Oak City Club Woman Honored The Oak City Home Ttemoiist ra lion Club belli it-, regtilai meet inn Tuesday , April 25. in the Hume Keonomk-s Room with a very good attendance The meeting was pre sided over by Mrs J D Suits, club president. After committee re ports and business a very interest ing propram and demonstration ' were given Miss Parker gave a demonstration on the use of plas tic in making lamp shades. Mrs. Liverman, club project leader for Home Gardens pave a very interesting report. ()iu next project report was on Home Management and was In Mrs. 7.. H Hyman. We consider- < ed this a very unusual report. Mrs. Hyman, better known as "Miss Minnie" should know quite a hit on managing a home. "Mis®* NOTICE! Notice is hereby ”i\cn that no doff* shall he allowed lo rim al larffc in the town of Wil liainslon. V (].. unless lliey have been iininnn i/.eil against rallies ami wear a collar. Vicious dogs shall not lie allowed on the streets with* out muzzle or leash. The violation of this ordinance provides a Sail fine or thirty days in jail, or hotli. The danger ol rallies is •'renter now than al any other time of year, and the above ordin ance will lie strictly enforced. I bis Nai 2, i«>r,o. SCHENCEY 2 PINT »:.t 40 4 5 uT. SCI'! m ’ v !■■!: I'ISUTORS. INCORPORATED. IOUISVIUE, KENTUCKY. eifNDED WHISKtr, 65% CRAIN N C Iff R A l SPIRITS, 84 PROOF. Buggs Island Dam In Second Stage Buggs Island Dam construction has commenced in the second stage cofferdam. The above photogiaph shows the construction trestle being built in the second stage cofferdam area; this con struction trestle is used to transport the construction material to the site of activity. In the back giound may be seen the partially complete concrete piers constructed in the first stage cofferdam with the huge concrete mixing plant, aggregate refrigeration plant and aggregate storage piles. To the left background may be seen the observation platform from which construction activities may be observed by visitors to the project. Minnie” has reared seventeen l children. Shi' mothered four brothers and sisters after the death of her mother. She is the mother of ten children, and then reared three grandchildren. "Many and many a time have I (cooked three meals a day for thir teen people, said "Miss Minnie." | She believes that work and re sponsibility are good for children. "Miss Minnie” not only owns ;i home and keeps it, tint is the own er and manager of a store. Each day finds her at her work. "Miss Minnie” is a member of the Baptist Church where she at tends services and Sunday school regularly. She also attends the | club meetings regularly. With all her duties she finds time to cro chet and sew The club not only voted her the Woman of the Club but The Wo man of the County. Reported. Autumn (inssip I’am: When one tree is talking to another tree, and still another tree is listening in, what is it called? Anne: What? Pant: I pping. Visit Heilig iind Meyers WitliiiniHlon for the | T “Rest Buys In Furniture99 *450 LESS THAN ANY OTHER V-8 ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR WITH A V-TYPI ENGINE Yes, only in cors costing hundreds higher can you equal Ford's V-type power, in tact this Ford V-3—me typo of engine used in America's costliest cars—is yours for hundreds less than most "sixes." (And Ford's "Six" is yours for even less money.) "TEST DRIVE'THE ONE FINE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD! .. ft. fo buy and to own. Your present car probably covers the down payment. Quality keeps Ford s upkeep and maintenance cost down. And with Ford's fine car coachwork, you can expect a higher resale price. •you ctf &e,/ f\ N#w supor-Attod pistons, a now MUnt-spIn* fan and the new hushed timing g«ar bring you power at a whisper. Even the body has been sound-conditioned" to bring you this new quality quiet. CHICK YOUR CAR • CHICK ACCIDENTS | V. Widows Entitled To War Pensions Widows of veterans of World | War I whose income is $1000 a year or less are entitled to a pen sion of $42 a month from the Fed eral Government, J. M. Caldwell, director of the N. C. Veterans Commission pointed out today. Those with children under cer tain ages are entitled to extra compensation provided their in come is not over $2500 per year. Service by the veterans must have been between April (i, 1917, and November 11, 1918, and dis charge or release from active duty must have been under other than dishonorable conditions after 90 days or more of military service, j For the purposes of a pension a widow must have been married to a World War I veteran before De- j eembcr 14, 1944 or 10 or more | years to the person who served, ' and must not have remarried. District Service Officers of the [ N. C. Veterans Commission and ! County Veterans Service Officers are ready to assist or advf^ v«ter- 1 ans or their dependents on all pension or compensation benefits, i [NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION | Haying this day qualified as j Administrator of Joe Everett, Deceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against her es tate to present them to the under |signed within twelve months from [date hereof or this notice will be i pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing any debt to the estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 24th day of April, 1950 Hazel J. Everett, Administratrix of the Estate of Joe Everett, ap 25- my 2-9-16-23-30 NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as Executor of the estate of J D. Leggett, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the und ersigned at Williamston, N. C., on or before the 23rd day of March, 1951, or this notice wili be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 23rd day of March, 1950. J. C. LEGGETT, Executor, mr 28 apr 4-11-18-25 my 2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the late H. H. Co wen, deceased of Martin County, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them for pavment on or before the 29th day of April, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please It Taken “Amur Hoiv" AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING Approved JOHNS-M AN VILLE Roofing Contractor WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 604 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. PHONE 2230 {make immediate settlement. This the 29th day of April, 1950. Nettie M. Cowen, Administratrix, my 2-9-16-23-30 je 6 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County, In the Superior Court Opear Morrow' v. Naomi Morrow The defendant, Naomi Morrow, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years’ separa tion. and said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of J the Clerk of Superior Court of said county in the coiythnu.se in Williamston, N. C., on the 15th ! day of May, 1950, or within twen i ty (20) days thereafter and ans ! wer or demur to the complaint in I said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 7th dav of April. 1950. L B. WYYNE, Clerk, Superior Court for a-11 4t Martin County, j notIc e North Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court j Joseph Cotton vs. Cherrie Vick Cotton. | The above named defendant, ! ’Cherrie Vick Cotton, will take no i tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart from each other for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this action. The defendant will take further notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of .Superior Court of .Martin County, in tne Courthouse in Williamston, N. C., within twenty (20) days after the 13th day of May, 1950, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tlie Court for the relief de manded in said complaint This the l.'ith day of Aprd, 1950 L. riruce Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Marlin County, an 18-25 my 2-9 _ SEVEN STAR 9lsrv4s4 whiskry. *'Ths gfraight whiskies ers 4 yean er mere *14.37tt* ■freight whiskey. 43Vk*t Milril spirits 41 it I I9a0 frem •rain. 1S% straight •hliuy 4 year* el4. 119% Straight whiskey 9 yssrt *14. 7V4% straight vklskty 4 years sW." $0*0 O 4/s QT, $415 JLt T. 90 PROOF | OOOD1KHAM 9k WOtTt 11MIT1P, MOUtA, ILilNOIt \ ANNOUNCING THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP Of The CENTRAL CAFE H V Ire 7o Announce Thai Mr. Peter Christopher Recently Has Purchased And Is Now Operating The Central Cafe Mr. CM.,.f.,r„.erly sfiiso< ^ l” '1' ... l«alr" 11 !»■ .. .. ... ... *„> ... ^"W.‘..iv«* Fa.rr Magazine: ....- a... ' :'7; "f.. ...* a,. .*.. “"«• ..-I..... " How Cmr We Best Select Candidates Who Will Help In Law Enforcement •■■KW-lion. i,, editorial lielow: ..»e "!Ur 4 SCORECARD FOR 7950 CANDIDATES .w^.'^tybier:„,,b“uvrl.“-rbr"!‘,or au ■<«« «< like* |« present our Countv Se ™ e!eo,,MIn £‘‘u,> *'«* always " - very brief a,J^ Chura. ler_ , Platform_7 -it ’* ,>Mi**** Ability '*•’ 1*3 Points 33 1-3 Points ' “ - ,0r fHrnd‘ 1 in Martin County.