Opposes Further Increase In The 1949 Leaf Acreage —* ^Continued from page one) carry-over, the total stocks on hand amounted to 2.640.000,000 pounds. The 1948-49 fiscal year disappearance, both foreign and domestic, totaled 1.100.000,000 pounds, and the carry-over for July 1. 1949. will be practically the same as the July 1, 1948. carry-over." "The quotas as already an nounced for 1949. and computed on the average yield of the past three years, anticipate this year's crop total as 1.090.000 pounds. However. 1 anticipate that, the 1949 yield will be substantially above that figure.” "Stabilization Corpora tion stocks on hand ).otal 162.000.000 pound;/. Adding these stocks to the 2949 yield anticipated by the De partment of Agriculture, the total supply available will be 1.252,000. 000 pounds.” “The Tobacco Branch reports that possible market requirements for 1949 are 750.000.000 pounds in domestic trade and 400,000.000 to 450,000.000 pounds in exports. I want to emphasize that the figure for expected exports is on the op timistic side.” “I realize the necessity fox maintaining European markets as far as possible. However, we have always had and do now have sufficient stocks to meet require ments of these markets 1 am un willing to have quotas and pro duction increased in 1949 merely on hopes of maintaining or in creasing exports to these markets when the result will be detriment al to the growers. We have been given no definite a .-urances that there will actually be any mater ial increase in exports in 1949." “Therefore. I can see no possi bility of any shortage if quotas remain as announced. If quotas are increased beyond the 5 per cent already announced, it will result in the Stabilization Corpor ation being • required to take a much larger percentage of the ]949 crop thereby placing the cor poration and the growers in the same unfavorable position they experienced in 1947.” “In addition to that, if quotas are increased the growers will re ceive a smaller gross return from the larger crop than they received from the 1948 crop and w ill be fac ed with a record surplus which will be exceedingly detrimental to their position in 1950 and succeed | ing years.” “I would like to point out that | in past years annual crop esti mates by the Crop Statistics Di vision of the Department of Agri culture have consistently fallen short of actual yields. This has worked to the disadvantage of the grower by causing a decline in the market toward, the end of the season. It is also true that the opinions expressed by the Tobac co Branch of the Department of Agriculture at the time quotas were proclaimed for the past sev eral years were not borne out by production yields and market de mands.” “The grower has always produc ed ample tobacco under the quota program to meet, all demands. He wants to continue to do so, but he wants the program administered in a realistic manner so that his income and a decent standard of living will be /fairly protected." —-o Tobacco Situation Discussed At Farni School Last Week (Continued from cage one) Make it grow thin by topping it high and not fertilizing too heavi ly, etc. Sore Skin is a disease where only a few scattered plants are af fected. Don't worry about this disease. Southern Root Rot gives some trouble in this section. It may be identified by small white spots on stalk above the ground which is the seeding bodies of the disease. There is nothing to do for this dis-. ease. Root Knot just cuts the yield of the tobacco somewhat and if real bad might lower the quali fy. A worm eats the sap out of the stalk. This is characterized by short knotty roots. A crop rota tion is good for this using corn, small grains and cotton. Don’t use legumes or sweet potatoes as these nematodes live on sweet po tatoes. Blue mold leaves the plants in a weakened condition. Use a pre ventative and apply twice per week Start when the plants are small and before blue mold starts. Fermate or Dithane is recom mended this year. Dithane is stronger, therefore smaller rates must be used. A new tobacco fertilizer is on the market this year, namely, a 4-12 !i. This is a strongei fertiliz er and the regular amount should be eut at least bv 1-4 per acre. On the average soils 1000 to 1200 lbs. of a 3-9-6 seems to be a sufficient amount of fertilizer raths«^i»an going too heavy on the rates. Tobacco should be cured prop erly and ventilated properly dur ing the process stated Mr. Hawks. A ventilation system all around the bottom of the barn with a ven tilator in the top seems to be the best system up to date. Two or three leaves per bunch is a plenty and thirty two bunches per stick seems to be plenty on the stick. This should be uniform and don’t put 48 bunches on some sticks, it was pointed out. These sticks should be uniformly hung in the barn. This spacing and uniform ity is needed in order that heat may be uniformly disti ibuted throughout the barn and a better cure may be made. When using a metal top it should be solid sheet ed or insulated because the tin will get hot /'hen the sun shines and cold otherwise. n his cold con dition will cause tie hot air to condense and wajpr to drip and the cold air to return toward the bottom of the barn. Thus a good cure cannot be-had. The ventilat ors should be opened until the leaf is dried then closed to kill out the stem. Farmer must use his own judgment in curing his tobacco as no two barns can be cured alike, Mr. Hawks pointed out. Pastures Offer Big Return To Farmer In Martin County (Continued from page one) Ladino seed be sure it is certified because no man can differentiate between Ladino Clover seed and White Clover Seed. Ladino furn ished much more feed than white clover. Ladino Clover pastures are furnishing the equivalent per acre in nutrients of from 75 to 100 bushels of corn. This pasture, of course, is much cheaper to pro duce than would be the corn and it doesn’t have to be seeded each year. Mr. Dobson stated that from 250 to 300 lbs. of beef per acre per year could be- raised from this fine pasture also. Ladino Clover pas ture is excellent for rattle, hogs, and poultry. As much as .3 tons of dry matter can be removed per year from an acre of Ladino Clov er. ; Mr. Dobson says in order to , have tins fine pasture one must lime and fertilize adequately at I seeding and continuing an annual application'of from 600 to 1000 lbs of a good pasture fertilizer such as an 0-10-20 or 0-12-12 analysis 'Finally, he said prepare a good seed bed, innoeulate your clover i seed, lime and ferilize according to soil sample tests and don't over graze. SINCLAIR BUILDS NEW PIPELINES TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND MORE OIL BY PIPELINE. Faced by an unprecedented public demand for petro leum products, Sinclair Refining Com pany is going all-out to increase deliveries to motorists and fuel oil users. As part of its great $150,000,000 expansion pro gram, Sinclair is adding hundreds of miles of pipeline to its already existing lines. Some new Sinclair lines are already speeding gasoline and fuel oil over the all-weather route from refineries to key delivery points. Moreover, Sinclair is also enlarging its refining capacity and inten sifying its sfearch for new crude supplies. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair for Better Products, Better Service. N. C- GREEN. AGENT U IV. C Farm Youths Have A Month To Enter Big 1949 Contest —«.— Continued from page one) ting up a plant for the dehydra tion of potatoes. It was reported a few days ago that farmers in some areas are selling graded potatoes for $3.50 and $3.75 per bushel while the local market has a top of about $3 a bushel. North Carolian cotton growers produced an average of 454 pounds of lint per acre in 1948. W ANf S Western Auto SPECIALS USED CABINET OIL RANGE, large size, good condition. Cheap. Western Auto Associate Store. m 10 tf USED WOOD RANGE, GOOD condition, less than one third price of new stove. Western Auto Associate Store. m 10 tf ONE NEW 30 GALLON OIL HOT Water Heater. Regular price, $119.50. Will sacrifice for $p9.50. Western Auto Associate Store, tf NEW GAS PERMAGLASS HOT Water Heaters. 30-40-50-60 gal lon sizes. Five year free service. Western Auto Associate Store, tf APARTMENT SIZE RANGE, US ed 6 months, excellent condi tion. Will sell cheap. Western Auto Associate Store. m 10 tf USED GAS RANGE WIJBH OVEN on top. Will cook as good as new stove. Western Auto Associ ate Store. in 10 tf WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERV ice you with Bottle Gas and Ap pliances. See us for prices. West ern Auto Store, Phone 2050. f 8 tf IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO switch to gas see us for esti mates on installations. Also ap pliances. Western Auto Store. Phone 2050. . f 8 tf DARDEN’S TAILOR, MR. W. E. \ Joyner, representing Brighton Tailoring Co., will be here again Wednesday for one day only. FOR SALE: 300 BALES OF good peanut bay. Charles Col j lins, Route No. 1, Windsor, N. C. m 15 4t (MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE I over route of established Wat kins Customers in Williamston Full time income averages $4!: weekly. No car or investment ne cessary. We will help you gel started. Write J. R. Watkins Co. Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. MAYTAGS NOW AVAILABLE— Home Freezers, 6 net cubic ft of locker space with large utility top table. Dutch oven gas ranges “cooks on with gas off.” Washer and ironers. Call us for free de monstration. Complete servici department at Maytag Applianci Co., Washington highway, Wil liamston, N. C. P. O. Box 27 Phone (dial) 2100. jl 20 tues t TRAHEYS BOOKKEEPING AftD TAX SERVICE E. M. Trahey Baltimore Street Residence Ph. 2491 Office, 230 ap 6 t FOR YOUR CUSTOM . MADI Venetian blinds, awnings for thi itfSrne or sibr£Tsee us."“We ffltf wood. Henry Harrison, Williams lOR SALE: 5 HORSE MOTOF practically new. Will sel cheap. Jack Daniels Esso Sta PUTNAM’S FADELESS DYE! and Tints also Rit in newes shades and colors. Come in am look them over. J. C. Leggett, 11 W. Main Street, Williamston, N C. m 10 3 FOR SALE: 1938 DODGE SEDAN Good condition. See Jim Peek Phone 2949-4. m 8 3 I the famous Kip*; slats; also beau ton. au 28 t tion. m 1 t CALL 2123 for WAYNE FEED Martin^Supply FOR SALE: BUNCH SEED PEA nuts. Good germination and i extra large. D. G. Matthews, Ham- j ilton, N. C. m 1 lOt | CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS — ! better and cheaper 620 gallon | capacity. Delivered and set in hole. Weight 3500 lbs. JOHN G. COREY & SON, 2 1-2 miles' out on Washington Highway on Bear Grass road. m 25 ti j SEVERAL USED RANGES From! $50.00 to $125.00. In A-l condi-^ tion. Worrell Appliance Com pany. m 15 2t i -| WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps! for estimate or to be wired. Wor-1 rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. m 9 tf BACKACHE, GETTING UP nights, cloudy urine, leg pains, bladder and kidney troubles. Guaranteed relief or money back. Ask for BACK-O. Clarks’ Phar macy. j 20 16t SEED GROUNEj AND CHICKEN litier. Seedjground any time. Rob' rsonville .Shelling Company, Robersonvilljjg N. C. f 3 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ^ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn, dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs j are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. j 20 tf CALL US FOR HEATING OIL. The better quality is always the better buy. TEXACO. Harrison Oil Company. n 9 tf TEXACO IS YOUR BEST BUY in heating oil. Harrison Oil Company will give you the best in service. n 9 tf j FOR RENT—FLOOR POLISH ers, $1.00 per day. Worrell Ap pliance, Dial 2057. my 4 tf NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN! that early gard^nr We have T W. Wood's line of tested Garder Seed in packet and bulk. Onior and Cabbage Plants. Mandville King Flower Seed in packets Wood Dixie lawn grass in one anc five pound packages. J. C. Leg gett, ’10 W. Main Street, Wil liamston, N. C. m 10 31 DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES mules cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Co.. Inc. j 8 tl WANTED: MAN TO CALL ON farmers, this and adjoining counties, selling nationally adver tised quality merchandise and ma chinery. Guaranteed drawing ac count. Wonderful opportunity for man willing to work. Give quali fications and references. Reply Box 387, c/o Enterprise. j 27 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right al Freezer Locker. ja 25 tl j HOUSE FOR SALE: 6 ROOMS,' . i "central heating plant, built new 2 years ago. Phone 2tl89 or see Mrs. C. H. Wood. f 1 tf BRING YOUR CLOTHES TO Parker's Self Service Laundry: for a qui£k and thorough wash. 9 lbs. 35 cents. 30 to 40 minute ; service. Phone 2G75, 327 Sim-! mons Ave. oc 12 tf FOR SALE, ONE 8 FT. FLOOR Show iytSL-, one 6 ft. Cigar Case, good condition. J. C. Leggett, 110 W. Main Street, Williamston, N. P m 10 3t J. ^—1?!£— Yes, Canvas Awnings give you a real sense of luxurious comfort — a feeling of well being that defies sun and heat. There are so many fab ric designs to choose from, in colorful woven stripes or painted stripes, that your complete satisfaction is al ways assured. Call us today. Treat yourself to the best this summer. I Manufacturers also of Four W£iy ^Ventilated Metal Awnings. The j World's most beautiful and inex pensive metal awning. Get our ,: prices before you buy. We guar ’ | antee to save you money and give ! you quick delivery. Free estimates cheerfully given without obligation. Write or phope and our representative will call. CAROLINA AWNING , & TENT MFG. GO. 1 *04 N. Church St. I ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Children 15c Adults 20c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “ONETOUCH OF VENUS” With Robert Walker Ava Gardner Musical Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY “FULLER BRUSH MAN’’ With Red Skelton Janet Blair McDoakes Cartoon TRIO Robersonville. N. C. TONIGHT BAD MEN OF TOMBSTONE With Barry Sullivan Marjorie Reynolds Also: Latest News & Short WEDNESDAY, March 16 SUNDOWN RIDERS With Jay Kirby Andy Clyde SECRET LAND (In Technicolor) Navy Films No. 14, BRICK BRADFORD THURSDAY - FRIDAY March 17-18 SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS (In Technicolor) W'ith Joel McCrea Alexis Smith Also: Short Subject Mmmmmamimmmmimm VICCAR THEATRE WILLIAMSTON TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY ‘WHISPERING SMITH’’ Alan Ladd Robert Pre*ton Brenda Marshall Cartoon and Latest'News in cluding Axis Sally Found Guilty of Treaion, Train Robbers Captured in Open Battle, Bill O/lom Sets Fliv ver Plane Record, Russia Re turns Lend-Lease Cruiser, Joe Louis Gets Himself a New Job. JUUMMMMUIMWMAMUUWHk THEATRE — WILL1AMSTQN LAST TIME TUESDAY In Technicolor “THE SUN COMES UP’ With Jeanette MacDonaltl Lloyd Nolan Claiule Jarman, Jr. And Lassie NEWS CARTOON WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY In Truecolor “THE PLUND ERS” With Rod Cameron Llona Massey SPORT NEWS House For Sale We have for sale the building previously used for the offices of the Standard Fertilizer Com pany. Now located cm the* Prisoner of War Camp site. Building now open for inspection. Construct ed of the best lumber and materials, this build ing will make- an excellent and comfortable home.* IN] ll' Standard Fertilizer Co. LI Williamston, N. C. ** 4M0RTCIRKITC -i/- KI> WORRELL I * new DO \ VOO LIKE \ THE CAKE l BAKED?// L CAIN 1 UNDERSTAND THAT. THE COOKBOOK HERE SAID IT'S DELICIOUS. WORD FOB IT- VISIT WORRELL APPLIANCE YOURSELF AND LET them prove they provide COMPLETE , SATISFACTION See The New 1919 Line of WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerators In Stock for Delivery. Several used ranges from $50.00 to $125.00 In A.l Condition. 11 Cubic Feet-$329.95 9 Cubic Feet ----- $289.95 7 Cubic Feet - - - - $229.95 WORRELL APPLIANCE ) Ra d/os-a ppl /a nces -Sales service 2057-EAST MAIN ST - WILUAMSTON.N C Porch And Lawn Furniture All Metal GLIDERS SPRING CHAIRS SETTEES GLIDER CHAIRS CUSHION GLIDERS FLOWER STANDS AND POTS Choose Your Colors Noiv. A Small Deposit M ill Hold Your Selection Until Delivered. Woolnrd Furniture Company "Martin County's Leading furniture Store.’’ DR

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