Gold Mining Being Stopped By WPB The mining of gold is being stop ped by WPB, mainly to release some 3,000 to 4,000 miners so they can go and mine some metals that are more "precious"?like copper, and zinc, and manganese, and even iron. That ranks as one of the most bitterly symbolic news items of the year? or of a generation, for that matter. It makes absolutely official the de pressing fact that copper, and steel, and aluminum and nickel, and other metallic sinews of war are more precious than gold in these times when the whole world is using mil itary power as the primary medium of exchange, when the weight and power of armed might U almost the sole bargain inf factor that the world dares to recognize . . . Gold won't buy the things those other metals will, these days ... In fact, there's considerable doubt, expressed by ace economists on both sides of the At lantic, whether gold will ever come back to the eminence it has known throughout virtually all recorded time as the stick by which all other values are measured . . . The success ?though impermanent?of Hitler in Asing radio sets, typewriters, cam eras and other things on a barter sys tem to provide the wherewithall to pay for the largest and most high ly-mechanized military force the world had known, is one of the things that have blasted the faith of a lot of experts in the "gold stan dard." Bring Your Ship in This Year WISHES and hopes are na tural, but they can't materialize without actions Don't wait for your ship to come sailing in . . . tow it in with a strong chain of SAV INGS. Open your savings ac count now, and contribute part of your weekly earnings. Small deposits bring great re sults. Branch Banking & Trust Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corposatloe Double Wings for Yank Fliers Sir Sholto Douglas, Air Chief Marshal of the British Royal Air Force, is shown as he inspected members of the three American Eagle squad rons of the RAF before they were transferred to the U. S. Army Air Force. The Eagles still wear their RAF uniform. With the U. S. A. A. F. they will operate as a fighter group, retaining their identity as Eagles. (Central Prest) +IIXTY 5IQt -he wants tcr know. Ef you hav bin dceaf and dumb, and short-sited, and keerless to ther pint ot slunbrin whilst ther con flagrashun creeps upon yer, haint you got a heck of a hurdle to make ef you jumps outn ther fryin-pan and ther fire both at one bound? Yas-sir, thar aint but two things necesary to make ther world go ther way you wants it. And one of 'em is ther will to do it, and ther other one is ther power to do it with. Now thar aint no doutin that Mr Hitler has got ther will to dominate ther world, and all ther Germans has bin work in hell-bent to cumulate ther power to do it with ever sense old Senator Lodge downed Mr Wilson's Peace League, and Uncle Sam took his boys offn ther Rhine. And thar aint no doutin that ther Japs hav got ther will to jossel Uncle Sam offn ther map, and that thay hav bin fixin fer ther power ever sense Uncle Sam put his footprints on ther Philipines bark in 1898 Mr Hobson (that sunk ther Merrimac) told us rite then to git ready to fight Japan, and made a lectur-tower all over the country tryin to work up our will to git ther power to handle ther problem when hit cum, but folks said he was jest tryin to show off, and skeer a ele fant with a mouse. But ther speech I lieered 'im make sounded lak he knuwed sumthin. (And he didnt say a durnd thing Imut his own bravry,' nuther). But now ther day-of-do is upon us. And we hav lost Mr Wil son and nis La-ag-to-force-pcace. And we hav lost Mr Hobson, thout listnin to his warnins. And we loosed ther shackles on Germany that World War I gived us. And about all weve got left is ther chance to work up sum will of our own, and sum power of our own, after ther bumble-bees and yallerjackets hav pounced upon us. Hits a hull-of-a-hill to clim with our galluses broke loose, and our pantloons danglin round our heels, whilst ther sting-a-rees air stickin us whar our brains seems to be. But ef we kin keep pullin together sum will, lak we seems to be doin ler our selves, and keep buildin up ther power, lak we hav made sich a good late start at doin. And we kin show ther Good Lord that our cause is rightus ernuf to justify His still blessin us with Capn Roosevelt as leader of ther fray, mebby we'll make ther hill, regardless. Encourage Lite of Vegetable Meals 4 s Fertilizer This Year Supplies of the vegetable meals are much greater this year than ever before, and their use in fertilizers should be encouraged where eco nomic conditions justify. The cost of nitrogen from these sources is now approximately $4 per unit greater than that from inorganic sources, and at this price can be jus tified in any large quantity bnly on crops giving a relatively high return, such as tobacco and truck crops. ? Chaplains with U. S. armed forces are using chalices made of gold plate over an iron base, copper and brass will not be used to manufac ture articles of religious devotion until after the war. NOTICE of TOWN TAX SALES I, L. U. James, tux collector for the town of Williamston, County of Martin, State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracts of land, and will sell same at public auction, for cash, at the court house door in Williamston, North Carolina, on Monday, November 9th, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon, for taxes due and unpaid for the year, 1941, un less said taxes, penalty and costs are paid on or before that date. A charge of $1.50 to care for costs in handling the sale plus interest are to be added to each of the amounts shown. This the 7th day of October, 1942. L. U. JAMES, Tax Collector. Town of Williamston. WHITE Birmingham, F. B , 1 Watts St res $ 74.00 Cherry, J. B., 6 llaughton St ten, 1 Mattress Factory A res, 1 Groves lot, 1 Main St store, 1 Main St lot * 228 39 Clark, C. B. and C. B., Jr., 1 Main St store 79 42 Cox, Mrs. Stacy, 1 W. Main St res 61.50 Critcher A Matthews, 2 Matn St stores . 70.00 Daniel, H. L., 1 Haughton St res 74 88 Everett, J. R., 1 Smithwick St lot 15.56 Gurganus, L. H., 1 Watts St res 51.00 Hardison, C. C., 1 Elm St res 11.21 Bines, Mrs. Ethelyne, 1 W. Mam St res 35.00 Hodges, F. K., Estate, Warren St ten 5.00 Lamb, W. G , Admr., 1 Smithwick St res 66.25 Leggett, Mrs. W. H , Est., 6 Warren St lots 34.54 Iwggett, Mrs. J A., 1 Beach St lot 2.50 Mitchell, Mary King, 1 Watts St ten A lot 51 25 Moore, Geo. E., 1 Main St res, 1 Main St shop 30.38 Myers, W. M , 1 Ray St res 44.67 McLawhorn, D. C., 1 Academy St lot 20.51 Norton, M. J., 1 river lot 12 13 Peele, H. O., 1 Haughton St lot, 1 Main St office, 1 Simmons Ave ten 46 62 Peele, Mrs. G. A A H. O., 1 Biggs St ten, 1 Haughton St lot 25.00 Ray, Horace A., 1 Beach St lot 1 25 Rogerson, B B., 1 Warren St res 11.52 Rose, H. T., 1 Beach St res 47.25 Simpson, Mack T., 1 Smithwick St res 47.63 Stalls, Mrs. D. 1)., 1 Mam St res, 1 Hyman St ten 48.75 Steele, Mrs. Allie H., 2 Washington St stores 60.00 Stephenson, W E., 1 Pine St res 7.25 ^Mn^w|oad^e^J CI , I _ 50 90 COLORED Alexander, William L., 1 Hyman St lot Alexander, M. L., 1 Garrett St lot Bag ley, Lucy, 1 Rhodes St res Bennett, Ben, 1 Washington Road res Bell, Frank, 1 R.R. res Bell. Eugene, 1 Leggett Lane res Bonds, Shermon. 2 res & ten R R. St Bonds, Mary, 1 Hyman St res Boston, Virginia Slade, 1 Mary Slade res Brown, Eddie Watts, 1 Washington Road shop Brown, Wm. Elmer, 1 Church St lot Bryant, Louisa, 1 R.R. St res Bullock, Ella. Est., 1 Wilson St res Clemons, John, 1 Church St res Clemons, Elisha, 1 Sycamore St lot Davis, Bob, Est., 1 R.R. St lot Ebron, Caroline, 1 Harrell St lot Everett, Florence, Washington Road res & lot Graham, Leva, 1 Washington Road res Gurganus. Henry. Est., 1 Wilson St res Hill. Geo. T., 1 Sycamore St lot Hyman, Mary, 1 Wilson St res James, J T., 1 Pearl St res Jones, Naomi, 1 R.R. St res Little, Fernando, 1 res Little St Mizell, W. B , 1 Elm St res Ormond, W. V., 1 Duplex Pearl St, Blount Road Ormond. W. V , Jr., 1 Rhodes St res Peel, J W , Washington Road property Payton, Bruce, 1 Washington Road cafe and 1 ten Pugh, W H., 1 Sycamore St res Purvis, W. T.. 1 Centre St res Purvis, Geo. T., 1 Hatton St res Purvis, Bertha, 1 Martin St res Purvis, Mittie, 1 Hyman St res Respass, Millie. Est., 1 Elm St res Roberson, Rosa, 1 Broad St res Rogers, William, 1 Main St res and store Rogers, Rosa, 1 Pearl St res Rogers, Arnesia, Est., 1 Garrett St res Ruffin, Fannie, Est, 1 W. Main St res Kuffin, Whit, Est., 1 Elm St property Slade. John, Est., 1 Church St res Slade, J. D., Est . 1 Roddick St ti n, 1 Church St res, 1 Williamston Realty Co. lot, 1 Sycamore St lot, 1 W. Mam St lot Slade, Turner, 1 White St lot, 1 Elm St lot Smallwood, Moses, 1 E Main St res Smith. Phyllis, 1 E Main St res & ten Spruill, Abe, 1 White St res Staton, Wilson, 1 White St res Stokes, William, 1 Washington Road res Washington, James. 1 Broad St res Whitley, William, 1 Pearl St res Williams, Perlie D . 1 Hyman St lot Williams. Carrie, 1 Jamesville Road lot Williams, Caroline. 1 Harrell St lot Wilkins, Joe, 1 E. Main St res Woolard, Jesse, 1 Pearl St ten CAMEL FIRST IN THE ? SERVICE * In the Army? Navy ? Marine* ? and Coast Guard ? the Havorile Cigarette is Camel. (Bated on actual sale* records in Post Exchange* and Canteen*) ASK roUK MALM PO* 5MCIAL SMVICf MAIUNQ WRARMR Notice Of Sale Of Real Estate For Taxes In Martin County For Year 1941 I, M. L. Peel, tax collector for Martin County, State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracts of land, and will sell same at public auction for cash at the court house door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, on Monday, November 2, 1942, at 12:00 o'clock noon, for taxes due and un paid for the year 1941 unless said taxes, penalty and cost are paid before the above date. This first day of October, 1942. M. L. PEEL, Tax Collector. JAMESV1LLE TOWNSHIP ? White L. W. Ange, 239 a S. E., S. H. A J. D Ange, 24 a Ange Est $ 77.70 Oresa Ange, 22 a M. P. Ange G. L. & J. N. Cooper, 18 a Mizell Mrs. Lillian Corey, 1 res Mrs. Alice V. Davis, 7 a W. C. Mizell W. R. Hampton, Fishery J. R. Hardison, Est., 25 a Askew Lucy F. Holliday, 50a W. T. Mizell & 50 a Pierce, bal due Paul Holliday, 12 a Turner Baker J. M. Jones, Est., 1 res W. C. A N R. Manning, 100 a Grimshaw R. O. Martin, Est., 1 res -_... J. A. Mizell, 7 a W. C. Mizell Mizell, R. J . Est.. 50 a W. C. Mizell W. H. Mizell, Est, 7 a W C Mizell Mamie Macabe, 1 vac lot J. D. Price, 78 a Z. Z. Price Roanoke Chev. Co., 9 a W. C. Mizell JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP ? Colored Levis Ausbon, 5 a Gaskin Brick Boston, Est., 75 a Boston Columbus Boston, 26 a res Hester Boston, 1 1-4 a Jerry Smith L. Boston, 1 a T. Boston Lucreta Boston, Est., 58 a James Willie Boston, Sr., 1 1-2 a Cordon Willie D. Boston, 9 a Geo. Brooks, 14 a Geo. Brooks, 11 a Fletcher Brooks A 16 a Charlie James Willie Brooks, Est., 6 a Brooks R. W. Butts, 2 1-2 a Godard Isolene Clark, Est, 3 a Pierce Peter Dickens, 1 vac lot Robert Gilliam, 25 a J. E. Boston Emma Gray, 1 res _ Henry Gray, 1 res Sylvester Gray, Est., 6 a Gray Bill Harris, 1 res ? - Booker Hill, 2 1-2 a Godard Irma L. James, 58 a Stewart James - W. R. James, Jr., 6 a Gadyst Cordon Augustus Jordon, 5 a Jordan Frank Keys, Est., 2 1-2 a Coburn S. W. R. Keys, 2 1-2 a Godard . Stanley Keys, 1 a Hinson Ed Moore, 2 1-2 a wood land ...- ... Samuel Moore, Jr., 1 a James S. L. Moore, 7 a Putnam James Powers, 3-4 a Powers ' Nora Rice, Est., 7 a Sam Rid dick, 1 res Nellie Ruff, Est. 1 vac lot . _ , Marina Sanders, 1 vac lot Willie Smith, 1 1-4 a Jerry Smith Minnie Walker, 1 vac lot Early Whitehurst 1 a Fagan Flossie Woolard, 72 a Lucretia Boston WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP ? White J. C. Godard, 51 a Wiley Green Mary C. Stailings, 2 a creek land _ Mary Warrington, 13 a Griffin Clemmie Wells, Est., 32 a Wells Frank Wells, 5 a Wells WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP ? Colored S. L. Andrews, 23 a Mose Andrews Burgess, Heirs, 37 a Burgess ... Leona Moore. 1 a Fagan _> Rebecca Roddick. Est., 30 a Stumpy field Edward Reddick, 1 a Reddick . R. Slade, 50 a Slade Charlotte Slade, 40 a Slade GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP ? White Mrs. Elizabeth Avert, 1 a res John W. Corey, 25 a res Beverly Corey, Est^ I a Sofia Corey V. L. Woolard, Est, 200 a Peel GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP ? Colored Gee Butler, 25 a res BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP ? White John E. Corey, 25 a Peel Mc. D. Cratt, 2 a Cratt \ Henry Leggett, Eat., 20 a Mill Pond Mrs. Delia Mizell, 16 a Cratt Daniel Taylor, Est., 2 a res WILI.IAMSTON TOWNSHIP ? White Mrs. W. F. Allen, 25 a Burroughs F. B. Birmingham, 1 res Watts St S. R. Bullock, 72 a Simpson J. B. Cherry, bal 375 a Whitley, 60 a Melson, 50 a Dinah Martin, 640 a res, 49 a Gillikin, 40 a Bennett, 6 ten Haughton & Rhodes, 1 mattress factory & 1 vac Main St L. H. Gurganus, 1 res Watts St W. G. I^amb, Admr., 1 res Smithwick F. K. Hodges, 1 Warren St ten John D I.illey, 13 a res C. M Mizell, 10 a res Qeo. E. Moore, 1 res Main St and shop W. M. Myers, 1 res Ray St H. O. Peel, 1 Main St office, S. Ave ten, 1 Haughton St vac Horace Ray, 1 vac lot, Ray St Mrs. Eli Roberson, 1 Main St res Malcolm T. Simpson, 1 res Smithwick St Mrs. Allie Steel, 2 stores Washington St W. E. Stevenson, 1 res Pine St K. G. Strawbridge, 1 vac Rhodes St and factory B. B. Williams, 1 res R R. St WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP ? Colored William L. Alexander, 1 vac Hyman St S. L. Andrews, 1 res, 1 vac Elm St Lucy Bagley, 1 res Rhodes St Eugene Bell, 1 res Leggetts Lane James Brown, 43 a res Eddie Watts Brown, 1 shop Washington St Laura Bryant, 1 res R.R. St W C. Bunch, 1 res Elm St., 2 lota Broad, 1 lot Elm Elisha Clemmons, 1 vac Sycamore St Robert Davis, Est., 1 vac R.R St Caroline Ebron, 1 vac Harrell St Christina Everett, 1 res Center St Florence Everett, 1 res Washington St Bryant Gaynor, 1 res R R. St Lenora Giles, 1 vac Elm St Chas. Godard, 1 res Mary Hyman, 1 res Wilson St Naomi Jones, 1 ret R.R. St Maggie Latham, 1 res Church St Tom May, 1 vac Franklin St Isolene Mocks, 1 res White St . Laura Moore, 2 a Jones land Elijah Moore, Est, 1 res, 1 ten Thad Newsome, Jr., 35 a res Goler Ormond, 1 res Martin St Aulgo Outterbridge, 1 res Will Perkins, 400 a Woody Thompson ? W. H. Pugh, 1 res White & Matthew St W. T. Purvis, 1 res Center St Mack Reddick, 15 a Little land Millie Respass, Est, 1 res Garrett Jane Rice, 1 res Broad St Beulah Roberson, 1 vac Blount Smith Roberson, Est., 1 vac Blount Rosa Roberson, 1 res Broad St Dave Rogers, 25 a Biggs Roberson . . Arnesa Rodgers, 1 res Garrett St Fannie Ruffln, 1 res W. M. St Whit Ruffin, Est., 1 res Elm St John Slade, Eat., 1 res Church St Noah Slade, It a Slade land Turner Slade, 1 vac White St . ? Birriasia Slade, 1 ten Reddick St Mattie Speller, 1 store Washington St., bal due Abe Spruill, 1 res. White St William Stokes, 1 res Washington St William Whitley, 1 res Pearl St ; Carrie Williams, 1 vac Hatton St Caroline Williams, Est., 1 vac Harrell St I Joe Wilkins, 1 res East Main St CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP ? White Bailey, BurnhiU & Adkins, 30 a woods land Champion Auto Co., 22 a demons W. A. Roebuck, Est., 1 lot CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP ? Colored John Ewcll, Est., 1 res John Griffin, 1 res Alice Johnson, Est., 8 a A. Johnson Connie Mizell, 65 a res J. A. Roberson, Est., 40 a J. A. Roberson J. L. Roberson, Est., 40 a res ROBERSON VILLE TOWNSHIP ? White W. W. Andrews, Heirs, 100 a Rodgers & Purvis Mrs. W. E. Ayers, 47 a Keel Walter L. Baker, 1 res W. Byrd Ballard, Heirs, 15 u Smith & Bunting Mrs. S. Bain, 1 vac Parmele Brown, Heirs, 3 1-2 a Roberson R. B. & W. A. Brown, 45 a Roberson & Whitfield Mrs. Maybelle Bullock, 1 vac Parmele W. T. Bunting, 1 res R.R. St S. T Carson, 300 a Savannuh T. C. Crisp, Heirs, 1 res Parmele J. W. Edmondson, 104 a Carson Ward J. W. Eubanks, 1 vac Pecan St _. Jasper Everett, 3 a Everett Vanderford C. R. Gray, 1 res Outterbridge Mrs. J. S. Griffin, 1 vac Gold Point Gurganus & Beulah Jenkins, 12 a Stevenson & Purvis W. W. Harper, Heirs, 59 a Van Nortwick, bal due Harris Hdw. Co., 1 vac lot Gold Point W. L. Johnson, Heirs, 1 vac Guilford St R. L. Nelson, 1 res Parmele W. L. Roddick, 1 vac lot Green St D. D. Roberson & H. E. Rodgerson, stalls St lot G. I). Roberson, Heirs, Pressing Club R.R. St G. L. Roberson, Heirs, 1 vac Guilford H. L. Roberson, 1 res Roberson, 1 vac Purvis, 1 storage Mary C. Roberson. Heirs, 15 a Taylor St Robersand lund Mrs. Maggie Roebuck, 80 a Ross St Hargrove land, bal due H. A. Rodgerson, Service Station, Academy St J. L. Speight, Heirs, 1 store Standard Realty Co., 482 a Savannah land Eli Stevenson, 27 1-2 a Stevenson and res E. C. Stevenson, 37 1-2 a Taylor St Roberson Mrs. M. W. Whitfield, res Academy St J. C. Wynne, res Parmele Mrs. Lila Wynn, vac lot Parmele ROBERSONVII.LE TOWNSHIP ? Colored Ada Andrews, 1 vac lot Parmele S. L. Armstead, res Pecan St Geo, Barnes, Heirs, 1 vac lot Parmele Slede Barnhill, Heirs, 1 vac lot Parmele Hattie Brown, 1 vac lot Parmele Sandy Brown, res R.R. St C. L. Clemmons, rea Annie Coburn, res Gordie Council, 17 a Mayo Council Will Edwards, vac lot Parmele Frank Everett, vac lot Parmele Lila Gainor, vac lot Parmele Robert Lee Gainor, res Parmete - W. A. Gray, vac lot Parmele Lena Hilliard, 10 a Harper land John H. Howell, 36 a Nelson land, bal due Anna Jenkins, vac lot Parmele Annie Nelson Jenkins, res Parmele Claud Jenkins, res Parmele Lena Jenkins, res Parmele Mack Jenkins, Heirs, vac lot Parmele Anna Jones, Heirs, vac lot Parmele William Jones, vac lot Parmele Mack Latham, vac lot Parmele Hattie Leathers, 5 a Roberson & Taylor Mary Lewis, vac lot Parmele Mack Little, Sr., 5 1-2 a Gainor land London Loyd. res Parmele Jno. D. Manning, vac lot Parmele Jane Mizell, 22 1-2 a Rogers land Carrie Modica, res Ashley Moore, res East End ?... Rufus Moore, vac lot Parmele J. L. S. Nelson, Heirs, vac lot Parmele John Pitt, Heirs, res Parmele Bruce Payton, res Second St Charlie Phillips, vac lot Parmele W. M Powell, vac lot Parmele NurcessuS Roherson, vac lot Park St Kd & Louis Spmill, res Parmele Booker T. Staton, 57 a Carson land Anderson Wiggins, vac lot Gold Point Curneliu Wynn, res Gold Point Nellie Wynn, res Gold Point Richard Yarrcll, Heirs, vac lot Cochran St POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP ? White Mrs, J. A. Lcggett, Bee yard HAMILTON TOWNSHIP ? White J S. Ayers, res Mrs Annie E. Cobb, vac lot J. A Davenport, res J. 11. Knox, res Dr K. M lying, drug store J. W. Pough, Est., res J F. Purvis, Est , vac lot Standard Realty Co., 100 a woods E C. Stevenson, 473 a Sherrod & Fleming land HAMILTON TOWNSHIP ? Colored Richard Bennett, 10 a Ned Williams land John Bonds, res Dnlphus Brown, 4 a Baker land Irene Brown, 17 a Hugh Pitt Berthu Collier, res Mack Council, 21 u res Nelson Council, 30 a res ? ~ .. Lcla Gainer, 20 a Ewell, 51 a woods, 137 a Joe Slade, 6 Homestead Carolina Griffin, Est., 4 a res Aaron Howell, 1 vac lot John Jenkins, res Emma Jones, res Golina I.loyd, 1 lot ......... Alton Pitt, 4 a Abbie Gore land Augustus Pitt, 17 a Hugh Pitt land Hugh Pitt, 17 a Pitt land Sahra Ilaynor, Est, res C. L. Tyson, 204 a Sherrod land Ernest Ward, res W. 11 Williams, Est., res Lee Wynn, 4 a Downs land Geo. Wynn, H2 a Purvis land GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP ? White J. S. Ayers, vac lot Bellflower & Johnson, vac lot Cassio M. Davenport, lot I,. J. Davenport, 1 house and lot C. L. Etiieridge, vac lot Mrs. Blonzie Bland, res . John Paul Harrcll, 19 a llarrell land Mis. Lena llarrell, res Richard Johnson, Est., 410 a Gatlin land Allen lying, 1-2 a J. Williams land Chas. W. Preddy, 1 house and lot ....._ L. D. Roebuck. 290 a Cotton land Mrs. T. S. Strickland, 15 a Capt. Hyman land Neta Thorn, 55 a llarrell land B M. Worsley, Gdn.. fiH a Hyman land GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP ? Colored Surah Anthony, 17 a Boh Williams S. T. Bell, 80 a Bell land Bertha & Gordon William Brown, 1 vac lot John Brown, res - . Molesta Dollberry, Est, res Charlie Gay, 1 vac lot Ruffin James, Est., 70 a R. James, bal due ... Ella Jones, 20 a Cassandy Hyman land W. M Hyman Jones, 30 a Harrell land, 101 a Sally Jones, 22 a Jones _ Cora Lanier, 6 1-2 a J. Jones 1 Frank Leathers Si Frank Barnes, 135 a Sally Moore land William Lynch, 32 a Ebron land Joe Purvis, 33 a Chesson land Eliza Ruff, 1 vac lot Raleigh Sherrod, vac lot ? ?.?_ Ida Staton, 84 a Bennett land ? Wheeler Staton, 23 a Jain Dollberry land James Wiggins, 3 a res ? 'Johnnie Wilson, vac lot ..