New Cattle Disease f Now Found in State Several outbreaks of anaplasmos is, an infectious disease of cattle on ly. which is transmitted by carriers not at present located, has been re ported in several sections of North Carolina, according to Dr. C. D. Gnnrieiis, Experiment Station Vet erinarian at N. C. State College. Rec ords show that it has been diagnosed species of ticks. It snay also be trans 4- fritted by bleeding needles, vaccina tion needles and other surgical in struments. Outbreaks often follow dehorning operations, castrations, and other minor operations where the same instrument is used without in more tnan twenty states. Dr. Grinnells savs ihattlus new to a negative bv some fifteen The carrier problem is the grea difficulty in managing anaplasmos is. Animals that recover from thi disease may become lifetime car riers. Calves may be vaccinated dur :nR the winter months and become immune, but also may become car j riers of the disease. This becomes ; definite disease hazard, when wt consider the number of ticks thai can carry the disease from one ani mals to another. Thus, anaplasmos is, which is on the increase, presents a disease carrier problem which i.= more difficult tr. manage and more dangerous than most other cattle diseases. -iw - '■gr vaccinating, or doing other surgical work, all instruments should be ster ilized before operatin^onthe next animal. He said tUSPlP^^^same needle on a number of animals in blackleg vaccination, or other vacci nation, i_ dangerous - Jbe^ause one never knows- when a carrier of »na plasmosis v. ill appear in a herd. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh STRING BEANS, 2 lbs. 25c Fresh GARDEN PEAS. 2 lbs. ..23c CARROTS, 2 biriches.I3e ONIONS, pound...8c LEMONS, dozen.25c ORANGES, 6 pounds.39c Snowdrift 24c Pillsbury’s 3-lb Jar 67c Best Flour Plain, 12-lb Big 73c Campbell's TsrP‘° No. 1 cans POINT FREE Blackeye .1'ceii,, 10c POINT FREE MOTT’S Apple Juice 13c VIRGINIA MAID Peanut Butter, ifa jar 27e DELICIOUS CEHEAI. ftapMtots-rSfc* 10 SCRATCH REMOVER Old English »5 23c IMPROVED CUBE STARCH Staleys 3 7K„ 13c COLONIAL Grape Juice 'S, 31c Nabisco shredded Wheat 2 25c Pender’s Best Self Rising Flour 124b. TSv 244b. ft ^7 HEALTH CLUB i0-4a |0C r io-02 1 can FRUIT JARS — Pints .... 63c dozen Quarts 75c doz. 1-2 gals. .1.00 doz. Ivory Flakes PkglO® 25c Buy War Bonds and Stamps Today ! QJ JAPS HOLD PACIFIC BASTIONS Ml,*-: MIKOLA* ^-^4 SAN •* AN 0*40 j *A» 1 (tjzaju Itl*lJ.2.MJ «avto 1700 m«. t g oAftAU loro Mil WMiHAl * motfftf • MIDWKX, tPAUZfl o * TftUh WROMAPgi |«M»: IMIRSf WIK3R Making Gyroscopes Is Difficult Task -« \ ou can take the word of o vpter an Tiffany jeweler that. wm- it comes to super precision, you’ll have a hard time finding a job requiring more painstaking work than making gyroscopes—those robot “sea cap tains” that pilot racing torpedoes to their targets. Gray-haired William Edward Robinson is dean of a grow ing group of jewelers and watch makers who gave up their peacetime jobs to help make gyros in an East Coast plant of the American Can Company. He’s had 50 years of watchmaking experience in England and the United States. “A scratch on ly two millionths of an inch deep re sults in condemnation of some of the Finer parts,” he said, “and regular an its are machined down to a tenth )f a thousandth of an inch, which is lot exactly child’s play when you consider that a human hair is about !50 times as thick." A gyro’s job is ;o ride herd with unfailing accur icy on the hell-bent explosive mass >f machinery that makes up a tor icdo. It is motivated by a powerful et of compressed air from the tor ledo’s air flask. Whirling at blind ng speeds of more than 10,000 rev ilutions a minute, a gyro controls a mall steering engine which resists i ny inclination to change the torpe lo’s position in space. --'•/ >eoi ge Wynne Gntiffiati-ii * j Irani Avialion Course] •Santa Monica, Calif.—Cpl. George 1 1. Wynne, son of Mrs. Katie Wynne, 1 f RFD 3, Williaston, has graduated rom an intensive course in aviation 1 lechanics at Vega Factory School, : iurfcank, Calif., and now is prepar- j d to blast the Axis. This is one of le many schools in the Army Air c orces Technical Training Com land which trains the specialist ( “clinicians who maintain our bomb- | r and fighter planes in perfect com at condition. He now is eligible to seome crew chief on l bomber and 1 win a rating as serge an t Local Happenings In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago MAY 8, 1903. The young men of the town par ticipated in a delightful German at the Opera House last night. The new officers elected Tuesday, with the exception of Dr. J. B. H. Knight, have qualified. It is now Mayor Iluffines. Mr. Coffield, chairman of the County Board of Commissioners, was unable to be present at the meet ing Monday on account of being sick. Graded schools will be establish ed in the following towns, as a re sult of the elections Tuesday: Plym outh, Mebane, Chapel Hill, La Grange, Roxboro, and Williamston. G. A. Whitley has returned from Washington where he attended the Carnival last week. Mr. Whitley took part in the snake show, having with him carried his green snake, which the snake eater refused to eat. The business men of Williamston ure requested to meet at the Enter prise office tonight. The purpose of this meeting is to organize a busi ness men's association. J. L. Hassell will open up some time during June, a first-class fur liture store in the new Slade hulki ng. This will be a great addition to WjJItamr.ton, apd.w.>.sr4 thing that has teen needed for a long time. Under he efficient management of Mr fosse!) the business is certain of ;uccess. Tlie election held here Tuesday or the purpose of electing a Mayor - ind five Commissioners passed off i ileasantly and without the least ill celing between the opposing can I ‘dates or their supporters. > Things To Watch For In The Future " <$>~-- j Grocery stores with other prod ucts, like cook books, magazines, china, non-prescription drugs, to re place ration-lost business . , . Bat-1 tery-powered emergency lights j which flash on when power fails in war plants . . , Refrigerators with push-button revolving shelves . Vacuum-pressure impregnated lum ber which “fixes fibers” so that the wood lasts longer. (This is already here for war uses; it will become available for peacetime construction in larger quantities) . . . It was known Saturday and Mon day that an opposition ticket to the one nominated at the Court House last Friday night would be put in the field. This ticket was composed of the following gentlemen: For Mayor: W. II. Robertson, Sr. : For Commissioners: Dr. W. H. Har rell, D. S. Biggs, A Hassell, B. F. Godwin and W. S. White. The following ticket nominated by the convention held last Friday night was elected: For Mayor: Ed F. Huffines. For Commissioners: Dr. J. D. Biggs, Dr. J. B. H, Knight, N. C. Peel, F. k! Hodges, A. Hassell. W. H. Higgs, wlio has been at Truling tin Richmond Medical Col lege at Richmond, came home Sat irday evening. " ' '-S' 1 'I'Pi 1 t*riuffi^"nuir'ie Oil Monday after a pleasant visit of several days spent with friends in ■iobersonville. Miss Emma Hassell, who has been /isiting in Washington and else chore, returned home Monday evu ling. Miss Sallie Richardson, of Wins on-Salem, arrived last night and is vith her yAy.lor Mr« n ur Air Industry Has No Fear of Weather There'll be 2,500,000 young Amer-! icans in the air forces by the end of this year. When they come back, they re goinp. to be air-minded and they're going to spread their enthu siasm among the real of us. Never theless, America will still lot. all con ry even I of people who lezi that flying is i t ’ght it, fine weather, but subject to too many hazards in poor wea ..'icr. This is a pioblem that corned the aviation in 5 us fmpewauve when aviation assumed ^dominant place in the fighting. MftNK it has been '- 'Ivt'd Ernest Breech, president of Bondix Avia ion Corporation, announced that •hrough a startling development dur g f..os.war, the hazards of blind flying, day or night, hav# b#*n oon quered. “These developments,” he said, “are so broad in the scope of their application for military pur poses that I cannot hint how this has been accomplished. I can tell you that it is no longer experimental, and I can give you positive assur ance that after the war, fog, even at night, will join the long list of wea 'het te/ards conquered by man in his desire to fly. Ves, man s genius has added another great invention to the long list of engineering ad vances that now assures the airline pilot, regardless of weather : ■ editions, a ceiling and visibility m *’*mar*’**»t* mMM*-. Charlie Bnynor and his son, Les ■ r of Beaufort County have I,WO •hicks. At four weeks of age. they i.ui lost only 17 which is not as nany as the extra chicks supplied the shipment. fUB ft JTORAGf CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE HUMoiisBwikm SCHOOL LUNCH MANAGER REGAINS TEN POUNDS Distress from Nervous Indi gestion Wan So Great That She Sometime* Felt lake Each Breath Would Be Her Last, Stairs Mr*. Haugh. Re ton^a Bring* J’rompt Relief One of the best known residents of her section, and also one of the most enthusiastic endorsers of Re-, tonga is Mrs. Robert A. Baugh, Route 2, Raleigh, who runs the lunch room at Mt. Auburn School. Mrs. Baugh is herself the mother of ten children. Discussing her case, Mrs. Baugh de clared: "1 suffered so much distress from nervous indigestion and gas in my I stomach that sometimes I felt like ! every breath would be my last. 1 had little appetite and what I did j manage_Ui_eai^eemed=mil;jMo^ausiEH trouble and give me* no strength. I suffered badly from sluggish elimi nation, my muscles ached, and my nerves were so badly on edge that I never seemed to get any sound sleep. 1 lost weight and I felt so weak and worn out that I did not see how I could keep up my work at the school. “Retonga promptly relieved all this harassing distress, and 1 have regain ed ten pounds of my lost weight. I feel so much stronger that my work at the school is no longer a drudgery. 1 wish all my neighbors and friends could know about this grand Re tonga.” Retonga is a purely herbal gastric tonic medicine combined with liber al quantities of Vitamin B-l and is intended to relieve distress due to loss of appetite, insufficient flow of gastric juices in the stomach, con stipation. and Vitamin B-l deficien cy. Retonga may be obtained at Clark’s Pharmacy.—Adv. TOBACCO SPRAYERS For Sale! We Havn For Sale Three Makes MYERS BOYETTE ECONOMY See Us Before You Buy! Slade, Rhodes&Co. HAMILTON,-*. C BEER and WINE ORDINANCE 11,1,1 " S,,»H be unlaw fill for anv prison, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale within the cor porate limits of the Town of Williamston, any wine or beer on Saturdays after I I :30 o'eloek Post Meridian ami before 7:00 oYloek, Vote Meridian, on Mondays. Any person, firm or corporation violat mti this ordinance shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall he fined not more than $.10.00 or im prisoned not more than thirty days. That this ordinanee shall be effeetive on and af ter May 8th. 10 hi. He it so ordained by the Hoard of Commissioners in regular session on the 5th day of April, 1013, Town of Williamston By J. L. 11 itsst‘11, Mayor. C. II. Harrison, City Clerk. Clad for swift jungle action W 11 li their cool open-neck shirts and lightweight trousers, our tropical soldiers are dressed for c omfort and unhampered fighting efficiency. ^ licit* t ci inc cl1Hie!'t' ■ c ,*\vmy h'is planned months in advance in style garments for comfort ^^nmnonp: wear. Including the underwear, which tttfil /■.!?,r,V and iti’gfu fTW, p our men comfortable wherever iliey arc. You can enjoy up-to-the-minute styling and easy comfort in your underwear, too. For, dur ing the past <10 years, the makers of Hanes Underwear have applied fine craftsmanship to the knitting and tailoring of underwear in cor rect sizes, styles and weights. For example, the IlANES-designed Crotch (mard Sports (shown at right) provide gentle athletic support. For complete summer comfort, wear them with a Hanes Undershirt. Knit to exact chest size. Its highly absorbent fabric evaporates perspiration more quickly — keeps you cooler and your top-shirt fresher P H Hanes Knitting Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. HANES UNDERWEAR F0* MEN AND IOYS FOE EVERY SEASON / * H you cunj.ui always get your favorite Hanks style, please re ineruber that much of our produc turn is wing to qui Armed forces.