TTCTriTrrrarTmYr7^rrrrnmm»i^iBxa«mam»am«xigmW!l3v»jaiailM I Visits Carolina Be aril Lin:- Miss Pal no Leo Hardison j spent the week end at Carolina Beach Wit . m grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. 1. D. Hardison. Corinth Cadies vid To Meet The Ladies Aid of Corinth Church will mart with Mm F i d Woolard or. Satu i; y. August 2. House Guests Map.: and Mm Leslie Bailey of Ft Be!' n ;: r, G. i recently a - their hoi'si guests Motor . nri Mi Paul V. L ■ >f tl ■ Intelligence Division it t f Win D< pai tmont Gem ' St; If. W; ngOm. IX C Visit Near Here Mr. and Mr- D S. Haislip and little son. Jerry, of Norfolk spent the wo. !■. ' w • Mi- Hat dip' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). James neat here. Here from Tennessee Mr. ami. Mrs W. H Blessing and daughters. Mmse.- Ethehej and Gv ••••>>• : Nashvilh Tenn.. are spending a few days here with daughter and sis ter,. Mrs. C J. Brady, and Mi Btaoy at tf - Ch ’ Rcyt hd Hotch \ [siting in Norfolk Mrs. Fannie C. Staton is spend ing a lew days with relatives in Noth Unters Hospital Here Ac- ni] aned by he: niothei Miss Gloria H-.vman of Nag ' Head ( ' ti red t's i ospital hi re , last Satui la> to treatment Hei ' condition was reported much im- I ‘ proved vest err; y. Visiting in U inihor .V V : Sr • . .|ii ' dm: today with relatives in Windsor, t Improving ill Hospital to ! ■ Roll. : soil, a patient ; Wl'Cf. ve?tc Enters Hospital ,! hn Fleming Thigpen erterei a Raleigh hospital yesterday to I ri atmont of or an operation fo inn old knee injury. Veit in Rocky Mount Mrs. C B Riddick and Mrs. A C K rh\ and Mi Fabian Barn hill of Everetts visited in Roek\ Mount hist Friday. Visiting in South Carolina . Mr; Anni Hi . at iv* in S* ut ii Carolina. Here from Nags Head M:. Dcvvi y Hayman and son Michael, of Nays Head visited hi re ye sterday. I.cave lor Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes i av< tumor r<>w for Atlanta to vi- .1 ; • iativi ■ a tew days before returning lire and continuing to Hi i i; Pi ovidence R. 1. Visits in Hamilton M: 1 T. Valentine of Nash vi li \: itci Mrs Clara Everett and family ti Hamilton Sunday. Here from Portsmouth Dr : i M W H. Harrell of Fo ! nthi 1 h visited Mr. and JMrs. M.un; e Moore hell Sunday. Here from Kdcnlon Mi and Mi- Wood Privotl of Ivienloii visited Mi, and Mrs. R. K i’eele fie re Sunday. Here ! rum Winston Salem M i Jane and Susan Moore II W11 11 n- Salem visited re la - lives and friends here last week end. \Mctiding Convention Mi W. II. Carstarphen, diref ul el the North Carolina A-soei lien ol Insurance Agents, is at •aling a na etmg of 1 he organi "U t I,; la I .in e He plan to eturn home tomorrow. Here Irom Portsmouth Hi ml Mr.-. .J. I, Spencer and en of Ports mouth spent the .'.eek end lu re with Mrs. Spen i . |'.i eit Mi and Mr.s. J. W.. And: i w . TI" y were aeeompan ' d ! mm bv tiieir daughter. Mary M'-ilop. at I Bill Chasi . Ji .. who . d -pi ill seme lime here with rial ivi s" Here I l oin I I. M vers M ami M .1 ick Shanklin ol I- m l M\ Cl F a pent the week end here with In r --e ter. Mi s. J. S Rhode-. ,11 and family. Spending F ew Days Here 1 Miss Natalie Gould of Washing ton. D. C., and Manteo is spend . ing a few days here. Visiting Western C arolina Mi Samite! Zenion is spending ■ ft w days in western Carolina. Visit Carolina Beach Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Everett and family spent the week-end at Carolina Beach. Returns To Western Carolina Mr. Lonnie Bullock left Sunday foi Boom after spending a few days hen with his family. At Carolina Bearh Mi. Jr se Melson and family are spending a few days with rel atives at Carolina Beach. Attending Meeting Miss Celia Stokes. Oak City -t II Club member, and Con one Bryant, local club member, are attending a wildlife club meeting at Camp Millstone near Rocking jliam this week. In Chicago Mr--is. G. G. Woolard and Jim mie Harris arc attending a furni iture show in Chicago. Return To Pamlico Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Godard. Sr., returned to Pamlico Saturday to spend -evi ral days. At Pamlico Mrs R. H. Clayton spent the wc ek-end at Pamlico, the guest of l)r. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes. Sr. Spend Sunday at Mnrchead Mi i Lib Taylor and Thelma I Cari ow. and Julian and Wilbur I Jackson and Tom Brandon. Jr., pent Sunday at Morchend. Returns Home Mi.. James Ingalls returned to her home in Kliazbeth City Sun jriay alter spending several days I lien with hei mother. Mrs. Ellis Ramev. Veils in lloeky Mount Mi Raymond Connor spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. Here from Elizabeth City Mi. I). H. Sullivan of Elizabeth | City ,-pcnt Sunday here with rcl i atives. Visits Here Sunday * ~ • Attorney Henry Hardison of iTarboro visited here Sunday. Veils Here Ida Privcttc of Scotland ve iled friends here last Miss Neck week. Visits Mrs. Here Saturday John Taylor of Roberson | \ -1 ■ ' 1 Sat unlay la ., u ith I Mi ami Mis. Clyde Anderson. l eli in (;ii 11 Stream • Mi is. George Sfetsbs and on. Thomas. Dick Taylor. Chas. James. J. 11. Ward and H. O. Peel tished in the Gulf Stream off Moreht ad Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Mr. Billy Baxter of Norfolk mi ill tin- v. i ( I. t ■1' i j hell- with Mr • -m- - «. iTnrivr .77..lies iiulloek. Visit In Duke Hospital Mr. and Mrs, P. O. Holloman visited Mi,- Holloman’s father in I)uke 1 lospital Sunday. Returns To Detroit 1 Mrs. Walter Sheridan and son, 1 Neil, left Sunday for their home in New York following a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Ward. They were accompanied as far as Rocky Mount by Mr. and Mis. Ward. Visit Friends Here Mrs. Bill Everett and daughter. Louise, spent Saturday here with 1 friends. Visiting in Rolicrsonville Miss Caroline Stalls is spending i several days in Robersonville with relatives. Here from Graham Mrs Mayo Reeves and daugh tei Mary Woisley. of Graham are ■pending several days here with ! Mi.- M. I). Wilson. Attending Convention He\ John L Goff left yester ! day for Buffalo, N. Y . where he will nth nri a world convention of the 1 hsciples of Christ. Attends Baseball Game Mr. Dick Smith attended the baseball game in Greenville Sun : day. Visit in Edeuton Mr and Mrs. Vcrner Godwin 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie By rum in Edenton Monday. Visiting in Wyoming Miss Beatrice Cherry and Mrs. Woodrow Rav left last week from Norfolk by plane for Cheyenne. Wyoming, where they will visit visit friends for a few days. Visit in Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robertson, Jr., and little daughter. Barbara, and Miss Doris McDaniels spent last wa t k i nd in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Attend Funeral Misses Ida Roberts and Patsy King attended the funeral of | Miss Stella Grogan, superintend ed of the ECTC infirmary, in GreenviUe last Saturday ufter 1 noon. p©.;:" - NOTICE! !l i* with pleasure ai. I pride that v*<‘ annoimcr tin* addition of Ernest L. Sutton. \N ha will head oim* dry eleamii;: department, >!r. Sultan i- a recent graduate of lli«- National In>litiite ai (.leaning and IKeing. Silver Spring. Maryland, and ha> had 10 year* ex perience with one ol the larjie*t (inn* in Ka*l ern Carolina. Newton - Pearce Laundry and Dry Cleaning M astei spending try with and Mr?. pet parents F; ankle Robertson l. a few days in the coun his grandparents. Mr S D Perry. Enters Hospital Mrs. Fred Roebuck enterec Duke hospital Sunday for treat ment. She made the tiip there on a Biggs ambulance. i In New Vork | Mr and Mrs. William Everetl land Mrs. Calvin Sluder left Sun day night for a stay of several days in New Yurk. Spending Few Days Here Mis. E P. Cunningham. Sr. of Smithfield is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Goodmon here for a few' days. Reave for Asheville Mrs. J. W. Watts and Mrs. L. T. Fowden, Sir, left last week-end for a several weeks’ stay in Ashe ville. At Nags Head Mrs. Jimmie Harris and son. Randy, and Mrs. E. E. Holding spent last week-end at Nags Head. Visits Seaboard Miss Garnette Crocker spent the week-end with relatives in Seaboard. Visiting in Hamilton Mrs. Frank Armstrong. Sr., of Nashville is spending some time with Mis. Clara Everett in Ham ilton. Visit Atlantic Reach Mi>s Betty Rogers and Mr. ('has. Brown spent last week-end at Atlantic Beach. Returns to Benson Mrs. Robert Denning returned to her home in Benson yesterday following a visit with Mrs. Clara j Everett in Hamilton. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mis. Oscar S. Ander son, Jr., of Birmingham spent l si vcral days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Here from Greensboro Miss Virginia Taylor of Greens boro spent last week-end here 1 with her brother. Mr. Dick Tayl or. and Mrs. Taylor. Visiting in Virginia Reach Mrs. A. R. Dunning left Mon day to spend several days at Vir ginia Beach. Return from Richmond Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr. and daughter. Little Miss Vickie, have returned from Richmond where Vickie ‘ went for rmuTfcaT' trifle merit. She is getting along all right now. Continues To Improve Elder B. S. Cowin who has been quite ill at his home in Bear Grass for several weeks, contin ues to improve. Late reports say he is able In be up in a rolling chaij. At Nags Head Miss Harriett Peel, Mrs. S. R Biggs. Mrs. Pa it I Jones and Mr.. E. S. Peel spent last#week-end at Nags Head. Visit in Virginia Mesdames Joe fllenn and Ray Goodmon .spent evseral days last week in Newport News. While awav they nlf.,J-d < ^ oi •'( ornmon Glory" in Williams burg. BIRTHDAY PAR') Y ivl I . .sa 11. Uv i I wgc i a Oil was boil - ore d 'in hi.- 2 th birthday with a . surprise party given him by his mother last Wednesday evening. Many games were played and en joyed. and he received many use ful gifts. The' dining table was covered with a white linen cloth, center : ed with a decorated birthday cake The' hostess and Mrs. Irene Ha ri-e.-n served cakes, candy and j drinks to the following: Misses . Lola Peel. Elsie Taylor, Lois Manning, Mary Perry, Beulah Gardner. Jo.Ann Thomas. Jean ette Andrews. Trulah Ward Bail- j ey. Thelma Carrow, Angela Me-j 1 Lawhorn, Ethel Taylor, Hilda Bailey. Louise- Wynne. Christine. Julia, I ouise and Ruby Harrison. Lucy and Nancy Roberson, Mil jdred Wynne, Jessie Mae Melson. Vader Harrison, Susie and Louise I Taylor and Helen Howard, and j Grove-i Nicholson. Dee Price, Er I nest and Milton Wynne, D. B. Rogers. Tommie Wynne. William Rogers. Willie Cherry. Gene Rog ers, Ralph Bullock, Vernon Roe i buck. Jesse Rogers. Melton Terry. Dillon Cherry. Charles Hines, Ben Harrison, Maehew Bailey, James Harold Taylor, James Al bert Peel, Buddy Peel, Moses Gurganus. James Kelly Moore, Edward Harris, Harry Wynne, El mer Lilley and Jasper Perry. WARRF.N-EDMONDSON Miss Elsie Edmondson and Rus sell Warren were married in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Bland on West. ChulVh Street ' here last Saturday evening at 7:00 o'clock Justice of the Peace Jas. S. Ayers performed the simple but impressive ceremony which was witnessed by relatives and a few close fr iends of the eorftract ing parties. Following the ceremony a wed ding supper was served. Mrs. Warren is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Edmond son of Robersonville. A gradu ate nl Robersonville High School, Mrs. Warren lias been employed I by the Carolina Telephone and I Telegraph Company here for I some time. Mr Warren, former ly of Robersonville, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Warren of j Williamston. He is employed by the Williamston Package Manu The young couple, following a short wedding trip to unannounc ed points, are now making their , home here on West Main Street. -—■ i ■ — At Nags Head Mr C H Godwin is spending (several days at Nags Head. In Greensboro Friday Attorney E. S. Peel attended j to business m Greensboro Friday. | Visits in New Bern i Miss Frances Raynor spent sev- I era! days in New Bern last week. ! Here from California Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roberson are returning to their home in California in a few days follow ing a visit here with his mother, to accompany them home for a visit. Now Is The Time* to ([an Elbertu Peaches Air Now Arriving Daily. The finest variety pearlies for eatming ami eating. My Best Braile Selected Elbertas $2.50 per bushel. Ungraded Elbertas $1.50 Dick Levin Pearlies Vi ill Be On Sale At 1 illiamston Peanut Company Wheel Phone Your Order Tel. 2037 ^ BIRTHDAY ;V|RTV j Fi lends and relatives enjoyed a surprise birthday party given | In Mr. Ervin Cullipher by Mrs. Cullipher at their home in West End last Thursday evening. Cold drinks, weiners. pickles, potato chips, ice cream and cake were enjoyed. Those attending were Mr. and | Mrs. Hubert Cullipher and fam i ilv. Mr. and Mrs. Evan F. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Pink Raynor, Mr. Pete Raynor. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Wynne. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Vanlandingham. Mr. and Mrs. W. j T. Cullipher and family. Mrs. Le roy Perry, Miss Rose Worthing ton. Mr. Dan Peel. Miss Mildred Wynne, Miss Lois Manning. Mr. Charles Hines ana Mr. J. W. Hol lowell. The honoree received many valuable and useful gifts. -■-♦ At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Dick Slade spent last week-end at Nags Head. Visit Williamsburg Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner, Mrs. Kate Manning and daughter. Betsy, and Mrs. W. I. Skinner, Sr., of Greenville, attended the showing of “Commoi^ Glory" in Williamsburg last Friday. Spend Week-end at Beach Mrs. Daisy Purvis. Missfes Vir ginia Taylor and Lettic Jones of Greensboro spent last week-end at Nags Head. Visit jr Mrs. Erwin Whitehurst, Mrs. Grace Whitehurst. Elsie White hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and son, Don, Visited Mrs. Erwin Whitehurst’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rogerson in Bear Grass Sunday. Here from Kobersonville Mr. and Mrs. Z. Hardy Rose, Jr., of Robersonville. visited here Saturday. ^ isit ijy^a^citrh Miss Jane Goff and Maurice S. Moore. Jr., were in Raleigh Sun day. They were accompanied by Bobby ar.d Lelia Mae Goff who caught a train there for Narrows, Va.. where they will spend sev eral weeks with their grand mother. Here from Plymouth Mr. Jack Peel of Plymouth at tended to business here Monday. y s«oeooeeeo»»oooo-: ICE COLD Watermelons AND Cantaloupes At Our Platform. Lindsley Ice Co. PHONE 2434 fioeooooeo&seMoooee&owooaosceeec1 WILLIAMSTON PLYMOUTH HURRY HURRY Our July Ends Saturday at (losing Time. 230 Drosses in ail must he cleared oi l our racks — regardless of our loss — .10 SUMMER SKIRTS Values to $7.95 Clearance Price~$t§4 25 PLAY SUITS Ideal for Hot Weather. Values to $4.95. Clearance Price 35 SPRING SUITS Ideal for Fall Wear. At 1-2 Price 33 SPRING GOATS Ideal Goats for those who don't like a heavy winter eoat. At 1-2 Price SHOP AND SAVE AT Huwptis Btos, Wiiiiamston. N. C. «