Know C ancer Facts Most types of early cancer can be cured. For information to guard against this disease, send fur the pamphlet, “Who, What. Why. Where, When of Cancer”. Write your nearest American Can-, cer'Society information center or ACS, 47 Beaver St re et. New York 4. New York. rnwwwwwvwwwwwwr TRIO Roberson vi lie. N. C. Robcrsonville — THE TOBACCO MARKET TONIGHT ’ - FRIDAY October 14 & 13 (In Technicolor) FASTFR I* VR \!)F With Fred Astaire and Judy Garland Also: Cartoon A. Short SATURDAY, Oct lli ( A1 IFORM \ FIR IKK \ M> With Alan Hale bh; row % s<;\M)\f With Philip Reede Also No. 1 FEDERAL AGENT VS. UNDERWORLD SUNDAA . Oct. 17 un iiku.i; With Dorothy Lamour George Montgomery Also: Cartoon A. Short MONDAY TUESDAY Oct. 1N-1 !• hi \ F\R<;o With Humphrey Bogart Laurccn Bacall Edward G Robinson Also: News A Short ^mmwmwwuiamamummmA Issued Nineteen Licenses To Wed In Martin County (Continued from page one) Colored Claude Robinson, 409 Clyde St., Rocky Mount, and Ella Counci' of Hassell. Eugene Cooper and Irene Coop er, both of Windsor, James Ernest Slade and Lou vonia Bell, both of RED, Robe, sonville, George Thomas Williams and Mary Elizabeth Ward, both of Williamston. William A. Sykes and Elia Mae Keys, both of Jamesville. Mile-Long Parade Starts Moving At 1:30 P. M. Friday —•— (Continued from page one) Saturday Program Fiee movies at the Watts The ater will feature the Saturday morning program from 9:00 until 11:00 o’clock. “Williamston in 1934" will feature the two-hour program, and there'll be free ice cream for the youngsters. The amatc.ii' program in the iie.ii ^stiiool that evening at o GO o'clock will mark the close of the festival. There’ll be an admis sion charge to raise funds for the entertainers. W antS 1942 CADILLAC SEDAN AND 1941 Buk'k Sedan for sale at Chas. 11. Jenkins and Company. 1938 FORD SUDAN AND 1942 G M C Pick-up for sale at Chas. II JTnkins and Company. — * 250 Cancer Grants Made One hundred universities, hos pitals and laboratories have re ceived more than 250 grants for cancer research from the Ameri can Cancer Society. 1048 FORD, 1947 OLDSMOB1LE for sale at Chas. H. Jenkins and Company. TWO HORSE CROP FOR RENT. Would prefer to rent for money rent or to party with team and farming implements. Kate B. York. oc 14 2t 65 MEN’S ALL WOOL SUITS. Sizes 34 to 42. On sale at half price. Men's leather coats, sizes 34 to 48. on sale one-third dis count. One lot men’s hats, all col ors, all sizes. Values to $7.50. Sale price $2.98. Take advantage of these festival specials at Pitt man's Clothing Store, Williams ton. MEN'S SWEATERS. SLEEVE less and all Wool. Only $1.49. 200 pairs men’s winter dress trou sers, values to $11.00. Sale price, $4.95. One lot Dobbs stitched Sport Mats, $5.00 value while they Iasi will go for $1.98. See these Festival specials at Pittman's Clothing Store, Williamston. MEN'S FALL WEIGHT COTTON Sweat Shirts, $1.49. Men’s white T shirts, 79c value, sale price 59c. 10 Boy’s Knieker Suits, sizes 8 to 12, on sale for only $(>.95. 40 boys’ Suits, sizes 15 to 18, val uer. to $20.00, on sale for just $9 95 Don't miss these Festival specials at Pittman’s Clothing Store, Wil liamston. 25 BOY’S WOOL OR CORDU roy toppers, 3 4 length, size 10 to 18 for half price. 25 all wool Sport Coast, sizes 10 to 18, values to $12.95, sale price $4.95. Boy’s Leather Coats, $12.95 values, on sale, $6.95. One lot. boy’s pants, closing them out for $1.98. Pitt man's Clothing Store, Williamston TEXACO PRODUCTS FOR THE car of today and tomorrow. Harrison Oil Company. au 3 tf 1948 CHRYSLER, NEW YORKER for sale. Radio, heater, defrost er, plastic seat covers. In first class condition. See or call C. H. Whittaker. Phone 2,060. oc 14 3t FOR SALE BABY CRIB AND 2 piece Maple living room suite. Call 2373 or see Bernard S. Harri son. oc 14 2t FOR RENT: CHURCH PARSON age located at Cross Roads Christian Chapel. If anyone in terested contact Church Board at meeting Wednesday night, Octob er 27 at 7:30. oc 14 2t TWO ROOMS FOR RENT. RIJN ning water and lights. In front of school house one mile this side if Jarnesville. Mrs. W. L. Alls brook. oc 14 3t STOP BY MUSE JEWELRY CO. and have some salted peanuts during the festival—and see our new line of brass ware, gold pic ture frames and hand-painted trays. oc 12 2t STOP BY MUSE JEWELRY CO. and have some salted peanuts during the festival and see our new shipment of Tiffin crystal in cluding many lovely odd pieces. oc 12 2t LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER for a pair of Knapp Bros. Shoes. Willard Shoe Shop. oc 7 6t FOR SALE: 82 GAL. ELECTRIC Water Heater. In good Condi* uun. See B. S. Courtney. oc 5 4t OUR MERCHANT'S LUNCHEON is served daily from 11:30 to 3 p. m. Excellent food, good ser vice. Only 50c. Bring your friends and family to dine at the George Reynolds Hotel. j 13 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awmngs for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ’ton. au 26 tf GOOD FARM FOR RENT TO good white tenant. 25 acres of land, 4 3-10 tobacco allotment. Mrs. Minnie Cassell. Williamston, Route 3, Box 306. oc 5 4t FOR SALE: HOUSE AND LOT, W. Main Street, Williamston, five large rooms and bath, electric hot water heater, deep lot, house j built two years ago. Charles H. Manning. oc 5 tf STOKFR SERVICE: EXPERI encei factory trained mechanic available to serve you on all makes. Get your stoker ready in hot weather so it won't fail you in cold weather. Lindsley Ice Co. au 5 tf BRING YOUR CLOTHES TO Parker’s Self Service Laundry for a quick and thorough wash. 9 lbs. 35 cents. 30 to 40 minute service. Phone 2675, 32^ Sim mons Ave. oc 12 tf TrAhEY’S BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE E. M. Trahey Baltimore Street Residence Ph 2491 Office, 2306 ap 6 tf FOR RENT—FLOOR POLISH ers, $1.00 per day. Worrell Ap pliance, Dial 2057. my 4 tf GOODWILL IS MORE VITAL now than ever before. Let us serve you. Harrison Oil Co., Tex aco. au 3 tf SUITS MADE TO MEASURE. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed New Fall and Winter patterns to select from. See them today. Pittman’s Clothing Store. f 4 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES mules, cows and hogs removed promp'Jy. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Co.. Inc. j 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia. a»d muscuiar aches and pains. Clark’s Pharm acy. j 21 tf WHAT YOU WANT TODAY more than ever is QUALITY and SERVICE. We promise to give you both. Call us for more TEXACO. Harrison Oil Com pany. au 3 tf MONEY TO LOAN: I HAVE $30, 000 to loan on residential, farm lands or commercial property. See or call B. A. Critcher. se 12 tf STOP BY MUSE JEWELRY CO. and have some salted peanuts during the festival and see our new line of Ballou Jewelry as well as our regular line of watch es.. Jewelry for all occasions and silverware which we have greatly replenished. oc 12 2t NOW IN STOCK FOR IMMEDL atu delivery: Turner Peanut Pickers with Self Feeder. Turner Hay Balers. Liverman Peanut Pickers with Self Feeder. Roan oke Hay Balers with or without engines. Peanut picker belts at last year's prices. See us for ex pert repair work on your farm equipment. Lindsley Ice Com pany, Phone 2454, Williamston. N. C. se 23 9t ALTERATIONS ON SUITS coats, dresses, topcoats, trous ers. We make them fit correctly. One day service, reasonable prices. Pittman’s Clothing, f 4 tf ARMY SHOES FOR SALE: WIL lard’s Shoe Shop. oc 7 fit WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. m 9 tf I TWO GREAT MOTOR OILS — Havoline and Texaco. Harrison Oil Company. .iiU-3 tl CONCRETE SEPTIC Tf better and cheaper 62(1 fillon capacity. Delivered an# #et in hole. Weight 3500 lbs. JOHN O. COREY & SON, 2 1-2 miles l>ut on Washington Highway on Bear Grass road. m 38 tf WANTED: WHITE TENANT FOR farm. 5 acres of tobacco, 8 or 10 ^ acres of peanuts. See R. B. Nel son in Robersonville, N. C. se£l tf Musical Entertainment at its Best! TRUETOnE AUTOMATIC RADIO-PHONO CONSOLE Easy Terms #,;W>.50 Tfirilling performance comDined with rich cabinet beauty! Glorious purity of tone . . from records or radio. See, hear it today! AM-FM Console. All features of above, plus Static-Erce FM! 131.50 Our Finest Mantel RUETonc fm-«m set Creator Volum> fT|k Glorious Tone 'Ji/fcltwU Standard broadcast plus static-free I'M for fullest listening pleasure. Beauti fully styled cabinet m wal nut plastic. Push-Button-1 unwy TRUETORE RlRflTEL RADIOS Vulr.ut or Ivon Reg. '>»->. '’1 Be;iu<:f •'!>■ sr-i vi t rn. -"nr.s H i ■■ •• ~ . TRUSTVNE Deluxe RADIO PHONOGRAPH Features that (swq qi? Say $84.50 Automatic changer: out standing tone and volume. Walnut cabinet. djssi Truetone "Custom" AUTO RADIO Easy Terms ^ * ‘ Style and performance of many $(t0-$70 sets! Controls Western Auto Associate Store Hti Main Phono 2050 tV. J. Mll.LUK Ac SON Powerful, Pull-Size TRUETONF MANTEL M.dgc!" _ Radio Pnc 1 .V.) Fine tone ana outpu' V Compact, Single-Unit /RUETONE AUTO RADIO EASY TERMS Full toned; i. n.itoa PowertulA.C- TRUXTVNX FARM RADIO 5 Tubes plus $31.95 Rectifier ^ Exci11 e n t long-aisiance sctl Tone control; hairline soli emir. ! Walnut-vcnvcr | MARCO THURSDAY & FRIDAY Another Part ()l The Forest With Fredrie Yhircli Ann Bl>tli SPORT SATURDAY - SUNDAY MONDAY - TUESDAY “NORTHWEST STAMPEDE” With Joan Leslie James Urn ip: T A X I Call “BRINK” ;; Brink'* Taxi Sartidto DIAL 2.m 0 SUNDAY. October 17lli TRIO Robersonville, N. C. T H EATRE ^ ' THf TEMPESTUOUS SIREN WHO BECAME THE FLAME OF NEW ORLEANS ' ’ i 4 (f... THE RAGE OF NEW YORK /\S COLUMBIA PICTURES presents _ DOROTHY Lavhiuii i * QS .m >'i co-slurring mm GEORGE Montgomery ALBERT DEKKER • OTTO KRUGER • GLENDA FARRELL • 6RE6 McCLURf Directed by LESLIE FENTON • A BENEDICT BOGEAUS PRODUCTION Screenplay by Everett Freeman . Additional Dialogue by Karl Kamb Based upon the play by Charles MacArttor and Ednard Sheldon, produced by David Beiascv Watts Theatre WILL1AMSTON, N. C. STARTING SATURDAY, Fifteen Thrilling Chapters of Siineriuuu Serial Based on the SUPERMAN ad venture feature appearing in SUPERMAN and ACTION CO MICS magazines, in daily and Sunday newspapers eoast-to eoast ami on Uie SUPERMAN radio program broaileast over the Mutual Network. Also Double Feature W it I in in Itoyd ami Andy Uiyde in ”I)KAI) MEN DON'T DREAM" William Eyllie and Stanley llollouay in “MEET ME AT DAWN” To the First Hundred and Fifty Children At tending the First Shotting Will Reeeive FREE ICE CREAM. Show starts at 1/ :00 A. M. ^ **!' uranic Xigg •BSSSBRRi’ifl 1 i nipfff*\ij;3i^ ROAR HMXAff# s/tos: w THOMAS «MA Pi«>- Rn th« Sc.Mtn ,U*«. 6, »;« Pi*ywri$bIt Camp*** Mui .