Horne For Christmas S/Sgt. Calvin Sluder of Fort Eel voir. Vt\, is spending Christ mas here with Mrs. Siuder. -® Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Janice, on December 14 in the local hospital. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Alton Shlby and son. Jerol, and Mr. and M^s. Per rian Harris of Bayview visited Mr. Selby’s sister, Mrs. D. Lee Reynolds here recently. -1 Shops Here Mr. P. C. Blount of Jamesville shopped here Friday. $#* ft’ :{% t f: % #. tv » .yx :£? Wishing in tlie whole Vv'icJ World A ieiry Christmas And A tippy New Year ier Furniture Washington St. | COMPANY f. & .-■? Mr. and Mrs. John W ier and Buddie W iliianiston, N. C. rii *r5«SS» vr»sS^ V fr tv f A A • ■nr tv ■« 11 is lho linu*. loo, for us lo "feet our friends, to lluuik them for their ennsidernlion of u s, and lo wish them all a very Happy Christinas. WHITE < fV Owner and operator of the ^ Norris Sheet MetuI ik Heating Equipment Co. ft 3 \ z*** Though tlir yule hells ring out their loudest, they eannot drown out the heartiness of our season’s wishes for you. In whatever wuy we ran, we're helping to make your Christ mas merrier — and look forward to even more faultless service to you throughout 19-17. CHURCH I NEWS ! BAPTIST 9:45. Sunday school. 11:00, Morning worship. 6:45, Training union. H. P. Mobley, director. f m mi ial “Student Night at Christmas" is being planned using the college students. | Wednesday, 7:30. Mid-week 'Prayer service: begin the year right by coming to pray er scv-i CHRISTIAN John L. Goff. Minister. Bible school. 9:45. Graded school and classes for all ages. Russell T. Roebuck, supt. Elbert IS. Peel, teacher of men’s class. Mrs. G. G. Woolard, teacher of Iphilathea Bible Class. Morning worship at 11:00. Sub ject: 'Inventory or Post up your Books.” Evening song and praise service at 7:30. Subject: "Fronting the Future.” Union Watch-Night service will be held in the Methodist Church with Rev. B. T. Hurley in charge. The choirs of all the local churches are asked to render one or more of their leading Christ mas numbers during the service. The Philathea Bible Class will meet Friday, January 3rd, at 8:00. with Mrs. S. W. Manning on Watts Street, with Miss Dorothy Manning, Mrs. Joseph Griffin and Mrs. Jack Hardison as joint hos tesses. -» METHODIST B. T. Hurley. Pastor. 9:45, Church school. W. M. Manning, supt. 11:00, Morning worship and sermon. 5:30, Youth Fellowship. 7:30, Evening service and ser mon. 11:30 p. m., Tuesday, union watchnight service. -$ Church Of The Advent (Episcopal) John W. Hardy, Rector. 1st Sunday after Christmas. 10:00., Church school. 11:00, Morning prayer. Wednesday, 10:30, Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, celebra tion of the Holy Communion. -»-. ST. MARTIN’S, Hamilton 1st Sunday after Christmas. 11 :C0, Celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon with baptismal service following tb< morning service. --$ ^AoioL]\pmg .. ■ ■-- cil has been formed and a consti tution has been drawn up. This youth council will serve as a gov erning body for the center and will work with the adult plan ning committee in mapping out the future programs. For special parties refresh ments have been furnished by the adult refreshment committee. On ■regular nights, usually there have been cold drinks and nabs for sale. The teen-agers have decorated the center on the special occas i ions, Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Long Holiday For The SES Office ->. The Unemployment Compensa tion Commission has announced that all Employment Service of ; ficcs will be closed Monday, Tues day' and Wednesday, December 23rd, 24th and 25th in observance of Christmas. Persons filing claims whose reporting day falls on December 23rd or 24th will report to the local office on De cember 30th or 31st. Those whose reporting day falls on Wednes day', December 25th, will report on Thursday, January 2nd. The local Employment Service office will close on December 21st. at ! 1:00 p, m. and will reopen Thurs | day morning, December 26th, at 9:00 a. m. Second Ditto: “That’s nothing My wife looked back- and turn ed into a telegraph pole!” SUNNY SIDE OYSTER BAR Will Be Open Christmas Eve Christmas Night And all other night* with fine quality oyster* and the hest Service Possible. Roberson Bros. Mfi*4 ^ >1*1* >X* >v< >v< tvt i v i »v< t • ♦ ivi tvt tvt >vovn«'< >vt i Sunday Slated To Be Shortest Day In Year At exactly 10:41 a. m. on Sun day, December 22, winter arrives officially in Martin County, and, incidentally, in all the rest of the northern hemisphere. According to the almanac, Sunday is also the shortest day of the year, with the sun rising at 7:25 a. m. and set ting at 4 31 p. m., ma'. ng the to tal amount of daylight nine hours and six minutes. Although the day ushers in the coldest season of the year, oddly enough, the earth is actually nearer the sun than at any other time, so astronomers say. OYSTERS For Christina* dome To SAM FAULK’S PLACE Around the Corner of ihe Guaranty Itauk and Trust Company. f !u all Ili<* centuries during which mail lias conceived plots to be wov en into story-telling no more re markable, exciting or inspiring tale lias ever been lobl than tbe true story of the Babe in tbe Manger. 1'his Christmas, 1910 A. 1). all tbe children of the earth can find in it tbe keynote for everlasting peace. I Peele’s — Jewelers Main Street Williainstou ■ff. ab. & m n M ■* m to M k M 5 *5 »VoVt»!«!hVuV<»**!iM,n%!u^i»V!HVHVHVirr^or»*H%THr**wVtM,u,*!Mr»!»(Vi»Vt»Vi»Vi iVHr**MVt»V* 1V11T1 rVi»Vh.*.u!*!( 1 BIG NEWS! LAST CALL § Further Reductions On All MERCHANDISE Pi m I ALL STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE w Israel’s Store m M *1 >?Iv>!?ii>vv«*v .irZ*5i '«T**r2£*i*•?**tZt*v»«>**S* >F*<'Ki»T2*v