m&ZFA The Store of Quality Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. flex! Steals and Seafood Central Cafe For ({nick. Dependable SERVICE SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION ^ ^ » K ^ ^ * * SPfC/AlS In Every Department Always At Martin Supply COMPANY TO DARDEN'S Dept. Store Quality Wearing Apparel Reasonable Prices From J. Lawrence Peele Your Dependable Jeweler GROCERIES —r .^1 Hjfl kd -J5 Slapit* ami Fancy Cropprios Feed - Seed - Fertilizer Moore Grocery USED CARS iijr Cadillac Distributor Buick - Pontiac - Oldsmobile CH VS. II. JENKINS & COMPANY ■^aaenntm»nam ShidMeaMleHm' mi wen it\NkiN<; Wl) TRCST CO. Your Safe Evecutor vnwjRioitaseiijWieAs.rfcaEasaaBHeatia! ElertHeal Contractors Ayers Electric COMPANY K r ffgTiiittiU. > f. Ui . V ■ «#.%■ SUPPLIES FOR HOME AND FARM FARMERS SIPPIY COMPANY % 9 *• OntliTp ami Plyimmlli Sides *£• Sendee Dixie Motor COMPANY J >// / Uorrotr from yimr \eighhor. Sn!)spril)<* Today Enterprise PI 'RUSHING CO. Wearing Apparel for The Family JEWELRY f row Peele's Jewelers Since 18!)') Dial :>::u I ft . Reddy Kilowatt Your Electric- Servant Vir^initi F.lertrir iiikI Power Company RuHding Supplies and Material t; & ii riiii.okrs SUPPLY COMPANY Top Prices Always Paid Here WH.IJAMSTON PEANUT CO. F Mr. and Mrs. Chirp are very very busy these Spring morn ings. It takes most of their time to keep their children well supplied with worms and other dainty morsels on which fledg lings thrive. And they must be careful to return shortly lest some enemy disturb the nest. Too often Mr. and Mrs. Chirp have had to defend their children from danger. But always they have fought with all their might, and through their love have saved the babies from calamity., And so it is that every living thing dwells in danger. Man especially must guard against evils; for in him they threaten body, mind, and soul. He, like the fledglings, must depend on tome power greater and stronger than himself—a guardian of love/ <4GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”,.To Him we must look for love and nrotection. To His Church we must come for salvation. CHURCH FOR a it • „ - *- FOR THE church CQn survive Th, ^‘«ocroirv „nr a 9r-'y p£ .. - tout . -uppert th; ch)d (2) r\\ °h Ttlf,y are- ni rU af,y ol hw ch,ldr.r,l Zl For his 3Qke ol ,ilp mrnuni|y and <3) For the rdm^rtaUuoti,3e>1' "hie? th* ,ar'y Sund,, Book **®"d«, Luke . /ohn *7* mii i s A Feed and Seeds of all Kind. Also Paint and Farm Necessities Marlin F. C. X. Building: Supplies Dressed Lumber Williamston Supply Co. Bring Your Ford Home For Service WILLIAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY For Wise Buyers Heilig-Meyers FURNITURE CO. Williamston, N. C. Esso! OfAttn Esso Gasoline and Esso and Essolube Motor Oils RAKER OIL CO. For Quick Service Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners All Accounts.Insured Up To $5,#00.00 VI. C. lil ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Martin County’s Leading Furniture Store WOOL AKII FURNITURE CO. Amoco and American Gas Amoco Automotive and Industrial Lubricants WILLI VMS LON Oil. COMPANY SPECIALTY SHOP Williamston Specializing In Fine Quality Ladies’ Apparel Sales anti Service John Deere Tractors & Agricultural Implements Lindsley Ice Company Car and Truck. Genuine Chevrolet Parts ROANOKE CIIKV ROLE I CO. Fuel Oil — Kerosene Gasoline — Motor Oils Greases Harrison Oil COMPANY I sc More CRO-VJORE PkmI.uD Standard Fertilizer Co. Insurance Is The Best Policy Dial >118 W. G. Peele The Store of Better Values Belk-Tyler's