Justice Johnson Hears Six Cases In Recent Days — - - fContinued trom page ore) ing for the justice of the peace to pass on tite case, several of ’he de fendants engaged in an affray.: The charges were scheduled for, an airing Monday evening, but during the meantime, warrants: charging assaults were issued. Charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. Rubv L. Melton, was bound over to the county j court for trial. Bond was requir- j ed in the sum of $100. In Justice John L. Hassell's court, three cases were handled. David Bryant and Frank Wil liams, charged with being drunk and an affray, were sentenced to the roads for thirty days. The jus tice suspended the sentence upon good behavior for one veai* and the payment of $8.50 costs each. The case charging Mrs. Bryant Reason of Jamesville with attack ing Mrs. Herbert Williams with a stick, was sent to the county court for trial on June 27. Sam Best, hitch hiking his way ; from Florida to Baltimore, passed ! out on the river bridge day before j yesterday and was jailed for an over-night stay. Carried before Justice Hassell, the 64-year-old and penniless man, was sentenced to the roads for thirty days. The sentence was suspended on condi tion that the defendant clear out: cf town in ten minutes. Promise Delivery Sewer Line Pipe In Next Few Days (Continued from page one) .. Hereafter, the town board will hold its regular meetings on the1 first Monday night in each month, ! £or some time the meetings have Been held on the first Tuesday] night. Few Cases Listed i For Trial Monday In Superior Court (Continued from page one) Wm. (Bill) Williams and Slade Henry Butler, young colored man, are charged with holding up and robbing Henry Harris, filling sta tion owner-operator, near Wil-1 liamston several weeks ago. Both men continue in jail in default of bond. Octavious Roberson us charged ■ftili) the larceny of a"'truck from" Mannings' truck line here, and O. K. Harrison is booked lor alleged ly abandoning a crop. | Jake,David Spruill is up for | trial for allegedly issuing a worth- j less check in the sum of $327.56 to J. T. Dawson last September 17. i Willie Moore is charged with an assault with a deadly weapon, and , Geo. Mobley is booked for trial on | two embezzlement cha.ges. H. C. 'Miller and J. R. Parrisher are the two main prosecuting witnesses i in the cases against the defendant. Fourteen Cases In County Court Monday Morn in (Continued from page one) quate .support for his child. He was sentenced to the roads for six months, the court suspending the road term upon the payment of the costs and the guaranteed pay ment of $15 a month for the sup port of the child. William Madrey pleading guilty of speeding, was fined $15 plus costs. Pleading guilty of operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license, Dorothy Rectanus was fin ed $25 and taxed with the costs. Morris Laney Funderburk was fined $15 and required to pay the costs for speeding. The court will hold its next ses sion m June 27, yielding its time next week to the superior tri bunal. Mrs. R. L. Dawson Drowns Yesterday In Pamlico River _ ! (Continued trom page one) I Biggs Funeral Home here early last night and prepared for burial. The body, after lying in state at the late home here, is being re moved this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock to Hunt's Funeral Home, Wilson, where services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at ■4:00 o’clock. Burial will be in W'lson’s Maplewood Cemetery. Rev. Clyde E. Barcom, Wilson Baptist minister assisted by Rev. Stewart B. Simms, pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church here, .will conduct the rites. --■ Displaced Persons Coming to Farms Location of displaced persons from Europe is tending more and more toward rural areas and in land t itles in this country. Government and voluntary ag encies that have aided 25,000 per sons uprooted by World War II to resettle in this country since last October report that the refugee iaiuilies and iUu'iVit-Yuiii;, alt being integrated into farm communities and small industrial towns, with few exceptions, as successfully as Watts Theatre W illiuniston. IN. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY J ii n<* 19-20-21 UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL presents CWJefcfe COLBERT ,*;» RiTA JOHNSON • HATTIE McDANIEL ■ scf**np!a* t* d*nc lussifr • imadon Dm kx«I if hvpu Cm • Duecied t>> CLAUDE BINlrOI! • Piuduccd t, JOii.t DECK and L MAINE LRU t IN THRIFTY BOTTLE GAS Is Your Bust Buy METERED or BOTTLED SERVICE Cull I s for Estimult's and Installations RANGES — HEATERS — REFRIGERATORS Dial 2050 — Offiri! at Western Auto Williamston Bottle Gas Company W. J. Miller and Son BABY MAY HALT DEPORTATION UTTIE JOHN MANNYNUALI, twc month* old, has made It possible for hi* mother and father, Erkki and Eila, to remain in the U. S. The youngster, shown with his parents in Miami, was born in the Virgin Islands while en route from Finland with a group of refugees aboard a small vessel. Since the baby was born In a U. S. possession and is automatically a citizen, the parents cannot be deported if they insist on staying with him. Immigration spokesmen said *ix others aboard the boat, reportedly j teeing Red domination, would be excluded. (International Soundphoto) At Charity Auction 1 HIM star Loretta Young, president of St. Anne's Foundation, admifes a bespectacled pup at an .auction in Hollywood held for the benefit of St. Anne’s Maternity Hospital. The cocker was among $100,000 in jew els, furs, art and personal belong ings donated bv movie stars for the allair. (International) they have made themselves part of the life of great cities.” One quarter of the individuals enter ing the United States as displaced persons have stayed in New York City. "But the percentage is shrinking with each shipload,” the story added. Reasons suggested for the trend toward rural areas were as follows: “Community pro grams for finding employment and housing assurances, which were slower getting started in many parts of the nation that lacked New York’s tradition and facilities for absorbing immigra tion, are hitting their stride now and accounting for a tn~i per sal of new arrivals.” Warns Against Old War Shells Early this year, five persons were killed and two injured by | the explosion of a shell, which | I was removed from a former Army ' installation for the purpose of sale to a scrap dealer. Recently six unexploded pro jectiles were located in a scrap | yard in the Third Army Area. Several instances have been re ported within the Third Army Area recently where individuals have trespassed onto inactive ar tillery impact areas, and have picked up such unexploded pro jectiles or “duds” and have sold them to scrap iron and metal deal ers. The public is warned of the in herent dangers of removing un exploded projectiles from impact areas and that it is illegal for any one to trespass on these areas. It is also unlawful to purchase or sidl materiel removed from im pact areas without proper author ity and inspection. Closer home, a young Williams ton lad had been olaving with a live shell for some weeks before an old artilleryman happened to see it. He explained the dangef, and the lad, shaking a bit, turned it over to the veteran who pulled the cap and buried the shell. FOR SALE: REGISTERED Dl7 roc pigs. 75 to 100 lbs.'Contact M. D. Taylor or call 2946-1. FOR SALE: 1941 FORD, 4-DOOR, black with radio and heater. Perfect all way around. Will sell cheap. Auto Hospital, back of Guaranty Bank. VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY “WHIPLASH” Dune Clark, Alexis Smith Zachary Scott, Eve Arden Cartoon and News SATURDAY Double Feature “BRANDED A COWARD” Johnny Mack Itrown “MR. HEX” Bowery Boys Cartoon and Serial “Daughter ol Don Q’’ SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “CRISS CROSS” Burt Lancaster Yvonne De Carlo Dan Duryea Cartoon and News faOBOOgCOgCWC-B'&S yVWWWUWIMVWVWMUVMMWWl TRI ! | Robersonville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY June 16-17 ^COLORADO TERRITORY • With Joel McCrea and Virginia Mayo Also: Cartoon & Short SATURDAY, June 18 SUSANNA PASS (In Color) With Roy Rogers and Dale Evans CHICKENS COME HOME With Laurel & Hardy No. 10 GHOST OF ZORRO SUNDAY, June 19 ON OlIK MERRY WAY With Henry Fonda and James Stewart Paullette Goddard Also: Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY June 30 - 21 AFRICA SCREAMS With Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Also: News & Short I Salary Schedules To Remain Intact For the New Year —t— (Continued from page one) a rnontn, the commissioners to . continue un tlie pay roll at $200 a year. Salaries for the keeper of Wood i lawn Cemetery and his assistant ; were unchanged at $30 and $25, re spectively, per week. The assistants to the .superin tendent of the street and wate; departments received $50 and $35, respectively per week In addition to the salary sched ule, the board discussed opera tions in the various departments, and plans to recommend closer co operation among the departments and workers within the depart ments. SI KAY hi) FROM MY HOME IN Griffins, a female collie, about three years old. Yellowish brown, and answers to name of “Shep.” Notify Andrew Griffin, telephone 29439, and receive reward. ATTENTION PARENTS: DO NOT allow your child to be scarred for life by pimples and running sores. Ask your druggist for soothing, healing SWISS OINT MENT. je 16 8t GLADS FOR SaTe: 75c PER DOZ Phone 2067. je 16 2t FOR SALE: WHITE AND MIXED Gladiolus; 75c and $1 per dozen. Mrs. Archie Coltrain, phone 29407. je 16-23 SALES PEOPLE WANTED TO sell our extensive line of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants and Ornamental Plant material, offer ed by Virginia’s Largest Growers. Liberal cash commission paid weekly. 48-Page All-color Plant ing Guide FREE. Write for fur ther information. Waynesboro Nurseries.. Waynesboro, Virginia. je 9-16-23-30 jl 7-14 FOR SALE: FURNISHED 5 room stucco cottage. Located in heart of Bayview. Priced at $3850. See Page-Barbre Insur ance Agency, Greenville, N. C. Phone 4323. je 14 2t FOR SALE: THREE USED OIL ranges in perfect condition. Very reasonable. Western Auto Associate Store. je 14 2t SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY: Lovely Home Grown Gladiola blooms. One Dollar Per Dozen. York's Florist. je 14 2t ELECTRIC FANS—ALL SIZES Worrell Appliance Company. Dial 2057. je S 3t i FOR SALE: OUTBOARD MOTOR Boat, 16 ft. long, has 4 attached ore locks. Easy to row. Suitable for rough water or creek fishing. Also slightly used Evijirude mot or. J. W. Green, Williamston, N. C. je 14 2t FOR SALE: TWONEW 1948 OUT board motors 1 1-2 h. p. $150.00 Each. Western Auto Associate Store. je 14 2t CLARK S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf | ROOM FOR RENT: ROOM WITH connecting bath to rent ior the summer. Cooking quarters if wanted. Hot and cold water. See Mrs. Katie Ingram, 212 Marshall Avenue. je 14 2t MILK C OW FOR SALE: GIVING from 2 to 4 gallons each day. See or call W. L. Taylor, phone 29404. je 9 4t PARKER’S SELF1 - SERVICE laundry. 327 Simmons Ave. 91 lbs of clothes washed for 35c. 40 minutes service. Open from 8 a.| m. to 6 p. m. Monday through Fri-1 day. Open from 8 a. m. to L2 on 'Saturday. je 14 tf SEED GROUND AND CHICKEN litter. Seed ground any time. Robersonville Shelling Company, Robersonville, N. C. f 3 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the 1 home or store, see us. We have I the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in ' wood. Henry Harrison, Williams- j ton. au 26 tf ilOR SALE: iaiu C M. C. i.\| J gpod condition. Suitable for j logging, heavy hauling. Very cheap. Mr. Dave Ausborne, Rob ersonville. Route 1. j 7 4t CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS — better and cheaper 620 gallon j capacity. Delivered and set in j hole. Weight 3500 lbs. JOHN G.! COREY & SON, 2 1-2 miles out | on Washington Highway on Beat i Grass road. m 25 ti YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat-j teries. Phone 2318. Turn right at Freezer Locker. ii 25 ti FOR RENT. SANDING MACH-1 ine. Refimsh your floors ■"•our- j self and do a first class job of' sanding and polishing your worn, • dingy Moors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. j 20 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSEs* mules cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Co,. Inc. j 8 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. m 9 tf PEANUT IIA i XOIi jALE. PE can Grove Farm, Henry C. Green, RFD 1, Williamston. j 9-16 FOE RENT—FLOOR POLISH ers, $1.09 per day. Worrell Ap pliance, Dial 2057. my 4 tf BACKACHE, GETTING UP nights, cloudy urine, leg pains, bladder and kidney troubles. Guaranteed relief or money back. Ask for BACK-O. Clark's Phar macy. ap 26 18t ■ Iwatts THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY ‘"ROGUES REGIMENT’’ Dick Powell Marta Toren News Cartoon Special SATURDAY'’"*~ DOUBLE FEATURE “THE FAR FRONTIER” “BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY” In Color John Sheffield Penny Ann Garner Chapter No. 6 of Serial “Federul Agents vs. The Underworld. Ine.” SIJNDAYMONDAY and TUESDAY “FAMILY HONEYMOON’’ With (duudette (In I her! Fred MaeMurray NEWS SPORT Shows Sunday at 1:00 2:30 4:30 9:00 *cms%22& UMtUUl IHU»HMION« iun gtttftMW Vir«ct«d t>y ROBERT^ SIOOMAK r' "i Solidity - Monday Tuesday - Wednesday Yiccar Theatre Children 15c Adults 20c THURSDAY - FRIDAY “THE MICHIGAN KID” With Jon Hull MUSICAL SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Kerby Grant”” “tr uLxtt VENGEANCE” “KING OF THE I GAMBLERS” With Janet Marlin William Wriglil Chapter No. 3 of Serial ^King of the Jtinglelantl'” SUNDAY - MONDAY “BLACK BART” With Yvonne De Carlo Dan Dnryea COMEDY CARTOON TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY ‘HANGOVER SQUARE” With Linda Darnell Laird Ure^ur SPORT CARTOON HOW MANY DAUGHTERS HAD NEPTUNE? HAMILTON THEATRE WEEK OF JUNE 19 SUNDAY - MONDAY June 19-20 Shows Sunday 3 and 9 Shows Monday, 7:30 & 9:30 UNDERCOVER MAN W'ith Glenn Ford and Nina Foch Color Cartoon TUESDAY, June 21 Shows 7:30 and 8:30 SHOCKPROOF With Cornel Wilde and Patricia Knight Latest News WEDNESDAY, June 22 Shows 7:30 and 9:30 Double Feature Program GOLDEN EYE With Charlie Chan SAGA OF DEATH VALLEY With Roy Rogers Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY June 23 • 24 Shows 7:30 & 9:30 WALKING HILLS With Randolph Scott and Ella Raines Color Cartoon SATURDAY, June 25 Shows 1 to 11 RIDERS OF THE WHISTLING PINES With Gene Autry Serial Color Cartoon WWMWMMAAMMAMMMIAA Visit Heilig and Meyers Willianislon for ihe “Best Buys In Furniture” TERMITE & BEETLE CONTROL RESULTS GUARANTEED Free Inspection No Obligation Phone 2403 Williamson Treating Plant Williamston, N. C. «WWWIMWUWVMMVMMWMW CARVER THEATRE Williamston, N, C. WEEK OF JUNE 19TII SUNDAY, June 19 Shows 3 and 8:15 DKSTRY RIDES AGAIN With Charles Winninger and Mischa Auer Color Cartoon Buck Jones Serial MONDAY - TUESDAY June 29 and 21 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 BLOOI) AND SAND With Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell Latest News WEDNESDAY, June 22 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 Double Feature Program AMAZING MR. X With Turhan Bey GHOST OF HIDDEN VALLEY W'ith Buster Crabbe Serial I THURSDAY - FRIDAY ■ Jane *23" S£kI Shows 7:15 and 9:15 THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT Willi George Raft and Ann Sheridan Latest News SATURDAY. June 25 Shows 1 to 11 Double Feature Program LAST DAYS OF BOOT HILL With Charles Starrett GOD’S COUNTRY W'ith Robert Lowery and Helen Gilbert Serial Hamilton Theatre Thursday and Friday, June 23 aiicl2T EkJM.Jte*I SeeJung a fabulous buried treasure before one woman «* WIILMN (KM BISHOP • BUCHANAN Artbw Khhw(| ■ JtU kilM* ItfMt CwrtlMb • iMk Wbiit Stoiy mi iciemplty by Aim Lrtljy Additmd Di*lo(u* by Virginia RoMcb Directed by WNV STURvES * Produced by ItMIT JOt IROWN 1 HAMILTON THEATRE I

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