Farm Life Class Names Officers The Farm Life Seniors after re covering from the effects of their trip to Washington, D. C., have elected their offhers. They are: Susie Manning, president; Jus tus Tice, vice-president; Thelma Manning, secretary; Lessie Man i'.ir.g, treasurer. Recently they -selectml. thei, flower, the rose. Their decision was to use the rain bow colors class colors. The motto, corresponding with their mvitdtion cards, is We have crossed the bay, the ocean ties be fore us.” They were sponsors of the king • • d queen contest whose winners v,; announced at the Hallo-j vve'en carnival. Invitations, calling cards, caps utid gowns have been ordered. The calling cards and memory books have been received. They are also hoping to publish , an annual by the end of the term. All of thorn are now members of the High School Book League which increases the reading of more good literature. They decided that Mrs. Lewis Roberson, Mrs. Eugene Roberson, Mrs. N. T. Tice, and Mrs. Cletie Griffin, wull be our grademothers -because they are sending their last child to school to graduate in 1947. -—-o Home From Germany Sgt. Cecil R. Whitehurst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whitehurst, RFD 2, Williamston, recently re turned home after a stay of ten months in Germany. While over seas he was promoted from pri vate first ciass to sergeant. He is expeoting his discharge shortly. W£ MA K€ '£M / Our thorough overhauling, plus genuine 1H parts, will put your tractor in tip-top shape for work next season. But please don’t wait ’til the last minute.. It takes time to get certain parts from the factory. Drop in or call up for a date, and we’ll put your name on our advance service schedule. >, ns. E Jenkins & Co. m McCORMICK-PEERING MACHINES II PARTS AND SERVICE Hundreds of Growers Are— liking Advantage —Of The H PRICES Being Paid ut our Warehouse., to be sure, have shown some decline in the past few days but we are still making some of the highest sales and av erages in the Belt. Prompt Sale Every Day Vllhongh llir end of the Heason in in tight, \>r are luring large sales, hul uol ho large lhal v e cunT gel you a quick bale auv day of the Meek. WAREHOUSE RobersouvilleJ CHURCH NEWS CHRISTIAN John L. Goff, Minister. Bible School, 9:45. Classes for all f;es. Russell T. Roebuck, | supt. Morning worship, 11:00. Sub ject: "The World Hero.” Evening praise and worship service at 7:30. Subject: "The Sacrament of Fail- I ure.” The pastor speaks at boih services. i Junior C. F. meets Tuesday, 3:30 at the Church. The C. F. Boys and Girls meet at 7:00 at the church. The first prayer service of the fall ’.rill be held Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 at which time the pas- ' tor will use as his theme “Our \ Father’s Deliverance.” A most cordial welcome awaits all friends of the Church and visitors at any and all services. - METHODIST B. H. Hurley, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, W. H. Manning, Supt. Youth fellowship at 6:00. There will be no preaching ser vices Sunday due to the absence of the pastor who is attending the conference in Henderson. Church Of The Advent (Episcopal) 21st Sunday after Trinity. Church School at 10:00. Morning prayer and sermon at 11:00. The Every Member Canvass will be held Sunday afternoon and the communicants of the church are asked to be at home between 3:00 and 5:00 in order that the canvass may be complet ed. Celebration of the Holy Com munion on Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 8:00. -* BAPTIST 9:45, Sunday school; Urbin Rog ers, Supt. 11:00, Morning worship. 6:30, Training Union. 7:30, Evening worship. Nov. 10- 16th: Royal Ambassa dor Focus Week including the fol lowing events> Sunday morning, all R. A.’s attending worship to gether; Monday, 7:30, regular R. A. meeting; Friday, 5:00, mission study class followed by father-son banquet at the church. Wednesday, 4:00, Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary meets with Betsy Horton. Wednesday, 7:30, mid-week prayer service. ♦ Pinev Grove Baptist Regular services will be held at Piney Grove Baptist Church, Sat urday and Sunday, at 11 o’clock. All members arc urged to attend these services and the public is invited. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. Archie Mizelle Vs Fay Walker Mizelle. The defendant, Fay Walker Mi zellc, above named, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, Have You Seeu the NEW U. S. AIR -Rit)E TIRE! Ask For Free Demonstration Ride. B. & W. TIRE RRBUILDERS Our production will bo increased several thousand turns tor the 1847 It is time to placa your order! Sea your nearest Florence-Maye Dealer pr yrrlta direct tot v „ I FL0REN0E-MAY0I [ NUWAY COMPANY < m HAuiT* % c. m Services In Hassell Christian Church -• Ivan Adams, ministerial student at Atlantic Christian College, Wil son, will preach in the Hassell Christian Church Sunday morn ing at 11:00 o’clock. No evening service has been definitely sched uled, buc plans for the day will be announced that morning. Sunday school will convene at 10:00 o’clock that morning with Mr. George Ayers as super intendent.- - - The public is cordially invited a,,ci members are urged to attend. North Carolina, at Williamston, N C, to secure an absolute di vorce based upon over two years continuous separation; and the defendant will further take no tice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, N. C.. on the 5th day of December 1946 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action cn said date, and unless the defendant appears and answers or demurs to said com plaint on the above date or with in twenty days thereafter as pro vided by the laws of the State of North Carolina, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 5th day of November, 1946. L. B. WYNNE, Clerk Superior Court Martin County, n 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County, rn the Superior Court Before the Clerk. Maggie Andrews, Widow, Will Andrews, Single, Mary Andrews Howell and husband, John How ell, Selma Andrews, Single, Char lie Andrews, Single, Rosie Barnes and husband, Rufus Barnes, John nie Andrews and wife, Minnie Andrews, Clinton Andrews and wife, Andrews, Bertha M. Taylor and husband, Moses Taylor and William T. Andrews 1 Single. VS. Jesse Andrews and wife, Lena Andrews, Clarence Andrews, Sinle, Annie V. Andrews Brown and husband, Columbus Brown Brown and Minnie Q. Grimes and husband, Paul Grimes Under and by virtue of an order of sale entered in the above pro ceeding on the 6th day of Novem ber, >946, the undersigned com jmssio.iers will on' 7th. 1946. in front of theTou id house “ door in the town of Wiliiameton at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale fot^tsf^^^^uehesl bidder, the iand: That certain tract or parcel of land in Robersonville Township, Martin County, North Carolina, known as the Ned Andrews tract of land, situate on both sides of the County road leading from the town of Gold Point in a westerly direction toward the old R T. An drews home place, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. Lydia Congle ton, the Jane Whitfield lands, the old R. T. Taylor lands, now the lands of W. W. Taylor and G. C. Taylor, the lands of Harvey War ren and Ada Warren, the lands of Miley Mooring, R. T. Taylor, Hay wood Teel and others, and being | the same lands described in deeds , to Ned Andrews of record in Books SSS, page 45, at page 511. FFF. at page 372. LLL at page 445 and JJ at page 114 of the Martin County Public Registry, contain ing 190 acres, more or less. This the 6th day of November, 1946. J. C. SMITH, H. G. HORTON. R. L. COBURN, Commissioners. n 8-15-22-29 ■sm papojip in A|uo uoijnn^ ainon no suiavivcP , NOIlVUVdldd 0103 '. rA » m a VW , - n\ |pnsn 9 fiv lucav’ SPU090$ 9 UJ |8||9]| S|Ja»5 Ihis Is My First Visit Here - AMERICAN PALMIST A seventh daughter born with a veil, not to be classed with Gypsies. I will accept no fee unless you receive satisfaction and find me superior to all readers. Reads past, present and future. Advice on all affairs of life. Please don't confuse my work with that of the cheap ordinary fortune teller. The truth or nothing. Re member. a doubter never wins. Offices for while and colored. Hours: 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Open daily and Sun day. Office in studio trailer, located Highway No. 17. east of Windsor at A. B. Gillam's Place. t WE BUY PEANUTS Office and Storage Room Located iu the CAROLINA WAREHOUSE — We Pay — HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Be sure to see or contact us before you sell your peanuts We Pay Drayage to Our Warehouse Telephone 1%-J Gurganus & Rogers Roy Gurganus, Urbin and Rogsell Rogers WilliaiiiBtuu, N. C. CHRISTMAS Months ago Bc'lk-'i ylor’s buyers planned for this event! Hundreds of lovely Dolls are now ready for you to make the Girlies happy on Christmas Morning! You’ll find just what you want in this large selection. Shop Early To morrow! m This year y, u Wn get that “Crying” Doll or the doliie who calls for “Mama” and goes to sleep! These are sure to make her happy! Many of these have natural hair, others with painted heads. A lovely selection for tomorrow! MAKE YOl K sklhctioin now: ILsc ()ur (!o!i\ni!Hii LAYAWAY a smai.1, i)i:i*< >srr vvii.m:i;si-:i{m;aoi i u K HULL! El' ’EANIIEE - SWEET I*1E- IIOKSM AN-ami-VOGUE A l> O K A It I. E 'E II K I ST HI A S DOLLS! Il<*li> arc hack i 11 all Iheir io\cliuc ... She 1 irsl lime since before lhe war lhal we ha\r liven ahle lo seniee lor veil site sleepy dolls anil the “■Mama” •» dolls. (tiddly liltle things as well as llie so]diisliealed l\pcs . . . The grown-ups will gel a llirill in selecting "her doll from these beauties. All sizes for ail ages! Shop morrow BELK - TYLE R’S