THE ENTERPRISE IS READ BY * OVER 3000 MARTIN COUNTY FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEEK VOLUME L—NUMBER 43 THE ENTERPRISE Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Friday, May 'Mi. 1017 THE ENTERPRISE IS READ BY OVER 3.000 MARTIN COUNTY FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEEK ESTABLISHED 1899 Plaiwing Xo I)is the board of education is planning to carry its problems before the com missioners. The local committee is anxious ^ to have a lunch room and four ad ditional class rooms provided, but they have a secondary plan call ing for the alteration of the man ual arts building for a lunch room and ihe opening of two class looms in the basement and in cloak rooms at the elementary building. The county school budget is also slated for a review by the authorities during the meeting opening at 10:00 o’clock next Monday morning. The budget fig (Conlinued on page two) Two Minor Road Wrecks Reported Two minor accidents were re ported on local streets this week, investigating officers stating- that no one was hurt and that the re sulting property damage would hardly exceed $225. The first of the accidents was reported near the underpass on West Main Street Monday after noon about 1:00 o'clock when Home Agent Cleopatra Tyner stopped to make a left turn into the road leading to the Odd Fel lows Cemetery. A Ford, driven by an unknown person, stopped without hitting the Negro home agent's car. A Moore taxi, driven by Whitfield and traveling west, also stopped, but Mrs. John 13. Roberson, trailing close behind, could not stop in time to avoid plowing into the taxi. Damage to tiie Roberson Plymouth was esti mated at $150 by Officer Chas. Moore who made the investiga tion. Mrs. Christine Jenkins Quick, riding in the Roberson car, was slightly hurt on the arm, one report stated. I A school bus driven by Ralph Eugene Andrews and a 1946 Ford driven by Henry Wayne Whitley, 1144 Sunset Avenue, Rocky Mount, crashed at the intersection of the Jamesville and Washington Roads at the 2-Way Service Sta tion early Wednesday afternoon. No-one was hurt and damage to the gar will hardly exceed $75, In vestigating officer Chas. Moore said. No damage was done to the ^ school bus. One report staled that Whitley did not see the stop sign on the school bus in time to avoid crashing into the vehicle. He was cited to the local mayor's court -for a hearing Friday night. f COUNTY BOARD v. j Holding their regular monthly meeting here next Monday, the Martin County Commissioners are likely to be in session a greater part of the day handling routine business and special matters. Budget figures for the new fiscal year will come up for preliminary review, but no final action is expected until the authorities meet in spec ial matters. Budget figures for the new fiscal year will come up for preliminary review, but no final action is expected until the authorities meet in spec ial session later in the month. The possibility of opening a hospital in the county is scheduled for discussion, and the county board of educa tion members are planning to meet with the commissioners to discuss school needs. Arrest Made In UiAtrrilll Att'IJ'k r~) Case Wednesday Hi« Coiulitu;;; Worse, Vit tim Of Assault lirnio' William Ruffin, young colored man who was shot in Jamesville iate last sunuav ingiii, nas oeen removed from his nome there to a ' V-a. ,,l i " , - <_ii _ .— -••u . .r rested and placed in the county jail here Wednesday r.ft.—, tlumn, wan an estimated 8!) small gun shot in one foot and eight or ten in the other, was placed in the hospital when in fection developed Wednesday, last reports from the institution stating that his condition was seri ous. While no arrest was made im j mediately in the case, officers I were busy piecing together the , few available details, Repeated I questioning disclosed threats made by Glenn Currie against persons using a path leading by his home. One person, whose name could not be learned here, was said to have walked along the path a short time before the at tack, spoke to Currie and went on unmolsted. Ruffin told officers a white man attacked him, but ex plained that he did not know his name. Currie and a brother, W. T. "Tony,” were carried before Ruf fin but while he could not defin itely identify his assailant, flu victim said he was positive it was ouc of the two men who stopped and shot him. It was later learned by James ville’s officer, Paul Holliday, that Tony Currie had carried a gun some time after the attack to a camp on the river, and damaging evidence was revealed when “Tony” was questioned. “Tony,” (Continued on page six) Jamesville Wins In FFA Contest The District F. F. A. contests were held in Goldsboro Saturday, May 24. Contests held were Pub lic Speaking, Livestock Judging, and Parliamentary Procedure. Winners of eight federations par ticipated in each contest. Mem bers of the Jamesville chapter participating in the contests were: Perlie Modlin. Jr., winner of the Public Speaking contest; Billy Martin, William Perry, and Perlie Modlin, Jr., livestock team that gained a position in the State Livestock Judging Contest; and the officers of the chapter, Perlie Modlin, Jr., Dorman Gaines. Billy Brewer, Fred Allen, and Marvin Perry, who participated in the Parliamentary Procedure Con test. The Jamesville Chapter was the only one in the district to place two teams in the state con tent to be held during the State F. F. A. Convention in Raleigh July b 9, and 10. Newlv JElect^4 Off iria-UJ^tarl ./IVyn [ Judge J. C. Smith l 1 l*Kv . In County's Court Several Loiift Komi I'erma • n -i Fim*» laiiiiltM* lo $ ! .’l,» • • Numerically, business picked i up in the county court last Mon day following a bad slump the I week before. However, ll._ . j made no record financially, the | limited amount w ^upi».> «>■ « po11 > i .. -»i n 11 rl H < • • •. nrl . , .mi lit.- v> v * *J j;: ; .. ! tv-eight candidates. twenty young ladies and eight boys. Added features were the special award presentations and the delivery id a war memorial plaque, a gift of Ihe iiininr el.-ts^ In the «eh..n1 ".. 'he main addle It. L. uiuurn, cnairman 01 un I. school district conunitit i. pn st nt ed diplomas to the graduate Jeanette Rhodes Andrew. Lucy Marie Andrews, Sally Rhodes Bailey, Trolah Wai I Bailey, Eleanor Jane Bank . Dan iel Molotha Bowen, Evelyn l,.,., i ■ nee Bowen, Thomas Burris Brandon, Jr., Thelma Louise Car row, Joseph Colutnh' ” Selma Cathe...., ^,v.. . ., IT,; ... . Mortimer Everett. Marv L mi e Griffin, Ethelyn Loui.-e Iline , Mary Elizabeth Hopkins, Hugh Glenn Horton, Jr.. Dorothy Loui - Leggett, Mary Neel Lindsley, Elizabeth Taylor Manning, Jean ette Lanier Myers, Irene Eliza beth Parker, Reginald Davis Peele, William Henry Roge Charles Briggs Siceloff, Jr., Sally Elizabeth Taylor, Joyce Sylvia (Continued on page six) Native Of County Buried Wednesday Mrs. Nora Lanier Taylor, na tive of Ibis county, died in a Gioenville hospital last Tin- da> morning at 9:10 o'clock follow iag a lung period ot declining health. Funeral services were conduct ed in Greenville's Jarvis Memor ial Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock by her pastor, Kcv. Hubert W Bradshaw, and interment was in Greenwood Cemetery, Greenville. The daughter of D. E. Lanier of this county and his late wife, Mrs. Allie Wynne Lanier, Mrs. Taylor was born in Everetts 49 years ago. She spent more of her life there and in the Bear Gra s Com munity before locating in Green ville about 11 years ago. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. J. II Jones of Norfolk and Elsie and Doris Lou Taylor of the home; two sons, Marvin D Tay lor oi Norfolk, and Bobbie Taylor of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Pattic Clark Micelle and Mrs. Ed ward Ricks of Greenville and Mrs. W. H. Grimmer of Peters burg. Va.; one brother. J. D. La mer of Newport News, and two Orondchiidrtu. Expect \\ liolesale Resignations In All Departments No Kadical Mmcs Antici pated H\ New Majority In Official Family Williamston's official governing family- a new mayor, three new '•omrhimoner.s and two old mem bers of the board- will meet in the board s room in the town hall next Monday evening at 8 o’clock for the first session in a new two year term. The new board includes a ne„ mayor, Robert Co wen: three new ! commissioners, Ben D. Courtney, | John Hatton Gurganus and K. u. Worrell, and two old conn..iso_ j ers, N. C Green and G. II. Harri 1 son, the set-up giving a clear ma jority to tiu newiy elected mem bers. Holding no recognir ^os.t.on as vet in the town’s official gov erning body, the newiv elected men explained tins that it would be a bit forward on their | t t. . diet :• a,finite course | of action. However, u was inti 1 mated by one that whole* ■ ■ ... e.,„v, i.L.u’ii, It .... ■ p.antcc! out, wiii ' .u.=umont for all eon i cornea j'ne .u .. ... . leete ... . (explained that no extensive I / • > I -1 • i 111 . , . * id anticipated, but it is apparent that - nine chon ;cs are to be expected. | No radical piogram is to ho ex i lh’cit’d tii int iiiuiu.i <>[ I'n. new ! I.,,,., th'* off J V.. 4111b. ’ f ins th:;: week, hive program being considered. "We are intrusted in the welfare hind progress of the town, and we are pledging our best efforts to ward a safe, sane and progressive iiovornment.” one of the new of nciais expiameo, uuuing mat it is * •<>/•«< rtf Hfvpl t'pjnt tiLo call lor some citanged hi basic rules and regulations as they relate to traffic, parking, police protection and other allied prob lems, A general tightening-up in the town's government as to all its . <>p< i .ding function.; is expected. !l i. understood that new mem bers of the official family have ' .*>••“ •'I, ui ine • v.pi’i til lllg luuvtiv/i'ai mab methods employed by other towns have been observed in support of (Continued on page six) Retiring After Years Of Service Thro- of Williamston's (own cnmmi ii'Hoi- L. P. Lindsley, V, I). Godwin and li. T. Griffin—and Mayoi John L. Has ell, are retir ing from the public positions after i years of service. Commissioner Lawrence P. land.'lev has been a member of Ihe board for twenty-two years, .m ving as mayor pro-1 cm several terms. He seldom pinch-hitted in the mayor's position until last year . !.v -gaizcd head of the town government was taken j ill. Mayor John L. Hassell is com pleting his seventh consecutive term, having served previously one term. During his last tenure of offiee he never missed a regu lar meeting of the board for more than thirteen years. He is relin quishing the post with the know ledge of having ably served as the titular head of the town for so long a time and looks forward to his retirement from politics. Commissioner V. D. Godwin, Sr., is completing fourteen years ! of set vice and Commissioner R. T. Griffin is winding up his third term. Commissions G II. Harrison is beginning his fifteenth term, and Commissioner N. C. Green is starting his eleventh term next Monday. It will be the first term for Mayor Robert Cowen and Coni i mis aoners Ren D Courtney. John Hatton Gtuganus and K. D. Wor rell.