Minister Is Badly injured In \\ reek Friday Afternoon (Continued from page one) ported near Parmele Sunday aft ernoon, but no one was hurt and damage was estimated at less than $4 and it was not entered in the accident record. Beware Coughs from eommon colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel gem laden phlegm, and oxd nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed branchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have vour money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis LOTS FOR SALE FAIR GROUNDS PROPERTY See J. S. Wliilloy Son Texaco Dealers In Meeting Here o -o (Continued fnnr page one) j er Oil Company of Aulander. | In opening the meeting Mr. Harrison pointed out that next February will find the organiza tion 26 years old and wi leomed to : the meeting wime who had just i joined the Texaco denier group and some who had not missed a | meeting such as that Friday night ; m the past twenty years. He cx 1 pressed regret that n few of the j old-timers hau found it impossible to attend. i If any one tiling could be said to have been emphasized by each and every cue on th<- pro; m n, it was the necessity of maintaining , a clean tio.r.g ..taLion ■ i g of its size or facilities. Next on the list of important things to do l w’as the improving of service to customers followed by advertis ing and orderly handling and maintaining of stock, including : accessories. A motion picture en titled “Wanna Bet” graphically | depicted the way a filling station : can and should be run to make it l a paying business. Speaking of cleanliness, Mr. Harding told of the filling station operator doing business between ; Durham and Oxford. The Texaco [ company official came along or] an inspection trip and complained of the untidy appearance of the place. “Why.” he said, “your name is obliterated.” "No. sir,” came the reply, "It is O'Brien.” The 11■: 11 vi filled with neatly arranged displays and business p -tiers. Everything was Texaco, Sky Chief, Fire Chief, Havoline, Firestone, etc. Everything, that is. except the meal which was up to T( x; co standards in that it was tender turkey well prepared by th< ladies of the Christian church and served promptly. Representing the Norfolk di vision of tilt Texas Company w re J. K. Pannill, assistant divis ion manager. D. H. Voshall, in i.: sales promotion and who did most of the “business Miking” h • tin meeting. J. V. Power: of New Bern, Fir. stone district manager and R D. Davis. . Herman located at Elizabeth City I'm 2-1 - in - oitii a veteran ,ij the service department of the company. Archie Croswell of Nor folk. Also present at the meeting was Pi ilcliUiil ..r Windsor and a veteran of thirty years with the compare Dealer C V. Beasley of C; i> ram who recently received a Hamilton watch from the Texas Company in appreciation ol his long association with it. Attend Funeral Here Mr. and Mrs. X, T. Keel and daughter. Mi s Many Keel, of Rocky Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. E. K Holding of Roanoke Rapids were among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Mrs. G. W. Hardison here Sun day afternoon. Returns To Atlanta MV. Dennis Hardy returned to Atlanta yesterday where he will undergo further treatment in Knit)i v University Hospital. 4ttrn!ion Fiiriin o: Wr it ;ff wrap dial ha- hern t h lofc'ii*ii mailer. un <*\h*a premium une ■ We aiv glad iu announce that next Monday. November •!. we will be in a position to make your drape: u s and slip coxa is to older. W- now have in stock ewer 1700 yard:, of : i,p coxa r and dr.pi ry f.tbiice. with a v\ ide selection of blending colors in the qu iity that you desire. We also have in stock snappers and binding and other ataessories to make a satisfactory job. In addition to the selection of fabrics which we now have in stock, we also haxa a large selection of samples O r special order work for fabrics on which we can get one weak delivery, enabling us to give xou exactly what you want. We have hired a si .unstress w ho is . .\j>eia. net d i i thus lme of w ork. She is very good and will satisfy the most particular customer. We ex tend to you a special invitation to visit the balcony in our new extension store and discuss your drapers and slip cover problems with us. We also want to call to your attention that iu tins same depart ment we have ready-made drapems and ready-made sola bed covers, cur tains, bed spreads, shower curtain: and many other related items. We reel that we could not offer a more m edr u . > i v ire to the house wives of this community than in offering what assistance we can in the way of a good seamstress and a selection of colorful fabric:, to help them make their home more attractive and meir liveable and w e insist that you take advantage ol this xcrviu that we hope to render you and we will do all in our power to offer you the quality and woikmum-lup that you have been wanting in the wax of slip cover. and draperies. Martin County's Lnuling furniture Store Wiliiamston, North Carolina Many Teen-Agers At Youth Center —_»— Visits to the recreation center by teen-agers again numbered sold in a smaller percentage. Com- i At least seventy young people at- | tended the Hollowe’en Costume ! party Saturday night. Betsy Hor- j ton won the prize which was fur- ! i, cited by Beik-Tyh ■ for the best j costume. A Hallowe’en motiff 1 was ra; rii 1 out and i freshments j were served. On Friday night. November 8. 1 over two hundred last week-end. j arc requested to come to the cen- ; ter tor the purpose of electing ai youth council and voting on a : came for the recreation center. | The mei ting is scheduled for 8:00 j ! o'< lock. Tin center will be open at the regular hours this wreek-end. Copies Of The Bible Circulated In Russia -» The Bible is ot only being read j in Russia but copies of the Bible are found in the pews of the churches, according to a report given the American Bible Society by Dr. Louie D. Newton, presi dent of the Southern Baptist Con | vention. Dr. Newton was one of a seven-member delegation visiting : Russia at the invitation of the So viet Government. “You will be glad to know,” Dr. Newton reported to the Bible So ciety, “that several Russian sol diers came to me and said that j they nol only got Testaments sup plied to them by the Society when they were prisoners of war, but they knew of thousands of others who did also. One lieutenant, showed me his copy which he re el ived while a prisoner of war land told me ‘'it was the reading of this Book while I was a pris oner of war in Germany that led me to Christ.” Tlioty one counties in North Carolina have less than two hos pital beds per 1,0.00 population. ri Si-i or write W. F. Crawford, Kvi (ills, N. C. o 18 61 . WANTED: AN EXPERIENCED operator to buy interest in liiMiity shop near Williamston. All replits confidential. Address re plies c/o Enterprise Office, Wil liamston. o 25 3t Trulnw"s Hookk<-< pin” anil Tax Sen ire Harrison and Carslarphen Office PHONE 83 Systems installed Unemployment Tax Social Security Tax Wilholding Tax INCOME TAX Iiyii vidua] -Partnership Corporation HI NTIIALL PEANUT PICKER I'm sale. Second hand but in good condition. 11. C. Norman, ! Robersonville, N. C, o 25 2t ! FOR SALE: 11)35 STANDARD Chevrolet four door sedan, good condition. 4 new tires. Milton Harrison. RFD No. 3, Williamston. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: 2 miles east of Robersonville, 4 room house, 4 acre lot. Price $3, tiCn.tlO. I 2 credit, if necessary. Phone 121. Paul D. Roberson. o 2!) 8t I IVE BAIT FOR SALE: 5c EACH See Jack Daniel. o 2,' if TENANT WANTED: I OR CORN. tobacco and peanuts. Good liouse. good land. Lester Rogers, HKD No. 3. | MARCO Telephone 353 -W Continuous Shows 1 P. M. to 1 P. M. SUNDAY 1-3-5-9 TUESDAY’-WEDNESDAY "•BELOW THE DEADLINE” -with W aller Douglas —PLUS— Musical ami Spoi l THURSDAY FRIDAY Lana Turner Laraiue Day -KEEP YOLK POWDER DRY” And - - - Stieeu bnapshoL FOR CHEAP MONEY SEE IT. C. Norman. Robersonville, N. C. r 25 4t NEW 815,000 TEXACO SERVICE Station and garage, complete with new equipment, four-room apartment. Located in Bethel. Ideal location Will lease or rent to party or parties with capital. W. B. Roberson, Robersonville Oil Company, Robersonville, N. C. c 25 2t CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE: Early Jersey Wakefield and Copenhagen market grown from best seed available. 45c per 100, $3.50 per M. Parcel Post Collect. Wvj ir, i.o T £ I 7 • ] ‘ i day, East Side Farm, Williamston KFU No. 1. ’ o 25 8t WANTED—LOGS OR STAND ing limber. Gum, popiar, cyp ress and pine. Communicate with us at our office. Williamston Package Manufacturing Com pany, Williamston, N. C. thru sep FOR SALE: FEW CHOICE WAT erfront lots at Bayview on Pam lico River. This development due for big boom next spring. Eastern Bond and Mortgage Co., Williams ton, N. C. o22&29 WANTED: WE ARE IN THE market for hardwood and pine igs delivered to our mill at mar ket prices. See F. E. Weston, Mgr. Wells-Oates Lumber Company, successors to Saunders and Cox Lumber Company. o 12 tf MAMWWWWWAMWVVVVVVVA VETERAN'S PRIORITY RAT- I ■ ingK honored. Top quality bath- ; room fixtures available now. Also a limited number of water pumps. Concrete septic tanks. Johr G. Corey & Son. o 25 2t STOLEN: BLUE TICKED Hound with several black spots. Has a long tan head. If you know . of any one who has just received a dog of this description please 1 notify W. O. Abbitt, Williamston, N. C. Reward for information. o 25 2t WE HAVE ON HAND ALL grades of ESSO FUEL OIL. cail us for metered delivery service. All city o.ti-..-. delivered -anie day received. Baker Oil Company, • L.'.-fnmtors of Esso Products, Williamston, 3M. C., Phone 6-J. s 10 tf ' WANTED: PINE TIMBER AND logs. See us before selling Wil liamston Supply Co. Phone 109. a 2 tf FOR MONUMENTS and GRAVE markers, call telephone 149-J or come to my residence, 610 W. Main Street, Williamston, N. C. Quick delivery guaranteed. Jesse T. Price, representing New Bern | Monumental Works, New Bern, 1N. C., and Eastern Memorials. Fayetteville, N. C. au 20 211 ! II ST RECEIVED SHIPMENT of Benthall Peanut Pickers and Hay Balers. Plymouth Hardware Co., Plymouth, N. C. oc 4 lOt I liWVIWVVWVVVMMMVVW^ MICkICl *S INN Now Open K VICKY r-: ' GUT IU\0!V l\ r.jjrirlor. <#VWVVVWVWVVVVVnAl’VWVWVVVW’.i' WJ I'tn/WW^VtAMWWUlMWki' Owned and Operated !i\ a Yel. a i'lione 2(H?-\V MODERN FL00E SERVICE Moor Samliiu*- - s) *"• TiT.sim — w i:i)M>i)\\ "'V M BETTE DAVIS WARN IRS* _ ■> LIFE •)•. cii'tiH m Ami ■ • • Technicolor Cartoon! THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dorothy Robert MeGUIRE YOUNG CLAUDIA and DAVID” FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Telephone 2505 H. L. HARDISON Electrical Contractor \\ i!!i;mi-ton RID \o. 1 — 3 Miles from Town 1 Thai familiar long, low whistle... That's ^ __ obvious approval of you in your new Co'ol*'^ King in ANY languageI Carole King designers \ know what makes you juniors click... smooth little fashion tricks that really DO things for your junior figure. Dress for the men in your life in a Carole King. t featured regularly in. JUNIOR BAZAAR CHARM MADEMOI SELLE PHOTOPLAY VOGUE SEVENTEEN GLAMOUR NOW IN STOCK (lurolo Kini; DRESSES —ALSO— NEW COATS Darden’s Dept. Store That's why it’s so important to choose a truly fine sterling - silver. One that will last and last, one that your childrea will be proud to own. The beauty and ageless quality of International Sterling adds a quiet dignity and graciousness to everyday ljyinn. Stop in today and let us show you the unusual and attractive patterns. Most sir-piece place settings cost less than $25.00 including tax, P eele’s—J e welers Since 1899 121 Main Street m i William&tdu { Tune in 0:zie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard each. Sunday m CB3*\ II =—-— m —r a