Expia ted Home Soon Entering Duke hospital last week Mrs. Abner Brown in im proving and is expected home within a iew days. Returns Home Mr. Sylvester Peel returned to his home in Griffins Township Thu: j»ci. y r.ftet hi irig c paid Hurley. Jr., ar il' ed Tuesday i -'rn Ne\" Y«vV rr|;-.rted to Norfolk Wednes day for his discharge from the 1 N:. vv.nl lei . ervipg 33 months. 24 ‘>t which was -ea duty. Reported Improving W. J. Smith who under r.t an Hoi -at-on in u Washing led oving. She will sped several days with her ■daughter. Lt. Commander Jessie Mae Holloman, there before re turning home. Spend Day In Richmond ' Mr, :i”d Mrs. Iverson Skinner spent Wednesday in Richmond whei e Mi Sk inn< r went for. a medical examination. Attending Conference Hey John L. Goff leaves Sun day afternoon fon the Young Peo ple's Conference at Atlantic Christian College where he will <'rve as director of recreation and "cinl life, learning and leading in these activities, hands In New York John !, Goff. Jr., Q. M. 3/C, j landed in New York lust Monday waih the Eighth Fleet which com pleted maneuvers recently. The sailor i xpoets to return to civilian life about June 15. Business Visitor Here farmer Roland Coburn of Dar dens was a business visitor in town W< ■ J nesc!ay. V isits ft) Palmyra M s. W. M. Kittroll of Rober sonville v. a: guest of Misses Hat tie and Margaret Everett of Pul myra Friday. Attend I’eanut Meeting Mes. r-. Carlyle Langley, Hob Fdie- nelson. John Gurkin, W. C. Wind ley and John A. Manning at tended a meeting of the National Peanut Council in Virginia Beach this week. Ill Newport News This Week Mr. Frank Cursturphen and W. las Bobby Harrison and Woo'ard were in Newpoit Nows this week handling a busi Here Wednesday Mi. Charley Davenport of -hnni --.dli was x business visitor’ lu re Wednesday morning. Visit In Smithlicld K‘ v- and Mrs. B. T. Hurley, Mrs. B- 1 G a>r-: and sen, Franklin, font Thursday in Smilhfield I with friends. Here On Business Mi Garland Anderson was here Weilin .-.day troni Jamesville at- j tending to business. In Sanford This Week Mr. H- 1- Coburn was in San-' ford attending to business this! week. “P” IS FOK PROTECT'ION 0 0 Policies that Protect. Since 1927 ... for 19 years . . . we’ve been writing policies that protect. That’s why we say . .. “Honestly, It's the Best Policy” HARRISON & CARSTARPIIEN INSURANCE Phone 83 Williamslon. N. C. ^—S ANNO l!NCEMENT PARK MEW HOSPITAL SCHOOL OI M RSINC ANNOUNCES A CLASS FOR SEPTEMBER 1940 An all expense program: complete maintenance, books, and uniforms furnished during the three year’s course. A candidate for the School must be 17 years of age, of good health and character and a graduate of an accredited high school. Write for application blanks to— Director of Nurses, Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, N. C. MADAM CARROLL SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND ADVISER Will give you true and never falling advice on anything pertaining to your welfare. Tells you just what you want to know without ask ing any questions, no matter what your hope, tear or trouble may be. This lady can and will help you. She guarantees to do what others CLAIM to do. Will give you advice on business affairs, love affairs, wills, deeds, and lost and stolen articles, will give names of enemies, and friends and who and when you will many. All readings are confidential with satisfaction guaranteed. Office hours !):()() A. M. till tl.liU P. M. Open Sundays. Readings to White and Colored. Look lor Name on Hand Sign - Located in Private Office Three Miles from Suffolk—(Magnolio)—on New Highway from Suffolk to Norfolk—Route ‘Hid Buses from Norfolk and Suffolk Pass Our Office Every Hour Special Reduced^ Price* 1 Protect, beautify and renew at extremely low cost. $10.95 to $16.95 Pure Straw Fibre. Let us install yon a fctt today. All colors to fit all model ears. Western Auto Associate Store • J. Miller and Son I In Washington Monday Mrs. Ernest Etheridge spent Monday in*Wa'■ Mvtngton. Spend Week-End At Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wyatt spent the week-end at Pamlico and bad . their guests, Mr. and Mrs. ' Sunk" Beil of Cherry Point. Attend Wedding Mrs. Collin Peel and Miss Irene , Tetterton attended the Rose-High i smith wedding and reception in Robefson.y.ilie. W.e.d.n.e.sria-V...ly Itiiiii liourt iuirn VihI Say* Well-known J{ <*