Local lla fijirnin^s In The Enter tirise n ,, ' t rorty Years Amo , _ • r DECEMBER 9. 1904. The stores of Williamston will fct closed Monday, December 26th. Dr. Hooper, of Charlotte, held services in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning The board walk has been fixed and quite a lot of other work done on the streets the past week. The Southern Veneer Company’s new mill is underway and Mr. Terry is pushing the work right along. Mr. J. T. Thompson, of Poplar Point, was in town Saturday and left the Editor one of the largest collards he has ever seen. Mr. Thompson is a very successful farmer and is the ’ king" collard raiser. _Last Monday was the be^ffifiing FARMERS! IF YOU HAVE NOT FILED Your Tax Return FOR 1944, we will he here Christ mas week ami can assist you in preparing the return . . . Jay Grifiin—Jno. R. Peel V' fWfl&h .' •* :7 ^ . • fife Pint $1-8S Fifth $3i0° j t 11 c I ( h I ')■ •tend«d Whtiiuty, U prttf, 45* grain navtral iptrig GOOBERHAM & WORTS LIMITKO PIORIA, ILLINOIS ! r t |U o 1 R R I t lv P tc A IV I v I L ! i 4 AS AMERICAN COLUMNS MOVE TO LEYTE FRONT t-CUG LINES Of U S TROOPS and vehicles ar? shown here moving past picturesque native houses In Taclobnn Lt!yle Island Hen the lighting has grown louglioi and bloodier as tile American land forces move closer toOrinoe where Die Japs managed to land fresh troops U S Signal Corps photo. W tqitgar**, afa Imperi a I Can <11ewick Crystal ■« «.-« #s* «K4 Comb ami Brush Sets j Military Sets SM**M*S. JUtf ,-■■... .,"<**■ tai»!» Traveling Kits Fitted and Unfitted Perfume Sets Coty-—Evening in Paris— Houhiuant — Tanuee — W eldon — Old Spice siwiwwwwwwe Make-up Kits Luneh Kits Cutex Sets Army and !\avy Shoe Shine Kits Baby Sets and Toys h *«W»Sr»*vr9«S «*jr«K netm Picture Frames 1 ! £'o?4*?ifr«S *?»*»...•Wr«f*w% Thermos Bottles Dolls ! 'ti v»p* «*-« »Mi ora a?'i s»U5 ^ Shaving Sets Williams — Coty »| m> out i.w; in t ie if indbook for boys, baling today I will quote these, scout law No. 11 A Scout is cheerful, le smiles whenever he can. His ibedience to orders is promt t and Ik rry. He never slinks or grumbles it hardships. Camping Trip The Seoul:; of Troops 27 and 29 pent the week i >d of Novemboi 25 t the Owl’s Club on Roanoke River, fhe trip was enjoyed greatly by all. I'liisutinioxs PURITY, ACCURACY | Ami DEPENDABILITY These are our watchwords in filling prescriptions . . Ami while every prescrip tion isn’t a matter of life or death, we fill it as thouuh it were. We use only the pur est ami finest quality drills ami compounds with preci sion accuracy. Our reputa tion has heen built on years of expert reliable com poundin'?. WORTHY AND ETHERIDGE WASHINGTON, N. C. j There wasn't enough food, but this wasn’t caused by the hie eating of | the cooks as previously reported. It was can rl by lack of money to ob tain s' if! ’ i< nt supplies. It has been decided that nest time at least a dollar and a half will be the charge. A dollar just wasn't enough for .six meals. The camp was nmh< the dire In n of Seoul master Hen Court ney Rev. J. eph Mu ko and Assist ant Scoutma: ter II. F. MeKnight. On account of rain only a few Scouts attended the regular meeting of Troop 29 on November 29. A re quest from the government concern ing the Sixth War Loon and our past eamning trip were discussed. Jul ian Mason, Scribe NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Martin County at the November Term, 1944, in actions entitled “J. C. Anderson it al, and O. S. Anderson v. J. B. Cherry”, the undersigned Commis sioners will, on Tuesday, January 2, 1945, at 12 o’i lock, noon, in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C., offer for cash to the highest bidder, the following described tracts of land: First Tract Containing 94 12 acres, more or less, lying about 2 12 miles west of the Town of William ston, N. C. on the Williamston and Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be rnuse it goes right to the sent of the trouble to Ini]) loosen ancl expel germ laden phlegm, end aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you o bottle of Crcoinulsinn with the un , dor.-.lauding you mu t like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. for Coughs. Chest Colds, Bronchitis Everett* Road, bounded on the north by C. F. Bennett, on the east by the lands of Elmer Chesson, on the south by the Moore lands and on the west by the Peed and Burroughs land. Second Tract: Containing MO acres more or loss, lying and' being about two miles west of the Town of Wii liamston, N. C., on the Williamston and Everetts Road, bounded on the north by the lands of Sylvester Cof field, on the west by the lands of L. B. Wynn, on the' south by the county borne lands and on the east by the lands of ,1 R. Mobley. •rVma*.-*. — -1.1 mm .■,.,.» i mm* ■ i r- '■ V -V-; ] dved and said deed is hereby referred to ter u more perfect description of the said lands which is of record m Book 0-3, paga 309, Martin County Registry. The highest bidder will be requir ed to deposit 10 percent of the pur (h;i.T price with the undersigned Commissioners. This 2nd day of December, 1944. d-3 4t ! - B. A. CRITCHER, E. S. PEEL, WHEELER MARTIN, Commissioners, "TAKE YOORl FERTILIZER There's a crisis in the making! If stocks pile up in fertilizer plants and agents’ ware houses, the stream of supply will choke up. They must move fast or the lack of man-power will cause a para lyzing shortage. Take the Chilean Nitrate situation tor example. To supply the quantity needed for 1945 crops, many car goes must be unloaded each month at each port, then moved out by train and truck for immediate allocation. It must move out of agents’ hands as fast as it move* in. If not, the choke up starts and works back to the ports, even back to the ships. Already there’s a threatened shortage of nitrogen. . due to sharply increased war needs. Unless you help smash the bottle neck by taking your nitrate as soon as it is offered, the shortage will become acute. Thous ends of tons will pile up at U S. ports or on the docks in Chile. The only place Chil ean Nitrate does you any good is on your crops. Get yours now ... while you can. Storage Tips file all material' on dry boards In barn or died. Pile malai ink separately. Ksrjipiles dose together Destroy the bags when you use the contents. Buy Your Fertilizer NOW ... Tako it NOW .. .Store it till It’s Needsd Thin tuna mitfe in puhli* hrd Id ut hn IV.«/ Fund Ailmiruatratiun and thn iotliJtdi t hiduaiiv 1u /.« :/■ ) u t thn fertilizer you need. C H < i A Ytb' ATT SODA h ‘L>-famgus RITLLlhiG CIRCUS ELEPHANT 13 43 YEARS OLD-BUT VOU& CAR IS OLDER* THAN THAT! I AGOLINE POWERS THE ATTACK— DON'T WASTE A PRC?! *s-«Ksrs?.« tooM is I 0 vf wpar-00 ewe M* >“C“MI“ «bS0 0B*» 2£‘£3Ew~"'"‘ CA CHW1CtOV^TlW.fcl c$ sQt~ LCHANOf *34'; TRANSMISSION ft DIFFERENTIAL WHAT ARE YOU NEGLGCriKO ? ESSO DEALER R.A.YY OF I/ , )' BLOOMFIELD, N.J. HAS FOUND ' /„.LW THAT 9 OUT OF 10 MOTORISTS NEGLECT ONE OR MORE OF THESE VITAL POINTS IF YOU NEGLECT ONe YOU MAV BE "KILLING* YOUR CAR FOR THE DURATION.SEE YOUR ESSO DEALER! REMEMBER,HELP IS SCARCE, BUT REAL CARS 13 VITAL IF YOU CAM GIVE ME A LITTLE EXTRA TIME CM YOUR CAR IT WILL HELP A LOT I r \ LET YOUR eSSO DEALER DO IT / CARROLL COLTRAIN ESSO SERVICE ) l*ll<>NE M — WILIJAMSTON, N. C. I W. M. BAKER, Distributor Esso Products Wholesale Only — Phone (i-J —- W illiamstoii