Town Authorities Discuss A Varied Business Calendar —•— (Continued from page one) A request for scvvei connections tm North Elm Street was received. Pipe (or the project was'ordered along with pipe for storm sowers on West Warren Street. No aefini’c action was taken, but the town is planning to have rock nl.acpd.on several streets . in-, eluding North Biggs and South Pearl. Plans for pounding all stray dogs were discussed, and plans are to be worked out by repre sentatives of the board and the police department. TRIO Robersonvillo, N. C. Last Time Tonight Monday-Tuesday Nov. 3-4 “THE HUCKSTERS” withClark Gable-Deborah Kerr Also: Latest News I WEDNESDAY, Nov. 5 | AMBUSHED W;th Bob Steele Plus: SECRETS OF A SORORITY GIRL With Maty Ware and VIGILANTES No. 2 Till KSDAY FRIDAY Nov. 6-7 DEAR RUTH With Joan Caulfield Wm. Holden - Mona Freeman Also: Cartoon and Short Issue Twenty-two Marriuge Licenses In Martin County (Continued from page one) George IT Lyons and Martha Hargett, both of \Vt: hamstoi,... Wiiiiam Hester Manning and_ Hattie Cathryn Rodgers, both of W'Hiair>ston j Sam Roberson and Louise Wil liams, both of KFD 2. Roberson | v! tie. . .- . James Pierce and Catherine : Knight, both of Jainesv..... George Green and Allie Mae Clemons, both of Williamston. -o Countv Board Of Commissioners In Meeting Monday (Continued from page one) able about $65,000 additional aid to dependent children. The fed eral government will more than match that amount, and the coun ty. by appropriating $200 addi tional, will share in the State arid I federal funds, it was explained. New Recruits Cet First Work-outs During Week-end —— 1 (Continued from page one) 'able to get their uniforms and I equipment, {he new recruits are I working in their civilian clothes I and in ears with the old patrol I members. Condition Little Changed Mis. G. H. Harrison, Jr., is spending a few days at home aft er being in Baltimore with her I husband who continues quite ill m a hospital there. Said to be unusually bright in u telephone i conversation last night, the young man, a victim of arthritis, was said to be about the same. He re Iceived his third blood transfusion in about a week yesterday. THOUSANDS of BARGAINS Await tIk* thrifty huvrr at our Sloiv-w i<l<‘ Stork !{<*«I(K‘li<>n Salr. lici t' for llir llcsl I tiP I11ilil t- Itn> • lii Y«*ai>! Slocks in ill Dc/iurl incuts <,0111/ilctc WoolardF urnitureCo. Martin County s Leading Furniture Store ^WWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWVVWWVWli Come in for Complete Tire Inspection, Guar anteed Tire Repairs— and the safety of U. S. Royals. STOP AT THE SIGN OF ' SHILLED SERVICE W'c* Have .)list a Shipment of Generous Allowance for Your Old Tires T«*l. 2656 W illianihloii. N. ( SESt | War Term Ended IMPRISONED for partial responsibil ity in causing war against Russia, Tyko Heinikka, Finnish bank di rector, is welcomed home in Hel sinki by his wife and grandson, Kari, after his release. Seven others were sentenced with Reinikka on a similar charge. (International) No Marked Change Noted In Prices Received Monday —*— (Continued from page one) co in this immediate area lias just about moved to market in its en tirety. It is quite possible that the marketing task will be com pleted within the next few days, placing the market in line for closing on or soon after November 14. ———-——o Report Series Of Minor Accidents In Martin County *—<*>—.— (Continued from page one) No one was hurl and property damage was estimated at about $100. Patrolmen Saunders, Park er, Rowe and Narron had received a report on Fisher and were on his trail when he ran off the road and struck the car. Placed in jail. Fisher is facing a drunken driving charge in the county court. lndi\ i duals’Ad<t Much To Savings —•— The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued a report that during the second quarter of the pr< sent year individuals in the United States added $1,800,000,000 to their liquid savings. This was almut $800,000,000 mo; o than in the first quarter but far below the avc: ag( of recent years. During the second quarter, the report showed. individuals increased their holdings of cash and deposits by $1.000.000,000:, added $900,000, 000 to tlu-ir equity in government insurance; $700,000,000 to their equity in private insurance; $000. 000.000 to their holdings of United States government securities, and $300,000,000 to their investment in savings and loan associations. Mortgage indebtedness of indi viduals. however, also increased during the peril i. According to the statement, individuals increas ed their mortgage indebtedness by $1,000,000,000 and other consumer indebtedness by $800,000,000 and reduced their holdings of securi ties other than government bv $100,000,000. "The increase of $ 1 000.000,000 in individuals’ cash and deposits reflected for the most part a $700,000,000 increase in time and savings deposits as com pared to $1,000,000,000 during the first quarter of 1947.” the com mission said, adding: "Checking accounts also showed an increase during this quarter amounting to $300,000,000. in sharp contrast to a decline of $2,400,000,000 in the previous quarter. There was lit tle change in currency in the j hands of individuals compared to a $500,000,000 drop during the ; first quarter.” The report also noted a net in- ! crease of $400,000,000 in individ- 1 uals’ holdings of United States i savings bonds and a $100,000,000 increase in other government se curities. -* The Red Cross was organized by Clara Barton, a Civil War nurse. h/h^\ ▼r LOSING YOUR 1 RIGHT^O DRIVE A On* unmsured auto accident can cost you your right to drive. Under North Carolina's new Motor Vehicle Safety end Responsibility Law V. > ? ta .pay. do'®-. .. ui» fcu ocys alter judge ment or lose year driver's license cr.d car registration plates. The becomes effective on July 1. Ask ior quotation on Insurance.1 icr your car - - NOW - - before you lose your right to drive. . I WHKl LKlt M. MANNING Urges US Press To "Pipe Down —*— Writing a short time ago in the Editor and Publisher, newspaper trade journal. Editor Robt. U. Brown called on the United Stales press to ' pipe down” and stop so much war talk. Brown wrote: "Where are the sturdy voices for peace wo once had among the newspapers of this country? This continual war tali: isn't going to iit Ip. . . . AH we*-hi .cour. tinue to think and talk of war and we soon create the national state of mind that is ready for war . . . ! "We don’t want war. Neither does Russia—in spite of her blus tery. diplomatic attitude. | “We don't know how it started but war tal. has spread like yyild j fire among our people. It’s dan , gerous and foolhardy! | "What we need is a lot more calm, dispassionate reasoning. Therein lies a duty of the Ameri can press. . . . We think it is pos sible for our reporters and our editorial writers to report and comment on these diplomatic ma neuvers without injecting war talk into their stories and edi torials. Also, we believe it is nec essary for these same editorial writers to counsel public figures ! in our own country to tone down J their utterances concerning a fu ture war. . . . "II we have war let somebody else start it—let’s not talk our selves into believing it is inevit able or necessary. That could happen.’’ FOR SALE: ONE 3 BURNER OIL stove and one wood stove, 6 ! caps in good condition, in use one j year. VerbJe Jones, Gold Point, | N. C. n 4 4t1 WILLYS JEEP FOR SALE:j Driven only 3000 miles. See or call Titus Critcher, Williamston, • N. C. n 4 2t! ___ _ 1 FOR SALE: 1939 FORD DELUXE in good condition. May be coen | at LeRoy Harrison’s garage.-Bear j Cress. See LeRoy Harrison or | June Harris. BRICK FOR SALE. HARRISON | Oil Company. n 4 2t j LADIES BRING YOUR FUR Coats to Mrs. Mattie Hardee for 1 remodeling and all repair work. 1 All work guaranteed. Over Key j Brown's Drug Store. 1 Greenville, N. C., Tel. 2623. n 4 3t ! FOR SALE: ONE FARMALL Tractor. Good condition. See j R. G. Coburn, Dardens, N. C. n 4 2t FOR SALE: 1936 4 DOOR PLYlvr outh. Clean. Three new tires, new radio, new heater, new brakes and new fog light. May be seen back of Guaranty Bunk. See Ralph Strickland. USED COAL AND WOOD stoves for sale, good condition. R. L. Ward Coal and Wood Co.. Peai 1 St. n 4 tf I WANTED: WASHING AND ironing. See Olivia Cooper, 306 White Street. Williamston, N. C. j n 4 2t CALL US FOR INDIVIDUAL figure analysis. Your local Nu Bone Corsetiere is trained to help you look and feel your best. The NuBone woven wire stay is as flexible as the human body. Mrs. John Cook. P. O Box 67. Phones .2.2.41. iv.ghi..’£532, . n 4 2’ ONE 3/4 TON PANEL BODY Ford truck for sale: one 1936 Dodge coupe. B<.e J. G. Long, Jamesville. N. C. n 4 21 WANTED: TO BUY YOUR PE CANS for highest cash prices. Open every Tuesday in Williams ton at Lindsley Ice Co. T. B. Young a'id Co Florence, S. C. n 4 lot *' LEATHER JACKETS* RELINED. Mrs. Oscar Jones, RFD 1, Box 59A. Williamston. ONE USED ELECTRIC APART ment-size range. $75.00. K. D. Worrell. Williamston. o-31 2t WANTED: STORAGE SPACEi for Candy supplies. See A. H. i Leonard.. 405 Warren St. Night I ! oniv oc 28 At I . _ ' .. „ 1 IFOR SALE: NEW AND USED j army shoes and combat boots, j Willard's Shoe Shop. oc 24 6t ! FOR SALE: ANY SIZE TUR- | key.?., On C . H. ..Godn-io.. Farm.. See J W. Gurganus. oc 17 8t AT THE LOCKER PLANT — j Breyers famous ice cream. Na- I tionaliy advertised. 8 slice quarts. | individually wrapped- Party and j j bulk icc cream. Phone 2825. Col j oriial Frozen Foods df Williams I ton, Inc. oc 31 2t FOR SALE: GOOD CLOTHES for men, boys and women. Some as good as new. 106 N. Pearl St. Karpen Couch with new uphol stery for sale. oc 28 tf j ELECTRIC POP CORN POP pers. $4.95. K. D. Worrell, Dial 2057. o 24 4t FOR SALE: SECOND HAND Brick, one cent each. Lindsley Ice Company, Williamston, N. C. oc 24 8t PAINTING AND PAPER HANG ing. Best material used and prices very reasonable. When you are in need of anything in my line, see me. I would be very glad to show you my new 1947 wallpaper samples. I carry the Imperial line, washable and sun resisting. Van Respass & Co., 105 Sycamore Street, Tel. 2806, Wil liamston. N. C. oc 24 9t FOR SALE: PURE BRED HOGS spotted Poland China, ready for service. Tamsworth pigs, about 75 lbs., male and female. C. R. or ,J. Sam Fleming, Greenville, N. C. oc 24 4t FOR SALE: SLIGHTLY WORN Army field coats, army khaki pants and shirts and coveralls. Willard's Shoe Shop. oc 24 6t PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. WE carry complete line including .six new colors: Bronze Green, Chartreuse Silver (Grey) Green, j Dusty Rose. Mahogany Brown, Brandy Brown. Leggett’s, 110 W. j Main St. o 21 61 j FOR SALE: YOUNGSTOWN kitchen sinks with wall and j cabinets cheaper than they , can be made. W. M. Wynn, Rob- t ersonville. au 22 tf | IF YOUR e. aSS WON’T GO UP .... ' see u": i. lass Shop, next to i B & il V. jl 18 tf SHEET MUSICCLASSICAL. Standard and Popular now car ried in rtock. Prompt attention I to special orders. Peele’s-Jewel j ers, 121 Main, Tel. 55-J. ap 29 tf SUITS MADE TO MEASURE. | Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. | New fall patterns to select jfrorr. See them today. Pittman’s ! Clothing. f 4 tf LOOK: CIAVL’IES CHEAP. GRO - ceries, a variety. Drinks, ^ruit I tree? Agent for Real Silk Co J D. Gray, 204 S. Smithwick St.. Will'amston, N. C. oc 7 tf 'CHRISTMAS CARDS: NOW IS' the time to make your selections of Christmas cards. Our stock is [complete. Come in and make your selection today for mono gramrned cards. Dial 26110. Har i ison Office Supply Ca—wW t tf NOW OPEN: SUNNY SIDE INN Sandwich Shop:.^ Fresh sand wiches of all kinds, cold drinks and beer. C. T. Roberson, owner and operator. ap 29 ti ALTERATIONS ON SUITS, coats, dresses, topcoats, trous ers. We make them fit correctly. One day service, reasonable prices..Pittman’s Clothing, f 4 tf FOR SALE: USED ELECTRIC range. In good condition. Pitt man’s Firestone Store. se 2 tf MONEY TO LOAN: I HAVE $30, 000 to loan on residential, farm lands or commercial property. See or cull B. A. Critcher. se 12 If TO PARKER “51” OWNERS WE now have the nev Parker Sup erchrome “51’’ ink. For perfect writing use a Parker “51” pen with the new Superchrome ink. Peele's Jewelers, 121 Main St., Tel. 2311. je 27 tf SEAT COVERS, BATTERIES, floor mats and Firestone tires to fit all oars installed while you wait. Pittman’s Firestone Store, Williamston. my 20 tf i OIL-BURN IN G H E A TEKs”'Vor" saie. Harrison Oil Co. oc 7 tf USE OUR FIRESTONE BUDGET plan to buy youi tires, radio, vacuum clearer and hundreds of other items. Weekly or monthly payments. Pittman's Firestone i Store. f 4 tf FOR SALE: FRIGIDAIRE IN good condition. See Mrs, .T. S. ' Hr.'-de • .“o: 21 IT j I AM NOW SELLING TURKEYS j Give me your order for your Thanksgiving and Christmas Tur keys. Price 65c per pound. J. B. • •J’anrSi**0*2* riami,ton N ny c: "jmuhe 29844. o 28 n 4-11-18 TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES on Firestone deluxe tires. Un conditionally guaranteed. Good used tires for saie. all, cheap. fPitXii, riffs’ F/ftSMBIT^TSSfe, ’ Wil jliamston. my 20 tf | CONCRETE SEPTIC-TANKS" — j better and cheaper. 620 gallon j capacity. Delivered and set in ! hole. Weight 3500 lbs. JOHN G. j,COREY & SON, 2 1-2 miles out | on Washington Highway on Bear Grass road. m 25 tf WE HAVE FOR SALE FACTORY built pa: ts to make small irari ers—hubs, axles, wheels, tires, etc. Williumston Parts and Metal Co. ap 29 tf IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE delivery. 30-52-80 gallon elec tric water heaters. K. D. Worrell, Dial 2057. o 24 4t FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have j | the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf : TRAHEY’S BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE Now located in . sSlbdeler..v,g; .— Rear Davis Pharmacy Telephone 2426 a 13 If RADIOS—EMERSON, WESTING-j house, Strombera C.arlsqm _ ; Si9.95 Yo*$425.66.'"k* D. Worrell',” Dial. 2057. o 24 4t CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM puund for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, iumbago, . npi’i-itis. nopf-.lria and muscular aches a. J pains. Clark’s Pharm acy. j 21 tf I II K A T K K Tiirnduv • Wt‘diH‘s»lay Starring Goorsc Montgomery Nanoy Guild Thursday • Friday JEANNE CRAIN In Her Big Starring Moment Ah ,■& +if WATTS THEATRE — WILLI AMSTON TODAY OM.Y! O'BRIEN in* RAINES WIUItM BENDIX VINCIN r nm Ik DOUBLE IEATI HE WFDNESDAY OM.Y! THURSDAY & FRIDAY DRAMA AT IT'S BEST kutlieriue Hepburn Paul Heureitl Robert Walker IN •SONG OF LOVE' NEWS & CARTOON 25 \ears Serving This Community With Qualil; ¥\ EL -4MI, <*ua% Fur DROMIT METER SERVICE DIAL 2520 HARRISON OIL CO. “TEXACO” SEE US FOR MARTIN MOTORS 4 1-2 ard 1 1-2 HORSEPOWER WESTERN AMO i ASSOCIATE STORE HoMm‘1' Stamps & Stationery IMiotir 2630 I I Harrison Office Supph (Jo. Main St. Api-ops from < it) I Jail | i 1 l i I i j FOR SALE .100 Cord- of Slab \\ nod, Long Lnigths 82.50 Lord F. O. 15. Kite in front of Rid dick's Grove Church. Wagon or truck loads. Dial 2917J> HARDISONS FARM SUPPLY Jamr*\i!I(*, N. C. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired. Quick service. a Peele’s—Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 55-J SEE I S FOR l.AU \ I) E R ALL AUTOMATIC HOME LAUNDRY We Install & Service WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE ^VsfWEjCARRY “THE JPjSvertjsed PENCIL TICONDEROGA Harrison Office Supply Co. DIAL 2630 : BE WISE liny I ELECTRICAL APITJANCES W hrrr You C ':i 11 Ot SERVICE AVESTIXCHOUSE AmiANfE DEALER SALES & SERVICE “Only All Electrical Store in .Martin County” k. i>. Worrell Dial 2037 Famous DAVIS Safety-Grip With Post-War Features (5! * Plus To* „ It# AND Famous tong Mileage Tread Design Chosen By Millions For f * f * a tong Wear! Stone * Ejecting Grooves auto matically flick out stones be fore they can tear or bruise the tread. Stranger Than • P ■. *-« W * * 'C*i - ease. Cives Vou Longer Lite. More Blow-Out Protection. •tffyy te© ■OTHER SIZES REOUCEO TOO! STILL THE SAME FIRST-LINE QUALITY! STILL AMERICA'S LEADING TIRE VALUE! STILL EASY, LOW PAY PLAN! v' 'H t. " ij YES. FOLKS... ft's Our SlggesS Tirfc Vcii^w in 6 i ecsrii - Change those Oid Unsafe Tires This Week! Western Auto Associate Store HOMf OWNED AND OFIRATSO by W. J. MILLER AM) SON DIAL 2050

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