Visits Here Cpl. Lee Straub, stationed at Camp vi-'ited Mrs. Straub here over the week-end. --« Leave For New Hampshire Pvt. and Mrs. George Lessard left last week-end for Summerworth, New Hampshire, to spend a few days with Pvt. Lessard's parents. Spends Week-End Here Mi. La Sharpe, of Greensboro, spent las* week-end here with his brother, Mr. Dan Sharpe, and Mrs. Sharpe. Home For Week-End Miss Margaret Manning, of the Raleigh School of Commerce, in Ral egh, spent the week-end near here with her parents. Visits In Rocky Mount Mr. Ernest Mears visited relatives in Rockv Mount over the week-end. Visitors In Norfolk I Mr. and Mrs. Roger Criteher. III. were visitors in N irfolk yesterday. Home From Norfolk I Mr. Tom Crawford. Mr. Dick Tav ! lor and Anne Gresham went to Nor folk Sunda\ to get Miss Estolle Crawford who spent the past few weeks there with her brother, Mr. Roland Crawford, and Mrs. Crawford recuperating from a major opera tion. -s Visit In Micro and Smithfield Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning visited relatives in Micro and Smith field over the week-end. 'A T HA NKS! I Us sincerely thank my friends ami customers for the patronage and co operation given me while I operated the Soda Shop which was purchased from J. Llaiide Leggett and operated in the York Building. I hope we may have the pleasure of serv ing you in the future as in the past at our new quarters, the G. & G. Soda Shop. Again, I uisli tit thank yon anil comp to see its. Dillon Cobb Williamston, N. G. Spends Week-End Here Miss Anne Regan, of New Bern, spent the week-end here as the guest of Miss Nonie Melson. -« Here To Attend Funeral S/Sgt. R, Edwin Peele, of Boca Ra lon, Fla., arrived yesterday to attend the funeral of his grandfather. Mr. R. G. Sexton, in Jamesville. -«—— Lions To Meet Thursdaj The local Lions club will hold its regular bi-monthly dinner meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the Woman’s Club. All members are urged to be present. -® Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carstarphen announce the birth of a son on Sun day, January 20th, in the local hos pital. Spends Week-End with Father Miss Thelma Lilley, of Greenville, spent the week-end here with her father, Mr. J. D. Lilley. -s> Here From Cherry Point Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Godard and children, of Cherry Point, spent last iveek-end here with relatives. Lit tle Joseph, who has spent the past few weeks here with his grandpar ents, returned home with them. <* ■ Spend Week-End Here Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peel, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Peele near here last week ?nd. -$ Fisit Here Lt. (j.g.) W. F. Clark and Mrs. Zlark, of Norfolk, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark, Si., here last week end. ♦ Spends Furlough Here Jim Critcher left yesterday morn ng for George Field, 111., after ipending a furlough here with his jarents, Mr. and Mrs. Titus Critcher. ipending Some Time Here Mrs. C. R. Speight and Mrs. M. J. Richardson of Spring Hope are ipending some time here with their ion and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dean ipeight. yisit Here Over Week-End Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Chase and Mrs. R. D. Carter, of Kilmarnock, Vu., visited Mr. and Mi's. Jim Staton lore over the week-end. -# Spends Week-End In Sunbury Miss Elizabeth Parker, Martin nomc agent, spent the week-end with relatives in Sunbury. Spends Week-End Here Miss Natalie Gould of Manteo spent the week-end here with Mr. ind Mrs. Dewey Hayman._ -- -- - . BIG EVENT We* again wish to c all to the attention of the* people* ol this section our hig store-wiele CLEARANCE! We have thousands of items that we ean’t re place* today at the prices we are offering them to you. However, our store is only, so hig and we must make* room for our Spring We*aring Apparel. This Sale Will Run Through January Get smart and huy quality Ready-To-Wear at unusually low prices. Anything you huy now you’ll save money on: Prices will he higher and quality lower next Fall and Winter. DAVENPORT-KEEL Miss Mary Elizabeth Keel, foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kneezer Harrison, became the bride of Thurs ton F. Davenport, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston F. Davenport of Rocky Mount, N. C., in a formal ceremony Friday afternoon at 4-^O o’clock. Jan uary 18. u tne \v;l]iamsioJ3 Prrarb. ■ terian church The Rev John (-oft. pastor of the Williamston Christian Church, performed the ceremony. Wedding music was rendered by Mr. Ben E Manning, pianist, and Mr. L. Bruce W'ynne. soloist, who sang “Be cause" and “If God Left Only You.’’ The bride, given in marriage by her foster father, Kneezer Harrison, wore a wedding gown of white slip per satin designed with sweetheart necklin®^ satin covered buttons down the baefr, long sleeves ending in points over the hands. The skirt extended into a long circular train. Her finger-tip veil of illusion fell from a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a prayer book topped with an orchid. Miss Mildred Jennings, of Laurin burg, N. C., was maid of honor. Her own was of blue tfiffeta with a net over taffeta skirt. She wore a hat 'f blue ostrich feathers. Her flow ers were an old-fashioned nosegay of mixed flowers tied with pink rib bon. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Rodgerson and Miss Martha Lillian Mendenhall, Williamston, N. C.,.and Miss Edith Davenport, sister of the groom of Rocky Mount. Their gowns were pink net over taffeta. They wore half hats of net. Their flowers were old-fashioned nosegays of mix ed flower tied with blue ribbon. William Davenport, brother of the groom, of Rocky Mount, was best man. Ushers were Leamon Keel, brother of the bride, of Georgetown, S. C., and Carroll Jones of Williams ton, N. C. Mrs. Harrison, foster mother of the bride, wore black and her corsage was of fushia carnations. Mrs. Davenport, Jr., is a graduate of Atlantic Christian College at Wil on, N. C. She is employed as as sistant clerk of Superior Court in Williamston. Mr. Davenport, Jr., was recently discharged from the U. S. Army Air Corps after 41 months over seas. He is now employed with the Williams ton Motor Company. After a short wedding trio the couple will be at home in Williams ton, N. C. Out-of-town guests for the wed ling were Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Dav enport, Mr. William Davenport, Miss Edith Davenport, Mis. Herman Dav enport, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turnage and daughter from Rocky Mount, N. C.; Mrs. J. G. Woolard, Mrs. Ervin Wallace, Mrs. Kenneth Swain from Washington, N. C.; Miss Velma Keel from Tarhoro; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Keel and Mr. Joseph Keel from Portsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Keel from Georgetown, S. C.; Miss Mildred Jennings from Laurinburg, N C. Immediately following rehearsal Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kneezer Harrison entertained at a cake-cutting at tin1 home of Mrs. John Rodgerson. Mrs. Clinton House received the guests. The wedding cake was served by Miss Dorothy Manning, Marjorie Lindsley, Ethel Guest, and Evelyn Cowan. Miss Doris Rogers, Mrs. Leamon Keel and Mrs. Pete Mendenhall. Ice cream and salted nuts were served with the cake. The dining room table was covered with a lace cloth and tall lighted candles burned at each end. Ivy and white gladiolus were used through out the house. Mr. Ben Manning rendered beau tiful selections throughout the eve ning HAZELTON-COBITRN Miss Edna Louise Coburn of Sana torium became the bride of Sgt. Charles Truman Hazelton on Janu ary second at nine o'clock p. m. in the First Baptist Church in Winston Salem. Itev. Paul E. Crandall, asso ciate pastor of the church, admin istered the vows. The bride wore a blue dressmaker suit with black accessories and a shoulder bouquet of lavender hybrid orchids. Mrs. Hazelton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rhodes Coburn of Jamesville, received her education in the Jamesville schools and Chow an College at Murfreesboro. She is also a graduate of the North Caro lina Sanatorium School of Nursing and has been connected with the hos pital since her graduation. The bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will W Hazelton .td O'd WB^lowa, received his education in the Calrnar scho ,1s. Sgt. Hazelton [ has recently returned to the states' after serving nineteen months in the i Pacific Theater of war with the 11th Airborne Division. Prior to his in duction into the army in 1941, Sgt. j Hazelton held a position with Kern's Band at Fairmont, Minn., as saxa phonist and arranger. Sgt. Hazelton has returned to Camp Carson Convalescent Hospital in Colorado w'here he awaits his medical discharge from the Army, and until his discharge Mrs. Hazel ton will resume her duties at the Sanatorium. --*, Attend Wynne Funeral Sheriff and Mrs. C. B. Roebuck. Mr. and Mrs. Shep Roebuck, Mrs. | Herbert Taylor, Mrs. Jas. H. Ward, Mrs. J. O. Manning, Mrs. J. T. Ed- i mondson, Mrs. David Keel, Mrs. Her- , man Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Roebuck and Mrs. Torn Wynne were | among those from this county who i attended the funeral of Mr. J. Hark | Wynne in Maysville last Friday aft ernoon. -* Here On Business :p was hero yesterday from City attending to business. Here On Itntiness County Commissioner C. A. Rober son of Robersonville was here yes terday attending to business. ! Girl Goes With Kimonos, Maiine Finds In Japan Marine correspondents, after chat ting with a Leatherneck who tried tc buy a kimono, are drawing the con clusion that Japan has its tie-in sales -too, but different from the wartime Atm-rw'n deal where iiad to buy hair tome to gel cigar ettes. Th*' sales lady was a Japanese girl who had a limited supply of English but a large one of kimonos. As for selling a kimono though, the girl got across the idea that she’d have to ask her mother. The mother told the Marine he could have the ki monos—provided he took the girl with them. ---- ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Carroll Jones and M-s. Os wald Stalls were joint hostesses on Wednesday afternoon, January 16th in the home of Mrs Jones at a Coca Cola party, honoring Miss Mary Elizabeth Keel, bride-elect. Guests were greeted by Miss Keel and the hostesses. The living room and dining room were beautifully decorated with iw and a profusion of gladiolas. Light ed candles in tall candle-holders were used throughout the house. Guests were served Coca-Colas, sandwiches, ritz, nuts, olives and pickles by Mrs. Wheeler Manning and Mrs. Will Partin. The bride was presented a ham mered aluminum cake plate by the hostesses. A card contest was held in which Mrs. Leamon Keel won high prize and Miss Mildred Jennings, low. Guests were: Miss Keel, bride elect, Misses Mary Rodgerson, Mil dred Jennings, Dorothy Manning, Julia Everett, Doris Rogers, Ida Rob erts, Ruth Ward, Julia Clyde Waters, Lucille Rodgerson, Lorene Rodger son, Ethel Guest and Mesdames Kneezer Harrison, Pete Mendenhall, Leamon Keel, Tilmon Coltrain, Au drey Carter, W. L. Howell, Elmo Long, David Modlin, Mary Belle Gaylord, Will Partin, Wheeler Man ning, Billy Griffin and Alec Jones. ---# Here On Terminal Leave Lt. Billy Biggs, a member of the famous 62nd Airborne Division, re turned home last Thursday follow ing a long tour of duty in the African and European theaters. He is now on terminal leave and will get his discharge some time' in April. Tomatoes and sweet corn together make up three-fourths of the total tonnage of vegetables for process ing. Canning of green peas and snap beans have also greatly increased. Home For Week-End Misses Reid White and Elaine Deal, | teachers in the Camp Lojeune I schools, spent the week-end here with Miss White’s parents, Mr. and I Mrs. A. R. White. i -* Secure Marriage Licenses ' „,MBrlicenses were issued in j‘i»* coU.ty last -Saturday to""three' i count's. vVuiard O. Abbott, oI Wil liamston, and Ella Mae Gaylord, of iJamesviile; Millard Edward Ange | and Leah Frances Mizelle, both of Jamesville; and to Joseph Warren, of Williamston, ar.d Mandle Ingalls, RFD 3 Williamston. Returns From Pacific Tour W. B. (Hack) Gaylord returned home last Thursday night from an extensive and long tour with the Army in the Pacific and Asiatic areas. -— Leaving Fot Florida Mrs. E. S. Perl leaves tomntrow 'tor Florida WBcure 3ft00.00 221,096.04 Reserved For Cask Dividend_ Other Reserves_ War Loan Deposits_$ 5,000,000.00 Other Deposits- 31,610,943.31 TOTAL DEPOSITS __ 36,610,943.31 TOTAL LIABILITIES_$37,888,397.01 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TOTAL RESOURCES DECEMBER 31ST, 1935. $6,124,378.77