Announce Sunday Services In Local Baptist Church 9:45 a. m.. Sunday school. K. D. Worrell, supt. 11 a. m. Morning wor ship, guest preacher. 6:30 p. m. Train ing Union. 7:30 p. m., Evening wor ship. Rev. G. V,. Bullard, our Asso ciate Missionary, guest preacher. 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, prayer meet ing. — TIRES If you have a grade one certificate, see us about that tire. We have all sizes in stock: 475x 19 — 550x 17 600x16— 700x15— 32x6 8- and 10-ply Truck Tires. Our tires are guaranteed to give satisfactory service or you get a new tire. WESTERN AUTO STORE Very Few Cases Are On The Docket For Trial Next Monday (Continued from page one; James was sentenced in the county court. He appealed and his case was continued last September. Gadvs Peel, the colored man who i sauited &nd Turn oat urtocn "wife's eye out, was KHtaBH-fe tt® loads in the county court. He ap pealed last July and was scheduled to be tried in the superior court last 'September, but failed to "■ that litm C. < svvU- -suppor;, I'tjj Lanii appeated *fw» a judgmt H i handed down in the county court. Harvey Perkins is facing a robbery j charge. It is alleged he robbed Al bert, Coffield of $100 in Roberson ville on October 30. Janet Hoggard alias Mrs. J. R. Jones alias Mabel Lynch Taylor alias Mary Bazemore is charged with ob taining money under false pretense. The young white woman cashed a $25 check at the Williamston Cafe back in October, and the signature was not supported by bank records. She was apprehended in Elizabeth City a short time later when she tried to cash a similar check. Two other cases were placed on the superior court docket on appeal, but they were withdrawn a short time later when the defendant de cided to accept the “medicine” pre scribed by Judge J. C. Smith in the county court. One of the cases charg ed George Dewey Wade with assault ing his wife, and the other one charg ed Charlie Dearin Roberson with » needing. flannel! Christian Church Announces Sunday Services Bible School, 10 a. m., and worship services at 11 u. m. and 7:30 p. nr>. The public is cordially invited. Hev. J. M. Perry will preach at both morn ing and evening services. County Bookmobile Will Make Regular 5 cfo t - d gfeffeKt-W rrk (Continued from page one) (cannot stand her past; love-sick u,d Alec, Elsie’s brother'. •* "y'1'' - :inirlB i th< story ol "a man who took i both his lamily and the luxury of plantation life with him into the i wilderness of Wisconsin and built a city”. Elizabeth Goatsworth’s “Country Neighborhood” is “an entirely de lightful book of anecdotes, brief tab's, impressions, and descriptions ; of Maine country life.” Many new picture and easy books for the very young students will be welcomed by the teachers this time. The bookmobile schedule in this county next weeks follows: Monday, December 11 9 a. m , Edward’s Service Station; 10 a. m., Hamilton School; 11:05, In front of Hamilton bank; 12:45 p. m., Gold Point School; 1:35 p. m., John son’s Service Station, Gold Point; 2:10 p. m., Robersonville Public Library. Tuesday, December 12 9:30 a. m., Hassell School; 10:00 a. m. Hassell Post Office; 10:40 a. m., Edmondson’s Service Station; I 11:15, Oak City School; 1:30 p. in. j Barrett’s Drug Store, Oak City; 2:15, j Smith’s Store on Palmyra Road Wednesday, December 13 9 a. tn., Williamston High School; 10:00 a. in., Everetts School;; 11 a. m., Ayers’ Store, Everetts; 12, noon, CLoss Roads Church; 1:30 p. m., Ele mentary School, Robersonville; 2:30 p. in., Robersonville High School; 3:10 p. m., Parmele Post Office. Thursday, December 14 9 a. m., Williamston Elementary School; 10:45 a. m., Griffins Service Station; 11:15 a. m., Farm Life School; 1:15 p. m., Corey's Cross Roads; 1:45 p. m., Bear Grass School; ;2:30 p. m., Terry Brothers’ Store, j Bear Grass; 3 p. m., Wynne’s Service | Station. Friday, December 15 10 a. m., Jordan’s Store, Dardens; 11a. m., Browning's Store; 11:45 a. m.. Poplar Chapel Church', 1:15 p. m., Jamesville School; 2:30 p. m., Brown's Store, Jamesville. Twenty-three Cases Are Heard Monday In Recorder’s Court —*— (Continued from page one) ecuting witness, and $25 to H. G. Horton, special prosecuting attorney. Roy Boston was fined $15 for as saulting a female. He was requir ed to pay the court costs. Charged with violating the liquor laws, Oscar Whitley was adjudged guilty and Maggie Wilson was found not guilty Whitley was fined $50 and taxed with the cost for illegal possession and gambling. Henry Land pleaded not guilty, and the case charging him with vio lating the health law was continued [ until December 18. William Taylor, charged with vio lating the health law, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to jail for sixty days. The jail term was suspended upon the payment of a $10 fine and | costs and on condition that he com i ply with the health laws during the | next year. John A. Griffin, Jr., was fined $5 in the case charging him with speed | ing. He was required to pay the case costs. West "Bad Eye” Keech, charged ; with larceny and receiving, was sen , tenced to the roads for six months. He pleaded not guilty in the case. Entering no plea in the case charg ing him with assaulting a female, George Dewey Wade was adjudged guilty and was sentenced to the roads for six months. He appealed and bond was required in the sum of $400. J-V. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING . . . Try Rocky Mount The City of Dependable Stores . Auction Sale WE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Tuesday, Dec. 12 — 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M. — All fanning implements, 1 males. 2 mileli eons, a number of hogs, large stoek of corn and hay be longing to the estate of MRS. L. N. CULLIPHEIL Sale will be held at home between Everetts and Williainston. J. R. Cullipher EXECUTOR. NEW 200-Gallon SKID TANKS WITH PUMP, HOSE AM) NOZZLE Made Especially For Farm Use . . . NEW 250-Gallon OIL TANKS MADE FOR FUEL OIL OR GASOLINE. HOME OR FARM USE . . . HARRISON OIL COMPANY Ijas. W. Ward Killed In Action Last July In Raid over Munich (Continued from page one). ; efforts saved his crew from death. I Going on to Kearney, Nebraska, he spent two weeks there before travel ing east for the trip to England in early Mav of this year. - r r—. W Air Force, and ..while- he- talked lit: tie about his work, it is known that he flew a "umber of missions over enemy territory, that he was making bis third straight run over Germany '■A-iie.. the qi£t5?tf!g*SiB6W® • ^Pte(y I opposition. There was every reason to believe that Lt. Ward and mem bers of his crew recognized their du ty above life itself, that they gave willingly their lives. besides his parents, the young man who held much promise and who walked honorably among his fellow man and before his Maker, is sur vived by one brother, Pfc. John A. Ward, Jr., now stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C., in the service of his country. Twenty-nine Martin County Colored Men Called By Services (Continued from page one) •James Godard, RFD 1, Roberson ville. Floyd Spruiil, Jr„ RFD 1, William ston. Isaiah Hill, RFD 1, Williamston. Noah Huff, Williamston. James Thomas Hilliard, RFD 1, Palmyra. Herbert Wiggins, Williamston. Rufus Earl Brown, Williamston. Charlie Braddy, Jr., Robersonville. The following men were transfer red: James Andrew Moses to Brooklyn. James Edward Thompson to Em poria, Va. George Wm. Mayo to New York. Raymond Henderson to Baltimore. Herious Little to Brooklyn. The following men failed te report when called: James Henry Mayo, Joseph Har rell and James Earl Foreman. Har rell yesterday forwarded papers for his transfer to Baltimore and was re moved from the delinquent list. -— Patton’s Army Gains Ground in Saar Area Crossing the Saar in at least four places. General Patton’s Third Army has advanced another mile and a half and his men are now threatening the industrial city of Saarbrucken. Late reports state that the enemy is withdrawing from that area. Other American Armies in the West are reporting increased action, and while the gains are not measured in miles, they are important ones. The Sev enth Army reported a gain of eight miles in its push toward Bavaria, and the First and Ninth are battling the enemy on the Cologne plain. In the Pacific, the Americans have effected a new landing to virtually seal the doom of the approximately 25,000 Japs on Leyte. The Japs, try ing to push through a thirteen-ship convoy, were blocked and their losses in addition to the ships were estimated at 4.000 men. The battle for Leyte is believed to have entered j its final phase. An earthquake struck southern Japan night before last, but the re sulting damage has not been de termined. The Russians, supporting three ! powerful columns, are marching on ; toward Budapest and Vienna. Pathetic and tragic stories are | still coming from Greece where civil [ war is in evidence. Marked differ ' ences evist in British and Amei ican policies. Churchill today is calling for a vote of confidence in his stand to ram an unwanted king down the throats of the Greek people who fought and suffered in the fight against the common enemy. -$ Visit in Georgia Mrs. Rome Rogerson and Mrs. Ro land Rogers visited Pvt. Rome Rog erson, Jr., at Camp Wheeler, Ga. last week-end. Visit Camp Wheeler Mr .and Mrs. T. L. Roberson visit ed their son. Pvt Tommie L. Rober j son. Jr., at Camp Wheeler, Ga., last week-end. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY . . . Headquarters for toys, dolls, hob by horses, games, scooters, black boards, desk and chair sets, table and chair sets. W. J. Miller and Son. d8-2t WE WILL HAVE A BIG SUPPLY tire pumps and car jacks on hand by Saturday. Come in and get yours while they last. Western Auto Sup ply. — -—— WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF fence controls, both battery and electric. Get our prices before you buy. Western Auto Supply. d8-2t SEE US ABOUT YOUR ANTI freeze for your car. We have plen ty on hand, as good os money will buy. Western Auto Supply. dii-2t LET US INSTALL A BATTERY IN your car. Guaranteed for 18 months. Trade in price all this month, $8.95. Shop with Western Au to Store and save the difference. d8-2t WANTED —SMALL OIL BURNER. 1 See T. J. Roberson, at Pender's store, Williamston. WANTED TO SELL —L. C. SMITH Typewriter. Standard size. New. One Dalton Adding Machine, five bank column. George Reynolds Ho tel. d8-4t WANTED: TENANTS FOR TWO OR Three-horse farm Tenant may furnish team or I will. See Charlie Ayers, RFD 2, 'Wiltisftiawti. d-6' 3c TAKEN UP AT MY HOME, TEN OR twelve hogs, averaging about 160 pounds, black Hampshires. Owner see C. D. Bullock, near Roberson’s | Slaughter House. d-B 2t LOST; jV_KOI)K. FINDER. Please" ■notirrTSffHffej'vari. RFD iffcob ersonville. d-8 2t FOR RENT; STORE AND FILLING /, _.;v V.V8tts& ,.i ink , CrWSi ousiswrsy slots* at this place will pay rent. Stock of goods may be purchased if desired, if not, ail right. Available January 10, 1945. Reason for my not running this place is physical disability and no help. Also living quarters, some e'eared land, hoiselot, hog lot, poul try lot and several out-buildings. Can be rented if desired. For further information, see L. C. Nurney, RFD 1, Williamston, N. C. d-8 2t FOR SALE: 1 COCA COLA DRINK Box in good condition. Holds six I crates Coca Cola or 4 crates larger bottle drinks. See L. C. Nurney, RFD 1, Williamston. d-8 2t NOTICE: MRS. MARY COL ti uin's Sewing Room has moved | to the building formerly occupied by the ABC" registration board, next door to the Harrison Shoppe. Dress making and alterations done prompt ly and efficiently. Mrs. Mary Col train. d-3 2t RETONGA RETONGA RETONGA A medicine for both men and wo men. Retonga is a purely herbal, stomachic appetizer and mild laxa tive combined with Vitamin Bl. On sale ut Leggett’s, Washington Street. dl-4t LOST BROWN AND WHITE BIRD dog Saturday afternoon near the Stale prison camp. Has brown head and brown back. Answers to name of Brownie, f inder, please notify E. S. Peel. dl5 2t FOR SALE RECONDITIONED LIV ermon Peanut Picker. Lindsley Ice Company, Williamston. d-5 2t TENANT WANTED — TO TEND four or five acres of tobacco. Any amount of peanuts and corn desired. Seven room house. Garland Harris, RFD 2, Williamston, three miles south of Bear Grass. d5-2t FOR SALE — SMALL LOG RIG. Four mules, 2 wagons, and numer ous other equipment. W. G. Hardi son, Jamesville RFD 1. d5-8t PUTNAMS FADELESS DYES AND tints for wool, silk, cotton or mix ed goods. We carry a complete stock of colors and shades. Leggett’s. Washington Street. dl-4t POSTAGE STAMPS FOR SALE — Also large stock of Air Mail, V Mail, and regular stationery. Leg gett’s, Washington St. dl-4t SPECIAL: WE HAVE ELECTRIC bathroom heaters, electric not plates, both single and double, Wash ington Supply Company, Phone 19, Washington, N. C. d-1 thru jl THERMO-ROYAL — A SAFE AN ti-freeze for your car. $1.40 per gal lon. 35c per quart. Leggett's, Wash ington Street. dl-4t TRACTOR OWNERS, WE HAVE A good stock of tires, most any size. Washington Supply Company, Phone 19, Washington, N. C. d-j thru jl SEAT COVERS FOR ALL MAKE cars. Pittman’s Firestone Store. dl-tf WANTED PECANS: WE WILL BUT Fecans at the Lindsley Ice Co., in Williamston, N. C. on the following dates: Saturday, Nov. 18th, Dec. 9th, and Dec. 23rd. Bring your Pecans j to Xis and be aSSurred of getting the | highest cash prices. Nineteen years in the pecan business. T. B. Young, Inc., Florence, S. C. n-10 thru d23 FOR SALE — GENUINE RADIO tone Guitar. See Bob Taylor at • ••• W E BUT FUR AND PA F ~ TOP" market prices. See us first when you have fur for sale. Jack Daniels Esso Station. n24-tf! ft •%» OWNERS, 1H O.V>i. fir* 19, Washington, N. C. d-1 thru jl JCST RECEIVED — 20 ELECTRIC water pumps. 250 to 700 gallon ca pacity. Tanks sired 12 to 42 gallons. All pumps guaranteed satisfactory. $74.95 up, Pittman’s Firestone Store. n21-tf WANTED DELIVERED IN FARM ville, Soy Beans. Pay $2.15 for Wood’s Yellow and $2.25 per bushel for Tokyo’s. B. L. Lang, Farmville, N. C. dl-6t ONION SETS AND CABBAGE plants for sale at Leggett's. Wash ington Street. dl-4t TENANT WANTED — FAMILY large enough to cultivate 2-horse crop. 6 acres of tobacco. Lee Hardi son, Wiliiamston RFD 1. d5-2t WANTED - ONE THOUSAND Red Front Grocery, Wiliiamston, N. fT. .ass* PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WIN ter driving, Let us install a new subtle. you' wait., 30 minute service. JMRflWIP'Sli;'t stone lit,.;..... .-nSlt-M have better FIRESTONE PASSENGER TIRES— All sizes 450-21 to 750-16. Truck tires 650-16 to 825-20. Wt also have tractor tires, front and rear sizes in stock. Buy Firestone and you have the best. Pittman s Firestone Store. n21-tf CLUB CHAIRS WITH SPRING CONSTRUCTION. Mahogany finish. Selection of covers. Made hy Globe Parlor. Listen in to the World News presented by Baukhage at 1:00 O’clock Each Day over Station WRRF. Sponsored by WoolardFurnitureCo. Specials . . . Extra Choice Timothy Hay Purina Omolene Horse Feed Hog Fatena Hog Chow Cow Chow Get yourself an oak barrel or stone jar. All sizes. Cheap. All kinds of Seasoning . . . Lindsley Ice Co. GIFTS OF JE WELRY I'HIS CHRISTMAS, mure than ever, you'll want to make gifts that will he long remembered . . . Gifts that will he eherished through all the years to come . . . Gifts of fine Jewelry. Come in now and choose from our grand selection of precious gifts that are sure to make this Christmas live on and on in the happy memories of your loved ones . . . May We Suggest . . . • RINGS • Baby Items • Lockets • Luggage • Sterling and • Crosses • Watches • Bracelet? Plastic Dresser Sets

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