Superior Court In Final Session Here Thursday Afternoon -- (Continued from page one) Williamston Lumber Company against the VanDyke Furniture Com pany was settled by agreement, the plaintiff receiving $1,500. The case in which J. J Johnson and Jasper Jones were suing W. R. Banks, taxi owner, and Lloyd Vick, taxi operator, took an unusual turn and was settled by agreement, the plaintiffs i“ctTvYr!£""jibu ibr a aog -un down and killed by the defend ant. ta.ii Defendant Vick repeated anybody owed the plaintiffs any th mg it was the insurance company. Defense counsel made a motion for the recall of a jury and a mistrial, but the motion was denied and the issues were compromised. In the case of Guilford Brown against Cherry Johnson, a settlement was noted, the plaintiff being declar ed owner of certain property. It was also provided in the judgment that the plaintiff was to recover rent in the amount of $25 up to September 30 and $5 a week up until December 1. 1045. when the defendant is to va cate the property. In the case of Ed Hardison against William Moore, the court ruled that the plaintiff was entitled to posses sion of certain property, and that the defendant was indebted to the plain tiff in the sum of $50. The defendant was allowed to remain in possession of the property for sixty days on the ! condition that he pay $15 monthly I rent. Ir: the case of Guaranty Bank and I Trust Company against Wiliie Mod lin, a motion by the plaintiff for a non-suit was granted. Ten County Young White Men Called For Examinations I (Continued from page one) men has been received for October, and the size of the call for coiored men is small. No colored men were j called for final induction this month. A fairly large pre-induction call for colored men next month is expected, and a larger pre-induction call for white men is fairly certain, according to unofficial reports heard this week. Spend Week-End Here Mr. and Mrs. Scm Whitehurst of i Bethel spent the week-end here with Mi . and Mrs. Dennis Leggett. HARDWARE & **» _ _ — For the Home, the ] Builder and Farm If ii » Quality Hardware you need, rest assured we have it, and at reasonable prices, too! Try us first for any item you may need. WILLIAMSTON Hardware Company Expert Tire Recapping Icy roads ahead. Don't count on get ting new tires. Prepare now for sufe winter driving by letting our expert mechanics check and retread your old tires. Attention Farmers Vie havo just installed equipment to give you Jeep - Type Reeap Tread Oil Pick-Up Trucks And Automobiles Specially appropriate for Snow and ioe and driving on bad roads. B.&W. Tire Rebnildeis WILLI AMSTON, N. C. THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . The 38th week of travel on the highways in the county this year was without accident, but the 38th, scheduled for review soon, will show a gloomy picture, A year ago, there were five acci dents in the county, but they were not very costly ones for human limb and life. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. Thirty-Eighth Week Accidents InJ’d Killed Dam're . ms —1,1344 Comparisons To Date 11)45 45 23 5 9500 1944 50 24 1 8650 County Boy Gives Graphic Account Of Arrival In Japan (Continued from page one) 1 the big cranes and every thing is de serted. Our planes have done enough 1 destruction to make it look like there | hasr. t been any one there in several years. All the dry docks are empty. | I think they stopped building ships and started building more midget | submarines. I have seen several dozen completed and dozens of | others started. They have very few ships here of | any kind. There bat tleship here but ,i>v superstructure I is a complete wreck. There are sev eral destroyers and landing ships i and dozens of tugs. Most of their ships are coal burners. We have three of their subs tied up along side of our repair ships. Two of them are the largest subs in the world. The few Japs that are left here to clean up seem to have that “so solly, please, attitude. They work pretty good and salute everyone that pass es or bow very low’ if they are in side a building. When they are working together 4hey act like a bunch of kids frolicking. One of them can take a cart and pull as big a load as a mule. I hey tell us we will be here for three or four months and then home. But I don’t depend on that too much. I do know it will be wonder ful to get back to see the people at home. Firemen Called To River Cast Tuesday Afternoon I Local volunteer firemen were call ed to the oil storage plants near the river last Tuesday afternoon at 5 o’clock when a fence caught fire and burned rapidly in the direction of the Harrison Oil Company pumping sta tion. Employees at the Standard Oil plant saw the fire and they helped bring it under control with ihree ex tinguisher charges. Going down the hill, firemen saw black smoke rising near the oil plants, and were almost certain they had a job on their hands. They learned, however, that the smoke was from a passing train. L —-«-— Series Of Prayer Services Scheduled In October | The series of prayer services scheduled for next week in prepara } tion for the evangelistic meeting be ginning in the Christian Church will | not begin until October 8-12. A full schedule of places and leaders will f appeal later. Dr. H Glenn Haney pastor of Eighth Street Christian I Church. Greenville, will be the guest evangelist. I Many Cases On Docket In County Recorder's Court I —. ■&> Between forty and fifty cases are | on docket in the county recorder’s court. Most of the cases are schedul | ed for trial on Monday, October 8, it was learned. Wants FOR SALE: 1936 FORD COUPE IN excellent condition. Good tires. Levi McGowan, Jr., R’ville No. 1. s 21 3t FOR THOSE WHO CARE. IF IN terested in a tombstone or a monu ment of distinction and high quality see or write the. I will serve you promptly. Quick delivery guaran teed. R. Sherrod Corey, Williams ton. N. C._ i 21 8t GET YOUR SMITH'S OIL BURNER Tobacco Curers now and head off strikes, lay offs and shortage of labor later on. P. H. Brown, Williamston, N. C. s 21 4t TIRES FOR SALE— ALL KINDS and sizes. See us for Esso Extra High Test Gasoline. Jack Daniel’s Esso Station. jn5-tf FOR MONUMENTS AND GRAVE markers, call telephone 149-J or come to my residence, 610 W. Main Street, Williamston, N. C. Quick de livery guaranteed. Jesse T. Price I representing New Bern Monumentai Works, New Bern, N. C„ and East ern Memorials, Fayetteville, N. C. S 4 26t WANTED— LOGS OK STANDING timber. Gum, poplar, cypress and pine. Communicate with us at our office. Wimamston Package Manu facturing Company. a3-tf FOR SALE: REGISTERED GURN sey bull calf No. 373806, 2 months old, his dam and every other dam in pedigree Advanced Registry cows with official milk and butterfat records. Also one registered, young, cow, extra rich milk, now milking. Pure bred gurnsey, young bull, not registered, other cows, priced for quick sale. Located 4^ miles above Hamilton on River road- J. R. Fisher, Route No, 1, Oak City, N. C. WANTED: SECOND HAND TRI cycle in good condition. Call 118-J. s 25 21 FOR SALE: 1939 FORD COUPE IN Can be st-eii at The County Garage between the hours of 7:30 a. m. and 5:30 p m. Junior Warren. s 24 2t LOST OFT TRUCK, BLACK HOG, weight about 150 pounds, between Bear Grass and Mrs. Annie Rober son’s farm. Please notify Walter Webb. s 28 2t INNER SPRING, FT5LT OR COT ton mattresses made new again. Write Washington Mattress Co., East 8th St., Washington, N. C. Telephone 825-J. We call for and deliver, s 28 3t FOR SALE: BURROUGHS, HAND type, adding machine. Roanoke Chevrolet Co. s 28 2t FOR SALE: 1936 PICK-UP TRUCK J B Long, Jamesville, N. C. s 28 2t TWO CAR LOADS NEW 110-GAL^ Ion drums just received. Special for home use and also for farm use. Harrison Oil Co. s 28 3t TOUR SPENCER WILL REST YOU because it will be Individually De signed to improve posture and re lieve fatigue. Mrs. T. R. Chesson, Plymouth, N. C., dealer in Spencer Individually Designed Supports for women. s 28 6t ! THE FINEST MOTHPROOFING j method known. Tested and prov ed for 15 years. Arab Mothproof (lasts 2 to 5 years. Dry cleaning 'doesn't remove it.—Belk-Tyler Co. CAR LOAD 300 GALLON SKID Tanks, one gallon stroke pump, | hose and nozzle. Specially built for I he farm. Will last a lifetime and (cost very little Harrison Oil Co. s 25 3t 1 | CAR LOAD NEW 225 GALLON I Drums. Nice size lor general farm | use, also for home use. Harrison Oil Co. s 28 3t WANTED: SOMEONE TO INSTALL" water pump. Whl pay well to have it done right away. Stevenson’s Automobile Hospital. Back of Guar anty Bank. FOR SALE: 1941 FIVE PASSENGER coupe, Chevrolet. Has new tires. Thurman Griffin, City Route No. 1. s28 2t WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of plow lines. Good quality and priced reasonable. Thrower Appliance Company, s 28 2t IT IS HOT NOW BUT IT CAN’T BE for long. Better get that coal or wood stove now. We have large stock to select from. Any size, any price. Thrower Appliance Company s 28 2t SEE US FOR MUFFIN PANS, chicken fryers and cake pans. Thrower Appliance Company, s 28 2t neuralgia ub ni aatck nlW with CovMlao. Acto St mmiw h'* U«u!4—no Mm loot mtitizt f« Ho turrodtwto to 4to Pm Cmmi •olm All 4ra««toto. Pm I _ to dirocUA lOo, Mo, Mo otoa. I Liquid CAPUDINE m Williamston Bears Will Play in the last game of the Season I Tarboro Red Sox HERE AT 3 O’CLOCK Sunday, September 30 Bill Foster, former member of the Major Leagues, Manager. --——* ouse wives Here are a few items that you will need for your house cleaning. We have them in stock. Soilax Sherwin-Williams Paste Wax Sherwin-Williams Liquid Wax Sherwin-Williams No-Rubbing Wax Sherwin-W'illjiams Furniture Polish •■m Sherwie-Williams Brass Polish' Johnson’s Paste Wax Johnson’s Liquid W'ax Johnson’s Household Cleaner Old English Paste Wax Old English Scratch Removing Furniture Polish Ocedar Furniture Polish Ocedar Dust Mops Ocedar Polishing Mop Wright’s Silver Polish Black Silk Stove Polish Dozal Stove Polish Lin-X Linoleum Varnish Venetian Blind Brushes Brooms Sherwin-Williams Paints (Ml WOOLARD Hardware Co. PAINT HEADQUARTERS Phone 207 SELL YOUR TOBACCO With The Roanoke-Dixie & Planters Warehouses«— Williamstoii Owing to the fact that a large number of farmers are digging their peanuts, the congestion that has prevailed since the mar orated. Make your plans to sell ket opened has just about evap with us next week or the following week. We believe we will have ample floor space to accommodate you. Sell with the hoys who know tobacco and how to get you the High Dollar for every single basket. FIRST SALE WEDNESDAY October 3, at the PLANTERS WAREHOUSE FIRST SALE FRIDAY October 5, at the Roanoke - Dixie Warehouse Roanoke - Dixie & Planters WHses Edward Corey, Carlyle Langtnondson, Proprietors Manning and Rob Edley, Johnny Gurkin, John A. '