Spt\t»&- Wppls-rnfi with Mo£b*j~~• Mr. Amazon Turner of Wash ington. D C.. spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. Selma Tur ner m Palmyra. Here Thursday Mr. Russell Turner of Oak City was a business visitor in town Thursday. -♦_— Attend Antique Show Among those from Williamston attending the antique show and sale in Robersonville last week were Mesdames Miller Harrell, J. L. Parker, Jr., C. J. Brady, Irving Margolis, David Davis, W. E War ren and L. B. Wynne. Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton Gur ganus, Misses Marjorie Brady, Peggy Hopkins and Anne Beasley and Messrs. Robert Cowen. Wil liam Gray and Edgar Gurganu attended the Wake Forest-State football game in Raleigh Satur day. , YkiM. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Micelle, > , Mrs. John Peel and Mrs. Daisey j 'Pope visited Miss Anne Mizellc j and Mr and Mrs. W. E. Old in Norfolk Sunday. -•— Attend Football Game Rev. and Mis. Jim Lowry and ] Mr. and Mrs. Van Landingham at j tended the Wake Forest-Siate •football game Saturday. -<1. In Richmond Saturday 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Wynne visited in Richmond Saturday. Attend Game in Raleigh Mrs. John L. Parker, Jr., attend ed the football game in Raleigh . Saturday with Mr. and Mi s. Rob ert Holley of Colerain. -• I'ndergoes Tonsillectomy Mrs. Ray Goodmon underwent a tonsillectomy in a Roanoke 1 Rapids hospital yesterday. She i will return to her home here Wednesday. ■ *5?•«' • * ..... «. m «« Mr. C. K. Odom and little Miss Winnie Lee Odom of Ahoskie and Mr. J. B. Odom and Mrs. L. G. Hartman and daughter, Lois, of Norfolk were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell Thursday and Friday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. Joe Davenport and daugh ter, Jean, of Richmond spent the week-end here. -♦ Visit Friends in Henderson Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harrington spent Sunday visiting friends in Henderson. Here Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. John L. Goff, Jr., of Gastonia, spent the week-end here with Mr. Goff’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. J L Goff. -• Visits Parents in Virginia Mrs. Murray W Holloman visit ed her parents in Smithfield, Vir ginia, last week. Return From New York Messrs. John Henry Edwards, Paul Simpson, Cortez Green, Claude Baxter Clark, Jr., Jack Manning and Elbert S. Peel, Jr., returned Monday from New York where they attended the Notre Dame-North Carolina football game. Visiting Grandson Mrs. Sallie Halberstult is visit ing her grandson, Pete Egan, in Florida for a few weeks. Marriage Licenses Issued Marriage licenses were issued during the past few days in this county to: Gus Gurganus and An nie Lee Perry, both of Williams ton, and David Philip Glisson of Stokes and Hilda Christine Hil lard of Route 1, Kobcrsonville. Iii Addition To Our Greatly Red need Sale Priee Wi- u at in I VP ABSOLUTELY FREE One 9x12 Linoleum Rug With Each Sofa Bed or 3-pe. Living Boom Suite* Purehased This Week 12 Sofa Bed* and 1 1 Living Boom Suite* from whirli to ehoose. IWoolurdFurnitureCoJ Martin County’* Leadinft Furniture Store O-G MWMmmMnmflAAAmMMAAMVWVWIMMmMMWIMWAAWUUVWVVVVUVVVVUWMUVW Attention Mr. Farmer! Furnish Your Home on Next Fall Terms Make a Down Payment on Your Furniture Now - Pay the Balance Next Fail. We have a wide selection of Fine Furnishings for Every Room of Yonr Home. HQUG . MEYERS COMPANY For Wise Buyers Williamston, N. C. MNMINMMMMIMWIMMMMMMMMAmnmimimmmmmimmmimmimmmmimmmiii Jamesville ff Oman's Club Hold Meeting Recently The Woman's Club of James ville held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, November 8 Mrs. Alexander presided fiver the meeting. Plans were discussed to enter -Vr » . r‘r'r-* John C. Kirkman and Mrs. F. A. Rawls are to make a study of this project. Mrs. Howard Gaylord was ask-j ed to see wh„t the possibilities are of securing the Christian Church building for a club house, /, report was heard from the delegates attending the District Federation meeting Before the business meeting the Education Department presented the movie, “Meet North Carolina", j an educational and entertaining film. Mrs. Alexander read an invita tion from the Williamston Club inviting the Jamesville club to their meeting and a social hour November 15. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. A. J. Holliday, Sr., Mrs. A. J. Holliday, Jr., Mrs. Ellsworth Hol liday and Mrs. W. J. Holliday. Attend Game In Ahoskie Among those attending the foot ball game in Ahoskie Friday night were Patrolman and Mrs. M. F. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Har rell. Mi. and Mis. Rush Bondur ant, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell, Mr. Joe Dav enport and daughter, Jeanne, Mr. James Bullock, Mr. Bennie Bal dree, Sheriff and Mrs. M. W Hol loman, Mr Wheeler Manning, Mr. and Mrs. George Hatton Gurgan us, Mr John Hatton Gurganus, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. I). Davis, Mr. Robert Cowen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glover, Mr. Edgar Gurganus, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Mr. George Harris, Mr. Mrs. James Manning 1 Mrs. Fitzhugh Fussell, | Mrs. Bill Sessonis, Mi Herbert Taylor, Miss and and Mr. Mr. and Ruth Mrs. Mrs. and and Mrs. ; Man ning, Mr and Mrs. James Herbert Ward, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Handy, Mr. and Mrs. Rill Myers, and Mr. Joe David Thrower. Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Elton Carson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Beatrice Diana, on Tuseday, Nov ember 8, in a Washington hospital. Mrs. Carson is the former Miss Beatrice Cherry. In Greensboro Today Mrs. Irving Margolis is spend ' ing today in Greensboro attending an executive board meeting of the North Carolina Association of Jewish Women. Visits Here Renn, Dupree of E. C. T. C. in Greenville visited Miss Edith Stallings here Sunday. Enters Duke Hospital Mrs. Clara Mae Jennings of Jamesville has been moved from the local hospital to Duke Hos pital where she will undergo a major operation. Expected Home In Few Days Cpl. Thomas Price, who recent ly received his discharge from the armed forces, will return to his home in Jamesville from Fort Worth, Texas, within a few days. Visit In Norfolk Friday Mrs. Miller Harrell visited in Norfolk Friday. — Visit In Farmvitle Mr. and Mrs. John Coltrain, Jr., and children, Robert and Richard, of Jamesville. visited in Farmville and LaGiange last Saturday. -#. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Ray Adams and daughter, Miss Emily, of LaGrange spent the week-end here with Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. Leman Barnhill, and Mr. Barnhill. -“- . » *D Visit In Elizabeth City Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Grimes visit ed relatives in Elizabeth City last week end. Attend Reunion Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Page attend ed the Nelson family reunion near Stokes Sunday. -» Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs Tom Hartsfield and Mrs. Vonnie Blount of Kin ston visited relatives here Sunday Here From Portsmouth Mrs. Lucy Roberson and son Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alex ander of Portsmouth visited rela tives here Sunday. Here Sunday Attorney and Mrs. Claytoi Moore and daughter, Jane, o Winston-Salem, visited here Sun day. Mrs. P. B. Cone accompaniei them home for a visit. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop 37 Members of Troop 27 met Tues day evening at 7:15 for their regu lar meeting. The meeting was called to order by Buddy Fussell and was opened by the Pledge of Allegiance and one verse of “America.” The de votional was read by James Pitt man and Billy Dudley led the group in repeating “The Lord’s Prayer." Dues were collected. Scoutmaster Little Bear intro duced Dick Herring, assistant scout master of Troop 84 in Plym outh, guest at the meeting. It was decided that each boy would bring in comic books and western books to the next Scout meeting. These books will be sent to the Veterans’ Hospital. The boys voted to send a year’s sub scription to Life magazine to the Veterans’ Hospital. The treasurer reported that the troop has $28.00 in the treasury. Severay suggestions were made as to what purpose the money should be used for. The patrol had a 10 minute session to discuss theif problems. Following the brief business session Eddie Daniels, Jimmy Taylor and Little Bear led the troop members in some scout songs. A written report from each pa trol on how the patrol stands has been required to be handed in each Tuesday. Our guest, Dick Herring, was asked to give the bad and good points of our troop. In giving con structive criticism of the patrols Mr. Herring considered the Indian patrol the better of the two. Henry Taylor, Scribe. Den Number 3 All the CulT Scout members of Den Number 3 met at the home of their Den Mother, Mrs J. C. Cooke, November 11, at 4 o’clock. After drawing flags, we learned the meaning of Armistice Day. Billy Carstarphen was elected secretary - treasurer, Jimmy Cooke, Gerald Stalls and Doug Jones were checked by their scout master, Little Bear, and be came Bob Cats. Little Rear told us to ask our parents to go to the High School Auditorium Wednes day, November 16, at 7:30 p. m. for a meeting. Billy Carstarphen, Scribe. Billy Dudley, Den Chief. Den 1, Pack 29 The meeting came to order. Billy Thornton read the twenty third Psalm. Charles Lee Ed wards lead us in the Lord’s Pray er. We chose a denner which is Robert Williams. The assistant denner is Charles Lee Edwards and Clayton Weston as scribe. We had one visitor, Douglas Jones. Little Bear helped us to start our meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:20. Scribe, Clayton Weston. apmoing uay in uurnam Mesdames J. D. Pag", R. H. I Clayton, Jr., and T. C. Cook are spending today in Durham. -♦ Spend ttav Rare Mrs -'I C,<• ILdtoU of . spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cook. Business Visitors Here Messrs. Nat Johnson and fed mond Early of Oak City attended to business here yesterday. -o Here This Week Mr. Jim Nooney of Washington, D. C., visited here this week, o Reported Quite III Little Bobby McClees is quite ill with the influenza at his home here on Vance Street. Moving To Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Roberson, Jr., and children, Brenda Kay, and Donald Wayne, of Hassell will leave shortly after Thanksgiving to make their home near Nash ville, Tenn., where Mr. Roberson will be engaged in stock farming. -— Attend Football Same Mr. and kirs. Reg Griffin, Miss Adrjie Lee Meador, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Woolard, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bunting, and Messrs. Jas. E. Griffin, Lawrence Eason Lilley and Reuben Williams attended the football game in New York Satur day, Fnttire Home Makers Hold Meeting Here The Williamston FHA met Wed nesday night at 7:30 at the Wil liamston High School The meeting was called to order by the president. Dorothy Cherry. The secretary, JoAnn McLaw horn, read the minutes and called tOe' i(Tu. ‘ ‘TllfeiV^VV/V“r7 'ptV&cttV Mrs. Margaret McDaniel dis cussed the FHA convention which will be held in Farmville. Five re presentatives of the Williamston club plan to attend. A discussion was held on over seas boxes, the club deciding to start sending them right away. As a project this year, the group has decided to fix the girls' rest room and plans have already been completed. After the business ses sion a social program was enjoy ed and the meeting closed after repeating the FHA prayer and song. Wanda Jones reported the meeting. TD SERVE St'PPER The Ladies’ Aid of the James ville Christian Church will hold a bazaar and serve an oyster and chicken salad supper in the Jamesville school lurtch room Fri day evening of this week at 6:00 o’clock. SPONSOR FOOD SALE Members of the local Woman’s Club will sponsor a food sale in the club building on November 22 beginning at 2:30 p. m. Spend Week-end in Bear Grass Misses Ann and Alice Tice of Farm Life spent the week-end with Mi and Mrs. Henry White, Jr., in Bear Grass. S^es First 'College Game Accompanied by Mr. John Ash ley Hardison, Mr. B. S Courtney saw his first college football game between State and Wake Forest in Raleigh last Saturday. “The Deacs couldn't seem to click,” Mr Courtney commented. Attends Court Here Mr. Barney Stokes of Roberson ville attended court here yester day. -» Attend Rally Accompanied by Mrs. H. V. Parker, their leader, Misses Sybil Harris, Joyce Harris, Julia Mae Leggett, Willie Faye Leggett, Dean Elks and Louise Leggett re presented the Bear Grass School at a Future Homemakers rally in Farmville Saturday. ] Miss 'Hotel Queen' HOUSEKEEPER in a Pocatello, Idaho, hotel, Wanda Edwards (above), 24, has been selected "Miss American Hotels” to reign during National Hotel Week, November 13-19. She was picked from thousands of bona fide employees throughout the country on the basis of courtesy, charm and hcaotv (TnfcmafiOTinn Jamesville Ruritans Plato December Dance ■ ♦ The Jamesville Ruritan Club is planning a dance in the school ' gymnasium there on December 21. j Proceeds will go to the Boy Scout | Fund, it was announced. Cototinuvs Quite III In Rocky Mount Hospital Mr. W. H. Williams, local man. ; continues quite ill in a Rocky Mount hospital where he has been a patient for the past month. He was reported feeling very bright Sunday, but yesterday and last night he did not rest at all well, it was reported. Visit In Rooky Mount Mrs. W. H. Williams, Sr., and Mrs. James L Williams visited i Mr. W. H Williams in a Rocky Mount hospital last evening. The State’s strawberry growers Will have about 2,500 acres for harvest^in 1950, according to cur rent estimates. Coffee Is Scarce Even In Brazil --■» The recurving plaint of a 1048 song hit echoed *he fact that they had ‘an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.” Well, no longer, appar ently. The result is that the fam '■ L)vti 'five svjv. of. C0ffeeVjaJonS. j with the nickel cigar and bus ride, ; is slated to climb to a dime. At | retail levels, coffee may boil up j to $l-a-pound peaks by the end of ’the year—better grades have al i ready soared to 60 cents and up ' marks, and this is ‘‘only the begin J ning,” say coffee dealers. 1 The current coffee price spiral is grounded in two main causes: a i big drop in production and a fast ' growing increase in demand. Ac cording to some reports, almost half of the Brazilian crop has been j destroyed by drought. In Guate mala. the world's second biggest coffee-producer, floods have been the culprit. Add to these factors a world coffee demand that’s now nearly on a level with maximum potential output and you have a 1950 production outlook that shapes up as away below par— , some 5,000,000 bags below, in fact. | All this makes coffee addicts ! grumble in their cups. It’s also j giving plenty of headaches to res taurateurs—10-cent coffee will hurt their business, but they can | no longer sell it profitably for a ! nickel. -- An editor asked his reader! to send in remarks on the subject, ■ "Books that have helped me.” One ! of the replies was: "Mv mother's j cookbook and my father’s cheek | book.”—Anon. Chest Colds i o relieve cuugn i lng spasms, muscular soreness, rub throat, chest and a a a aa a back at bedtime I G S with time-tested ▼ VAPOOu# I I I 1 Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired. Quick service. Peel e’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 c «4