Shopped Here Tuesday Mrs. F. A. Rawls of Jamesville shopped here Tuesday. Business Visitor Here Mr. Earl Overman of Rocky Mount was a business visitor here Wednesday. spending Week-End Here Misses Ernestine Gardner and Dorothy Mizelle are spending the week-end in Rocky Mount with friends. - Return From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison, Jr., have returned from their wedding trip to Florida and are now at home in their apartment on Simmons Avenue. -• Business Visitor Here Mr. Rufus Crumpler of Wash ington was a business visitor here Wednesday. -♦ Returns From Florida Miss Rose Leggett has returned from Miami, Fla., where she at tended the wedding of her sister. -• Attends To Business Here Thomas Earl Martin of James viile attended to business here Wednesday Attending Federal Court Mr. E. S. Peel attended federal -ourt in New Bern this week. Here On Business Mr. George Ross of Washington vas here Wednesday attending to >rofessional business. attends Court Here Mr. Nunn Everett of Roberson 'ille attended court here this veek. -$-. i pends Day In Washington Mxs. Charles H. Manning and laughter, Celia Ann, spent Thurs ay in Washington. n Roper Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chesson 'ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. lark Chesson in Roper Sunday fternoon. isits In Plymouth Miss Naomi Chesson was the test of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hunt r in Plymouth Sunday. Returns To Her Home Injured in an automobile acci dent several adyg ago, Mrs. B. S Courtney returned home Monde) after spending some time in the i local hospital. Her condition re mains unchanged and she will | probably go to Richmond soon foi further treatment. ; In Tar boro Wednesday Joe Olderman spent Wednesday in Tarboro where he attended to business matters. - ■■ * Visits Friends Here Mrs. Arthur Johnson visited friends here Wednesday morning. Return From Richmond Jim and Stuart Critcher return i ed home this week after spending I several days in Richmond with their father, Mr. Titus Critcher, who is receiving medical attention in the St. Elizabeth Hospital and who is improving rapidly. He plans to return home in about three weeks. -* Visit In Elizabeth City Rev. and Mrs. B. T. Hurley spent several days last week in Elizabeth City, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morse. Attend Presbytery Meeting The ladies of Roberson’s Chapel attended the Woman’s Auxiliary of Albemarle Presbytery in Golds boro, Tuesday. Those attending were Mesdames Walter Wynn, Thurston Wynn, Marie Biggs, Redden Leggett, J. C. Rawls, Eli Bowen, John Jackson and Chesley Jones. Mr. Eli Bowen went with them. -»■ Jamesville Postmaster Here Mr. Eli Hoyt Ange, Jamesville postmaster, was a business visitor here Wednesday. -* Visitors Here Wednesday Messrs Mayo Little and D. R. Everett of Robersonville were vis itors here Wednesday. -«. Here From Roper Mr. and Mis. Jack McCallister, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc Callister, Jr., of Roper shopped here Wednesday. | Attend Livestock Show Farm Agents T. B. Brandon and Claude Goodman attended a live stock show in Kinston yesterday. In Washington Tuesday Mrs. Abner Brown, Mrs. G. W. Hardison and Miss Mary Carstar phen were in Washington Tues day evening visited Mrs. Calvin Sluder who entered a hospital there that day for treatment. --- j Secure Marriage License A marriage license was issued last Saturday to William H. Rev els and Susie Edmondson, both of this county. -» Spending Week-End In Anderson Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carstarphen and son, Billie, and Miss Ruth Norton are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sulli van in Anderson, S. C. Attends Meeting Here Mr. B. Troy Ferguson, district farm agent of Raleigh, attended a special meeting of the Martin County Commissioners here yes terday. i -*■- i Attends Wedding ; Miss Ida Roberts attended the ; wedding of Miss Mary Ferebee 1 and Mr. Wilson Wynne at Camden • last Sunday evening. See Baseball Game In Norfolk i Messrs. Duke Ward, Eli M. Tay- 1 lor and C. B. Roebuck attended to 1 business and saw the Tars play the Yankees in Norfolk Wednes day afternoon. Visit In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. Durward White j and two children, C. T. and Alice, , visited Mrs. Lloyd Ange in James- , ville Wednesday. ■ Visiting In Roper j Mr. Bob Swain, former resident t of Williamston, is spending sev eral weeks with his sister in Rop- f er. Here On Business Messrs. E. G. Anderson and Jim = Gray were here Wednesday from 'i Robersonville attending to busi- 3 ness. 15 Informal Reception For Recent Bride and Groom — ^ Mr. and Mrs. James A. Leggett entertained in the Woman’s Club here last Wednesday evening from 8 until 11 at an informal reception for Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Metz of Miami and Boston. Mrs. Metz, the former Miss Raye Leggett of Williamston and Miami, and Mr. M .iz “/ere married last Thursday ar.d are returning to Florida to day following a brief stay here with relatives. The guests were greeted at the door by Mr. and Mrs. DuBose Simpson and introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Metz, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leggett, parents of the bride, Miss Betty Rose Gurganus of Plymouth and Miss Helen Mishoe of Wash ington who formed the receiving line. Green punch was served by Mrs. Lucy Mobley and Misses Vfary Warren and Anne Fowden 'rom a large table attractively de :orated in pink and white with a arge ivy arch. Sandwiches in the ;hape of wedding bells and flow ers, salted nuts and olives were also served. Mrs. John Lessard presided at :he register, and Mr. Russell T. Roebuck was at the piano during he evening. Mesdames John Hatton Gur ;anus and Russell Davis said the [oodbyes. About fifty guests call id during the evening. j ROUGHTON-GIRVIN Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Girvin an lounce the marriage of their laughter, Frances, to Mr. B. F. loughton, on Sunday, April 7, at I he home of her parents in James- , ille. Mr. Roughton is the son of ' i. F. Roughton, Sr., and the late j firs. O. D. Boddoms of Norfolk. Ir and Mrs. Roughton will make j heir home in Norfolk. I Ishing At Oregon Inlet Messrs. Hugh Wyatt and Henry friffin are fishing at Oregon In ■t today. •Si IMPORTED BY BACARDI IMPORTS, INC., N.Y. • RUM • 89 PROOF f I.-..-..._ iVI A n A A !Y1 h L I A FIKST TIME HEKI -l AMOI'S EVERYWHERE AS REMARKABLE . . . RFADLK VM> ADVISOR . . . Different from >11 others. Not to he classed with Gypsies, mi; SEVENTH DAI OUTER OF THE SEVENTH GENERATION I v. ill tell you ju t v at \ ou w ant to know about filends, enemies, or rival*. 1 give nevei failing advice upon ail matters of life, such a; health, courtship, 1. \ e, marriage, divorce, and business transactions f all kinds. 1 ia ,1 tail to reunite t! c separated, cause speedy and iappy marriage; '! i te is no lit art so sad, nor home so dreary that I cannot bring sun; i . t 1 will i II vou of any or all changes you hould not make. ( nod or bad 1 will tell you'the truth W11AT uYEK MAY HU YOl K HOPE FEAR OR AMBITIONS, I CAN HELP YOU! I will lift yoi out of sorrow and trouble and start vou on the iigh path to iii>] i m. -. and pro: perity. All readings are private and r-onfidentiai. Readings for W hite nd Colored—9 A. M. to 10 P. M. including Sun daes—Private. Sati faction Guaranteed. Price within reach of all. PALMIST STUDIO Permanently located at A II Gillam’s Place. One-half mile east of tViiH or, N. on Eclenton Highway. 'Pspsl-Ccta Company, Long Island City, N, Y. Franchised Bonier: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Greenville MOTH PROOF BAGS Telephone 58 ALPHA CLEANERS We Carry The*Complete Stock Expected in a modern dru* store, but we consider onr prescrip tion department the most important part of our business and five it our first attention. WE ARE FIRST, LAST AND AL WAYS A DRUG STORE. V* I Davis Pharmacy PULPWOOD is a Cash Crop*••Harvest it now! >h s K B iK; >«! >K< N Pulpwood is a cash crop. It is also a continuous crop when your woodlot is properly har vested. No other crop is so de pendable. The farm woodlots in our community are among the farmers’ most valuable as sets. They pay cash dividends regularly. Pulpwood, in peace as in war, is one of the most essential of all materials. x Now while prices are high is the best time to cut and prepare for the future of your timber stand by taking ad vantage of the free advice of your county agent and for esters. You can get immediate cash' from your pulpwood for needed farm repairs, new equipment, mortgage pay ments and new conveniences for your home and family. IT PAYS TO CUT TOP QUALITY PULPWOOO ***** VICTORY PULP WOOD COMMITTEE W. C. Maiming, Jr. ¥wm VICTORY PULPWOOO CAMPAIGN * * ****** SUMMER RUGS for Porch or Den # See Window Display B. S. COURTNEY Furniture - Williamston For COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner. I have been urged to ran by many of my good friends in the County since Jamesville has not had a man on the board for four years and, the agreement has been for sev eral years that the place on the board should rotate between Jamesville and Williams Town ships. Therefore, I feel as many others have told me, that Jamesville should be represented. I will appreciate any support given me and, if elected, I will serve the people of my county to the best of my ability. LESLIE W. HARDISON t; JOIN THE The Easter Parade Let Us Help You With Your Easter Shop ping ... For Your Inspection We Have A Complete Line of >1 a a a a a a & a a >j » a a & y # —Shoes —Dresses —Coats —Suits —Hats —Gloves —Bags —Blouses —Skirts —Sweaters —Lingerie