PAT BAY WAS BOND DAT WOP WW?14W OOUAW THE ENTERPRISE ovnmiTOP FOR VICTORY UMTEO STATES WM BONDS-STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 91 Williamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. November 17. 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 Americans Win Great Naval Battle in Pacific Outlook In Solomon Islands Much Better After Fierce Battle Major Clash Between Allies And Germans Imminent In North Africa Scoring one of the greatest naval victories since the Battle of Jutland in World War I, the United States in a three-day encounter completely routed a large portion of the Japan ese fleet in the Solomon Islands ov er the week-end, the action renewing hopes of the Guadalcanal defenders and adding prestige to plans for fu ture action against the yellow scoun drels in that part of the world. In the first two days of the battle beginning last Friday, the Ameri cans wiped out twenty-three Jap ships, including one big battleship, three heavy and two light cruisers, five destroyers, eight troop trans ports and four cargo transports. It is estimated the battle cost the Japs between thirty and forty thousand men. It is not certain from the re ports released by the Navy Depart ment whether any Jap soldiers ev er reached Guadalcanal. Four troop transports were beached about ten miles from American positions on the island. Late reports state that the four beached transports were wrecked Sunday morning and that their human cargoes were torn asunder. With a complete report on the third day of the battle yet to come, American losses during the first two days were placed at two light cruis ers and six destroyers. While the battle may not be as de cisive as the one at Jutland when j the German navy was turned back and bottled up for the remainder of World War I, observers say that the Jap losses, including aonther capital ship and several smaller ones dam aged, have given our Navy the bal ance of power in the South Pacific, that a Jap drive to the New Hebri des, Fiji Islands, New Caledonia and Australia has been completely block ed. But the Japs still have a formida ble navy, and it is possible they will reorganize their forces and stage a fourth attack in an effort to regain the strategic positions of Guadalcan al and Tulagi. And they'll get anoth er licking, too. Reflecting a unified command and perfect harmony between all forces, the battle made Admiral Halsey a hero. He moved for aggressive ac- | tion during darkness, and pounded the enemy at close range. At one time he had the enemy so confused that Jap ships fired on one another. The battle was preceded by air at tacks landed by MacArthur's bomb ers. When the Jap armada started forming in New Britain and the northwestern Solomons, American scouters declared they could not see from one end to the other. For sev eral days tension was great as the defenders anticipated the arrival of the hordes. The yellow scoundrels never reached their destination, and that part of their battered fleet left afloat turned tail and limped back to shelter. Commenting in Washington this morning. Navy Secretary Frank Knox said that while the battle was a major one, it was not decisive in its scope, that the Japs can be ex pected to make another attempt to recapture Guadalcanal. That all is not going well with the Jap navy is evidenced in an order shifting per sonnel in the fleet command. The battle in Africa is now enter ing its second phase. After scoring (Continued on page ilx) Conservation Plans For Seventeen Farms By h. f. Mcknight The Coastal Plain Soil Conserva tion district which was formed in the early part of this year and voted on by the farmers of Martin County in March is getting underway. To date complete conservation plans have been written on 17 farms in the county. Applications for soil conservation work have been made by a total of 93 farmers to date. One of the farms on which a com plete soil conservation plan has oeen worked out is owned by Mr. T. B. Slade of Hamilton. Just as soon as tha crops are out of the way Mr. Slade will terrace approximately 30 acres on the steeper slopes. He also intends to plant five acres of kudzu which is a new crop in this section of the state. The kudzu will be used for grazing or hay. Mr. Slade recently seeded four acres to wild winter peas as an ex periment. As far as is known this is the first time this winter soil build ing crop has been grown in this county. It has been grown with suc cess in Alabama, and if successful may prove a valuable crop in this section "as one of its good points is that it produces a yield of around 1000 pounds of seed per acre, and is also a good crop for grazing. PROHIBITION? The return ot prohibition is now considered i possibility by observers once they were advis ed of the size of liquor sales in the Williamston store last Sat urday. A new high sales record was established that day when the clerks sold 32.M1 worth of the fluid to approximately 1,335 customers. With such records be in* established, it is quite pos sible that the consumers are co in* to drink the country dry. The supply of several brands was exhausted lone before the day was spent, but not a single customer was lost, the manager explaining that another brand was readily accepted. Making a second visit to the store during the day about 50 repeat custom ers were not allowed to make purchases. The system has a more or less voluntary ration ing plan which allows or is sup posed to allow a customer to make only one purchase during a single day. Plan Another Big Scrap Harvest In The County Soon Martin Farmers Asked To Ki|iial and Better School Children's Record ? The war is still going on; in fact, the heavy fighting is still ahoad, and as long as the war continues there'll be an ever-increasing need for scrap iron and old metals. After recogniz ing the splendid record this county has made in the collection and ship ment of scrap iron, salvage authori ties are coming right back with a re newed appeal for more scrap. This time, the salvage authorities are looking to the farmers of the county to put the campaign across, and plans are being made by Coun ty Salvage Chairman V. J. Spivey in cooperation with the Farm Bur eau for a county-wide collection that will be carried into every nook and corner. The plans are not quite complete, but it is proposed to reach every farmer In the county with a direct appeal, urging them to throw their full weight into the scrap battle. Township or district captains are to be named and they will appoint lieutenants who will carry the appeal to every nook and corner in the county. The farmer will be asked if he has sold any scrap and how much. He will be ask ed if he will cooperate in the renew ed campaign and how much scrap he thinks it will be possible for him to gather up and deliver to the deal ers for sale. Salvage authorities hope to get a complete survey of the scrap metal supply in the county through the new plan, and everyone is urged to cooperate with the movement in every way possible. Details will be announced as soon as possible, and it is hoped that the drive can be launched just as soon as possible after the peanut harvest ing season is ended and the farmers have a breathing spell. The farmers are not being asked to contribute their scrap metal. They are being asked to gather It up and deliver it to their dealers for cash (Continued on page *ix) ? Legion Auxiliary In Regular Meet The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary of the John Walton Hassell Post No. 103 was held oh Saturday afternoon in the home of Mrs. W. H. Gray, in Hobersonville. Mrs. W. O. Griffin, the president, presided, and Mrs. R. H. Goodmon acted as secretary. The treasurer reported that two sweaters had been purchased for pa tients at Oteen, and read letters of thanks from these patients. She al so read a letter from Mrs. Claverie, the Auxiliary case worker in the hospital, who reported that there were now 900 patients at this facili ty, and of these 100 were boys of 18 an< 19 who were T.B. victims and veterans of World War II. The child welfare committee re ported that Defense Stamps and comic books had been carried to the son of one of our members. This lit tle boy has been ill for several months. The Auxiliary was privileged to have Mrs. E. G. Hudnell, of Choko winity, N. C, the First Area Chair man, for the meeting. Mrs. Hudnell in a very informal manner discuss ed transportation conditions with the unit and told of her recent visit to a meeting of the executive commit tee. She told of the work outlined for the auxiliary for the coming year, and asked the support of each and every unit in her area. Mrs. Gray served delicious sand wiches, tea and nuts. Tunis, Where U.S. Troops May Cross Thia is a view of Tunis, capital of Tunisia, the North African province that divides French Algeria from Italian Libya. In the foreground is the minaret of the Grand Mosque. It was disclosed that President Roosevelt has sent a letter to the Bey of Tunisia requesting permission for the passage of American troops through his country "to enable them to accomplish their mission ?the elimination of the forces of evil from North Africa." Allied headquarters announced that there has been no attack on Tunisia. (Central Frees) More Than 5,000 Register In County For Kerosene Quotas Approximately 5,000 persons reg istered at the various school houses in this county last week for kerosene and agricultural fuel oil allotments. The exbct number signing up for the quotas could not be determined, a report from the rationing board stat ing that more than 6,000 registration blanks were distributed to the schools and that a few were unused in some places while in other cen ters especially in the towns the sup ply was exhausted before the regis tration was completed. According to rationing schedules, the board is to review each one of Peanut Market Sags Under Heavy Sales The Past Few Days Price Still HoI write their occupation right ' above the line "Alphabetical file"] which appears on the bottom of the second card. This is a requirement of the War Department this year. (Continued on page six) Mans Clothes Are Found Near River The discovery of a body in Ho an-1 oke River at Jamcsville a short time ago is being followed by a series of i mysterious circumstances which may \ or may noj he connected with the discovery. Officers, baffled by recent I developments, believe the incidents j are to be directly or indirectly asso- | ciated with the drowning or mur der of Sam Jones, colored man, sev-! era I weeks ago. Recovering the body from the riv ?r, officers were unable to identify j it or have it identified. Interment was in Potter's Field at the old eoun- j ty home. Last week it was reported that Sam Jones, an employee of Fore man-Blades Lumber Company, had disappeared without calling for his pay check. He Was working when last seen at the company's camp on Devil's Gut, a few miles up the riv-1 er from Jamesville. Officers have been unable to learn Jones' address, but his social -security*card -haa bean turned over to the authorities who are trying to check his records. Last Saturday, company employ ees found in the swamps near the camp, a shirt with four $1 bills in the pocket, a pair of overalls, a jumper, gloves, double-barrel shot gun, flashlight and a pair of boots. But the owner has not been found. Officers say it might be the clothes were those of the drowned man, but whuL the body wm. found It Wll fully clothed except for the feet. The recovery fo the body, Jones' disap pearance and the discovery of the abandoned clothes form a mystery that officers have not yet been able to solve. Next White Group To Leave Includes N umber of 1-B Men I>.'f?Tiii, ?|, Expire for Sever al Orafleo I.caring the County "Soon" One of the largest number of young '"'' n ",slrut'ted to their ? !l " f "r'y Certal" tha' their seven -day furlough will per Zn!r7^:" Day No complete check could be had str ndsT'l "V "f ?r"aP Stiuct.d to report "soon" have al r ad> reported for induction at one z:v:iTr di,r,"K ??? 'wo serv-ie ,i, aS Unf" f,,r military I a ? ,Werc '''-wed in I B and A remedial classifications. Since I hat time, rules have been changed ,lho although reject p 'e^ l< usl> are now subject to military service, possibly that of a limuS '".lure Quite a feu of those young men to answer the current call had ? 'Stood that the l)eceml,er call, ?"id n ,s understood to be a large ???"? will be fillTd by those young men Whose deferments expire the fnM of next month. 1 he names and addresses of the men to report "soon" for a visit to the induction center are. as follows: I .-"ice Dutton Hardy, RFD 2 Wil hamston Hardy was the first white mm drafte,! ,,i this county. Report mi, to the induction center. Hardy underwent the Army physical ex ?'nn.ianoi, and was rejected on March City*"' Duniel Bakl'r. RfD 1, Oak William Henry Ange. RFD 1 Jamesvillc. Will,;,.,, Ernest (Cotton) Davis, W.lhamslon and Tarhoro Young Mr Davis was rejected in May of last' Cushing Biggs Bailey, RFD 2, Wil liamston. J Hugh Burras Bailey, RFD 2 Wil hamston. vine""'"' R",!,'re- KKD '? Rnherson st(!n'""n R"g,'rso"' RfD 2. Wilharn v |Ke"y Warren. RFD 2. Hobcrson tieorge Hynian Harrison. Jr Wil liamston. " t, """ EIP,'",lsa J"hnson. Williams t"" Mr Johnson, former county solictor, recently enlisted in the Navy, but his name is in the list of those instructed to report for in duction. vjUoyd Ayers. RFD I, Roberson F""ih Keel, Wilhamston c,nd (icorjjctown, S. C. Joe Thomas Thompson, Jr., RFD I Kobcrsonvillc ' Charlie Thomas Edmondson, RFD ?>. Williamston. ^Robert Asa Edmondson, Jr., Ham e,I'1nv.Hm"S"n **"'*? RF? 1 Rob' Rtiiasr K?ursoni rfd Cyril Harrison Respass, RFD 1 Robersonville. Lloyd Monroe Hassell, Jamesville. Onward Lloyd Gardner, RFD 1 Janu'svillc. ' Ernest Daniel Ward. RFD 1 Rob ersonville. _ Charge Washington Taylor, Ever ttt.s and Albemarle. riiomas Frederick Grimes. RFD 3, Wilhamston Young Mr. Grimes is (Continued on page six) ? Motorist Is Badly Hurt In Accident Williiini Alexander Rogers, young Bear Grass Township colored man, was hurt, possibly seriously, when , Ins car crashed into a wagon load I of wood on the Fones' bridge road in Griffins Township late last Satur day afternoon Suffering a broken collar bone and possible internal in juries, the man is in a Washington hospital for treatment. According to reports Rogers continues in a half dazed condition after having shown igns of marked improvement the day following the accident. Apparently driving at a rapid speed, Rogers rounded a curve in the dirt road just as Charles Butler, al so colored, started to drive the wa gon into his yard. The car struck the left rear wheel of the wagon and scattered wood all over the place, ;one piece flying through the wind shield and striking him on the collar bone. Another piece flew through the hood and tore partly through the dash board. The wreck damage was estimated in excess of $100.