— CLINTON COJ’N insures "agCumps” in gravies, sauces, ctmarda, «t& Recipes on every box. CLINTON GLOSS means smooch* going in the laundry work. Per fect fer hot or cold starching. ASK FOR CLINTON STARCHES . PI F ASK ASK-Tn^j^rs, r-Borva RETONGA BRINGS PROMPT RELIEF TO MRS. OWENS She Can Eat Anything She Wants Now, Sleeps Fine and Gets Up Ready for the Day’s ^ ork. She States. Tells About Her Case. “I don’t know of a better turn I can do others suffering as I did than to*l them about Retonga,” declares Mrs. J. T. Owens, well known resi dent of Route 4, Box 4, Wilson, N. C. Discussing Retonga, Mrs. Owens gratefully continued: S? "It has surely been an uphill grind for me to keep going. It seemed to me that everything I ate soured as soon as it entered my stomach. My appetite dwindled away to nothing, but if I didn’t eat I had a gnawing emjtfv pain in mv stomach. My head oil® ached like it would split. I had to take some kind of laxative all the time and sometimes my head would swim from sluggish elimination un til I had to lie down, I felt so weak and rundown that every day was just a drag, “Retonga gave me wonderful re 17 MRS. J. T. OWENS lief. I eat v. ith a fine appetite and everything seems to agree with me. I sleep fine, the headaches and slug gish elimination are relieved, and I feel so much better that I am on the go all the day. Retonga is grand.” Retonga is intended 10 relieve dis tress due to Vitamin B-l deficien cy, constipation, insufficient flow of digestive juices in the stomach, and loss of appetite. Accept no substi tute. Retonga may be obtained at Clark’s Pharmacy—Adv. WE HAVE SN STOCK SEVERAL FORD Radiator Cores Any model from 1935 through 1942 J. C. NORRIS Willianislon, North Carolina Choice Steaks WILL BE SERVED AT THE Central Cafe FRIDAY NIGHT - MAY 4th - We purchased the hest and the finest calf at the . . . Fat Stock Show These choice steaks will he cut from the best calf sold at the show. These steaks will he served at the Regular Ceiling Price. Central Cafe CHURCH NFWS PRESBYTEi^AN Services will be held in th. local Presbyterian Church Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock by Rev R. L. Sol omon, of Mari, Texas. Preaching services will «nso be I held by Rev. Solomon at Roberson’s Chapel at 12 30 p. m., and at Bear Grass at 8 p. m. The cordially invited Ur attend. i -$ CHURCH OF THE ADVENT Rogation Sunday. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. Church School 11 a. m Holy Communion and sermon. Rogation Monday, 10:30, Holy Commur ion. Rogation Tuesday, 10:30, Holy Communion. Ascension Day, May 10, 10:30 a. m., Holy Communion. CEDAR BRANCH Regular services at Cedar Branch Baptist Church Sunday at 11 a. m.; and 8:30 p. m. All members are urg ed to attend these services and the public is invited. -» CHRISTIAN Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Classes | for all ages. J. C. Manning, Supt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, “Awaiting the Harvest.” CYF meets at 7.25 p. in. Subject, “Myself and Others: Living Togeth er at Home." Evening service, 8 p. m. Subject, “The Christian and Two Battle fields.” Woman’s Council meets Tuesday at 4 p. m. Mrs. Robert A. Doan, vice president of the United Christian I Missionary Society, will bo guest' speaker. Mrs. H. H. Settle, secretary ! of the Woman’s Christian Mission ary Society of North Carolina, will also be present. Choir rehearsal Tuesday night. “Mothers of Men” will be the sub ject, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Mrs. Robert A. Doan, vice presi dent of the United Christian Mis sionary Society in contact visits in the state, will be guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Woman’s Council of the Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon at 4 p. m. Mrs. Doan was for many years a mission ary to Japan and is well informed on Far Eastern questions. She will be accompanied by the State Sec retary of Woman’s Work in North Carolina, Mrs. H. H. Settle, of Greenville. Not only the member ship of the church, but the public will receive a warm welcome to hear this fine Christian woman. HOLINESS Church conference will convene this Saturday night beginning at 8 o’clock. Every member is urged to attend; if not able, please send in a written report. Sunday School, 9-45 a. rn. Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m. Young People’s meeting, 6 p. m. Preaching again at 8 p. m. -• METHODIST Church School, 9:45 a. m. W. M. Manning, Supt. Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Intermediate Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship and sermon, 8 p m. The circle will meet Monday at 8:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Clyde Manning. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 p. m. followed by choir practice and a meeting of the Board of Stewards. Holly Springs Methodist The pastor will fill his regular ap pointment at Holly Springs Sunday at 3:30 p. m. The community is cor dially invited to worship with us -$ BAPTIST 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. K. D. Worrell, Supt. Beginning of a new Young People’s Department, in the room just back of auditorium, with opening worship period at 9:45. All intermediates and young people be there promptl.-'. 11 a .m. Morning worship. Topic: “The Ideal Family." This is the be ginning of the observance of “Chris tian Home Week ’ throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. We hope every family of our church will be represented with as many as pos sible. 6:45 p. m. Training Union. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Topic: “Religion in the Home.” Monday, 4 p. m. W. M. S. Circle meetings as follows: Fannie Biggs Circle with Mrs. G. W. Lewis. Lina Martin Circle with Mrs. J. H. Ed wards. Pattie Crawford Circle with Mrs. W. C. Mercer. Sunbeams meet at the church at the same time. Friday, 4 p. m. Junior G. A.’s meet at the church. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Prayer serv ice. Branch Sunday School at Rober son’s Cafe at 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning. J. C. Eubanks, Supt. EXPRESSION OF THANKS We wish to take this means to ex press our most sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their many deeds of kindness and express ions of sympathy and understand ing, during the time when our sec ond son, Bobby, so suddenly passed from our midst. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Davis and Family. Kamova Staini. add Naw Sparkls to DENTAL PLATES Kieenlte nO uw, liana ful brutlilng. Jut pat roar pitta or bridge in o glut of water, add a little Klernito. P ret tot 3talu, diecolorationi and denture odore dleoppear. Voor teeth eparkle llte new. Aak roar druiglet todar for Kioentte. KIEENITE the Brushless Way Get KI.EENtTE today at Clark’s Pharmacy and all good druggists. Attention—Farmers! SHIPMENT Of BARRELS • TANKS Have Been Received . . . 55-gallon Barrels 275-gal. Farm Skid Tanks 550-gallon Farm Tanks Available for farm use only, suitable for gasoline, kerosene or fuel oil. Assistance will be given you at our office located in Guaranty Bank building for applying for fuel oil for curing tobacco. W. M. BAKER Distributor of Esso Products WILUAMSTON, N. C. Local POWC Nine Defeats Hamilton In a free hitting, loosely preened game, the POWC defeated Hamil ton 13-11 Sunday in their first regu lar season game. Hamilton jumped on Cpl. Clardy for 9 runs and 9 hits in the first four and a half innings, but Pvt. Murphy saved the day with a 2 hit, 2 run relief job. Murphy put his own game on ice with a lusty double to drive in the winning runs in ti * ei ;hth. Sharing the honors with Murphy was Cpl. Hezzie Taylor who blasted a.double and a single i,o three trips to drive in 5 runs. Cpl Dor. Fink al so-had, a double and a single in £itm tries to chute us'runs and l ie. Jack Green had 2 for 4, Hitting honors of the day went to J. Scott, of Hamil ton, who had a perfect day of 4 for 4. The PW boys scored once in the second when Olderman walked, stole second and scored on Green’s sin gle to center. In the third, Brenner walked, Peterson singled, and Fink chased them both home with a sin gle to center. Olderman followed with a single to score Fink. In the fifth, Peterson walked and advanced to third when the Hamil ton catcher dropped a third strike on Fink. Fink went all the way to second on the error. Deutsch was hit by a pitched ball to fill the bases. Olderman was also hit by the pitch er to force Peterson in. At this point, Pink pulled one of baseball’s rare fies by stealing home. He injured his ankle as he slid in bul completed the game. Hezzie Taylor unloaded a double to left scoring Oldcrman and Murphy, who had walked. In the seventh, Fink leached first j oti a fielder's choice and took sec ond on an overthrow to first. He stole third and scored on Taylor’s in field out. With the scored tied at 11-11 in the eighth, Green singled and Mur phy clouted his aforementioned dou blc. Taylor singled to score Murphy to round out the scoring. The PW camp team sorely missed the services of Ed Barbour and Vir gil Poole, However, Uie?e men will return to *hc line-up Sunday when the Army team will play Roberson ville. Score by innings: R H E POW Guards 013 024 120—13 10 3 Hamilton 120 420 101—11 11 1 C lardy, Murphy and Fink; Tyson, Edmondson, Roebuck, I rice and Cof field. Marlene at Front i MOVIP STAR Marlene Dietrich washes her hands in a helmet full of melted snow, during a visit to a military observation airstrip near Malmedy, Belgium. She has been entertaining American troops at a number of overseas posts for the past nine months. (International) Baseball Game Sunday NORFOLK LEAGUERS -— - WILL PLAY-— WILLIAMSTON BEARS HI RE SUNDAY AFTERNOON—.1:30 O’CLOCK J. K. RIDLEY', Manager. wmm Fanner Friends — If Hail should strike and destroy your to lmeeo crop your lo4;s would be heavy. The only way to lie sure is to insure . . . SEE H. P. MOBLEY TOIIAV . . V<UjK AGENCY FOK SERVICE Only Old Line First Hate Companies Represented UY WAR BONDS! BUY WAR BONOS...HOLD THEM! THREE ELECTRIC BATHROOM HEATERS Best Grade . . . Ivory Finish . . . Enclosed B. S. COURTNEY CQ \ S BUY WAR BONDS... HOLD THEM! BUY WAR BONDS! Final Notice! - TO ALL — DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS MARTIN COUNTY ALL UNPAID TAX ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1944 WILL BE ADVERTISED FRIDAY, MAY 11 Don’t Fail To Pay Your Taxes At Once. To Advertise Means Additional Expense To The Taxpayer . . . M. L. PEEL Martin County Tax Collector.

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