CHURCH -tyg , * CHRISTIAN ible school. 9:45 a. m. Classes for ages. J. C. Manning, supt. Lorning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ' 'Dictators ”Ahvi.ys {'all. nion evening service at the Meth ;t Church at 8:30 with Dr. Ira D Cr.ight as speaker ’onday, 4 p. nr.., Circle No. 1 ts with Mrs. H. D. Harrison with '■ John A Manning as joint host ^NOTE OF THANKS re wish to express our most sin ■ appreciation to all those who e so kind and thoughtful during recent illness and death of Mrs. mi Peel Bowen. The kind acts expressions of sympathy will I be remembered. J. D. Dowel, and Family. ess; Circle No. 2 meets with Mrs. Al ec Jones with Mrs. Raymond Rober son and Mrs. Joe Roberson as joint hostesses. CYF meets at the church at 8:30 p no TuesdSiSC 3:45 CF bpys^SBSTjJKs meet at the church. Wednesday. 8:30 p m., mid-week prayer and praise service. Subject, "The Loss of Children." METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m. W. M., supt Union service with Dr. Knight bringing the message, 8:30 p. in. W. S. C. S.. Monday. 8:30 p. m. Holly Springe Methodist The pastor will fill his regular appointment at Holly Springs Sun day, 3:30 p m. The community is invited to worship with us. Will Pre. rh Here Sunday Rev. R. I. Johnson, of New' Bern, will preach at 204 S. Smithwick St., at 3 o'clock Sunday. The public is cordially invited. Poultry Wire Sop Us For AUTO AND TRUCK PARTS FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES TRUCK WHEELS For Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge 41 AUTO WHEELS For Ford and Chevrolet LOWE BROTHERS PAINT •THROWER Appliance Co. Get the Most Out of Your Tires You ran get thousands of more miles out of them with a recapping job done before the rubber’s worn too thin. But run them down too far, and you’re risk ing danger—and tir<* waste. Better roll around, and get a specialist’s advice. B. & W. Tire Rebuilders WILLIAMSTON, N. C. r ; Mi;£ >8^ T CILLy -I '£ Of MINT WONT BUOoL N. ) WERE WE SEE OUR HERO TAK INGA BRISK ROOFER THRU TRE PACK BUT WAIT-ALL I? NOT CO STRUNG. TROUBLE AUEAD^ 3L Z Si —A X5AM<2E iN DISTRE youfe \ _;wvice J A^APAM )>/ ' I CAN T 8ELI EVE; av/ tyes y YES you CAN, LAD>'-»E'l)Dy KILOWATT IQ ?TQCN6/-:fi THAN A -NORSEr Ca kilowatt is equal toi'aHQfiSi/mad QEDDX, VOURE WONDER PUL I -AND LOOK VVRAT THATI.0M6 ,K(KE DIP can gun 'em both fog a few CENTS A PAY!!! So GIVE EM CAKE And MAKE 'EM LAST ! SPONSORED BY VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Social News -$ Visiting at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Holding are wc^k^-ciki ■ jit JSgp Head. -4> Leave for Norfolk Mrs. Twavis Kitchin ana little daughter, Carol, leave this week-end for a visit with relatives in Norfolk To Visit at Nags Head Mrs, Pet:! spend, the week-end at Nags Head with friends. Birth Announcement Born to Lt Colonel and Mrs Wheeler Martin, Jr., a daughter, Vic toria, on Wednesday, July 11th, in a Rocky Mount hospital. -»> Leaves for Hahira, Ga. Mr. Jimmy Taylor leaves Monday tor Hahira. Ga., where he will be on the tobacco market. - In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mrs. Mary Belle Osborne and Mrs. Bennie Manning were in Rocky Mount Wednesday where Mrs. Os borne received medical treatment. At Nags Head Monday Mrs. Dick Taylor, Mrs. Clyde Ward ! and Mr. Roy Ward were at Nags | Head Monday. Mrs. Roy Ward re turned home with them after spend ing the past week there. To Visit in Greenville Sunday Mrs. J. P. Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCiees and son, Bobby, will spend Sunday in Greenville and Ay den with relatives. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and ! neighbors who were so kind and i thoughtful to us during the recent death of our dear mother, Mrs, Sal • I lie Rogerson. We wish also to thank Hhem for the beautiful floral offer ing and cards of sympathy. Mamie Clyde and The Rogerson Family. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Christine Gale vs. John S. Gale. The defendant, John S. Gale, above named will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce based upon over two years continuous sep aration; and the defendant will fur ther take notice that he is requir ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 10th day of August, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action on said date, or within | 20 days therafter, and unless the de jfendant answers or demurs to said | complaint on the above date or with in twenty days thereafter as provid ed by tin' laws of the State of North Carolina, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 10th day of July, 1945. L. B. WYNNE, Clerk Superior Court, jyl3-4t Martin County. Are Conducting Meeting Here Misses Blonie Johnson and Marie Houser, of Lumberton, as sisted by the pastor, H. M. Pope, are conducting a series of revi val services in the local Holiness church. Services are held each evening at 8:30 o'clock and the public Is invited. In Wilson Wednesday Mr. Carlyle Langley attended tn business in Wilson Wednesday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Hoyle Davenport was here from Dardens Wednesday attending to business. CARD OF THANKS 1 I wish to thank the person who put my billfold on the counter last : Saturday evening. Also to let them ' know by a miracle I received it with all papers that it contained. If you had given it to me, you certain ly could have kept the money any way. 1 appreciate you letting your conscience be your guide. I Tempie Keel. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Bettie Gorham James vs. Essie James. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, to secure an ab solute divorce based upon two years continuous separation; and the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 10th day of August, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action on said date, and unless the defendant TAKING RETONGA BEST INVESTMENT SAYS NURSE Everything She Ate Seemed To Disagree With Her, Weight Was Down To 112 Ebs., She States. Feels Bet j ter Now Than In Years. ! "After the wonderful relief Rc tonga gave me 1 would feel selfish not to pass the good word on to oth ers,” gratefully declares Mrs. Mary Lola Lawrence, well known practi cal nurse of 4500 11th Ave. North, Birmingham, Ala. Discussing her case she happily stated: "It seemed to me that every bite I ate disagreed with me and caused gas in my stomach until I could hardly breathe. I tossed and tumbl ed all night and felt as woin out mornings as if I had done a hard day’s work. My appetite dwindled away, my weight went down to on ly a hundred and twelve pounds, and I felt terribly nervous and weak. I was forced to depend on lax atives for elimination, and I had about lost faith in all medicines. "The relief Retonga gave me seems | astonishing. All that terrible distress i from*gas and indigestion is relieved MRS. MARY L. LAWRENCE and 1 eat, sleep and feel like a dif ferent person. I have regained sev eral pounds, my nerves seem strong, and I no longer have to take harsh laxatives. I feel better than in years. Retonga is the best investment I ever made.” Retonga is intended to relieve dis tress due to Vitamin B-l deficiency, iconstipation, insufficient flow of di gestive juices in the stomach, and loss of appetite. Thousands praise jt. Retonga may be obtained at 'Clark’s Pharmacy.—Adv._ Dainty Hostess OKINAWA MUD can be deep and an noying and is not at all the thing for open-toed sandals — as Lee Fergu son of the American lied Cross and Waco, Tex., would assure you. But still it can be scraped off service boots with a hunting knife. So she scrapes busily. (International) answers or demurs to said complaint on said date or within twenty days thereafter as provided by laws of the State of North Carolina, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 1 Oth day of July, 1945. L. B. WYNNE, Clerk SupeNoE^To'.irt, jy^d-'H Marfln^ouriiy." i'-*® —•■. 'itiiCT.f' ~*J|P AD MIN ISTRATOK'iS NOTH. fi. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John H. Peel, deceas ed, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned administra tor, at Williamston, N. C., on or be fore the 13th day of July. 194fi, or .this " ly.fte acted i>, their recovery. All persons indebted tr -U'itt jm $W*(X3Xk' 1 immediate payment. This the 12th day of July, 1943. MRS. JOHN R. PEEL, Administrator of Estate of j.yl3-6t. John R. Peel. New Oriea ns FINEST/ COFFEE Aristocrat of PURE New Orleans COFFEE Looked At From Any Angle IT’S TODAY’S BEST CHOICE IN HOME LOANS. Payment* are made moiillily — include Ixil’i prill ip d and iiilcre*l. TLere ure no hidden costs—no loan renewal for* . . . Tal!'. to one of our Home Loan ad visors before von finanre vour homo. • ' ( Martin County Building And Loan Association WILLIAMS I’ON, N. C. Will, V. II ORRY WARNS... awust 64 Watch on I for the next 6 weeks!” “There’s still lots of hot weather ahead. Enough to harm your car beyond repair unless you really protect it against hot weather... “See your Esso Dealer now and protect your future miles! Get fresh, summer-grade Esso Motor Oil, ditto for Esso chassis lubrication. Tires and batteries too, need special watching and protection in hot weather ... “There’s a tough G weeks of summer ifcn... don’t let it get your car down!’’ Be safe, not sorry... see your Esso Dealer and SAVE THAT CAR! STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY Co**. 1®4S. W. M. BAKER DISTRIBUTOR OF ESSO PRODUCTS William»lou, North Carolina. Use ESSO FUEL OIL for curing your tobacco . .