Visit in Roanoke Rapids Miaseg Lorena Davis, Annie Ches ?on and Dorothy Shaw visited in Roanoke Rapids Saturday. I" New Bern Last Week-end anaf"8 uttb Shaw spent the week *?e in'S h"sister- Mrs. Frank Da. gie in New Bern. Birth Announcement noLirvJ^th ^ Cushion Barber an-1 nounce the birth of a son, Joseph Howard, on October 9, 1942. from Spring Hope last 1vSCiln S,righ' rcturned home 3 tf SfHndln? several days in Spring Hope with relatives. Visits In Portsmouth Mr. Titus Critcher spent last week end in Portsmouth with Dr. and Mrs. Lb ,^ncer. Mr* Critcher, who ?WW**,* i "a ? ^nicner, who ?>ent last week with her sister, Mrs Spencer, and Dr. Spencer, returned home with him. a '".fHUnwe Tkm Week th^rwSkDmfittman 15 m Ba,"more "] making special purchases ? rn?ens and boys' wearing app^e for his store here. ^ ] K* turns from HospiUI inithcFnank Barnes- who has been ssusustrsjasr. Recovering from Injury and?h5tS?1 J?nes' of Jamesville, fell f, broke his collarbone last week Heu recovering rapidly from the" "? Ra^h Saturday Messrs. Jimmy Taylor Jack H?r ^?n Ernest White and Sammy Tay." lor spent last Saturday in n-i u JWhBeTahyTorV1S,trd M' ^loris ^n State College. " " in SchooJ a< Sp?d Week-end Here children" Simt" 'T S Lawrence and ??!?? from Tennessee day evenrnTafterf" mUn"d Griffin TgNX:Ue?7ZyU'y ^ she was calJed <>n ' nn ? where ness of ^t&Z.mThXT "1" Late reports ? Evans' 2S5 "nMor thereweek before lit.'" " h?Spital Week-end from Fori Juck^J'T?"1 was hom Jac*s?n last week-end. In County This Week Chief Steward Dennis rw# member of an nil . . Gri*fin, U. S. Merchant if! ker Crt w in days wiCfe" 'ev the county this week nds u Marriage License Issued Jhis coumy'LTwelkT Sim6d Enlisted Uniform Pretty Ellen Allardice, New York model, ia shown wearing the uni form which will be issued to the en listed personnel of the WAVES. Hating marks on the upper sleeve will take the place of officers' gold braid and the buttons will be black instead of gold. The hat has a six section crown with wide stitched brim. In summer a white crown is worn and a blue in winter. (Cantral Press) Visit in Fayetteviile Mi*s. David Modlin, Mr. Henry Modlin and Misses Ruth, Bruce and Eunice Modlin, of Jamesville, visit ed Mrs. P. W. Tillman in Fayetteville last week-end. ? Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Mary B. Shute and Mr. A. H. Kekelty, of Norfolk, spent the week-end here and in Plymouth with relatives. -? Attend Funeral Friday Mr. J. E. Hedrick and Miss Mil dred Hedrick attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Oscar Hedrick, in Knightdale, last Friday after noon. -? Spends Week-end Here "Kitty" Liggett was home from Washington last week-end. . \ Visiting in County Rudolph Peel, of Newport News, is spending a few days in the coun ty. In Columbia Sunday Mrs. P. C. Blount, Jr., and Miss Mildred Hedrick visited relatives in Columbia last Sunday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Darvin Henry, of Robersonville and Mt. Sterling, Ky , visited friends here last week-end. Visits Near Jamesville Mr. D. G. Modlin spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Henry Modlin, near Jamesville. ? Visits in Jamesville Mrs Thomas Blount, of Jackson ville, N. C . spent hist week-end with relatives in Jamesville. Attend Court Here Cheif Wm. Gray and Attorney J. C. Smith were court visitors here yesterday from Robersonville. In Hamilton Last Week-end Mr. Gurthie Ayers, of Richmond, spent the week-end with relatives in Hamilton. Visit in Richmond Messrs. Clayton House and Edgar Davis, of Hamilton, were in Rich mond last week-end attending to business. Are Visiting in Jamesville Lieut, and Mrs. Ralph Hardison are visiting Lieut. Hardison's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hardison, in Jamesville. Lieut. Hardison is en route to U. S. Naval Air Training Station at Quonset Point, R. I., for active duty. Was Here Last Week-end Mr. Benjamin Hopkins, of Suf folk, spent the week-end here with relatives. Visiting in Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hardison, of Jamesville, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and children, of Jamaica, N. Y. Spends Week-end Here Cpl William W. Reid, of the Army Air Force, Camp Davis, visited Miss Catherine Turner last week-end. In Edenton Sunday Miss Christine Jenkins and Mr. Gus Gardner, of Plymouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Harrell, in Eden ton, Sunday night. Shops Here Saturday Mrs. Jack Owens, of Plymouth, shopped here Saturday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Julia Everett, of Cherry Point, visited her family here last week-end. a In Bethel Sunday Miss Annie Mae Bailey and broth er, Bobbie Roy, visited in Bethel Sunday. Visit in Washington Misses Adelene Flowers and Ray Leggctt visited in Washington last week-end. Shops Here Saturday Mrs. Thelma G. Barden, of Plym outh, shopped here Saturday. Returns to Washington City Willie Wier returned to Washing ton City Sunday after spending sev eral days here with friends. In Washington Monday Mesdames Hattie Bailey and Vir ginia Bailey visited in Washington Monday. ? Are Visiting Here Mrs. M. S. Felton and small son, Ronnie, of Rocky Mount, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pittman here this week. Returns to Greenville Miss Elizabeth Ward returned I Greenville Monday after spendin the week-end here with her parent! In Rocky Mount Saturday Mrs. Ferd Ballard visited in i Rocky Mount Saturday. Visit Here Saturday Misses Edna House and Nollie Ke Highsmith, of Robersonville, visitt here Saturday. BRIDE ELECT HONORED Mils Otena Swain, bride-elect of this month, was honored on Tues day evening when Miss Marjorie Lindsley and Mrs. Wheeler Manning entertained jointly at five tables of hridee , Cut flowers in fall colors were used in the decorations and an iced drink and salted nuts were served during the progressions. Prizes were awarded to Miss {Ca therine Mewbom for high score and MijS Sarah Cook for low score. Miss Swain, honoree, was presented a gift of china in her chosen pattern. Re freshments of ice cream and iced cup cakes were served by Miss Lindsley and Mrs. Manning. Guests included Mrs. H. L. Swain, mother of the bride-elect; Mrs. L. P. Lindsley, Misses Marjorie Fleming, Kathenne Mewborn, of Tarboro; Doris Leach, of La Grange; Kather ine Hardison, Mary Carstarphen, Ed na Barnhill, Carolyn Lindsley, Mary Rodgerson, Ruth Ward, Evelyn Lil ley, Sarah Cook, Dorothy Manning, Alberta Swain, and Mesdames Ran dolph Allen, R. A. Critcher, Jr., Roy McClees, Charles Whitley, C. R. Mobley and John Eagles. Miss Olena Swain and her moth er, Mrs. H, L. Swain, were at home last Friday afternoon to those who will assist the bridal party. Tea, sandwiches and cakes were served by Misses Alberta Swain and Fran ces Jarman. Those included were; Mesdames L. B. Harrison, Roland Spruill, J. W. Watts, Jr., T. B. Bran don, L. P. Lindsley, Robert Carver, J. D. Mason, W. E. Warren, Jasper Whitley, Herman Bowen, Roy Mc Clees, J H. Edwards, Henry Craw ford, B. A Critcher, C. R. Mobley, B. T. Hurley, J. B. Fleming, John Eagles, Randolph Allen, J. B. Taylor, J. C. Parkin, H. F. McKnight, Wheel er Manning, and Misses Anna Pope, Cora Proctor, Marjorie Fleming, Ka thenne Hardison, and Marjorie Lindsley. ? Visiting in Jamesville Miss Beulah Modlin, of New Jer sey, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Modlin, in Jamesville this week. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Har rell and son, Wade, of the Canal Zone and Pantego, visited Mrs. Mary Belle Osborne, here last week-end. Was Here Last Week-end Miss Maude Taylor, of Norfolk, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Taylor here last week-end. Visits Here Last Week-end Miss Bernice Ward, of Washing ton City, visited her mother, Mrs. Clyde Ward, and family here last week-end. > Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank visited friends here Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Marian Pender, of Cherry Point, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pender, here last week end. ? Shops Here Saturday Mrs. E. W. Furgurson, of Plym outh, shopped here Saturday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Lucy Williams, of Edcnton, visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Williams, here last week-end. Woman's Club Will Meet The Junior Woman's Club will hold a special meeting Tuesday night, October 13th. The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock and all mem bers are requested to be present. Attend Baptist Association Dr. W. R. Burrcll, Miss Laura Hil liard, Mrs. Lonnie Peel and Mr. B. S. Courtney are attending the first ses sions of the Roanoke Baptist Asso ciation in Spring Hope today. Laletl Addition* To The Enter pri?e Mailing Liti ? Lilted among the recent addition! to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: M. R. Cheiaon, Witliamston; Cpl. Francis Peele. Camp Lee, Va.; J. N. Hopkins, Williamston; Izeli Mobley, Williamston; Pennie Reed, Williams ton; Mrs. J. R. Williams, Williams ton; Mrs. W. C. James, Everetts; R. J. Hardison, Williamston; J.R.P. Grif fin, Williamston; Mamie Leggett, Robersonville; M. N. Griffin, James ville; Earl Griffin. Kelly Field. Tex.; Cpl. Wheeler M. Ward, Miami, Fla.; Leaman Taylor, Newport News; J. T. Nicholson, Norfolk; Pvt. H. B. Cone, San Francisco; W. B Rober son, Williamston; W. T. Gurkin, Wil liamston; Lawrence J. Lilley, Wil liamston; Ernest Etheridge, William ston; Mrs. O. S. Anderson, William ston; Leona Spruill, Williamston; Mary Taylor, Williamston; Mrs. K. A. White, Elizabeth City; J. D. Ma son, Williamston; Mrs. W. A. Prause, Charleston, S. C.; W. C. Chance, Par mele; J. G. Forbes, Robersonville; Floyd Gorham, Norfolk; Mrs. B. F. Lilley, Jamesville; John Hadley, Williamston; R. L. Ward, Williams ton; W. M. Harrison, Williamston; Simon Barber, Jamesville; L. F. Wa ters, Jamesville; Pvt. Leroy Mobley, Camp Livingston, La.; V. D. Godwin, Sr., Williamston. * Visit in Norfolk Misses Laura Leggett and Olivia Rodgerson visited Miss Elva Leggett, Miss Doris Colson and Mrs. W. B. Peel in Norfolk last week-end. Shop in Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. R. Vernon Bunting and Mrs. H. L. Barnhill shopped in Rocky Mount last Saturday. Present for Draft Meet Messrs. R. H. Goodmon, Williams ton; J. H. Ayers, Oak City, and Dr. Jesse Ward, Robersonville, were present for a special meeting of the Martin County Draft Board here last night. Spends Week-end Here Miss Emma Gay Stephenson, of Richmond, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. R. Vernon Bunt ing and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnhill. In Gastonia Sunday Mr. Vernon Bunting spent last Sunday in Gastonia. State College Hints For Farm Homes Br EUTH CURRENT Persimmon trees are loaded with fruit this fall and before many weeks after frost, they will be ready to ga ther. They are as delicious as an apri cot and high in food value, richer in calories than bananas and as high in Vitamin C as oranges, grapefruit and lemons. They are excellent in cakes, custards, sherbets and pud dings. Let's not let persimmons go to waste this fall. Persimmon pulp can be canned in either a hot water bath canner or pressure cooker. Canned Persimmon Pulp Rinse and drain choice ripe per simmons. Remove the seeds and pack the pulp to within one-half inch of the top of clean, hot fruit jars. Ad just new, wet rubbers. Partially seal Visit at Virginia Beach Miss Mary Benson and Mrs. Mel vin Sullivan spent the week-end at Virginia Beach. > In Richmond Last Week-end Mr. Ernest Etheridge spent the week-end in Richmond and Wash ington City on business. a Confined to His Home Mr. J. E. King has been confined to his home for the past several days with an attack of influenza. 0 Visits in Lexington Jack Fitzgerald spent last week end in Lexington with Mrs. Fitzger ald who has been visiting relatives there for the past several weeks. Improving from Illness Mrs. Henry Harrison, who was quite ill over the week-end, is re ported to be showing improvement today. Called To Kentucky Jack Buster, popular tobacco buy er on the local tobacco market, was called to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, to attend the funeral of his brother, Granville Buster, who died there last Friday. o Returns from South Carolina Mr. John Tullos returned home last Friday evening from a several weeks' business trip in South Caro lina. Bicycle la Allotted To County Employee Here Considering several applications last week-end, the Martin County Rationing Board allotted Miss Lor ene Weaver, board of education sec retary, a bicycle. The young lady will scoot to and from her work on the bike. a If food prices get too high, house wives are advised to buy cottonseed flour at 5 cents a pound, or in a pinch add the flour of soybeans or peanuts, all three rich in vitamins and pro teins. the jars and process 40 minutes ki a hot water bath canner. Remove and completely seal the jars at the end of the processing period. Persimmon Podding Persimmon pudding is just as good or better than plum pudding. Serve it with a hard sauce or whipped cream. One quart persimmons, one and one-half cups sugar, 2 eggs, 1 pint flour, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 tea spoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup buttermilk, 2 tablespoons but ter. Mash persimmons and run through sieve or colander. Add li quid ingredients and the mixed and sifted dry ingredients. Bake in a slow oven. Or this one, which was the Pro gressive Farmer first prize in the Persimmon Pudding Contest for Mrs. M. C. Loy, of the Homemakers Club, Alamance County. Two quarts per simmons, 2 cups sour milk, 2 egg3 beaten, 1 cup of sweet milk, 2 cups brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice, 1-2 teaspoon nut meg, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1-2 pound butter, melted. Pick and wash persimmons, pour sour milk over them, mash and strain through a sieve. Add other ingredients in or der given, pour in a well-buttered baking pan, and cook in moderate oven about one hour. Relief hr HEAD COIOS Pot 1 Iim Va-tro-nol 19 each nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mm brsnes, (J) soothes Irritation, and (J) helps clear ookl-clot- ,^,<X Follow rrmiplTU <11 rectlona Inxolder. ?KB id* Notice To Our Cleaning Patrons At present we eannot promise deliv ery 011 SILKS sooner than 18 hours or on WOOLS sooner than 21 hours. In other words, we eannot guarantee DELIVERY OF SILKS received la ter than Thursday of the present week, or WOOLS received later than Friday of the present week, before the first of the coining week. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE Please understand, however, ufter receiving gar ments, if we can set; our way clear to muke quick er delivery, we shall do so, hut if we cannot we do not wish to have complaints on deliveries. Furthermore, we ask the ladies whose dresses have fragile or expensive buttons or ornaments, to kindly remove them before sending them to us for cleaning. Otherwise we shall use our usual precaution to protect them but should any of them become lost or damaged in the cleaning process, we cannot assume responsibility. We have at present am unusually large volume of business; tee cannot secure additional equipment nor can tee secure additional efficient help. We can do only so much and turn out quality icork and tee ask that you please co-operate with as in this emergency. Lilley's Laundry i Alpha Cleaners Bring Your Ship in Thin Year ? ? ? VANISHES and hopes are n? *? tural, but they can't materialize without actions Don't wait for your ship to come sailing in . . . tow it in with a strong chain of SAV INGS. Open your savings ac count now, and contribute part of your weekly earnings. Small deposits bring great re sults. Branch Banking & Trust Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" oni imp ^ YOU CAM GET EVERYTHING YOU NEED HERE ~ IN JUST ONE STOP { W e Outfit the F amily The Home and Farm FOR THE Ladies Sport Coats Dress Shoes Work Shoes Winter Coats Hats Hosiery Short Coats Silk Dresses Wool Dresses Lingerie Bags Novelties Sweaters FOR THE Men Dress Shoes Work Shoes Work Pants Work Shirts Overalls Hats Suits Raincoats Underwear Dress Shirts Ties Sweaters Top Coats FOR THE Children GIRLS Dresses, both Wool & Print Hats Shoes Sweaters Coats BOYS Corduroy Suit Corduroy Zipper Coats Woolen Suits Underwear Shoes Caps, Hats t or Men and Boys, We Also Have Leather Coats, Zipper Coats Both Corduroy and Woolen. WE HAVE SPECIAL VALUES IN Tablecloths, Luncheon Sets, Blankets in all colors, sizes and prices, Bed Spreads, Linoleum Rugs in both 6x9 and 9x12 sines, and many other items used and needed about the home. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER. Come to the Martin Supply Company first and save shoe leather. We will more than likely have it in our big stock Martin Supply Co. WILUAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA.

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