NOTICE Of RE-SALE North CareLna, Martin County. County *. W. j. MlIXfcR & SON, Mgm I Green Wave To 14 Points lack -of experience and weight, 'and Coach Hall said Vie was well i pleased, with their performance. 1 The team fought hard and two I Aydep players commented that the Green Wave hit harder and ■ h v-! v tl an any t< ai . thi ■ ' ad playe^ and that they could really tel! when they were hit. Center Billy Fldwards pl.-p. ing his first and weighing only 120 pounds, did fine work along with the usual 'librt .w.los. I.nndy Griffin, Booby Rogers, D. B. Rog r, . Bohby Taylor, and David Carson. Williamston. tunning a single wing offense used a 5-3-2-1 defense against Ayden's T-forma tion. Bobby Taylor opened the game with a good kick-off. which had ! the wind behind it. Ayden came ! up with a series of ground-gain j ing plays immediately after thi j kick-tiff, but fumbled and Mickey I Gurganus rt covet ed the bell io. QUiCU R"LSEr FROM Symotoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS ourro EXCESS ACID FreeRvohTersof HomsTreatmentthai Musi HCp or it Will Cost Yc-u Nothin* Oyor twoni’Mlon bottles of VT'l 'I UEAT.V1 E \ rhave bo n Hold lor relief o ' s\ ii»j> 1 ont
    ir o ■ SionMcIi Cassiness, Htjirlhurn, Sleep?es«iies», etc. bm*. to Ekcm*/c!cL S.-M on 1 » H ty -' trial A4< (nr • .Sard's Messafli'*' v\ .icU lull, explains ins trcauuci.i '• do -at, Cl.ARK’S PHARMACY, INC. 1 DAVIS PHARMACY Williamston Then followed a series of hard-fought plays end in? in punt exchanges. On catch ing one of Ayden’s punts Mickey Gurgsnu- fumbled the ball and Ayden recovered, marching on a few seconds later to its first score of the -game The try for the extra point was good and Ay .. K '■ ■■■ O'"’- . V' den led 7-0 at the end of the first quarter. After a streak of bad luck in receiving and getting oil' punts,! Fugerc Andrews recovered AVd- 1 ends fumble and the Green Wave drove ahead behind haul line plunging by William Rogers. Planning to pass. Mickey Gurgan- ■ us rumbled but Williamston re covered ihe ball, and a few sec-1 ends later Rnhhv Taylor got off a nice punt. Ayden uncorked aj 30-yard sideline run which was ‘ stopped by D. B. Rogerson just j The 'before it reached pay dir first half ended with the score : still 7-0. Taylor received the second half kick-off for Williamston, but Ayden recovered a blocked punt a few minutes later and marched j to its second touch-down and ex tra. point after a long run. After the Green Wave ends had smear led several punt receivers in their j tracks, Gurganus completed a 20 yard pass to William Rogers on a sleeping end play. The score was 14-0 as the third quarter ended. In the fourth period the Green Wave threatened the Ayden goal several times, lacking only three yards of having a goal at one time; but could not score. The game ended with Williamston trailing i Ayden 14 to 0. i Kinlnw and Bullock each col MMMVWMWVVW^WVUVVVWVJ ected a six pointer for Ay den and v'iison place-kicked both extra tointa. Williamston's line-up included lobby Rogers at risglit end D B togerson at right tackle. Buddy "arman at right guard Bill} Ed vards at center. Bobbv Carter at eft guard Eugene Andrews at eft tackle, Landy Griffin at left ;nd, Bobby Taylor at quarter jack, Mickey Gurganus at left talfback. David Carson at right laifbaek and Wdiuim Rogers at fullback. Substitutes Jr Williamston ,vert John Wobbleton at end, John Watts at guard. Frog Wynne jt halfback and Paul Peel :d tauk.c, Ti. n of the fifteen players participating in Fridays game o/ere freshmen or .cooho!o oro-' The Green W bvo Im.s Bn upon date on next Friday. Nov. 1. and have not prospects of filling it so far. They will play .an afternoon game at Columbia on Nov. H Aft er that there will be two home games. One will be with Wind sor on Nov 15. and the had game of the year will be with Plymouth on November 22. A survey by the Bureau of La bor statistics shows that more than two million veterans are em ployed in manufacturing. -», “Well. I do say." said th'> sweet old lady upon tasting her first glass of beer. "It tastes like the medicine my husband has been taking for the last 30 years.” NOTH I. North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. County of Martin Against Martha Cray and others. The defendants, Martha Gray & husband, Pennie Gray & husband, Alma Gray and husband. Eula Gray and husband, Nancy Gray & husband, Charlie L. Gray and wife, and Gaskin Gray and wife above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxi s on land in Martin County in which said defendants have an in terest; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before L. B, Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his of fice in Williamstun, North Caro lina, on Nov 25, 1946, or within 20 days tin reafterward to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 25th day of October, 1946. L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superim Court of Martin County, o 29 n 9 12-19 NOTICE OF PF-SAt.F forth Carolina, Martin County. ounty of Martin vs. atherine Bailev, et als Under and by virtue of an order if resale and judgment made by . S Wynne, Clerk of Superior ,'ourt on October 24th, 194U. the indei signed commissioner will on d id..v, Novernbei 8th. 194(i. offer or resale for cask to the high!--* >idder the following described and. in front of the courthouse loot' in the town of WUliamston, it 12 o'clock noon: Lying and being in Jamesvilic few n ship M.u i in County, bound 'd Oil (be S. bv die billin' o'. Bmithwick mill pond, on the W. ay the Shephi rd tract, on the N. by the Askew land and on the R bv the J. IT. Bailey lands, con taining 34 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land com monly known as the Freeman Bailey tract, which trad w as con veyed to Freeman Bailey by Clay ton Moore in 1372 by dcod re curded in Book KK, page 475. This the 24th day of October. BUG. Clias. IT. Manning. Commissioner. Hugh (!. Horton, Commissioners. o 29 n 5 --- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ! North Carolina. Martin County. In the Superior Court. Kathleen Abernethv vs. C. P. Ab ernethv. The defendant above nSmed will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the supei ior Court of Marlin County, to obtain an ab solute divorce bared on two years' further take notice that he is in quired to appear hefo'-o tie* Clerk separation and the defendant will i Superior Court. Martin County at hw off ice in Will nnistun N C on or before the 1st November. 194(1 ot within twenty days tiiei t atter and answer or demur to the com- I plaint in raid action or the plain tiff will apply to the Corn; for ike relief demanded in said com plaint. This 5th day nf October. 1946. ! L. B. WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court, o 8 15-22-29 1 y<* (ll.issi's Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired. Quick service. Peolo’s—Jew Hers 1?1 Main St. Tel. 55-J V Only at the "Authorized Ford Service" sign are you sure of the very exact parts and tools needed for your Ford. Nor does anyone but a Ford dealer have the latest Ford repair methods—designed by Ford engineers. The time we save because of this specialized knowledge and equipment saves you money. And you're sure of a safer, more depend able job. Visit ns for service you can trust. save fttf***/! 1. Mechanics trained in Ford Factory Methods 2. Genuine Ford Parts 3. Ford-Approved Service Methods 4. Special Equipment Designed for Servicing Ford Cars Stf YOUR FORD DIAICR I S I (11! \ - II A > “X £) $ X-Ray your fire and casualty hazards with one of our insurance surveys. Detailed analysis and careful planning will give you complete insurance protection at moderate cost. “Honestly, It's the Best Policy'’ Harrison & carstarphen INSURANCE Phone 83 Willlamsion. N. C. ' IVIIVI >V< »V< >VI »VI IVI i>'< k^4 k I k^V4 k kVI tvi IP£4 kVI kVI k jww k j.^1 k iX iTl »V I »*♦*! m’i kVi k!»!k »r**1 i!7i »Vi r Yi »*t'i »*♦*» » Vi »"**i i Vt fV uVkiT ♦Ur SELL US \ O [J 15 P E A N U T S >]K M M i Sfi u || \\ e inn in large or small lots an\ where or ;mv ♦31*. Sj.j lime, (Inulnel us before soiling! y it? it m |t* M 'Ur %x IK I jit?i •ik j OK >U‘. >»•: || >itj |{§ •IK M M •'i i'*** t% ti ♦' oV» kTi *Vi lari mTi k%^i iVi» *’i »*♦* 11 V»»***» »‘»’i * V»» Vi »'v»» V1» V», WILLIAMS! ON PEANUT COMPANY long, l°ng time., t at last ■noyc-1-- '•••. /*"' Cameo ALL SILK STOCKINGS luxurious full-fashioned hose to lend magical allure to your legs! Any silk stockings would make exciting news these days. But these aren’t just any silk stock ings. THEY ARE GENUINE CREPE TWIST I You’ll rhapsodize over the sheerer, clearer texture of crepe in these Cameo stockings. You’ll be thrilled with the way crepe “sculp tures” your legs with its snug hugging fit... and you’ll welcome the snag-resistance woven into this finest of crepes. We are certain you'll want many pairs... but quantities of these luxury stockings are limited, so please COME EARLY. a <«» tarn Sunluff: A fid I ant golden tan versatile /nr Fall ami Winter fashions . . . and lof evening, too. Belk-Tyler Company It Always Pays! Willi illusion's Shopping (Ion Ut