.Announce Rktli of a Son Mi and X. Waite; Steup: J of Snow Hill announcet; ■ b ■ of a son Welter Thom-:- on Oc tober *2, at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. T Culliphe Mr3. Stepps is the fornn Mi. Louis.: Cul’jphcr. Here On Cosiness Mr. Vance Bunting of Bethel v;t« hero on busings Tu* - * • ■ •' . In firwnville Tuesday Attorney £. S. Peel vrns L; G eei'vi’ie Tuesday on business Here From Greenville Miss Elizabeth Little of Green ville was a business visitor here this week. Here Wednesday Mi. Bob Moore of Rocky Mount was here on business Wednesday Here On Business Mr. Max Fuller of Raleigh was here on business Tuesday. Visiting In Poston ' ?,*•. Jim I,.-cgett l(»*t Thursday for a few tuays stav in Boston with her daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Metz, ami Mr. M< tz. Visits In Eobersonville M’ •>. F nme Moore spent Mon day and Tuesday in Robe:s ons Tie 'as the guest of Mrs. Jack Park . hurst, ‘sioips Here j Mrs O. W FTan.ilton of James ville shopped here W dne«dny. In Wivshins ton Wednesday ! M-. B. A. Ci it : i 1 v>. os in Wash ington Wedne- I; v on business. Announce Birth of a Daughter M. B. Daniels ACMM (PA), j USN. arid Mrs. Daniels announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Frances, in a Washington hospital j on October 24. Mrs. Daniels is the farmer Mi; a Mary Kate Swain. *•■ a visit here with their mother land grandmother. Mrs. Mary Bon i nor Ourganus. Announce liirth n! Twins * Mr. Hi id Mrs. F! ijip Waters an ! riourice the birth of twins, a j daughter. Jean, and a son, Jesst. in Windsor hospital on October 27. Mis. Waters is the former Miss Mildred Gurganus of Wil liarnston. In Fayetteville This Week Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus and son, Eli, were in Fayetteville tins week visiting Duks-ie Ward who continues in a government hospital there for treatment of a leg injury received while he was serving in Italy. Announce Birth of a Son Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey, Jr., of Bear Grass, announce the birth of a son. Philip Kav, in a Wash ington hospital on October 0. Mrs. Bai.'ey is the former Miss Velma Bailey. Visiting Here Mrs. Clarence Morse. Jr„ and son. Billy, of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. Robert Graham of Red Springs, are spending ten days here with their parents, Rev. and | Mrs. B. T. Hurley. ! District Superintendent Here Rev. Hubert Miller, district superintendent of the Elizabeth City district, was a Sunday guest of Rev. and Mrs. B. T. Hurley. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grimes of Norfolk were Sunday guests of Mrs. B. F. Grimes here. Visits Sister Here’ John K. Goodwin of Plymouth spent Sunday here with his sis ter, Mrs. J. M. Ward, and Mr. Ward. Visit Here Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ward were guests of Mrs. Augusta Ward and family Saturday evening. Spend Week-End Here Mrs. G. M. Hinnant, Misses Gladys Snvdlwood, Dorothy Goodwin and Jimmie Hinnant of Apex, and T. J. England of Jack son. Michigan, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ward here. Spending Few Days Here Mrs. John Tulles and sons. John, Jr.. Gus and Fre d, of Rocky Mount are spending a few days here with her mother ]V! re_ c* a Harrison. Visit In Norfolk Misses Grace and Amanda Rog erson visited their sister, Mrs. D. K Whitehurst, and Mr. White hurst in Norfolk last week-end. Here From Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and daughter, Ja Peele, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pittman and daughter. Katherine, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peele near here last Sunday. Returns Here Tuesday Mr, Jordan Peel who is spend ing some time in Washington County, was here Tuesday attend ing to business. Visit In Norfolk Saturday Mrs. C. G. Rogerson and son. Samuel, and Mrs. Jay Lilley and daughter, Jeanette, visited Mrs. D. E. Whitehurst in Norfolk last Saturday. Home for Week-End Bill Peele, A. C. College stud ent, was home from Wilson last week-end. Spend Week-End At Home Misses Christine Lilley and Ola W^Uains. siTTuetiTS—'SI iX if, Greenville, spent the week-end at home. They were accompanied by Miss Vera Williams, home eco nomies teacher at Choc-owinity. Spending Few Days Here Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Malone and little Miss Janice Malone of Sum ter, S. C., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ma- | lone. REinr-E luncheon . j Mrs. W. L. Howell entertained I I at her home on West Main Street Saturday, October 26th honoring 1 Iv" s Mt it K Clyde Taylor b: ide | r 1. cl with a bridge luncheon. The guests were greeted by Mis. Howell and the honoree. Mrs. Dillon Cobb parsed the tai l's: M;ss Bolton Cowen then di rt did the guests to their tables i '< t; 1 Hve s' it g rooms rs r.f various color:-. The in irk's p : re v designated by a ot rs; v< of white carnations an' nriniature nosegays were present ed to each guest at their places. A .delicious two courses lunch i'i n.ws fc- tl v ■ si ft d by Mrs. Daisy Purvis, Mrs Hildreth Mobley and JJrs. W. A. J: r e. The guests enjoyed four pro gressions of bridge during which ct co colas were served. High store price, a gold compact was I awarded to Mrs.' Miller Harrell; . t-jh, a Fostoria bowl to Miss Taylor, the honoree; and consolation, a nest of ash trayk, to Miss Mary Charles Godwin. The biide was presented crystal vases by the hostess and Miss Kather ire Manning, bride-elect was re membered with a coffee spoon in her chosen silver. Tho*e attending were: Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor, Bolton Cow en, Mary Rodgerson, Marjorie | Lindsley, Julia Everett, Ruth Ward. Dorothy Manning Kather j ire Mam mg, Mary Charles God w in. Marjorie C. Dunn, Elizabeth Parker; Mesdames Ralph Taylor, Dillon Cobb, Bill Roth, T. F. Dav- : enport, Woodrow Tice, Charlie Wood. Eunice Bufflap, Debose j Simpson, George Harrison, Jr., J. C. Eubanks. Oswald Stalls, John Hollewell, W. B. Gaylord, David Mndlin, Carroll Jones, Jack Ed mondson, Will Partin, Wheeler Manning, Miller Harrell, Wheel er Martin, Jr.. J. T. Llewellyn, Daisy Purvis, W. A. James, Hil dn th Mobley; Miss Thelma Lilley of Greenville, Miss Addie Lee Meador of Rah igh and Miss Fran ces Barnhill of Durham. Gurgantir.'Roberson fT pfirling Invitations Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Thomas Robert r ’"foueSt your prerencp at the metric ge of their daughter. Martha Atha, to Edward Ray Gerpanus on November 10. 1946. at 4 00 o’clock p. m. in the Maple Grove Christian Church. No invitations being mailed in town. insrsE w’ARHiivfi On Monllav r'-pnirg from 8 un ul 12 o'clock. Mbs G1 ace Whitley and Miss Mftttk Lou Keel entert: ircd with a house warm ing for Mr. ard Mrs. Ernest Cox. who recently rrc’ed into their now home on West Main Street. T! e truest* numbering about a hundred were greeted at the door hr Mi.1? Mail if Lou Keel, who *n , 1roduc«d them to Miss Whitley ami Mr. and Mrs. Cox. They were shewn over the new home which is furnished throughout with lovely antique furniture. Sandwiches, cakes, mints, nuts and punch were served during the evening. Mr. ar d Mrs. Cox were the re cipients of many beautiful gifts. Attending Game In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. W. il Carstart/hc n and Miss Ruth Norton are attend ing the Georgia Alabama football game in Athens, Ga., tomorrow. Spend IVeek-End With Parents The Manning twins, A. E. and Miss Lena B.. students at ECTC, Greenville, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Manning. They had as their guest, Miss Aiding Barnhill, of Pactolus arid a student at the col lege. Returns From Hospital Mrs. J. E, Edmondson returned to her home line on Elm Street Tuesday from Duke hospital where she recevied treatment for twelve days. In Duke Hospital John Duffy Hines, son of Mr. end Mrs. Emmet Hines, is in Duke , Hospital receiving treatment for 1 a leg ailment. His sister. Miss Ltttie Hines is nursing him. Mrs. Wheeler Rogerson has been ill at her home in Eear Grass Township this week. I ==—, „ -= Vuelnrw Visitors Here Messrs. J. E. Hodges of Norfolk and Howard Bellows of New York, representatives of the Gen eral Tire and Rubber Company, attended to business here Wed nesday. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS IN 5 YEARS YOU CAN GIVE JHAT MOST THRILLING OF ALL GIFTS..,, YOUR BABY’S, first SHOES PRESERVED FOREVER !N BRONZE, SILVER OR GOLD Yjy t£c OMg.ir.at 6&QN/SHOE tfo-Ud ftlelal Thactli The joy of Christmas is host expressed in giving . . . what pift could bring more joy than baby’s own precious shoes beautifully preserved forever in shimmering bronze, silver, or gold und mounted on fine imported onyx and unbreakable metal. J he famous cKON-SHOE name . . . synonymous with l.ho linest workmanship human skill can provide . . . guaran tees a gift that thrills, not only for Christmas, but forever. t*»0§T-WAR BEAUTY AT PRE-WAR PRICES Metal Ashtray (above_ $ 6 95 Metal Bookcnds (pair)_$9.95, $10.95 Portrait Frame (8x10) $ 7.95 Onyx Desk Set with 14 karat Gold Point Pen $15.00 Onyx Ashtray _ $12.50 Onyx Paperweight $ 7.50 Unmounted $6.00 pair—$3.50 single (Above Prices for Bronze) ORDER NOW . . . AVOID DiSAPPCINTMCiNT Bookcnds Bronzo $10.95 pr. 121 Main folk’s - Imei&is Siuo«» l H*>*> Ti l. 55-J miii iiwp—— T - ,*.m Trtat Tlie Whole Family To GARDNER'S VELVET ICE CREAM THEY’RE NEVER TOO YOUNB OR TOO OLD FOR, Gardner’s Velvety Smooth Ice Cream > SllVIft | IM FORTH BY 9 ■ | tACARM IMPORTS, INC, N.Y. I » RUM • «« Moor I Stcrts Relief in 6 Seconds .from Ail 6 usucl >' wlMis#*** ** * ✓w. i*1*®**.,,^* COID PREPARATION 1°*TABLETS OR IIQUID Tak* only as directed NOTICE! to AM legionnaire* amt Service Mon ami women who serve in die armed forces. an* specially invited to a DUTCH SUPPEH In The legion Hut on Monthly JNijrlit. Nov. 11 (li nl 7:)>0 50c |n*r plate Also a good speaking after tii« supper. for the sorrier* men and women, and In-ini' a huddie. Conte Our Kffieienl IVrscriptioii Department Is lu Charge Of Registered Druggists You ran depend upon our IVeseriplion Department for prompt. aerurule smicr in filling your prewriptions. Only frrsh drugs of guaranteed strength ami purity used. Bring us your next one . . . and de pend upon us for uil your needs in our line. Clark’s Pharmacy HEAT WOOD '”Samnta» 3>'. AiMel' •**««- Clean, lest soot and dirt. Over s.oUu reto'led m one city and trading area—truly a sensation. Now in our I5tn year. See vour local Ashley dealer today or write ter his name. ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD STOVE COMPANY Columbia, S. C-, Jnmnsville Methodist toadies Aid is giving a TURKEY SLPPER Friday uiyrhf ’Vovemher 8 from 6:00 lo 9:00 at the Jamrsvillp Hugh Sohool Budding. Plates i>0e ami SI .00. FOR. ELECTRICAL WORK Telephone 2505 fi. L. HARDISON Electrical Contractor NS illiumston KFI) No. 1 — 3 Miles from Town MICKEY’S INN OYSTER BAR Now Open EVERY NICIIT JACK !)!XON, Proprietor. i TOBACCO GROWERS I?o:**I Kail to soil ilia! good tobacco. The bet ter grades are bringing $66, $67 and lip lo $70 per hundred. Our daily floor averages arc among tlie highest in ihr slate, so line lip Kill: the crowd for the liigh dollar and sell the remainder with the Adkins and Hailey ware house in Robersonville. THE Block Is Off And you ean get a sale, and a good sale, any day of the week. We have Surpassed Last Year’s Poundage For this we are proud and we are still go ing strong! Sell with us Friday or Monday * * for the highest sale of the year. Adkins & Bailey WAREHOUSE Roher 8011 villi*