land Wheeler Staton, 23 a Jain Do 11 berry land James Wiggins, 2 a rea ? Johnnie Wilson, vac lot ? ?

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