Hospital Notes — * Mrs. Maidie Lee Sheppard is re covering from an operation in the local hospital. Injured in a train-motor vehicle accident the early part of October. Clifton Manning, his condition much improved, is leaving the local hospital soon fnr his home. A patient m the local hospital cinre October 18, Leon R. Cartpr I tobacconist on the local market from Winston-Salem, is respond ing to treatment. j Mr. Claudius Roberson was ( moved from the local hospital i Wednesday for further treatment at Duke. | Mrs. W. W. Griffin underwent a major operation in the local hos pital last Tuesday and is getting j along very well. Operated on the early part of last week. Mrs. Pauline Bateman is improving rapidly and will re ■turn to her home near Plymouth soon. Badly shot a shoft time ago, ; William Hopkins responded to treatment rapidly in the local hospital and returned to his home near Jamesville Wednesday. Born to Mr. ar.d Mrs. VI Ken neth Harrington in the local hos pital im October 26 a son, Wil liam McCoy. Mr. and I'rs. Harry C. Jones o'i Jamesville announce the birth of a daughter, Judy Faye, in tile local hofcpi Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lir.wood Brown of Jamesville, a son. On nie Travis, on October 29 in the local hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John u. Hardison of RFD 1. Williamston, a son on Thursday, October 31. Miss Helen Bryant, local hospi tal nurse, spent last week-end at her home in Clinton. Miss Bernice Smith, member of 'the local hospital nursing staff, visited relatives in Roanoke Ray ids last week-end. Miss Mary Carter, nurse in the hospital here, is spending this | week-end at her home in Lumber I Bridge. RETONGA FINE IN HIS CASE, SAYS PROF. RILEY j -V-- - 1 lived On Soft Diet For Month* and Suffered i Terrible Bistros* From' Arid Indigestion, De clares Educator. Regains 12 Lbs. And Feels Fine Now. »■ ■■ - “Words are inadequate to ex press my appreciation of what Re- j tonga has done for me.'' is the grateful statement of prof. A. W. I Riley, retired educatoi who now | operates the Enside Poultry Farm j at Boston, Ga. A native of Dale ! County, Alabama, he taught in ! Georgia for many years. Describ ing his happy experience with Re tonga, Prof. Riley declared: ' I was a really miserable man for years. Acid indigestion com p< lied me to live on soft eggs and milk for months. Everything I ate seemed to sour almost instant- j ly and cause terrible gas pressure ■ in my stomach. I lost weight, felt high-strung and irritable, and was foi<ced to take harsh laxatives al most daily. Refreshing sleep was almost impossible. I felt depress, t u and discouraged over failure to find adequate relief. Rctonga I not only found PROF. A. W. RILEY prompt relief, but I feel it has given me a new outlook and new hope. I sleep like a baby; eat anything, and have regained twelve pounds. I feel much stronger. All other distress also is happily relieved and it seems I am feeling better every day. I say this voluntarily in the earnest hope I may help others.” Retonga if intended to relieve distress due to insufficient flow of digestive juices in the stomach, loss of appetitie, Vitamin B-l de ficiency and constipation. Thous ands praise it. Accept no substi tute. Retonga may be obtained at Clark's Pharmacy, Inc.—Adv. Social News BIRTHDAY PARTY The children and grandchildren of Mrs. E. Slade Peel, more fam iliarly known as "Mother Sue", met at the Peel home in Bear Grass Township last Saturday afternoon to honor her on her 78th birthday anniversary. Mr.; Peel. 85 years old, observed his birthday two days before. A program was planned a short time before, the men suggesting that they go to the woods and cut. the winter’s supply of wood while Die ladies prepared the table and completed arrangements for the parry under the stately trees in .the yard. . After the men returned from their work, “Happy Birthday" was sung to the honorees. Then the attention of everyone v. nr turned to the lovely table which v.-rr centered with a birthday cake beautifully capped v\ ith the numerals ‘'78" and "85". Delici ous refreshments consisting of Sliced ham. chicken salad, several binds of sandwiches, deviled eggs pic klt" homemade cake. lemon- : ade, ieed peps: -<■ nI:.S wen- served , to about sixty people. Mi and Mis. Peel received many lovely and useful gift* ; with a nice supply of wood i to burn in tb "ir large old-fashion- j td lue place. Good byes were said and every i one wished "Mother Sue" and j “Mr Slade' many more “Happy TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON WICKS i 1 YvapoRub — BELK - TYLER’S — SPECIALS STEP STOOL New Shipment of Well-maile Step Stools . . . real quality stools made from seleet materials . . . eolors red . . . green . . . hlaek and white . . . this is a real \alue and so handy about the house . . . see these l tomorrow . . . Speeial ... F HASSOCKS Beautiful Huseoeks made by Aineriea’s best niunii faeturer . . . assorted eolors . . • and assorted sizes and shapes . . . these are useful aud ideal for Christ* mas fjifts. . . . $3.98 $4.98 Hamperetts $4.99 METAL HAMPERS Baskets To Match | These hampers with waste baskets are really beau I tifill . . • lovely pastel eolors with floral designs . . . these fine metal hamper sets will certainly add to to your home . . . see them tomorrow . . . $7.95 1 PEARL WICK HAMPERS $6.95 LUGGAGE All types of luggage . . . for men and women . . . airplane type and gladstone type . . . made from select materials and is built to give real service . . . sizes 18" to large pullman size ... all colors, black, brown, blue and tan. Also steamer lockers and large size trunks. $4.30 to $25.00 — BELK - TYLER’S — Rev. LalHs To Preach In Hassell SimHax "Sight -» Ppv. J W. Lollis of Pantego will preach in Hassell Christian Church Sunday night at 7:90. The public is cordially invited to at tend. » ; Ili"iirsl priros for your Wo vil! hnv por;iiis in \\ iHimnsloii, !%. < at llio I.INDSI.KY M I', COMPANY warehouse on (lie follow in;: V. eduesdays: NOYKMIIKR 6, NO\ l.MUKR 1.5, NON I Y1IU U 27 Vonr continued patronage will enable us in give you a local market in \\ illiamsloii. T. 15. YOUNG COMPANY Florence, Soulli (arolina Other dates iu December will he announced in this paper. We VoiiM Like lo serve you your minimum Is ii OVALITY TEXACO HEATING OILS Our 27t years experienee qualifies us to know tli*‘ I\pe of oil needed for your equipment. IIAKItlSON OIL COMP A NY 7 i: v i <; o (all 1(12 M K T \ I. DRYER KoIiIh into of 21 Iik Im , B. S. COURTNEY Williunihloii's OI<le-.| Furniture Dealer ANNOUNCING Our IIoiim'IioIiI Refrigerator Service Kffective At Oiler - Mr. Lewis Pippin An expert on Kefrigeral’on is non asso ciated willi us. He is a graduate of the done Kleelric School of dhicngo and is experienced in Household Kef‘rigeration Telephone .T15-W K. D. WORRELL Your Electrical D valor WiiliuniKlon, V ( — BELK - TYLER’S — NEW ARRIVALS Smart Fall F rocks For sometime our buyers have been busy collecting smart Fall Frocks for our customers! Each express brings in more and more of these leveiy Dresses! Be sure you visit the Ready-to-Weai section ihe first thing to morrow and select your dresses! Use Belk-Tyler's easy Lay-Away Plan! OVER 700 LOVELY FALL FROCKS FOR TOMORROWI SHOP EARLY TOMORROW! USE BELK TYLER'S CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN! Smart . . . New! One I'icre ami Two Pirrr Styles in DASIIINL FAI L FROCKS f o r LADIES Handsomely styled in Wool Jersey, Faille, C h a n e 1 le. Gabardine, Wool Crepe, Botany Flan nel and other fine Fall Fabrics! Shown in Solids, Prints, Plaids, Checks and in Stripes! These lovely one piece and two piece Frocks come in the Fall's smart est colorings, including: Blues. Reds, Greens, Greys. Browns. Black. Butter Yellow, Acqua, Pink and! $5.42 $9.95 15 v I I v r I*1 a I I l>K ESSES They are marvelously figure flatter ing—atwinlcle with glitter for more sparkle! Fashion-hit styles with high and low necklines, pert peplums, winger sleeves, in both one and two piece styles! Styles for Juniors, Misses and Women in the fashions that are "right out front" this fall! Be sure you see this superb showing of smart Fall Dress es early tomorrow! f- A $12.50 $14.95 $16.50 $19.95 mSTINCTIN 1: VIODKLS IN FINE FALL FROCKS Sparkling new dress ups lo win you compliments wherever you go thru' Fall! See their sleek new sides drapes, perky peplums, and bustle bows! So pleasingly styled for Juniors, Misses and Wo men in all the smartest one and two-piece cre ations for Fall! $21.00 $22.50 $29.50 BELK - TYLER’S •.< *>,« »>,< *>.« »>,! *>,< *XI IJL< m »>.< »>:« »V< m m »vi»v< m »4* ‘^»

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