Green Wave Rallies In Eight To Trounce Plymouth 17 To 4 Marlins Defeat Conway 9 to 8 After both teams had scored four runs in the verv first inning. Wilhanision and Conway fought on fairly even terms for 7 innings before the Martins rallied to take the -r with three runs in the eighth, the final score being i 9 to 8. Williamston got their fifth and sixth run in the second inning but Conway earn* back to tie it up at 6-all in the third and the visitors moved ahead with single runs in the fifth and seventh frames Af ter Williamston had taken the lead again with thret in the 8th Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Fess. WIFI Mill’S SHOE SHOP / I Conway threatened as Wallace Warren began to tire and Bob Newell went in in the 9th with two on and one out to shut off the threat and Wairen drew credit for the victory since he went in with the Martins behind in the 6th to take over from Ed Rowland who worked the first five frames. Simon Perry with 3 for 4 and Thurman Perry with 2 for 3 were ti.• leaders at bat for Williamston Jim D; ■ enport also got two hits in his five times up. Best for Conway ware T. Fly the and Ricks with 3 fur 5 each. Conway got 11 hits while Wil liamston banged out nine. The Martins were charged with four errors ; nd the visitors with two. The box: Williamston Ah It II E Whitehurst, ss 2 0 0 2 Windorn, ss (5) 2 10 0 H L. Perry, If Bunch, If (5) S. Perry, cf Wynn, lb . Perry, 3b 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 2 3 0 4 2 1 0 j 3 2 2 0 WATCH For F ormal Opening Announcement of Williamston Office Supply Company One of Williamston's Greatest Assets (r: FRESH NEK SHELF > CRISPER flGHr m LEFT HAfib OOTT TS MODfL 720 SPACE MAKING MODEL T tv. fee* from *op *o toe, in *he tpoce ©f a 4 or 6 cubic foot model and packed with features, too. Never before have you seen so much refrigeration for your money. Penny for Penny o bigger value than ever before. 7 CU. FT. MODCL5 START AT $189.95 Come in Todays T P£*n,£1 Firestone Home & Auto Supply Co. | U. V. Clayton. I'rojt. - - Johuuy Cherry, Mgr. Conference Record Stands At 7 And 3 Two Games With Edenton Listed For This Week —*— Game There Tonight and Here Thursday Night Appears Likely . The Wiiliamston High School Green Wave baseball team wound ( up its 1950 Albemarle Conference season with a 17 to 4 victory over j Plymouth last Friday afternoon. This gave the local boys a record • of 7 victories and 3 losses in 10 conference games and leaves them with just two exhibition games on : schedule. The Green Wave travels to Edenton today for a game with j the Aces there, the contest likely to be played under the lights un less there is a last minute change. On Thursday night Edenton comes here for a return game and Coach Stuart Maynard wants to play it at night also if a conflict with the softball league can be straighten ed out in time. This will give a lot of fans who have not been able to leave their work to see the team in action this year a chance to see the Green Wave on the field. In the games with Edenton, no conference rules will hold and a few boys who missed some recent games wlil be able to get into the play again. As it stands now Hertford is the winner of the baseball champion- I ship in the conference with the Green Wave in second place. Taking a two run lead in the second inning at Plymouth, the Green Wave saw this cancelled by a Plymouth rally in the third and then fell behind 3-2 as the Pan thers got a third run in the fifth. But the Wiiliamston boys found tire range in the 8th and 9th in nings to win going away. In those two innings they scored 15 runs on lilts, errors and walks. Raymond Davis pitched all the way for Wiiliamston, allowing but nine hits while Browning was the hurler for the Panthers. He had the game pretty well under con trol until the 8th when the roof fell in on him. He could get the ball over the plate only with dif ficulty und when he did the Green Wave batters really pasted it. Jack Edwards and Bobby Car ter were the big guns for the local high schoolers us they got three hits and three runs each out of four times at bat apiece. Edwards circle the bases on a hit in the second inning when the fielder j could not locate the ball and get it in home. He sent Carter in ahead of him. No Plymouth batter got more than two hits off Davis and he fanned six Panthers, three of them in a row ning. Haislip, 2b Brown, 2b Davenport, rf A. Perry, e G. Wynn, e (5) Rowland, p Warren, p (6) Newell, p (9) in the second in ti 1 0 1 10 0 0 5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1110 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .Totals.... UUi. G & W William Penn BI v r\d t* d Whisk . y II Pr««t mmarnam* SAFI BETS UpbCE>p«CU «UTC, I MAKE CEMMM.TMirVte TIAMT-. ENTirrAtillN# IN CfetLACE ju<t wn't boutE r TfuTboi:^ r / Williamson ; Ab R H ! Ward, 3b • & 3 11 Hinesj of!. " \' 1 0 0 FussCU,'If“g . . i; .2 1 1 Ross, rf *' 1 V . 5 2 1 Carter, jc' . .. 4 3 3 Davis, p .... 3 2 0 Edward^,. 3b 4 3 3j Wells, s$ ‘ ' 4 2 1 Everett,' If .'.1 ^ _ 0 2 0 Coltrain„cf ... . . 2 0 1 Bailey,- lb- t • .' 5 12 Totals * • ' . 33 17 13 fllXTY SIGE - he wants ter know, Ef ther plaster on yer home j place has got yer nose tied to ther grind-stone, kin yer hear ther birds sing sweet music to ther air of jubile? I read a piece tuther day bout a feller passin a church and seein on ther bill-board that ther next serpion would be bout—What air ther good things of life?—and as he walked on down ther street he thort-up sum ther good things ’ that had fell to his good luck. And [ he sho did hav sum good ones to be thankful fer, and I am sho glad fer him, or eny body else that has cm. But sum folks ain't got cm, and aint never had a show to git cm, caus ther Lord didn’t giv cm ther same bility to cumu late and lay-up that He gived sum uther folks. Caus hit takes brains i and' sumtimes shikeenry to wig-| gle ther dollars way frum ther ' low-wage workers into ther pock- i ets of ther figgerin feller. And 1 one thing sartin ef evybody was figgerers and cumulaters thar wouldn't be no workers to figger with, then all ther figgerers would hav to figger with each uther, and thayd soon find out that evy-body _ , _ Clark’s Pharmacy REMEMBER "MOM" Mother's Day, May 14lh exquisite % BRACELET & EARRINGS by Kremenix BRACELET $IT.50 EARRINGS $9.00 pluA fox A Dainty little pinL gold color rotei _cool green leaver. Lastingly beautiful V-y 14 Kt. rolled gold overlay. ^ A delightful gift... perhaps for youreelf. PeeMs-Jewdw 121 Main C V f Since 1899 F Telephone 2311 WILUAMSTON, N. C. mm iH tam was as smart as evy-body else, j and all would be rich er-lak, or j pore er-lak, caus ther only way to j increase yer lay-up isto git sum-, thin frum sumbody else. And; thats what makes sum folks rich and sum folks pore. And ef evy body was able to git rich, thar wouldn't be no-body to do ther > work-jobs, and grow sumthin fer j ther rich folks to live on, and that wuld make evy-body hav to go to work and grow thay own grub.' And all that would make a dollar wuth nuthin, caus it wouldn't buy, nuthin. So ef ther rich folks wants to stay rich, thay better keep on givin pore folks a little j hand-out sos to balance-up thay i little in-take and keep em alive and a-^rowin sum food to sell j cheap to them that dont grow no: food. Now ther good things this! feller had to be thankful fer was | 1. Good health. 2. Friendships. I 3. Security. 4. Love uv his job. 5. Love uv his home. Now ef it. want fer No. 3 he mout not hav no. 1, caus he wouldn't hav no whar-with to pay no hors-pital and doctor bill ef a calamity wus to hit 'em. And ef he didn’t hav no No. 3, his No. 2s mout be slim med down and dodgin 'im round 1 ther corners, feerd hed be hittin' ’em fer ther price uv a margarine stick. And ef he didnt hav No. 3.1 he wouldn’t be lovin his No. 4; that wouldn't low ’im no. 3. And ef he didn't hav no No. 3, he sho wouldn't be havin no joy bout No. 5, caus hit sho takes hog-and homny to turn that trick. So yer see ther Lord made ther little wprkin honey-bee, with a will to work fer his winters lay-up. And then cums long ther biznes-lak bee-keeper that propriates it-all to, his own security, whilst ther little bees gits all flustrared and dives into ther field-uv forage, seekin summo necter to tide-em Home Gardens Pay Good Wage John H. Harris, the “Tar Heel Gardener," says that, based on last year’s retail food prices, a good farm garden sufficient to supply a family of five was worth approxi mately $285. On this basis, a far mer could pay for his seed, fertil- , izer, and other expenses and re ceive a return equivalent to $2 or $3 per hour for time spent work ing on a garden. In addition, sup plies of fresh vegetables will pro vide wholesome, well-balanced meals for the family. thru ther winter at hand, only to find th'.r frost is on ther flower, and ther freeze is on ther field— and thars nuthin else to keer fer, but to kick up his heels and keel. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 FREE FREE FREE MOTHPROOFING S E R VICE All clothes cleaned by us during April. May and June will he mothproofed free of charge hv the U-SAN-O insured mothproofing system guaranteed against molli damage for five months. Don't let moths ruin your winter clothes. Call us for this free mothproofing service. HIJG CLEANING SPECIAL 9x12 RUG_#5.00 Restore new life and beauty to your rugs by letting us expertly clean them. (ALL SIZES) Phone 2552 11 CUE S T A R C L E A N E R S Martin County's Largest and Most Modern (FREE DELIVERY SERVICE)' Phone 2552 Last Call To DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS All Delinquent Tax Accounts Will Be Thursday May 18 Pay Your Taxes At Once And Save Additional Cost and Penalty. TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON

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