Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edmondson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Nina Paul, Tuesday, October 13, 1942, at their home on Beach Street. In Richmond Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wynne, Mes dames Daisy Pope and Jack Man ning, and R. A. Critcher shopped in Richmond yesterday. > b Able To Be Out Frank Wynne, Jr., is able to be out after being confined to his home for several days by illness. In Greenville Tuesday Miss Ray Leggett visited Misses Betty Rose Gurganus and Mary War ren at E.C.T.C. in Greenville Tues day night. Visiting in Portsmouth Miss Elsie Jackson and Mrs. Joe Brice are visiting in Portsmouth this week-end. Was Business Visitor Here Dr. Ralph MacDonald, of the Uni versity of North Carolina, was here Tuesday attending to business. b Visiting Here Mr. Mose Wheeler, of Portsmouth, is visiting his family here for a few days. 0 Visit Here Wednesday Messrs David Ricks Harrell and Jack Burden, of Windsor, visited friends here Wednesday. In Greenville Tuesday Mesdames N. R Glover and Her man Bowen vistied in Greenville Tuesday. ? Visits Here Wednesday Sam Edwards, a former teacher in the Williamston High School, visit ed here Wednesday. Mr. Edwards is a chief petty officer of the U.S.N., stationed at Newport, R. I. In Norfolk Tuesday Sheriff and Mrs C. B. Roebuck visited their son, Russell, Tuesday night in Norfolk. Is Visiting Here Albert Cooke, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Florida, is here for a few days, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke. Returns to New Jersey Mrs. Beulah Modlin returned to New Jersey Tuesday after visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs B. H Mod lin, in Jamesville for a few days. Leaves for Mississippi Mrs. W W Beaird left Thursday for Keesler Field, Miss , for a visit with her husband. Pvt. W W Beaird Visit Here Wednesday Judge and Mrs J. Paul Frizzelle, of Snow Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edmondson Wednesday, Mrs. Frizzelle remaining for a few days' visit. ? Visiting in Maryland Mrs. Jim Manning is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Leslie J. Payne, in Pocomoke City, Md Leaves for Richmond Rev. Z T. Piephoff left yesterday for Richmond where he is attending a meeting of Presbyterian Church officials. Visiting in New Jersey Miss Katherine York is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. B York in Allen hurst. N J. ? In Raleigh This Week Mrs. Audrey Carter and Misses Blanche Harrison, and Mary Taylor attended a welfare meeting in Ral eigh this week. Visits Here Tuesday Mr. J B Eason, of Hickory, Va., visited Mrs Betty Eason here Tues day. In Edenton This Week Little Miss Sondra Bufflap is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J Edwin Bufflap, in Edenton this week. ? Marriage License Issued A marriage license was issued in this county this week to Harry Keith Everett, of Robersonville, and Sue White Brady, of Oak City. ? Visit in Virginia Mr and Mrs. Oliver Coltrain, Mr and Mrs Lucian Peel, Mrs. Lydia Griffim Messrs. Clarence Griffin, Robert Peel, Joe Roebuck, J. C. Man ning, Leslie Griffin, Clarence Revels, Saunders Revels, Gilbert Ward, Hen ry Hullis, Heber Coltrain and Mr. and Mrs Alton Allen, of Conetoe, were in Accomac, Va., last Tuesday night and Wednesday. Visit Here This Week Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Smith and children, Leonard and Marilyn, and Mr. Howard May, of Greensboro, visited frieni%?iere this week. Announce Special Service At County Church Monday Elders R. K Blackshear and House of Arkansas, and T. R. Crawford, of Cairo, Georgia, will preach in the Smithwicks Creek Primitive Church next Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Elder P. E. Getsinger, the pastor, announced yesterday. The minis ters, well known in religious circles, are to spend a very short time in the county and the public is cordial ly invited to hear them. HONORS BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Roy McClees and Miss Mar jorie Fleming entertained jointly on Thursday night at a beautifully ap pointed pre-nuptial bridge party in honor of Miss Olena Swain whose marriage to F. E. Bunn, Jr., of Zeb ulon and George Field, 111., will take place this fqll.. The house was beautifully decor ated with an assortment of fall flowers. The hostesses presented Miss Swain a corsage of red and white carnations and defense stamps. After several progressions prizes were awarded to Miss Olena Swain for high score; second high to Miss Katherine Mewborn, and low score to Miss Carolyn Lindsley. The host ess presented the bride-elect a love ly gift of silver in her chosen pattern. At the close of the evening, Mrs. Hildreth Mobley and Miss Alberta Swain assisted the hostesses in serv ing green and white bridal cakes and ices molded as lilies, doves, shoes and bells. Mints in the shape of wed ding bands and miniature silver shoes filled with salted nuts. Miss Swain was favored with a tiny bag of rice showered with valley lilies. In addition to the honoree guests were: Misses Katherine Hardison, Lorene Weaver, Katherine Mew born, Carolyn Lindsley, Evelyn Lil ley, Mary Rodgerson Marjorie Gray Dunn, Margaret Elliott, Adeline Flowers, Ruth Britt; Mesdames John Eagles, Randolph Allen, Miller Har rell, Charles Whitley, George White hurst, H. E. Satterfield, Eddie Tra hey, Richard Elliott, Wheeler Man ning; Mrs. H. L. Swain, mother of the bride-elect, and Mrs. J. B. Flem ing, mother, of the hostesses. Interesting Bits Of Business In U. S. General Motors delivered $206, 000,000 worth of war goods in August ?nearly a third more than in July; its total employment hit a new high of 313,000 in mid-September and was still climbing at the rate of about four thousand a week . . . The total construction of the American Shipbuilding Company in the fiscal year ending June 30 was 155 per cent higher than for the previous twelve month period . . . The onrush of ra tioning of various commodities will I make the printers feel good at least. The extension of gasoline rationing to a nationwide basis alone will have presses throughout the country hum ming at top speed for six weeks turn ing out 60 million ration books, 60 I million application forms, 91 million | gummed sheets for preserving cou pons and 100 million miscellaneous! forms Although the Government | Printing Office is a mighty big out fit, it's planning to farm out most of this job . , . Penny boxes of chew ing gum are out for the duration, the result of shortages of sugar and chi cle . . A national restaurant chain advertises for help: "Wanted?Men over 50 . . Boys under 20." Spending Few Days Here Master Archie Roebuck, of Green-1 ville, is spending a few days here with his grandmother, Mrs. A. L. | Roebuck. a Was Business Visitor Here Farmer W. Robert Everett was I here yesterday from Palmyra attend- | ing to business. V. W. A. Will Meet The Y. W. A. will meet at the Baptist parsonage Monday at 8 p. m. The hostesses in charge at this time will be Mrs. Daisy Pope and Miss Laura Mne Milliard In Richmond Wednesday Messrs. Garland and J. D. Wool ard spent Wednesday and Thursday in Richmond on business. Was a Business Visitor Here Mr. Heber Jenkins, of Roberson ville, was a business visitor in town yesterday. ? ? Are Visiting Here Mrs. D. H Herritage, of Trenton and Mrs. C. M. Bobbitt, of Spencer are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sat terfield, here. Spending Week-end Here Martin Anderson is home frorr Norfolk for the week-end. e? la Visiting Here Mrs. Albert Rawls, of Phoebus Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. anc Mrs. S. L. Andrews, for a few days. Returns to Washington City Miss Edith Andrews has returned to her home in Washington City fol lowing a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Andrews. In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mesdames J. E Andrews, Georg Williams and S. L. Andrews visite in Rocky Mount Wednesday. Spending Pew Days Here Mrs. Paul Roy, of Norfolk, isl spending a few days here with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown. VEPCO Employees Celebrate The entire personnel of the Wil liamston District of the Virginia Electric and Power Company held a dinner party at the Plymouth Country Club on Thursday night, October 15th, celebrating the win ning of the company's Safety Con test for the third consecutive time, and also observing the tenth anni versary of the establishment of the | Williamston District. Mr. E. C. Bookman, safety engin eer of the company, from Richmond, acted as toastmaster for the occa sion, and also presented the com pany's safety trophy to the William ston district, which was accepted by R H Goodmon on behalf of the en tire personnel, with fitting remarks. During the festivities special rec ognition was given to those employ ees that have been with the com pany in the Williamston district since the offices were opened on Oc tober 1, 1932. Those recognized are as follows: K. D. Worrell, W. R Glover, T. A. Gray, J. W. Garris, M. S. Moore, C. C. Parker, Edna Bam hill, F. P. Vaughan, J. W. Israel, J. W Rook, R. H. Goodmon. Mr. J. T. Chase, vice president of the Virginia Electric and Power Company, of Roanoke Rapids, with appropriate remarks complimented the personnel on its remarkable safe ty record, extended anniversary greetings, and gave a few highlights of the expansion and growth of the district since it was organized. Mr. Chase also presented to Miss Edna Barnhill, secretary ot the gen eral manager, a Service Pin, repre senting 10 years service with the company All other employees with ten years of service had been prev iously awarded Service Pins. To Return from Brooklyn Mr. W. E. Old will return this I week-end from Brooklyn where he has been employed for the past sev eral months. Leave for Richmond Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitaker will I leave for Richmond tomorrow to | meet Mrs. Whitaker's brother, Wil liam J. Morns, who has just return ed from Pearl Harbor. | Spending Few Days Here Miss Bruce Modlin, of. Chocowin ity, is spending a few days here with | relatives. In tdenton Thursday Miss Christine Jenkins visited I Mrs. Robert Harrell in Edenton on | Thursday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Arch Griffin, of Robersonville, I was here yesterday attending to bus I iness. e Visits Here Yesterday Mrs Holliday, -of Dunn, visitcdH her daughter, Mrs. Bob Swain, and Mr. Swain, here yesterday. e | Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Jesse Everett, of Hamilton, at tended to business here yesterday. Arrives Last Night Arriving here last night from Fort Blanding for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McKimmon Saun ders, Kimbo Saunders leaves short 1 yfor Fort Belvoir, Va., to enter an officers' training school. Home-Coming Day At The Stceet Home Church Sunday Home-coming day will be observed it Sweet Home Church Sunday at 11 /clock when Rev. R. L. Topping will jreach. Many old members, remov ed to other communities and sec ions, are expected to be present. Dinner will De served on the grounds ind the public is invited to attend. It tend Defense Meet Messrs. T. B. Brandon and T. B. Slade and Mrs. Blonzie Harrell at ended a district Defense Transpor tation meeting in Windsor yesterday. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under ind by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar in County entered in that certain ipecial proceedings pending in said Court entitled: "D. G. Modlin and siife vs. Ade Roberson and wife," same being a partition proceedings, the undersigned Commissioners will 3n the 9th day of November, 1942, at twelve (12) o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door of Martin County, in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: A tract of land in Martin County, N. C., containing 25 acres, more or less, and more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a small sweet gum in a small branch; thence S 1 1-2 de grees W 20 poles to a forked cypress, standing in the middle of Deep Run; thence the various courses of said Deep Run 25 poles to the mouth of Middle Branch; thence up said branch N 20 E 40 poles; thence N 74 E 16 poles; thence N 5 degrees W 18 poles; thence N 55 E 15 poles; thenc(^J3^55^^0^>ole8^thenc^^JKE^ to the beginning, and being the same tract of land conveyed to John Hall by deed dated the 29th day of Jan., 1879, by Wrighter Davis and wife, Emma C. Davis, said deed of trust being of record in the Public Regis try of Martin County in Book J J, page 660. SECOND TRACT: A tract of land in Martin' County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Lucy L. Lilley's heirs and others, containing 51 1-2 acres, more or less, beginning at a light wood stob in the mouth of Hall's land; thence running along the Wil liamston road 32 1-4 poles to a white oak to Lucy L. Lilley's heirs corner (now Wheeler Gardner's comer); thence S 9 degrees East to the run of Back Run to a comer; thence up the various courses of said run to Hall's corner; thence N 8 1-2 E 141 poles to the first station in Hall's lane to John N. Griffin's Northeast corner and being the same premises conveyed to Martha A. Hall by deed dated the 8th day of May, 1897, by L. S. Yates and Thomas J. Sheppard, said deed being of record in the Pub lic Registry of Martin County, N. C., in Book YY, at page 67, and being the same premises described in the Will of Martha A. Hall, said Will be ing of record in Will Book No. 4, at page . The last and highest bidder or bidders will be required to deposit the amount of 10 per cent of their said bid at the time of and before closing said sale. This the 7th day of October, 1942. HUGH G. HORTON, B. A. CRITCHER, o9-4t Commissioners. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Eli Lenwood Williams vs. Hollon Ay ers Williams. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is requir ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County in Williamston, N. C., within thirty days after the completion of this no tice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This the 15th day of October, 1942. L. B. WYNNE, Clerk Superior Court p!6-4t Martin County. NIGHT COUGHS CHILD'S coughing at night ?caused by throat "tickle" or ir ritation, mouth breathing, or a cold?can often be prevented by rubbing throat and chest witn Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. VAPORUBf poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irri tation, helps clear upper air pas thus tends to stop mouth Of taming and invite restful ?leep. Try it! VapoRua "The Balanced Blend' The"balance"of Contain White Seal it made possible by careful selection and skillful blending from one of the world's largest reserves of choice blending stocks. *2.15 Qi>arl ?.30 P?NT CARSTAIRS White Seal CARSTA1RS 'UNDID Will'" BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 ? Proof 72% Groin Neutral Spirits. Contain Bros. Distilling Co., Inc./ Baltimore. Md. BRIGHTEN UP Your Soldier Boys With Xmas Gifts! Make "The Boys" feel as cheerful as possible this Xmas See our large telec tion of practical gift* Sheaffer Pen & Pencil Sets Shaving Sets Military Sets Billfolds Shaving Brushes Wrist Watches Kodaks Cigarettes Pipes Exclusive Agency For YARDLEYS CHRISTMAS GIFTS to Soldiers Overseas Must Be Mailed Before November 1 DAVIS PHARMACY Williamiton, N. C. Don't Forget To See . . . OUR MIDDLE WINDOW FOR Children's Apparel Everything That Is New For the Girls Shoes Dresses Snow Suits Coats Underwear For the Boys Shoes Pants Shirts Suits Underwear Infants Wearing Apparel We can completely outfit the Infant or Small Child. See window for ipecialt! We can't pretend to list all the Children's Hems we have in stock. However, shop here for aH your needs. Siaest Infant to 16. Martin Supply Co. First Sale Monday /If The Carolina Warehouse Very little tobacco has been marketed this week due to the extremely bad weather. How ever, much has been graded and we natural ly expect a large sale Monday. We would ap preciate your bringing in your tobacco over the week-end, if possible, or early Monday morning. Prices Higher Each Day At the CAROLINA and PLANTERS Warehouses. With Joe Cuth rell doing the auctioneering gnd Carlyle Langley and Johnny Gur kin running the sales ? John A. Manning and Sylvester Lilley backing up each sale, you'll find that tobacco sells higher when sold with us. Prices have not been higher since 1919 and our ef ficient organization will get you the top price for every pound sold with us. For Higher Prices Sell With Carolina & Planters Warehouses WILLIAMSTON, N. C

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