Marriages In Martin County Last Month Fall Below Average Issuance Is Smallest for Any 1 November During Past Several Years After reaching a high figure for the year in October, the number of marriage licenses issued in this coun ty last month fell below the aver age. The number was the smallest for any November in recent years. A year ago there were twenty-eight marriage licenses issued in the coun ty during November. The year before that there were 29 licenses issued in the month under comparison. Last month the number dropped to 24, but even then the number was the second largest for the year, equalling the issuance in April and May. Licenses were issued by Register J. Sam Getsinger to the following last month: White William Edward Ormond, of Ham ilton. and Ruby Florence Ayers, of Hassell. Joe Godard and Gladys Bern bridge, both of Jamesville. Thurston Wynne, Jr., of RFD 3, Williamston, and Lina Wynne Bai ley, RFD 1, Robersonville. Frank S. Cherry, of RFD 2, Wil liamston, and Virginia Elizabeth Williams, of Rocky Mount. William Jasper Ayers, RFD 3. Wil liamston, and Sallie Daniel Meeks, of Everetts. Stewart Edward Sprague and Frances Roebuck, both of William ston. Gilbert Glenwood Mister, of Man teo, and Ruby Woodard Johnson, of Hamilton. John Edwin Manning, of RFD 1, Jamesville, and Sarah Victoria Rob erson, of Williamston. Joseph Brown Wynn and Daisy Irene Roberson, both of RFD, Wil liamston. Nathaniel Crisp, of RFD, Rober sonville, and Joyce Gerringer, RFD 1, Washington. Colored John Jasper Dolberry and Maggie Lee Savage, both of Oak City. Alonzo Dempsey and Hattie Biggs, both of Williamston. William Clemmons and Lizzie Whitaker Barnes, both of Roberson ville. Nathan Bryant and Ethel Wil liams, both of Palmyra. Alexander Teel and Carrie An drews, both of Robersonville. James Montgomery and Mable Bonds, both of Williamston. Orlando Rodgers and Beatrice Gorham, both of Williamston. Ed Taylor and Rose E. Joyner, both of Hobgood. William Henry Woolard and Ver na Mae Brown, both of Williamston. James William Brown and Devora Williams, both RFD 3, Williamston. John Henry Dempsey and Aman da James, both of Williamston. Navin Hawkins and Queenie Mi- j ner, both of Williamston. Steven Gilliam and Annie Mae Heckstall, both of Windsor. Johnq^; Jones and Selma Brink-1 ley, both of Robersonville. The marriage of Guilford Brown to Mabel Clara West in July of last I year and kept secret, bobbed up in the records a few days ago. Big Portion Peanut Croj) in the County Has Been Marketed (Continued from page one) bly the glutted market held down the price at times, one report stat ing that hundreds of car and truck loads were tied up in the glut at one time in the marketing centers. With the edible trade demand holding up and increasing in some cases, prices to the grower continue to show added strength The market went to a strong 7 1-2 cents the early part of the week with an uncertain premium added. Yesterday morning the price went to 7 3-4 cents and la ter in the day it went to an even 8 cents. Some buyers worked until late in the night rounding up scattered lots at that price. The market today was holding to the 8-cent figure, but there was some talk of a small prem lum being offered. TIRES FOR SALE Grade 3 Tires We have a large stock of No. 3 Tires. Any person liold ing a 3 grade certificate is eligible to buy these Tires. GET YOURS NOW! Asa J. Manning At The SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION By Bureau of Publir Relation!. IJ. 8. War Dept., Wash.. D. ( . ON Thi. uKKAT kOAli TO ALASKA?A scenic view of a portion of the Alcan Highway where it winds til rough the wilderness of Yukon Territory. It will be open to traffic early in the winter. Stonewall Jackson's Great-Grandson Cited for Gallantry in Air Combat Major Thomas Jonathan Jackson Christian. Jr.. great-grandson of General Stonewall Jackson, the distinguished Confederate leader, has been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in aerial action in the Solomon Islands' fighting, accord ing to a report received from Major General Millard F Harmon, commander of the United States Army in the South Pacific area Major Christian received the honor with Major Thomas M. Hubbard, of Fort Worth. Texas, at the ad vanced base in New Caledonia. With other Army flyers and in cooperation with Navy and Marine Corps airmen. Majors Christian and Hubbard saw extensive action over the Solomons in defense of Henderson Field on Gaudalcanal Island where they repeatedly fought off Japanese planes. Major Christian is the son of Brigadier General Thomas J. J Christian. Small Docket For Trial In Superior Court Next Monday (Continued from page one) u rider daond in the sum of $200. Two other warrants, alleging similar vi olations. were sworn out against Kornegay by J. S. Barnes who paid out $16 and Iola Biggs who contrib uted $10 to the "cause." Walter Chamblee is charged with breaking and entering the home of Maybell Bullock on the night of No vember 13. He was denied bond at a preliminary hearing. Turner Hines and Clinton Smith are charged with drunken and reck less driving, causing serious injury to Edward Latham and Henry Mi zelle in an accident here on the eve ning of October 10. Patriotic Service League Will Stress Auto Conservation (Continued on page nix)