League Organized For Scout Troops In Martin County "—•— (Continued frorr page one) liamston; Troop 127 vs. Troop 201 at Everetts: Troop 72 vs. Troop 27 at Williams-on June 21 June 28 Troop 201 vs. Troop 27 at Wil Jiamston: T-oop 127 vs. Troop 39 at Wjlhamston. Trocp 72 v:. Troop 201 at Everetts July 5 Troop 29 v- Troup 12 . t Hober Sonvilk. Troop 127 vs Troop 201 at Jamesvilie; Troop 72 vs. Troop , 27 at RubersonvUle. July 12 Troop 127 vs. Troop 72 at Jamesvilie: Troop 201 vs. Troop 29 at Everetts: Troop 27 vs Troop 127 at William store .. July 19 Troop 27 vs. Troop 29 at Wil liamston: Troop 201 v- Troop 127 at Jamesvilie; Troop 27 vs. Troop 72 at Robersonvilk July 2<> Troop 27 vs. Troop 127 at Wil Jiamston: Troop 29 vs-. Troop 201 at Everetts. Troop 29 vs. Troop 72 at Robersonville Aliens! 2 : oop 27 vs. Troop 203 at Ever etts: Troop 29 vs. Troop 12i at Jamesville; Troop 201 vs. Troop 72 at Robersonvil'le. August 9 Tioop 72 vs. Troop 29 at Wil liamston: Troop 201 vs. Troop 127 at Everetts; Troop 27 vs. Troop 72 at Williamston. August 19 Troop 72 vs. Troop 127 at Rob : ,n v11!1' Troop 29 vs. Troop 2t/i at Wrliaitift n. Troop 127 vs (,ri..f!‘ilb its (jivrn Ouota~ In Camrr Drive (Continued from page one) over into Mav a few days, since it was about two weeks late in getting started, so this should give those who have not con tributed an opportunity to do so. —Reported. Ilnlf Of ^helletl P ennui* (,oiitf! Into Peanut Uniter -# Peanut butter takes nearly half of the shelled peanut supply, di rect c> n-umption as such accounts fcm about 82 percent of this but te1, over 9 p< rcent goes into pack aged sandwich;:, less, than 9 pci cent goes into candy and less than one-half percent lor “other uses.” -- 7(1 tie frKMd0/t&Me Sxfaa SewiceA attta /tcUUtio*tal(?Mt Many a citation ami medal was awarded during Vi orld \\ ar II for performance "above and beyond the call of duly/’ W bile we are not looking for or expecting am medals out of the insurance business, we are proud of those extra services big and little which are above and beyond the cull of duty and which we render to our policyholders at no additional cost. Our advice costs you nothing and places you uuder no obligation. IIAKKISON & CAKSTAKI’HEN /VS/ /MAY \E Telephone ll'i W illiamdoii. N. (. AT THE WATTS SUNDAY AND MONDAY Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, last seen together in “Without Love,” are reunited on the W'atts screen as husband and wife in “The Sea of Grass,” spectacular drama of the great land movement into New Mexico at the turn of the century. Robert Walker and Melvyn Douglas are other stars in the im posing cast of the new adventure drama based on Conrad Rich ter's best-seller novel. Loses Court Verdict S'.ONDE Mrs. Virginia Gahagan leaves New York Supreme Court building alter a jury upheld the : charges of hei husband, Andrew Jesse Gahagan, that she committed indiscretions with "Count Jacques Negrier. The verdict makes it pos sible for the husband to secure a divorce by having his lawyers draw up a decree and presenting it to the court for signature. (International) Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Moon of Portsmouth, announce tin birth of a daughter, Beverly El len. on April 11. in a Portsmouth hospital. Mrs. Moore is the for nu-r Miss Esccl'erlee Griffin, o Williamston. -<t> Approximately 9.242,000 peopL were al work on farms of the Na tinn in the week ending April 1. Work of Home Women Praised —«— Secretary of Agriculture Clin ton P. Anderson issued the fol lowing letter this week through Miss Verna Stanton, assistant state agent for the State College Extension Service, in marking the second annual observance of Na tional Home Demonstration week, ; May 4-11. Addressing his remarks to the "Women in Home Demonstration Work.” the Secretary said: “American womanhood has long enjoyed a freedom and re spect accorded to women in no other part of the world. As in every other phase of democratic life, this position of esteem car ries with it some definite respon sibilities. It is in the home that i the pattern of the culture of a people is established. The cradle i of democracy is in a nation’s ; homes and families. “We may be happy that our cul j ture is one tiiat emphasizes ad vancing standards for family liv : mg—in the ethical sense as wel | as in the praeical. But nothing i: j so good that it cannot be modi I better; better in terms of the fam ily’s health comfort, education happiness, and understanding Under the leadership of the hom< demonstration agents of the Co operative Extension Service, tin farm women of American wil (continue to make daily hom | tasks easier, to improve thei ! homes and communities, and t j bring about happier and mor wholesome living in rural Ameri ca. “It is a pleasure for me to joi with the 3 1-2 million rural wc 'men of the United States in giv State College Tips! To The Housewife Sad experience with burned i i hands has. taught many house- j wives the wisdom of using a thor | oughly dry holder when picking i up a hot dish. Because heat trav l els rapidly through moisurS. unsafe sc a wet cloth to | handle hot utensil, KMMUW i t. 'if the U. S. Department of j Ajm jcuttur'- .-•<* both the 'taxd&.l cloth is used on hot glass, earth enware, or pottery. A wet cloth cools the dish suddenly where it touches, and this is likely to re-1 suit in a crack or break. For the! same reason, a hot dish of any of J these materials should never be | taken from the stove and placed on a wet table or in a wet sink. Glass cooking utensils should be thoroughly dry on the outside when they are placed on the stove. Even a few drops of water on the outside of a glass coffee maker. for example, may cause uneven healing and result in cracking or breaking. Neglect is the cause of many so called defects in pianos. To keep moths from getting into the felt, place a camphor bag inside the case. Keep the piano away from any heating unit and from the di rect rays of sun. Keep furniture polish or oils, which discolor ivory, away from the keys. Clean them only with soap on a very slightly damp cloth. All fine woods need occasional sudsings to remove accumulated layers of wax and polish that after a time give a greyish look. Clean care fully with warm suds allowing surface to dry well before re-ap plying polish. -■%> It is estimated tiiat last year’s board bill for the European corn borer cost American farmers at least $37,700,000, of which about $2,061,000 represents damage to sweet corn. ing recognition to National Home Demonstration Week, May 4 to 11. ‘I urge a’li women of the Nation to join in pledging anew the ideal of home and family as the corner stone of freedom and the demo cratic way of life. LET US FILL YOUR TANK NOW WITH tssoheat Prom pt Delivery Metered Service Baker Oil Co. Phone 6-J W illiam-Ion. N. I , 1 I / LINDSLEY ICE CO. Make Our Purina Store Your Headquarters For Feed, Seed and Sanitation Needs ..... CHECKERBt*WWWSI,E<HALS" FOR THIS WEEK*N1). li. I. fiTinim Itiirml Rock Chicks $14.00 per 100 \ll TyjM's FEEDERS anil FOUNTAINS ul REDUCED PRICES Oil aiitT Electric Brooders $13.50 NEW SHIPMENT IfEI) DOE MIIHHINCS-S 1.50 per Bag Tin* Fly. Mostpiilo and Bug Season is here! Ui*l us >jivr you absolute freedom from these and all oilier inserts by spraying your home, outbuildings und animals with Purina DDI. the Superior spray that lasts ALL SI !H!V1LR! IE?'1 Lindsley Ice Company i r Homemakers of Salsbury Sr hod Report Activities -o Recently a car load of beets came to Martin County to be dis tributed among tne lunch rooms. The Salsbury school's share was twelve bags. Principal Geo. Hy man called in the members of the Home Makers ciub to help to de cide on what to do in order to save these beets for another seas on rather than allow them to spoil. President ,«■■■— jiiwwri im.en To nave a week muiioeis aeCiiien To nave a week of canning with all members *ak MM MW a* loi thi J“acilOOi loi this project were asked to take a bag home and can as many as possi ble. The foilow'ing members showed up for the first day, Juna Wynn, Priscilla Williams, Hattie McNeil. Leiia Purvis. Hettie Cher ry, Viola Best. The second day the following members showed up iP°MgoBoaooooea. at the school for work, Rena Brown, Goldenia Howell, Alice Best, Priscilla Williams, and Juna Wynn. The following members took home a bag of beets: Lula Cherry. Vera Wynn. Hettie Cherry and Viola Best. Over 200 quarts have been canned and pickled at the school so far with many more ex pected from the different homes. Many members have offered to I raise vegetables and car. for the 'lunch room during the summer. * wtmiwmammn_ ! der The direction of Cleo A. Tvn i cr Negro Home agent for Martin Other members who took part in the canning W'ere, Octavia Council. Pauline Collier, and Mary Council. Principal Geo. T. Hyman ex pressed his thanks for the help of the patrons in the successful operation of the lunch room this school year. leoooeeeoeosoeeooc National Debt Drop* To $257,786,305,359 -0 The national debt dropped on April 3 to the lowest point since* June 30, 1945. Redemption of most of $1,500,000,000 in government securities which the treasury of fered to pay off in cash reduced the debt to $257,786,305,359 as cf April 1. --o— Giraffes, once known as "cam rSogavda" esn .gallop at a rate of 3 04 \7. 5th St. at Five Points GREENVILLE, N. C. iQOOPQBOOOOOOPBg-U Courtney's Is Cooperating With President Truman’s APPEAL For Lower Prices ' « STORE - WIDE Price Reduction —OF— 10 to 25% Effective Immediately In compliance with the President’s request and in full cooperation with the government's effort to cheek inflation and stave off an other disastrous depression, we are slashing prices on every item we sell, from the lowest-priced to the highest-priced. We are glad to give our customers this saving ranging from 10 to 23 per cent. W e believe that their response to this price reduction policy will mean an increased volume of business for us which will offset any losses that otherwise would be incurred by the cutting of prices. FOR 35 YEARS We have followed a policy of fair dealing with all our customers, and have always given them top-duality merchandise at the lowest prices possible. . ant Lower Prices— ■And So Do We The wise buyer will do well to lake advantage of these drastic re ductions we are offering during the entire mouth of May. Pay us a visit and see for yourself the excellent values we are offering to those who want and need good furniture at reasonable prices. >. S. Courtney WilUainslon’s Oldest Furniture. Dealer : a.

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