Green Wave Trips Columbia 19 To 1 Two Conference Games Remain; Two Exhibitions Jack Russ Pitches Four-Ill! Rail In First Appearance On IVfonml This Year Led by a young sophomore who broke into the lineup for the first time this year, Williamston High School’s Green Wave baseball team defeated a hapless Columbia nine, 19 to 1, in a seven inning game on the Williamston diamond yesterday afternoon. Showing much promise as a pitcher and hitter in his freshman year, Jack Ross had been unable to play ball this year because of trouble with his knees but having gotten relief from his ailments he came back yesterday to pitch 4-hit ball, strike out 11 batters and get, four hits in five times at bat, onei of the bingles being a double. He yas the only Williamston player 1 b get more than one hit. The Green Wave lost no time in etting down to business. They ot only four hits in the first in ing but they made them count, rith the help of errors, walks and stolen bases for 9 runs. They were blanked in the second inning but came back in the third to score ix runs and then pushed their to t^il to 19 with four in the sixth ifimng. i, Ross' wildness cost him the only tun scored against him as he walked the first man up in the 4th Lpning. hit the next one with a pitched ball, struckout the third one but lost his scoreless game When the man he had walked Scored on an infield out He then walked another batter but closed pie ining with a strikeout, t Lee Berry got half of Colum bia’s hits as he collected two for tour. ' Williamston now has won six of its eight games, losing only to Ahqskie and Hertford in early season games. They got revenge for the loss to Ahoskie and have an opportunity to turn the tables on Hertford tomorrow afternoon as they journey there for a return game. A game at Plymouth will close the 1950 Albemarle Confer ence schedule but there will be two games with Edenton on the Soli Ball League To Operate Again —• In a iccent meeting of the Wil liamston Ministerial Association it was unanimously decided that a Church Softball League would be supported again this summer. The league was a decided success last year. Rev. John L. Goff was chosen to direct the program. In a meeting last night in the office of the Dixie Motor Com pany the directors held their first meeting. Arrangements for play ing time are to be handled by a committee headed by Homer Barnhill and a tentative schedule will be set up for a further meet ing on Friday night at the same place. Much enthusiasm has been manifested over the prospects of the church league where young and old meet together in keen, friendly competition. Because the local unit of the National Guard holds drills on Thursday night, a change from that night will have to be made this year. Last year the league played softball on Monday and Thursday nights. exhibition schedule, the first one at Edenton oh May 9 and'here in Williamston on May 11. the game here probably being scheduled at 8:00 p. m., the first night game of the season for the high school team. The box: Williamston Ward, 2b ' Everett, If McKee], If Carter, c Coltrain, cf Spruill, cf Fussell, rf Myers, rf Wells, ss Hines, ss Ross, p Welch Clayton 3b Bailey, 3b Edwards, lb Ab R 4 1 If 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 19 10 --o —■ In Durham Monday Mr and Mrs. Walter Martin spent Monday in Durham where Mr Martin went for a medical checkup. WantS FOR RENT: SMALL APART mont, close in. Reasonable. Call Mrs. Clyde Manning, 1!2 E. Church Street. FOR SALE: TOP AND SIB Soil. See Lee Glenr., Williams ton. a-27 2t WAITRESSES WANTED. NO experience necessary. Apply Hotel George Reynolds, Williams ton, N.C. ap 27 2t LIVE BAIT FOR SALE: THESE minnows are fatted, live, fin twinkling and gleaming. The kind that make the Fisherman’s Day Dream a reality. D. B. Rogerson at George Peele's Market, ap 27 2t EXCELLENT BUSINESS Op portunity in Williamston area for a "Launderette". The origin ators of this highly successful type of enterprise will furnish school ing in proper laundering of fab rics, free plans and counsel on proper store locations. The use of commercial type Bendix Wash ers, matched drying equipment and copper coil water heaters as sures smooth economical opera tions. About $BOOO required, $4, 000 of which cun be financed. Write Telecoin, 12 East 44 Street, New York 17 or Follette, Box , 2412, Raleigh. N. C. ap 27 4t FOR SALE: COKERS COTTON seed. Selected carefully and scientifically from 1949 crop. David Grimes Drug Store, Rober sonville, N. C. ap 27 2t FOR SALE: BEACTIFtlL LA dies’ brilliant firey solitaire dia mond ring. 1 carat, .05 points. Sell less than half of appraisal value. New gold mounting. Ad dress Owner”, e o Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. ROOMS FOR RENT CALL MRS Fannie Crawford, Williamston. ap 27 2t STRAYED FROM OUR PREMIS es: A black cat with a little white on stomach. Answers to name of Hurkie. Anybody seeing this cat please call 2100. Small re j ward. , 18 SIIOATS FOR SALE: WEIGHS from 45 to BO lbs. See Mrs. J. M. Hassell, Jamesville, N. C. ap 25 2t | FOOD SALE: IN THE EMPLOY j ment Office on Main Street Sat urday, April 29, at 10 o’clock. Sponsored by the Woman’s Auxil iary of the Episcopal Church. |_ap 25 2t FOR SALE: CERTIFIED ROAN-'l oke Soy Beans with good ger mination. Price right T. W Hol liday, Jamesville, N. C. ap 27 2t y FOR SALE: 1039 CHEVROLET 1 1-2 ton pick up. Cash or on | time. $100. Auto Hospital, hack of Guaranty Bank. t BU ILT CP Bl’SlNESS FOR YOC ( Routeman needed for establish-1| ed routes in Martin County — j , many dealers averaging over $2.00; , per hour to start. Car necessary, j , Should be between 25 and 55 j - years of age. For further infor-j ' (nation write The J. R. Watkins | Company, 5015 Cutshaw Avenue.!' Richmond, Va. ap 20 3t' ' ..- - - I VVE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD ! , oil lamps. Bring us your lamps < for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf OLD SCHOOL BUSSES FOR Sale at School Bus Garage. 1 —1938 Model, Price $ 75.00 1—1937. Model. Price 45.00 1—1938 Model, Price 60.00 1 — 1938 Model. Price 75.00 1 — 1938 Model. Price 80.00 1 — 1938 Model. Price 125.00 Busses will be sold to first appli cant. A money order. Certified Check or Cashier's Check payable to the Division of Purchase and Contract is necessary before bus can be moved. Martin County Board of Education. ap 25 2t FOR SALE: ONE 18-CUBIC FT. ; Home Freezer. Food capacity ! —650 pounds. New'. Five year guarantee. Special—$349.95. Wor rell Appliance .Company, ap 25 2t j CORN HERRINGS FOR SALE. $2.00 per hundred. Cherry Fish Market. ap 20 3t FILM DEVELOPED: REGULAR or oversize prints. Enlarge ments from your negatives. 24 hour service. Royal Photographic Center, Studio 128 Main Street, Williamston, N. C. ap 4 8t CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re lief or money back Clark Phar- i macy. m 22 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loctaer. no 8 tf W' bookkeeping and TAX SERVICE C. D. Carstarphen no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone i Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ft I SINCLAIR DRILLS 2 MILES DEEP TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND 2-MILE CORKSCREW. Drilling as deep as two miles into the earth, with ultra-modem equipment and new scientific meth ods, Sinclair is tapping new oil pools to help meet the record demand for petroleum products. This intensified devel opment of new crude oil sources is but a r~iall part of Sinclair’s $150,000, 000 expansion program. Sinclair’s program also Includes new pipelines and new, improved refin ing facilities. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair for Better products, Better Service. N. C. GREEN, AGENT WILLIAMSTON; N. C. • i.inoieum • Asphalt Tile I • lluhber Tile • Lino-Tile | • Cabinet Tops a Specialty i Factory Trained Mechanics ’ No Job Too Large or Too Small I Contract Prices to Contractors | lliiiinieciilt | Furniture Co. i Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 I BARCLAY TICK BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-16” thick. Our price 35c per sq. ft. F. O. II. Bethel. IIiiniiMM-iill I'iirniliire Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 SEE OUR Fishing Tackle TODAY — It’* Hot Western Ante Assoc. Store. . ! 4 VAN'T TO BEY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind nd how much do you have? Vrite or call L. N. James Corn louse. Bethel, N. C. up ia tt OH SALE: IMPERIAL WAS II nhle Wallpaper, 25 patterns in took, prices from 24e up. B S fourtney & Son. ja 12 tf »OES YOl’R COAT. SLIT OR kirt fit? They dont! Then bring hem to Bui luck's for expert alt •rations. m 14 tf ’OR YOUR CUSTOM . MADt Venetian blinds, awmngs for the lome or store, see us. W' have he famous Flexalum aluminum lats; also beautiful colors in vood. Henry Harrison, Williams on- au 28 tf SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Williumslon Supply Co. WE HAVE PFLVERIZEO SHEEP I manuri- and Vigoro for lawns! and flowers. Woolard Hardware Company. ap 25 4t 1 FOR SALE: I’SEI) SCIlOoT 1 buses, buckets and barrels All reasonable in priee. See Williams- ' Ion Parts and Metal Company. ; Williamston. ap 25 2t FOR SALE: ONE ALLIS-f 1IAL mers practically new tractor, one peanut picker, and one pow er saw. Also a garage in James cijle for rent. See Mary Godard, Jamesvillc. N C . nr K S. Peel, V illiamston. a li tf >VMWWUVWWVtMIAMWtMIUVVM ■OR SALE: THE JAMES STAT ort Avers house, corner Frank in and Lee Streets. Chas. H. Man ung. m !) tf SPECIAL—(!' x «’ PORCH Shades fur only $4.95, in bamboo. B S. Y.urtnoy and Sun. ap 13 lOt OR RENT SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors vour iclf and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn lingy floors. We will rent and thaw you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 3057. no 8 tf MWWWWVVWWWWMWWWW LET PARKER S SELF-SERVICE Laundry ease your washday worries. Nine pounds of clothes washed for 35c. We also wash blankets, smail rugs, bed spreads, slip covers, etc. se 27 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieycles-T ricvcles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. onws MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Duo j.v.4 xwMwwiAtwwwwwwwiwmvwr, BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. 1 16 Main Sr. Phone 2030 W. J. MILLER & SON Office; WESTERN AUTO 0^ Worlds / /'! KHore Cold Space in your new 1950 KBIVINATOk! ANOTHER KELVINATOR FIRST! IT’S ALL COLD! Yoo! THo 1950 Mattorpioco Kolvinatort arc rafrigaratad ... all fho way down. ou got 11 to 12 cu. ft. of cold ipaco in tho floor tpaco of pro-war tixotl flew fleauty/ Extra Usefu/ features/ You K<‘t lots and lots of extra npaee! A giant 12 • ••-lb. I'rown f ood (,be*l! tlijj. deep Meat Trav! IWg for loll bottle*! Shell storage tiial saves shopping! Nexv, eold, Soper ( risper at lilt* bollotit bold* more than a bushel! ITS A e/(r *|*ri»e slumii is I>>r tlniivtu > hi your k'Uliou willi i Yo«r Hrulox li*»u Huu Stalsj |< Hill l.ixrs nln* IVirr ;tn<l *(»«•« lit. 11 ioi»x xul*|At I lo « tiMigtf vviIIkuiI uoluc 1 J Farmers Supply Company Williumslnii, 1\. WILLIAMSTON, N. C GOOD SEED PEANUTS — Bunch or Runner — JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AM •lie 282» Williainstoii. N. C

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