Hertford Defeats Green Wave 13-0 - -- [Third Loss This Season for Local High School Nine Cnim* Al Plynioiiilt Toilav I,si si of < ionforonro I ill-. For ! ‘I,"*!) Srn-oii Suffering their third defeat of the star it a! Hertford 1:1-(). last Friday afternoon, the Williamston | High School Green Wave is in vading Plymouth this afternoon for their final conference game with the hopes that they can wincj up with a 7-3 record for the year.' Two of the defeats were dished | out by Billy Winslow and his In dian mates, the other coming in the season opener at ARoskie. It was the Green Wave that racked up the first score against Hertford this year when they lost a 7-1 de cision here and it was a fairly close ball game for four innings in Hertford lust Friday. But >n the fifth Bright, Indian ! centerfielder hit one uf Raymond Davis slants for trie circuit to lead a four-run rally. The Indians had ■'gone down in order in the first , and second, scored twice in the third on two errors, a single and double. Hertford got two in the 7th and five in the fitli hut the decision was 'iheadv o»i ice bv i that tirpe. Billy Winslow recorded 15 strikeouts against the Green Wave ns he held them in check. Even at that he had some luck with him to get out of a tight spot in the Gth inning when he allowed two hits and walked a man and still j ! was not scored upon. Winslow re tired the side in order on strike-1 outs in the second inning and in only one inning, the 5th, did ho fail to whiff at least one man. Williamston got four hits, Ray mond Davis accounting for two of them while Ooltrain and Bailey i got one apiece. Fussell started in left field for ‘the Green Wave hut was reliev od by Everett in the 6th according to the scorebook which played a trick on Harrell the other day as it indicated he went hitless when he should have been credited with a safety. Jack Welch also should | have been listed as pitching the ! seventh inning against Columbia | and striking out two. Two exhibition games will fol low the close of the conference season today. Edenton high will : play here Thursday night of next i week after the local team plays ' in Edenton on Tuesday. The box: lib Williamston Ward, 2b Edwards Carter, c Iloss, rf Davis, p Everett, If Fussell, If Coltrain. of Wells. SS Bailey, lb Ah 3 4 4 3 4 (6) II 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 q Totals 30 0 ‘ WILLIAMSTON MARTINS WilliamstGn Ball Park DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS All Delinquent Tax Accounts Will Be ADVERTISED » Thursday, May 11 Pay Your Taxes At Once And Save Addimna! Cost and Penalty. Power Service Is Interrupted Here Power and light service was interrupted here the greater part j of two hours early last Friday night when lightning scored a direct hit on a 110.000-volt sub station at Tarboro. The power switch was, knocked out and a fuse was blown. Special equip ment was needed to make repairs, electricians stating that lightning played havoc, bridging open i switches and making repairs dif ficult. Ail sections between Tarboro and Colombia were in darkness, and several other areas where damage was done by other light ning strikes were without service considerably longer. ----5 Itriilfn* Keeper Injured In hall Early Sunday - • ' Hugh Spruill, efficient bridge | keeper, was painfully injured when he slipped and fell in the control tower at the river bridge morning Rushing into the tower house to open the bridge for a boat, Mr. Spruill's foot slipped and his head struck a corner of the control board, making a 4 stich gash just above the eye and almost knocking him unconcious. Despite the injury, Mr. Spruill held to his post, opening and ! closing the bridge before receiv | ing medical attention. His condi tion is improving and he plans | to return to the job shortly. Marlins To Play Conway Al 8:15 In LocaI_ Park I Indications Point To a Well Balanced Club Here for The ('omiiifj Season Although they have lost theii two exhibition games to a strong independent Edenton team by the identical scores of fi-4. the Wil liamston Martins, local entry in the Martin * County Baseball League are reported to be round ing Into shape rapid!' and it is expected that a well balanced ball idub will take the field for the opening game next Sunday in the RobersonviUe park. The Martins play the Con tvay team here tonight at 8:15 in their third exhibition con test. As in all of his exhibition con tests. Manager J. P lledspeth last Sunday afternoon used three pit chers against the visiting team. Big Ed Rowland opened the game on the mound for Williamston and the Martins were ahead 4-2 when hi^ went out about mid-way the game. Jim Jones next took the hill for the locals hut ran into trouble, After one man had got ten aboard the big first baseman of Edenton slammed one of Jones’ offerings out of the park, the ball sailing over the Maolu sign fog what was perhaps the longest ball hit here for some time. The two runs tied the count and later on j Jones became the losing pitcher when he loaded the sacks and reliefer Billy Peele was touched foi a hit that scored two runs. Since he still is trying to give as i many candidates as possible an opportunity to get in some com petitive practice, Manager ilcds peth will likely use several hurl ers tonight although the fact that I he is playing the bovs from his I old home town may make him do all possible to put his best talent i to good use. Reports indicate that attend ance at tin exhibition games has I been encouraging. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson 1 : were visitors in New Bern Iasi : ’ Wednesday. I r=T.^-=s==-=-^ . =, Youth Group Net At Vernon Church --- The Methodist Youth Fellow ship of the Robersonville charge had their meeting for this quarter, with the Youth Fellowship at Ver non Thursday, April 27. Each church was represented. The worship program was 'Praying Hands", given by mem bers of the Vernon M. Y. F. The picture of "Praying Hands" by Al-, bel t Durer, was used in the wor-■ ship center with tall white can dies on each side of an open Bible. After the program. Mary Eliza beth Harold of Hamilton, out charge president, presided Eve lyn Rogers read the minutes of the last meeting in the absence of the secretary, Joan Leggett of Hamilton. ‘The offering was tak en and the treasure!, Grace Cul lipher, made her report. The roll call of the five church es followed with about 45 young people present. It was unanimously voted that we invite the Youth Fellowship from Red Oak to meet with us at our next charge meeting. Also that our charge treasurer pay half the expenses of our charge presi dent attending either the assem bly at Lake Junaluska or Louis burg each year. Our pastor, Rev. Hilary Worth ington explained our Methodist Youth Fund and also led several songs from “Sing It Again." Refreshments were served by the ladies of Vernon after which several folk games were played closing with thi‘ friendship cir cle Reported. Local Man Returns Home From Durham Hospital Undergoing last Monday his se cond major operation within a month, Mr Henry Handy return ed to his home here last Friday, "catching” a ride in a Biggs am bulance. He was scheduled to re turn Sunday, but when the ambu lance earned a patient to the hos i pital Friday, Mr Handy's doctor agreed for him to make the trip I at that time. i lie is getting along very well I hut is to return to the hospital Thursday for treatment. Club At Everelis To Get Charier — ♦ — The recently urbanized Eve retts Ruritan Club will receive its charter ;tt ;i special meeting to be held in the school there on the evening of Wednesday, May 2-4, it was announced this week. Approximately 50 persons were present for the organizational meeting on April IS), and twenty seven took membership in the organization, giving the club a favorable ranking along with the other six Ruritan clubs in tile county Off ictus elected are, George | Taylor, Jr., president; George j McRone, vice president; Johnnie j Mobley, Jr,, secretary; Louis T Wynne, treasurei , W F, Craw ford, chaplain; Alton Keel, ser geant-at-arms. The hoard of tii rectors is composed of, G. 11 Forbes, 11 T Wynne, and II S j Hardy. Elgin White, Klizabeth City i Kuril n and a leader in the state organization, along with Hnritans from Jamesville assisted in or ganizing the club. Mr. Jesse Keel donated a pig for the barbecue supper which i was served at the April meeting ; by Mrs. Bessie Mallory and assis tants m the Everetts School I lunchroom. Trophy Retained By Local School Computing with all the colored schools of the county last Friday, ' the local Negro High School was awarded the special trophy for ! excelling in the field day pro i gram. Most of the local con , testants turned in excellent per formances, Principal E J. Haves jsaid. This is the second year that the i school here has earned the special ' honor. RHiirning To Hospit"! Little Miss Dorothy Jean Ti \ •.who received a bad e> ;• injury ) in a fall at the home of h oar I cuts, M". and Mrs. Woodrow Tice Jon West Main Street here, wil I return to a Durham hospital to * morow for treatment. '*rs£m< I « Genuine Youngstown Kitchenaider 42' CABINET SINK I Complete with fittings can’t afford to miss this •* big Anniversary Special. It’s the opportunity of a life time—your chance to replace your old-fashioned kitchen * sink with a modern Youngs town Kitcln naider. Better act fast while our supplies of this wonderful Kitchenaider last. I Dozens of features to make your kitchen life easier, happier! Oee-piece, acid-resisting Big, handy storage spare for porcelain eeawel top dezeas ef iteais Spari^ Lewi.. . prepare ^ ■eels easier . . . faster , drawer Fast-droiaiag, Bated, “no- Sturdy, steel reastrertlea.. • tip" draiahoard lasts a lifetuna Corey Plumbing Company KdgeHtmd Avenue Phone 2300 Seek Bids For Motor Vehicles Proposals will br received a1 lh(' office (.! the postmaster until 3 p m. May ti, 1950 for the hire of motor vehicles without driver on an hourly basis for use in col lecting, delivering, and relaying mail, and for special delivery ser vice during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951. The owner will be required to keep the vehicles in satisfactory condition at all times, hear till ne vessarv expense in connection with the operation and mainten 'ru-f* of same: deliver them each day to the starting point as order led by the postmaster, and remove j them daily after the contractual j obligation has bpen fulfilled. Blanks on which to submit pro* j posals will be furnished on appli* ! ration to lie ex. ttriu ter, Wiley 1*1. Dunn. Farmers make up nearly 20 per cent of the national population. Sl ut W OOD FOH S U.K Cl I RAP. Dial 21011 W illium-lmi Sttpply Co. (j&W’ SEVEN STAR i lltndtd whlskty. “Thf Straight whlsklas or* 4 yaars *r mar* aid. 37Vi* Straight whltkay. *2h% oawtral spirit* dlstlllM (r*m grain. 13% straight whlskay 4 yaars eld. 11% straight whlsksy 9 yaars aid. 7Vi% straight whlsksy 4 yaars aid.'* OOODIRH AM * WORTS ^40 4/S QT, $015 JL 91. 90 PROOF IIMITID, RIORIA, ILLINOIS ARASAN* Sure Helps Get Better Stands Don’t take chances with a poor stand of peanuts.. No mat ter how bad the weather is at 1 J planting time, you ran be sure that your seed will ger- J|! niinate better and produce a better stand when it's^l treated with Du Pont “Arasan” seed disinfectant and K] protectant. Here’s why: • ‘ ARASAN” CHECKS seed decay and damping off. • PROVIDES the seed with protection when the need is greatest unde'- poor growing conditions. • INCREASED STAND W’o with machine shelled seed in* Virginia Experiment Station tests. For prompt, economical ami effective treating servicdj| LET US TREAT YOUR SEED WITH “ARASAN”* WILLIAMSTON Peanut Company Dial 211 I

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