Rams And Martins Meet Tonight In Opener Of Final Scries Everetts Is Drawing With Bears For 3rd Lack Of Pitching Handicap To The Losers \\ cdifsday -* Scrou.! Camp Wiil Be Play ~ «*d Saturday Mi^ht and a *• Possiblr 3rd Sunday “The Robersonville Rams and the Williamston Martins will meet at 8100 o'clock tonight in the Wil liamston park in the first game of the final best two-of-three series to decide the winner of the district semi-pro tournament being held here this week under the sponsor ship of the Williamston Junior Chamber of Commerce. The sec ond game will be played on Satur day night and a third one. if neces sary, will be played at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Williams ton park. Originally scheduled to meet to night to decide the winner of the third spot in the tournament, the Everetts Cubs and Bear Grass Bears declared last night that a shortage of pitchers would make the game a farce and decided to draw for third position and divide the prize money for third and C A L L 212 :i for WAYNE FEED Marlin Supply Co. iIliumston THE LAYING HOUSE Give birds a good, ^ clean bouse before jCV_ you bring them w \ kb V Pleasant Odor . . . INv. u - Irritating to Normal Skin. No Stains. DISINFECT WITH PURINA CHEKRFECT Checkerboard Store AVilliamston, N. C’. PLAY TONIGHT J r The Rohersonville Rams and VViliiamston Martins play j tonight in the first game *f _ in* final two-out-of-thrce series to determine the winner of the semi-pro tournament here. The second game will be played Saturday night and a third one, if necessary, on Sunday afternoon. The night games start at 8:00. The Sun day game will begin at 3. | fourth place on a fifty-fifty basis.1 The Martins advanced to the 1 finals last night by defeating Bear ! Grass in seven innings, 11 to 2, as some of their top hitters returned to last season form and Billy Peele hurled a steady game. The Mar tins have won both their appear ances in the tournament without difficulty. The Rams, winners of the tour nament last year, moved up to the ] finals with a 10-inning, 6-4 decis- I ion over Hamilton Tuesday night and an 8-0 victory over the Ever etts Cubs in the semi-finals last night. After both teams had scored two runs in the first inning, the Mar tins on successive doubles by C. B. Whitehurst and Joe Davenport, a single by George Wynne, a walk to S. Perry and a sacrifice by H. Wynne and the Bears on two er rors. and two hits, the Martins put the game away with three runs in the 6th on four hits and a base on balls. In the 7th the Martins bat ted around us they scored six runs on six hits and three errors to halt play at the end of the inning be cause of a ruling that play is to stop if either team is leading by 7 or more runs. Although the Rams took a one run lead in the second inning and added single runs in the third and seventh, the Rams contest with Everetts’ Cubs was still really a close ball game until the eighth. In that inning the Rams scored 5j runs on doubles by G, Warren1 and Tom Brown, a single by Earl Forbes and a home run by James Hudson who had hit a triple in the sixth frame. Three successive walks also helped the scoring. In this inning Darrell Taylor who had just come in to relieve James Stalls was put out of game for protesting too vigorously to the umpire and then William Cherry, the catcher, quit in disgust. The game was called at the end of the eighth. Opening play in the tournament on Monday night, Willianiston had little difficulty in defeating East Side, 19 to 4 ana bear Grass easily took the Ahoskie team, 13 to 2, both games being called at the I end of seven innings because of a , ruling halting play at that, point if one team has a lead of seven or ! more runs. i Garland Wvnne started and.was I the winning pitcher for Williams ' ion u,hde Billie Peek: came in to 1 pitch the last t- »o innings. H. Rog I erson started for F-ist Sid'- and'1 was charged with the loss. J. Ro berson came in to work the last 3 1-3 innings Rogerson walked 10 while striking out 6 and Roberson walked five while fanning two. Wynne walked three and struck out nine. Peele issued no walks while fanning two. C. B. Whitehurst and Bobby Rogers starred at bat for Wil liamston, Whitehurst having two doubles and a single in four trips up and Rogers three singles in four tries. Manning got two for three to lead East Side. Bear Grass wasted no time in disposing of Ahoskie, the Hertford County boys complaining that the lights bothered them as they had been playing in daylight only. In the first inning Bear Grass pushed across three runs and added a like number in the second to take a commanding lead. Ahoskie got one run in the sec ond inning and one in the seventh. Tuesday night Oak City and Everetts fought a see-saw battle with the edge finally going to the Cubs on a four-run rally in the first half of the ninth. The Cubs' took an early lead by scoring a] run on one hit and four Rooster J errors in the first inning Oak City tied the count with a tally in ' the second on two hits and a field-' er's choice and took the lead on I two runs in the third. The Cubs ' got back on even terms with two1 in the fourth but Oak City went1 ahead again with three runs in the fifth. Again the Cubs game from behind, this time with five runs in the 6th In the last half of the inning the Roosters counted two runs to make it 8-ail and went ahead, 10-8 with two tallies in the 7th. However, Bill Williford held them scoreless after that and the Cubs used three hits, a balk, a base on balls and an error to tally j four runs in the first of the ninth and take the ball game. | P. C. Edmondson started for the Roosters but was relieved by Geo. Clark in the 6th with none out. Clark was charged with the loss. George Keel started for Everetts, | gave way to Johnny Mack Stalls in the fifth. James Stalls came in 1 in the 6th and Bill Williford came in in the seventh and was the win- j ning pitcher as a result of his j team’s last inning-uprising. James Stalls got a double for! the Cubs in the 6th and Murray RESULTS T v-/ I WEDNESDAY, June 22 ) First Game Williamston 11, Bear Grass 2. (7 innings.) Second Game Robersonvillc 8, Everetts 0. ! (8 innings). | Livcrman hit one for Oak City in | the second. Francis Keel hit a | triple in the 5th for Oak City. Oiu^ffty got its 10 runs off ft hits while the Cubs used a dozen safeties for their 12 runs. In the second game Tuesday evening, Robersonville grabbed a one-run lead in the first inning and scored another in the third but Hamilton tied it up with two runs in their half of the third. The Tobs got two runs in the fifth as they chased Johnny Ross to gain the lead for the first time. Earl Forbes came in to pitch and held them scoreless the rest of the way and the Rams tied the count in the eighth. The game went into extra innings. It was broken up in the top of the ninth when Cobb singled, Smith singled and stole second and Earl Forbes made him self the winning pitcher with a STANDINGS v__ Martin County League • ' W. Bear Grass _ 10 Roberson ville _10 Bethel _ _10 Everett*; _ 7 Farm Life _ . _ _ 6 Wiliiamston _ 4 Oak- City 4 L. Pet. 4 .714 4 .714 5 .606 7 .500 fi .421 7 .364 8 .285 Hamilton _ 3 31 .214 '— SCHEDULE JUNE 20-27 District Semi-pro tournament. There is real danger that Tar Heel broiler producers will over expand their production in the next few months, says C. F. Par rish, extension poultryman at State College. He advises broiler producers to go slow. double that drove in two runs. Miller went all the way for Hamilton, allowing 12 hits over the 10-inning route and striking out 10 batsmen. He walked two and hit one. Ross walked three, struckout three and hit three. E. Forbes walked none and struckout three. He hit one. A 1949 census which will appear in the 1949 Southern Baptist Hand Book shows that church member ship in the United States has reached 80,246.124, which is 55 percent of the population. The 48 largest evangelical groups in the nation report 46.665,747 members. Roman Catholics report 26,075,697 members. Total membership gain for 1948 was 3.1 percent, compar ed with 2.8 percent in 1947. 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