CO 1NTEEPBI8E IS BEAD BE i OTEB 3,Mf MABTIN COUNT! MMUEI TWICE EACH WEEK THE ENTERPRISE mmmmmmmaBsammmmmrnts THE ENTERPRISE IS REAS SI OVER 3.9M MARTIN COUNT! FAMILIES TWICE EACH WSB VOLUME LI—NUMBER 83 Williamaton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 19, 1948 ESTABLISHED 1899 Young Democrats Organize County • Group Thursday Congressman Bonner And Solicitor Fountain Ad* dress Meeting Here Answering a plea from the eld er party members, young Demo crats of Martin County perfected ^ an organization of their group at a meeting held in the courthouse last Thursday evening and pledg ed themselves to the task of car rying Democracy’s torch. Clar ence Griffin, Williamston attor ney, was elected president of the club. Mrs. H. H. Worsley of Oak City and LeRoy Harrison of Bear Grpss were named vice presi dents, and Nat Johnson of Oak g City is the club's secretary and treasurer. The newly elected officers met and named the following precinct committees: Jamesville, Frosty Martin and Mrs, Cimille F. Rawls; Williams, Joe Lawrence Coltrain and Mrs. Sallie Taylor; Griffins, James Harrington and Mrs. Raymond Gurkin; Bear Grass, Ralph Mob ley and Mrs. Velma Bailey; Wil liamston No. 1, W. B. Gaylord, and Mrs. James Bullock; Wil liamston No. 2, Edgar Gurganus and Mrs W. I. Skinner; Cross Roa:*. t . 4SmM