Grand Jury Files Quarterly Report In Court Monday (Continued from pi’ge one> Camp No. Ill and take steps to remedy t;as ondnion before *ho next term of this ^cou rt — “W-l visited t-he county hanuL and found everything in gone! ion-; dition. Work will be completed in -o weeks on the glitters and uuw /i-6ptiU iS on frit ' V'iui/Tl.v i n".' It w"s recommended during March term 1049 that this work be done- and contract was let to White s Sheet Metal W ... .’ *■ Improving Rapidly A patient in a Washington hos pital for more than a month. Sher iff C. B. Roebuck is improving rapidly and is expected home pos sibly within the next two weeks. It is possible that he’ll go to an other hospital for special treat ment. otwwxwwwwwwwwwwW TRIO Roberson ville, IN. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY June 23-24 IKTTKR TO THREE W IN ES With Jeanne ( rain. Linda Darnell and Ann Sothern Also: Cartoon & Short SATURDAY. June 36 SON OF HIM N THE KID With Lash La Rue RIMFIRF With Mary Beth Hughes Chapter No. 10 GHOST OF ZORRO SUNDAY. June 26 BIG.! N< K With Wallace Beery Richard Conte Also: Comedy & Short .MONDAY-TUESDAY June 27 and 28 EL PASO In Color with John Payne and Gail Russell Also: Latest News & Short 1 A IN S mie NON OSCILLATING «'■ — 83.95 — 8 1.79 10“ — 86.93 — 8».25 12” — 89.95 OSCILLATING 10" — 810.95 12“—819.95. 10 —829.95. W esiern Auto * Assoc. Store * 'T'lTi Vlain -VRBSToso W. J. MILLER & SON MARCO SA I I KDAY (I)oulde Feature) Unwell I1a\«len and Feu Koherls In ‘Sons Of Adventure’ GENE AUTRY In “KOBIN HOOI) OF TEXAS” 15c* 20c* STARLET SWIMS Summer sunshine has mil the movie star* scurrying In llieir BW!.uk pools for a refreshing plunge. Here, pretty Arlene Dahl pauses for the camera before she (lives in. She finds this cotton jacket a handy cover up for her trips to and from the pool, h is d«**gncd in 'I iirkish toweling by INorninndin, the iNational Colton Council reports. Hold Service For Former Resident OfMartin County j (Continued from page one) Heart. Besides his parents, lie is survived by five brothers, Wyatt Meeks of Greenville, J. B, Meeks of Bethel, Fie Richard Meeks of the U. S, Army, now in Germany, and Kenneth and Durwood Meeks I of the home; and six sisters, Mrs. j Russell Adams of near Greenville, Mrs. Harry Bland of Hobgood, Mrs. Clayton Wynn of Norfolk, Va„ and Melba, Jean and Jean nette Meeks, all of the home. Fifty Percent Of Deaths Traceable To Four Diseases (Continued from page one) period last year. There was an in crease in suicides as well as homi cides. Through March of this year, 8! persons in North Carolina had taken their own lives. The total for the corresponding period of 1948 was 78. This year’s homicides numbered 104 compared with 98 last year. During the period under consid nation 333 babies in North Caro j iina died as the result of prema jturity. This total reflected a sharp decrease under the corresponding | period last year when prematurity j was the cause of 335 deaths. During the first three months of I 1949, there Were 2(i,7(j(i live births I Miss Lula Cray Studies In Iowa ' (Robersonville Weekly Herald) , Miss Lula Purvis Gray, employe ] of the Seed Laboratories of the Agriculture Department ol North ICarolina, is now at Iowa State Col lege where she is taking a two j week course to study in her field I of work. She was one of two members of her department to be I chosen to take the course. Ex penses of the study will be paid by i the State. Sim is Ah and Mi W.ll wii'V.awn Good advice: Do today's work well arid forget about what tomor row may bring. Superior Court In Final Session Of Term on Tuesday (Continued trom Dage one) The alimony suit brought by Vady Mildred Allen against C. B. j A'.teO. y.'iis .i-ojijir^ed t-. allow _thej 'plaintlTf-Ui file ar, w.a«utl&d com ] plaint. The defense is to be al lowed thirty days thereafter to file likwVi'i",r.. .. ^ ......SCt-i/J/T. brought by Allen against his wife was held over pending the trial of the alimony case. The Harrison Oil Company case against L, W. Hardison was set tled by agreement. The case of H. H. Cowon against C. E. Jenkins was again continued, pending the return of certain pap ers pertinent to the action and now held by Judge T/. H. S. Bur gwyn. I •-• • • No Prospective Timber Shortage A report mode public bv the National Lumner Manufacturers’ Association says that, contrary to popular opinion, there is ample timber in the United States to meet any emergency. Further, the association said, the nation faces no timber famine in the fore secablt future. A report entitled. "America's Forest Resources,” said that there is a steady year by year increase in the amount of timber in the country. On 461, 000.000 acres of commercial forest land there is an estimated 1,601, 000,000,000 board feet of saw-tim ber. Entering Richmond Hospital Entering a Richmond hospital about ten days ago. County Com missioner Henry S. Johnson of Hamilton is responding to treat ment and his condition is much improved, according to reports reaching here. Don't be too rough with a pessi mist. Some of them are that way because they backed an optimist. WantS I OK SALE: THREE BROOD sows weighing from 350 to 400 lbs and 10 shoats weighing from 30 to 50 lbs. Black Essexes and Du roc mixed. Mrs. J. M. Hassell, Jamesville, N. ('. je 23 2t I -, MARCO Children 15e Adults 20c THURSDAY - FRIDAY “OLD LOS ANGELES” With William Elliott Cartoon domed y SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Gene Autry IN ROBIN HOOD OF TEXAS” “SONS OF WITH Russell Hayden Leu Roberts Chapter No. 4 of Serial Kiiifj of the Juuglelaiid SUNDAY - MONDAY “STATE DEPARTMENT FILE NO. 649” W’ith \\ illiam l.iiudigan Virginia Rruee MUSICAL CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY” With Jeauue Grain William Holden CARTOON I FOR SALE: 1938 FORD MOTOR, Hs Vv'r't*power. Almost now Soo Mrs Zeno Beddard at the farm. Williamston, Route 3. 1«U1 FORD. TWO DOOR COACH for sale' new motor and seat covers, radio and in perfect condi tion. See Auto Hospital, back of GuaianW Bank and Trust Con. pany Willian.ston. 300 BALES GOOD PEANUT HAY i.fovTa i,r—» F. ”T fffTifias. Huniil ton, N. C. $25.00 REWARD FOR 1NFORMA tioa Jaadinsjp fyrnish^fl.APasJ.-, ment. Suitable for couple without i children. Desire quiet plat e. Per I manentlv employed in Williams ton. Cal! or write EnU-vyv rse Or. fice. je 23 2t SHORT WAIT! GOOD SERVICE! Free parking! Jenkins Barber Shop. je 23 2t ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL of another litter of those fine collie puppies. Four sable and white and four tri-color. Ready for delivery August 1. Two al ready sold. Come and pick yours early. A small deposit will hold until delivery time. J. B. McGee, Phone 2307. hid FOR SALE: FISHING WORMS dug to order. Lee Glenn, j 21 2t 4-ROOM APARTMENT FOR rent. J. M. Mitchell. je 21 2t GLADS FOR SALE: 75c PER DOZ Phone 2067. Mrs. Claude Leg gett. j 21 2t FRYERS FOR SALE: JACK DIX on at Mickey’s Inn. Phone 2393. i PEANUT HAY FOR SALE: PE can Grove Farm, Henry D. | Green, RFD No. 1, Williamston. je 23-30 _•__l_ FOR SALE: TWO NEW 1948 OUT board Motors, 7 1-2 h. p. $ 150 each. Western Auto Associate. Store. je 21 2t WE HAVE PLENTY OF CORN i on hand for sale. Martin Feed Mills, Highway 64. je 21 2t FOR SALE: ONE KOOLERATOR ice box, excellent condition. $15.* Firestone Home and Auto Sup ply. je 21 2t -| FOR SALE: ONE GIBSON ICE Box, excellent condition, $20.00. Firestone Home and Auto Sup ply. je 21 2t THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY & FRIDAY “FLAMINGO ROAD” With Joan Crawford 4u hary Scott SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Lash Larue IN “SON OF BILLY THE KID” Rov Acuff And His Smoky Mountain Boys IN “SING NEIGHBOR SING” __ Fedfi'j}[^5|||!i ‘"The Underworld, Inc. SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY Color By Cinecolor “CANADIAN PACIFIC” With Randolph Scott June Wvatt NEWS — CARTOON WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE John Wayne IN “SAGE BRUSH TRAIL” “STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO” With Mac < dark Robert Armstrong SPECIAL: GLADS ON SALE For another week. $1.00 per dozen. York's Florist. Williamston. j 21 2t ROOMS OR APARTMENTS FOR rent. See or call Mrs. Lennie Manning, Williamston. je 21 2t FOR SALE: ONE SPARTAN Fleet-ic Refrigerator, good con dition, $85.00. Firestone Home and Auto Supply. je 21 2t I CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief©? ! rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and gains. . G.iiarfjptee^ re lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf PARKER’S SELF - SERVICE laundry. 327 Simmons Ave. S lbs of clothes washed for 35c. 40 minutes service Open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday through Fri day. Open from 8 a. m. to 12 on Saturday. je 14 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS — better and cheaper. 620 gallon capacity. Deli vet ed and set in hole. Weight 3500 lbs. JOHN G. COREY & SON, 2 1-2 miles out on Washington Highway on Bear Grass road. m 25 tf TERMITE & BEETLE CONTROL RESULTS GUARANTEED Free Inspection No Obligation Phone 2403 Williamston Treating Plant Williamston, N. C. •WWVWWWWVIMMAMWWMWU, CARVER THEATRE Williamston, N. C. SUNDAY, June 26 Shows at 2:30 and 8:15 SECRET LAND With Robert Taylor and Robert Montgomery Chapter 5 Buck Jones Serial Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 IN OLD CALIFORNIA John Wayne and Binnie Barnes Latest News — Comedy WEDNESDAY, June 29 Double Feature Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 RIDERS OF PASCO BASIN With Johnny Mack Brown PHILO VANCE RETURNS W'iili n Wright and Terry Austin SERIAL THURSDAY - FRIDAY Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 WALK A CROOKED MILE Dennis O'Keefe and Louise Albritton LATEST NEWS T" SATURDAY, July 2 Shows Continuous 1 to 11 RIO GRANDE With Rod Cameron GHOST ON THE LOOSE East Side Kids Sift! FOR RENT—FLOOR POLISH ers, $1.00 per day. Worrell Ap : pliance. Dial 2057. my 4 il DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES mules cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone i Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Co.. Inc. ’ 8 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your : self and do a first class job of sanding.and. polishing your .wpta. dmgy floors. Wa will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy arid rental costs, pany. Dial 2057. j 20 tf ATTENTION PARENTS: DO NOT j allow your child to be scarred | for life by pimples and running sores. Ask your druggist for soothing, healing SWISS OINT MENT. je 16 8t * ChiH lack Russell Robert WILLS HOLT ARMS SHAYNE ^ s N. N S | , , , w —j* CHAMPION ~ s' World's Wonder Horse ^ A (m Anil/ fi*Mm Sleiy ia4 KfMnpur by Owifhi Cummmi and Owolky YmI 0*r«ct*tf kv JOHN f.NGLISH ARMANI) SCHAff£R VICCAR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY HAMILTON THEATRE WEEK OF JUNE 26 SUNDAY - MONDAY Shows Sunday at 3 and 9 Shows Monday 7:30 and 9:30 AFRICA SCREAMS Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Color Cartoon TUESDAY, June 28 Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 NO MINOR VICES Dana Andrews and Lilli Palmer Latest News WEDNESDAY, June 29 Double Feature Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 SMUGGLER'S COVE Leo Goixey RIDERS OF THE PONY EXPRESS Serial THURSDAY and FRIDAY Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 COLORADO TERRITORY Joel McCrefc and Virginia Mayo Color Cartoon SATURD \Y, July 2 Double Feature FRONTIER REVENGE A1 "Lash” La Rue BLONDE ICE Leslie Brooks SERIAL •>« SEED GROUND AND CHICKEN litter. Seed gro"nd =>ny time. Robersonville Shelling Company, Robersonville, N. C. f 3 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williams ton. m 9 tf FOR SALE: ONE SPARTAN EL cctric Refrigerator, good condi Auto Supply. je 21 2t BACKACHE, GETTING UP ,.v night'-,.. bladder and kidney troubles. Guaranteed relief or money back, j Ask for BACK-O. Clark’s Phar-! macy. ap 26 18t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locker. ja 25 tf SALES PEOPLE WANTED TO sell our extensive line of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees. Berry Plants and Ornamental Plant material, offe ed by Virginia’s Largest Growers. Liberal cash commission paid weekly. 48-Page All-color Plant ther information. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. je 9-16-23-30 jl 7-14 FOKSALE WHITE AND MIXED Gladiolus; 75c and $1 per dozen. Mrs. Archie Coltrain, phone 29407. tHORTCIRKITV -M- KDMORdEU NICE LOOKING OOG \ I But ABEN'T his legs A LITTLE SHOQT? j (THEY CfcACH TH' ' 'jROUNO- THAT'S AU- THAT'S V MECfcSSAPV , THEV 'OeUVtJB THE CtOOOSAnd - evebv sale IS w RSPUTA non. ELECTRIC ICE CREAM FREEZERS -1-Quart Capacity #24.95 Only One To a Customer. WORRELL APPLIANCE VAD/Oi APPLtANCiS SAL£S^ StKV/Ct 20S7 fcAU MAIN Vt.- WIlfclAMtTON H C k cn Leu t Buy r rom Buv From Someone Williaimlon Watts Theatre SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY The men 'who carved an empire from a savage ''/'^wilderness! JANE WYATT A Nat Holt Production Released by 20th Century-Fox COlOi »Y CINECOLOR RAGING WITH THE VIOLENT PASSIONS OF A WILD FRONTIER! Ray Coffins • Edgar luchana* Jaroma Courtland • Jama* MIHlcaa ^ 7’ecHwcocoiZ' Um-iv „ uZl L™ ... Mn IW. ■ Dine* tv HtN«Y L£VtN • P,«I«M t. )ULU SCHUWU V1(](]AH — Bi^iiiniii" Sunday m WATTS Saturday SATURDAY (Double Feature) Lash LaRue in “SON OF BILLY THE KID*’ BRAD ^ TAYLOR RUTH TERRY i '5^ *lS k NEIGHBOR \ 0 \