PAT DAT WAft ^Cft BOND DAT fNP PMIM-lill MilAM THE ENTERPRISE OVU THt TOP FOR VICTORY & UMTED STATU WM BONDS-STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 95 W'illiam$ton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuetday, December 1, 1912. ESTABLISHED 1899 John L Rodgerson Dies Unexpectedly In Hospital Monday Funeral Service at Home This Afternoon for Prominent Banker-Business Man John Lanier Rodgerson, Jamesville native and former State bank ex aminer, died unexpectedly in a Rocky Mount hospital yesterday morning at 1:30 o'clock following an illness of only a few days. Maintain ing his home here, Mr. Rodgerson served the Bank of Roxobel as its cashier and while in the Bertie County town he suffered a heart at tack last Wednesday morning. Re covering from that attack, he was able to come home later that day. Going to bed to take a rest at the di rection of his doctor, he was thought to be getting along very well until Saturday morning when he suffer ed a second attack. Repeated attacks made his condition serious and he was removed to a Rocky Mount hos pital early Sunday evening. The son of the late Alfred and Ji metta Ward Rodgerson, he was born in Jamesville 63 years ago the 20th of next month. When a small child he moved with his parents to Wil liamston. Following the death of his father back in 1889, the lad of nine years went to live with his uncle, the late Marion Burroughs, over in the grove. Farming there until a young man, he entered Oak Ridge Institute and later equipped himself for the business work at a school in Rich mond. When a young man he enter ed the employ of the McNaughton Lumber Company in Everetts and married Miss Bertha McNaughton there in 1904. About 1911 he moved to Williamston to make his home and was associated with the Fatmers and Merchants Bank for a long number of years, resigning there to go with the Peoples Bank. During the depression period he was employed by the State Banking Commission, liquidating banks at Littleton, Lumberton and Asheville, and later serving the department at examiner. He always recognized Wil liamston as his home, and some years ago he located his family here and accepted a position as cashier in a Roanoke Rapids bank, resigning that post about two years ago to go with the Roxobel bapk and to be nearer home. A charter member of the local Presbyterian Church, Mr. Rodger son was active in its affairs, serving as an elder for a number of years. He was well-known in state bank ing circles, and was highly regarded as an upright citizen and business (Continued on page six) Upward Trend In Peanut Price Here After holding close to seven cents for almost two weeks, peanut prices reflected an upward trend yester day and today. The market is now strong at seven and a quarter cents plus a premium varying from five to ten dents per handred. Deliver ies continue unusually heavy, but it is possible that the trucking situa tion will have a tendency to slow them down during the next few days. However, activities on the market today are continuing at a brisk pace with storage houses filling up rapid ly and with the goobers moving to the several cleaners in a big way. The local factory is filled to over flowing and the company is storing In one of the tobacco warehouses. Two of the other tobacco warehouses are almost filled and another has several thousand bags of oil stock. The delivery of oil peanuts is in creasing fairly rapidly, but no defi nite report could be had immediate ly as to the number of bags that are now in storage at this point. It is estimated that at least seven ty per cent of the crop in this sec tion has been sold. Some place the figure as high as 80 per cent, and it is fairly apparent that nearly all of the crop will have moved by the middle of this month. However, there are quite a few farmers who are waiting for a price of 7 1-2 cents and others are "holding out" for eight cents. The harvesting work is now being rushed to completion, and it is un derstood that few crops will be seen in the fields of this county after next week. County Man Loses Life In Accident Lavon Lyons, gl-year-old William ston Township colored man, was fa tally hurt in a truck accident near Roanoke Rapids last Sunday after noon. No details of the accident could be had immediately, but it was stat ed that two other colored men, be lieved to have been from Bear Grass Township, were hurt and that they are undergoing treatment in a Roan oke Rapids hospital. Lyons' body was returned to this county late last evening for burial near his home In Williams Town ship. The young man was one of sever al lfartin County men traveling to Richmond for-work on a special project for a power line construction company. War Bond Sales LocallyTotal AI most SI4,000.00Last Week Joining others throughout the na- j tion, Martin County women leaders, ably assisted by others, did an ef fective job in promoting the sale of war savings stamps and bonds dur ing "Women's War Week" last week. All of the communities have not yet reported, and only prelimi nary reports are available from oth ers, but it is apparent that more bonds and stamps were sold in this county last week than in any other week or weeks since the treacher ous attack on Pearl Harbor almost a year ago. Farm Life claimed the lead early in the week when bonds valued in excess of $13,000 were sold at or as a result of a pie party held in the i school there. Williamston, with a series of parties and direct appeals to business men. sold stamps and bonds valued at $13,722 during the week, according to a preliminary re port filed by Mrs. H. O. Peel, com munity chairman. Miss Delia Jane Mobley accounted for $5,000 worth Miss Mary Taylor reported $3.500,1 assisted by Mrs. Reg Simpson, Mrs. E. T. Walker, Mrs Melvin Sullivan and Miss Blanche Harrison, and Miss ' Julia Clyde Waters accounted for: $1,572 worth. Slightly more than $2, 000 worth were sold at the dance auction last Friday night. The Lions and Kiwanians handled $1,575 worth, the Lions, $775, and the Kiwanians. $800. A feature of the auction last Fri day night was the work of auction eers, Jimmy Brown and J B. Taylor. The St. Louis Cardinals' key man, Brown, donated two baseballs and a bat autographed by the champs, the bat sold for $237.50 and was bought by Herman Bowen. One of the baseballs went to D. V. Clayton for $275 .and the other to Irv ing Mar golis for $200. Mrs. Paul D. Roberson, county chairman of the special campaign, has not yet reported for the county, as a whole, but it is apparent that the drive was quite successful. Following closely the special cam paign, the United States Treasury is urging the people of the nation to buy a total of nine billion (not mil lion) dollars worth of bonds ttfis month. That means Martin County people will have to buy far more than they did in November if the need is to be met, and listen, the need is urgent. More Martin Countv J Men Called By Army DIES SUDDENLY Mr. John L. Rodgerson, bank official and former examiner for the State Banking Commission and a well-known local citizen, died suddenly in a Rocky Mount hospital early yesterday morn ing. Propose Suspension Of Allotments For Peanuts Next Year Believe Quota* Cun Be Main tained Only by Support ing Oil Program A break down in the peanut pro gram, forecasted weeks ago when many farmers advocated an open revolt against the price differential paid for edible and oil peanuts, is now considered a possibility. Unoffi cial reports from Washington indi cate that some action will be taken to withdraw quotas and throw all the crop on the open market. In an effort to save the peanut pro gram and at the same lime provide a large quantity of the goobers for oil to be used in the war program, the government set up a dual system for the emergency. The farmer was guaranteed three and one-half cents for his oil peanuts and was virtual ly assured a good price on the open market. Contrary to preliminary re ports claiming that a liberal acreage had been planted to oil peanuts, fair ly well established facts indicate that the oil plantings were, after all, com paratively small in this county. But when the time came to sell the bulk (Continued on page six) ROUND-UP Following a period of little ac tivity on the crime front, local and county officer* were kept fairly busy last week-end round ing up the drunken wanderers, mainly on local streets. Appar ently the habituals made ready in advance for the closing of the liquor stores at 6 o'clock, but several did not wait until that hour to fall into the arms of Special Officer Charles Ray law enforcement group. Eight persons, four white and four colored, were arrested dar ing the period, seven for public i and one for drunk Large Group White Men To Leave Soon For Physical Tests Mont of the Druflm, ('oniing From Old Registration. Hat! Boon Deferred Martin County will send another large group of young white men to an Army induction center "soon" for the doctors to pick out the fit and add to the armed forces. Most of the young men just recently instructed to report for final physical examina tion come from the old registrations. They had been deferred for one rea son or another. There are, however, a few 20-year-olds in the group In filling the current call, the Mar tin County Draft Board has just about exhausted its single men in the old registrations, leaving only about fifty who have deferment claims pending and the 18- and 19 year-olds to be called before the board dips into the list of married men without children. The current call for white men is following closely the one answered in November. About 22 men .accept ed out of the number instructed to repOTt for examination last month, have already returned to camp for regular army duty. Names of those instructed just re cently to report for examination and who will be leaving "soon" are, as follows: Linwood Mayo Purvis, Roberson ville. Angelo Cus Mandos, Williamston and Norfolk. Claud Woodrow Hux, Oak City. Marvin Melvin Hardison, RFD 1, Williamston. John William Bellflower, Jr., RFD 1, Palmyra. Ralph Clayton Mobley, RFD 2. Williamston. Vernon Wilson Griffin, RFD 1, Williamston. William Vernon Wynh, Everetts. John Bennett Robcrson, RFD 3, Williamston. K. O. Rogers, Williamston. Spencer Raynor, RFD 1, Oak City. James Samuel Meeks, Everetts and Norfolk. Plum Jenkins, RFD 2, Williamston. (Continued on page itx) ? Fire Burns Stores In Robersonville A (ire of undetermined origin gut ted two sections of the second story of the Hurst building in Roberson ville early this morning. Officer Wade Griffin, who first detected the fire turned in the hlarm between 5:30 and 6:00 o'clock and even with the assistance of the Williamston and Bethel fire departments, the fire was not brought under control until 8:00 o'clock. Tb# fiw wfti one of tin; moit stub born to control ever experienced by county firemen. The blaze, between the ceiling and the roof, could not be reached with the several streams of water poured upon it by the three fire companies until it burned through the ceiling. The entire stock of Adler's De partment store was practically ruin ed and the stock of Everett and Wil liams was also damaged, particular ly the stock stored in the second story. No definite estimate could be giv en by Messrs. Adler and Everett and Williams of the damage done to their stocks but the loss to the build ing was estimated from $4,000 to $7, 000. War As It Relates To Home Front Is Reviewed for Week Monthly Quotas Are Already in Kffeet for Certain Types Canned Food The military position of the Unit ed States is far better than seemed possible at the year's beginning. The United Nations have won victories in the East and the Nazis have bat tered in vain against Russia's defense in the Caucasus and on the Volga And we are established in North | Africa?back door to Axis-held Eu rope, and a door which now stands | open. These events do not spell vic tory, but they mark positive ap proach to that goal. With the news from the fighting fronts so encouraging it would be nothing short of disastrous were we to lose a major battle on the Home Front. And yet that very danger confronts us. Bluntly, this battle is a battle to save our rubber-borne transportation system from collapse at a time when it must carry a nec essary and staggering war load. If | our rubber-borne transportation sys tem were to fail, the result might I well be failure of all our interlock- ' ing transportation systems. Karuch Committee Gave Facts The Baruch Committee, which had full access to the facts and had the confidence of the American people, stated simply and emphatically? "Tires on civilian cars are wear ing down at a rate eight times great er than they are being replaced. If this rate continues, by far the larger number of cars will be off the road next year." In its program for tire saving the committee urged, among | other measures, early adoption of na tionwide gasoline rationing, as an ab solute cheek on unnecessary driv- | ing. In some parts of the country, in recent weeks, agitation has spread j for a delay in nationwide gasoline' rationing on the plea that gasoline is plentiful In these areas, and that people are keeping to the 35-mile an hour maximum speed limit. Slower driving, tire inspection, and car shar ing are all good?but tljey emphati cally are not enough to insure an adequate supply of wartime tires And it is estimated that unless we take every possible measure-to save tires, up to one-half of our desper ately needed passenger autos will be laid up by next April. If. S. Must Do Much Better We have made great advances on some sectors of the Home Front this year?on others we have not done so well?and next year we'll have to do much better on them all. With the automobile and many other peace time industries fully geared to war, production has mounted steadily un til our war expenditures represent an output of ships, planes, tanks, guns, munitions and equipment which cannot be matched in the world today. The battle against high living costs, in spite of occasional setbacks, has made progress. Price control measures have saved American fam ilies about eight and a half billion dollars this year and next year?if we can hold our lines against high living costs?the saving to all of us should total fifteen and a half bil lions. But these tremendous savings can only be made possible by the complete cooperation among the buying public, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and other producers, including farmers. (Continued on page three) News From the Soil Conservation Front Mr* J. W. Belflowor, a farmer near Oak City, is anxious to start build ing terraces on his farm as soon as he gets his crops out of the field. He plans to construct terraces on twen ty acres before planting time next Spring. These terraces will empty into protected outlets. Mr. W L. Ausborn, Supervisor of Coastal Plain District, has just re ceived an application from Russell Turner, for assistance in working out a conservation plan for his farm. Mr. Turner in making this applica tion stated that he was especially in terested in controlling the water that is causing a gully on his farm. Also interested in establishing a permanent pasture. QUAIL HUNTING s a protective meas ure, the law making it unlawful to hunt quail on certain days in this county is being violated, in tentionally or unintentionally, according to reports coming from game wardens. It is un lawful to hunt quail on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays nnder the terms of the act. Sun day hunting of all kinds Is un lawful. Quail may be taken on Tuesdays, Thursdays and-Satur days In the county. Reports from hnnters indicate that there is an abundance of quail and turkeys in the county this season, that quite a few have bagged their daily limits since the opening last week. Priva te Tra nsporta tion Comes A head of Cook inga nd Hea ti tig The allegation that we had rather ride than eat is now an established fact, the rationing board in this county in addition to that proving that we had also rather ride than keep warm. Possibly in this topsy turvy world, it is more important to ride, joy or other kinds, than to furnish our bodies wholesome food and insure ourselves against sick ness during a time when medical at tention is scant. It all suggests that Hitler'll never catch us. for it is ap parent that we are trained in goingj places despite gas and tire ration ing-. I The little puns offered here were suggested yesterday afternoon at the office of the rationing board after the workers there had been swept off their feet, literally speaking, of course, by demands for transport mileage rations. The preparation of kerosene and fuel oil allotments was interrupted abruptly, and now it is not known when the people will get their coupons for the purchase of kerosene for cook stoves and fuel , oil for heaters. The office had hoped I to finish preparing the allotments land deliver the coupons to the, | schools for distribution to the regis- , 11rants the latter part of this week. It is fairly certain that the distribu tion can hardly be effected within the next week or ten days, and it is likely that tin- delay will be even longer. An unofficial but otherwise re liable announcement states that the I purchase of kerosene or fuel oil can be made only in exchange for a cou pon and the cash, of course, on and after today. Asked if it would be pos sible for the consumer whose sup ply is out to buy and give a promis sory note, guaranteeing that a cou ' pon or coupons would be surrender ed in due time, a representative of the rationing board had no direct answer. It is only reasonable, how lever. to expect a continuance of pur chases on that basis until the cou ! pons are placed in the hands of the consumers Truckers Contesting Gasoline Allotments System All Muddled And Truck Traffic Continues Uncertain Marked Variation* INotril in Ga* Allotment* ami Far mer* Are Angry An acute climax to the transport mileage ration system is at hand in | this county as truckers rush to the rationing hoard contesting gas allot ments and running here and there in an effort to declare their quotas right now. If there are heads and tails to the system, no one knows just where they are or how to find them, and from a distance the system is all muddled with a terrific reaction in the making. To be plain about it, some farmers are raising particular hell. In other cases where the allot ments are unusually liberal, the far mers are remaining quiet, but they ire running to and fro in an effort to declare their rations and get the new "T" books. Conflicting instructions have been | issued or the instructions issued were misconstrued, and some truckers | have their dander up about that The information offered by the press was gained from what was considered authoritative sources, and was of fered in an effort to help and not hin der the system. Months ago, truckers were advis ed they would have to apply for cer tificates of war necessity. Stories were carried to that effect and the truckers were instructed to apply for I the certificates. Special registration j centers were established in this coun ty, and less than one-third of the truckers troubled to register during | the three days set aside for the regis tration. Some had thrown away their application forms, and indifferent to the plans, they forgot, refused or otherwise failed to apply for another application form. It was stated very plainly that they would have to have the application forms, that a certifi cate of war necessity was absolute ly required under the transport mile age system. Last week, less than a dozen truckers had applied for their "T? rati(jn books. The rush was on yesterday and today. Those truck ers who failed to get their certificates j are being pacified with special al lotments, and right at that point the system is being muddled. Apparent ly fearful they'll never get another gallon of gasoline, they are making exhorbitant claims. Small-scale op (Continued on page six) Escape Uninjured In Auto Accident "We literally flew through the air with the greatest of ease and about as high as a telephone pole just to land on a fence and rip away wire and tear down posts," Farmer George Lee, of Cross Roads Township, was quoted as saying following an auto mobile accident between Everetts and Robersonville last Friday eve ning about 8 o'clock. Kelly Hardi son, riding with Laic in the front seat, was comfortably seated on the one in the rear when the car came to a stop. While they were a bit bruised the parties in the accident were not badly hurt. Driving east on Highway 64 at a moderate speed, Lee said the first thing he knew his old 1937 Model Ford was flying through the air. Farmer Alec Williams, driving a big Buick, plowed into the rear of the Ford and cleared it from the road. Damage to the Buick was esti mated at <200 and that to the Ford at about <100. Williams was temporarily detain ed by Patrolmen Thompson and Saunders who investigated the acci dent. Tank Rampage Hero Hi is picture of Corp. Hernard J. K< -sol. of llrooklyn, N. Y., was taken during n furlough in Now York. Ho is u member of the crew of iho American medium tank that went on a rampage in the center of Oran, Algiers, rammed and de stroyed three 75 mm guns and fifty motor vehicles. The tank emerged from the city with its armor plate pock-niarked but with the French guns hanging from its front. \ (( 'nift at l'i i sh) Prominent Kverelts Resident Passes At His Home Yesterday Funeral Serueen Are Heiu^ Held This Afternoon For Reo. Taylur George W. Taylor, prominent county citizen and retired merchant, died suddenly at his home in Ever etts yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He had been in declining health for some time, suffering with neuritis. Sunday, he suffered a heart attack, but was thought to be getting along very well evert until just before his death. A last attack fell upon him while he was sitting on the side of the bed, death following immediate iy Fifty-two years old, Mr. Taylor was born in Bear Grass Township, the son of the late Daney and Anna White Taylor. After spending his early life *on the farm, he went to Everetts and clerked in a mercantile store for a number of years, later forming a partnership for the op eration of a large' mercantile estab lishment under the firm name of Taylor, Bailey Brothers. He retired from the mercantile business about five years ago and devoted his time and attention to extensive farming interests in Cross Roads Township. (Continued on pagi six) GREETINGS While there may be a scarcity in some items, there isn't any shortage of holiday greetings. Celebrating; the 100th anniver sary of the first Christmas card, the greeting card industry is en joying its biggest season?near ly 3,000,000,000 cards?about 23 for every man. woman and child in the United States?will be sent this Christmas. One of the reasons for the boom is the ban on holiday messages and other greetings by telegraph by the War Production Board. This ap plies, as well, to those in the armed forces overseas and at home. Most of this year's Christ mas cards were planned before Pearl Harbor, but there hasn't been much scrapping because the traditional sentiments still hold. Allies Continuing Their Advances on Two Battlefronts N iehy Stiffens Backhdne and BefiiM'H To Declare War On United Nation* The pace, definite pointed toward ultimate victory, set by the Allies about three weeks ago is still being maintained on several battle fronts, late reports indicating that all is go ing well in Africa and that the Rus sians are still mopping up the Ger mans on the Eastern Front. Accompanying the news from the war front came today encouraging reports from the diplomatic front. Vichy apparently has stiffened its backbone for one reason or another and is refusing to do Hitler's bid ding by declaring war on the Unit ed Nations, leaving Laval at a loss as to which way to turn or what to do. It was also reported that two French submarines sussessfully ran the gauntlet at Toulon and have docked at Algiers. Russian forces stormed deep into the heart of German defense systems west of Moscow and Stalingrad yes terday, capturing many forts and villages, the Red Army reported to day in communiques revealing that 27,500 more Axis troops had been killed on the two fronts. An announcement that 20,000 Ger mans were slain m the Stalingrad area since last Thursday and anoth er 7,500 killed on the central front raised the official tabulation of dead and wounded in the twin offensive to 155.300. Official bulletins said the Russians advanced four to six miles on the jagged Stalingrad line yesterday, and now are fighting "in the depth of the enemy defense system." Hundreds of miles to the north west. Gen. Gregory K Zhukov's tanks and troops driving into the German flank between Rzhev and Velikie Luki were reported over riding counter-attacks and advanc mg steadily Resistance was reported stiffening everywhere as the Russians sliced into the stoutest of the German for tifications. While the pace of the So viet drives was slackened in sojne areas, there was no signs that they were stalled anywhere. Soviet troops "waged fierce bat tles with the enemy" in the factory area of Stalingrad, and on the south ern outskirts of the city drove the Germans from a number of pillboxes, the Monday midnight communique of the high command said. In one sector two German battal ions led by tanks attempted to coun ter-attack, but fell back to their starting line after losing 200 men and seven tanks. A special communique said a num ber of fortified points anchoring the German line were captured in the Stalingrad area. The midnight com munique, amplifying the announce ment, said several fortifications, en emy communications, trenches, anti tank and anti-infantry defense points were occupied northwest of Volga city About 800 Germans were wiped out and 12 tanks and 29 guns de stroyed, the high command said. When the Russians occupied Ver tachi, 30 miles northwest of Stalin grad, on Sunday, they took 17 Ger man tanks, five guns, 101 trucks, 17 motorcycles, 00 carts and one am munition dump In Tunisia the Fighting French were reported today to be nearing the coast to cut off the Germans, and the American and British forces were (Continued on page six) ? May Appeal From Truck Gas Quotas According to unofficial informa tion received here, truckers may ap peal from the gas allotments allow ed in their Certificates of War Ne cessity by the Office of Defense Transportation. The appeals will be heard by the Division of Motor Transport, Office of Defense Trans portation, Raleigh, N. C. No appeal should be made unless the applicant is able to indicate clearly that the needs of the war ef fort or the maintenance of essential civilian economy require a revision of the certificate. If the applicant in the light of the foregoing considers that he is entitl ed to an appeal he may make an ap | peal only after waiting 30 days from ! the date a Certificate of War Neces sity is received by him. This appeal must bo submitted to the address in dicated above and must contain the information set out below for a per iod of seven consecutive days with in the foregoing 30-day period: 1. The origin and destination of each trip. 2. The miles operated on each trip. 3. The total units of freight carried on each trip. 4. The commodity transported and the use to be made of the commod ity. 5. The maximum capacity of the vehicle for the commodity transport ed on each trip. Hie foregoing material must be submitted in legible form and the name and address and number of the applicant _ entire statement must be" under oath.

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